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Introduce Cross-Faction Faculty Intercom

Should this suggestion be implemented?

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Level 143
Currently, the intercom command that the faculty factions use is needlessly restrictive, as players with access to the command are only able to target players of their own faction (for example, high-school teachers can only announce to high-school students, professors can only announce to college). This doesn't make sense, as realistically everybody would hear every announcement, regardless of who it's for. Not to mention, the employee faction already has access to both high-school and college intercoms.

The only reason the intercoms are split is because we want to keep announcements for high-school and college lessons separate, but this means that there may be no way to contact certain students without going through the hassle of communicating with other faculty members, who may or may not be online.

I propose that instead of restricting either faction to one intercom, we introduce a global intercom that the both of them can use, while still keeping their separate intercoms for announcing classes. This would allow for any faculty member to be able to contact any student, regardless of what faction they belong to; additionally, it would introduce extra convenience, as then announcements which concern the entire student body could be made by any faculty member.

To summarize, here is my suggestion:
Allow for anybody with access to the school intercom to message students of both high-school and college, but keep the functionality to announce classes to only one or the other as well.


Level 9
+1, don't see why not, the suggestion says it all. would especially help when the server is more quiet and say a teacher requires help dealing with a student, but the only other faculty member online is a professor

The FJ

Level 94
This has been suggested around a million times..
I mean, I love it.. but..

Oh and also!! when teachers have free periods, they are sometimes semi-recommended to search for college students, and being able to see if a college class is actually going on would be great iykyk
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Level 123
After having a conversation with Tippie a bit ago regarding this, I believe he said that it'd be a lot of work due to the plugins that separate both highschool and college and the related commands, so it might be a bit tough for the devs, though as that was about a year and a half ago I wouldn't be surprised if they had found a good way to do something like this

But anyway, +1


Level 29

I think having something like /highschoolintercom alongside /cic [collegeinterocm], and then having a school-wide regular /intercom would definitely be beneficial for faculty!


Level 82
Professor Lead
Authorization Team

I think the main reason this hasn't been done in the past is for 2 reasons. One it could lead to flooding peoples chat, yes it would be very useful for professors to be able to intercom highschool students however this maybe over used and lead to several intercoms of asking someone to go to the front desk. And second it's easily abused, sending a messages to over 90% of the player base can lead to a lot of issues, and realistically no normal professor/teacher/employee will have access to the intercom unless it's an emergency.


Level 106
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead

There is usually active faculty who can intercom the other grade if needed.


Level 143
Thread starter
One it could lead to flooding peoples chat, yes it would be very useful for professors to be able to intercom highschool students however this maybe over used and lead to several intercoms of asking someone to go to the front desk.
This is already a separate issue that currently happens, which is less of the intercom's fault, and more of an issue with the school factions (which really needs to be talked about). Even if this suggestion weren't to be implemented, this sort of thing would continue to happen.

it's easily abused, sending a messages to over 90% of the player base can lead to a lot of issues, and realistically no normal professor/teacher/employee will have access to the intercom unless it's an emergency.
The functionality I'm asking for is already given to employees, who already have the ability to use this; no teacher or professor I know is foolish enough to knowingly abuse the intercom, as we're all aware that doing so may lead to demotion. It's also not realistic to only hear announcements from some faculty members and not others, especially considering that the school only has one intercom system.

There is usually active faculty who can intercom the other grade if needed.
There is us faculty who can intercom both highschool and college
My argument is that it shouldn't be necessary to communicate with other faculty to get this sort of thing done, as many situations are very timely and doing things efficiently is very important. It also doesn't make sense that only half of the faculty faction gets the ability to intercom to everyone, while the other half doesn't.


Level 136
+1. Prolly hasn’t been done because it wasn’t high on a priority list. I see no issue with chat flooding because faction members know better not to spam intercoms like that

Also user Alimonino use the format GOD.


Level 196
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead
-1 interact with your other faculty members instead of doing everything yourself!


Level 60
This is already a separate issue that currently happens, which is less of the intercom's fault, and more of an issue with the school factions (which really needs to be talked about). Even if this suggestion weren't to be implemented, this sort of thing would continue to happen.

The functionality I'm asking for is already given to employees, who already have the ability to use this; no teacher or professor I know is foolish enough to knowingly abuse the intercom, as we're all aware that doing so may lead to demotion. It's also not realistic to only hear announcements from some faculty members and not others, especially considering that the school only has one intercom system.

My argument is that it shouldn't be necessary to communicate with other faculty to get this sort of thing done, as many situations are very timely and doing things efficiently is very important. It also doesn't make sense that only half of the faculty faction gets the ability to intercom to everyone, while the other half doesn't.
It would not be fun if everyone could intercom everyone. Faculty wouldn’t get to do anything with the intercom as people would be stealing it from the other. It is not a good idea like the other staff members said.


Level 16

We already have Radios to communicate with each other and already have intercoms, and since it would genuinely flood the chat and easily be abused, I don't think it'll fit right and that the developers would have trouble making a code for this type of thing as there are already an intercom that makes a whole announcement for school classes and stuff already, it will clash badly and would be very bad for the server.


Level 60

We already have Radios to communicate with each other and already have intercoms, and since it would genuinely flood the chat and easily be abused, I don't think it'll fit right and that the developers would have trouble making a code for this type of thing as there are already an intercom that makes a whole announcement for school classes and stuff already, it will clash badly and would be very bad for the server.

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