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Isamu Hayato - 勇 隼人


Level 12
Isamu Hayato - 勇 隼人

First Name: Hayato 隼人
Surname: Isamu 勇
Preferred Name: Isamu, Isa, Isami
Aliases: Mr. Boring, Bird-man
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Height: 5'8'' (172,72cm)
Weight: 124lbs (56kg)
Build: Rather lanky
Skin Color: Very pale
Eye Color: Grey-blue
Hair Style: His hair was rather neat
Hair Color: Black
Fashion: Anything that is blue, black, or both.
Date of Birth: 17th of September
Place of Birth: Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture
Nationality: Japanese
Race: Asian
Sexual Orientation: Demi-sexual
Religious Beliefs: Atheist

General Appearance

Appearance: A fair skinned man with rather attractive facial features.
Personality: Despite being cold to people he doesn't know well, he is rather friendly once you talk to him for long enough. Though he definitely seems arrogant sometimes.
Equipment: Backpack, cellphone, glasses
Clothes: A pastel blue shirt, black pants, white shoes, (sometimes) a black jacket
Hobbies: Bird watching, Stamp collecting, reading, playing the piano
Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: Doesn't know much about the outside world other than what he'd learned from books and family outings, being incredibly nosy sometimes.
Family: Mother (deceased), Father (deceased), Hisaya (older brother/deceased), unnamed uncle, unnamed aunt
Isamu was born on the 17th of September to a very loving household. His family consisted of him, his parents and his older brother. Isamu doesn’t remember much of his early years of life at all, this includes his older brother Hisaya. Hisaya had grown up very ill and ended up dying before Isamu could make any noteworthy memories with him. His parents however were distraught at the loss of their eldest son, especially when tensions were running high between his parent’s families.(His mother getting harassed by her parents for not being ‘a good christian wife’ and his father getting framed for things he hadn’t done by his parents who wanted him to work at their tech company.) and decided to give Isamu a picture perfect life with no flaws out of sorrow. In a way they wanted to give him a life they always wished for.

Isamu grew up loving every day of his life, he spent most of his time under supervision of his parents, so they could make sure nothing bad happened to him. Growing up, the only interaction Isamu had with technology was the house phone and the television, he was not permitted to own any devices such as a gaming console, a computer, a cellphone, etc.. Though it’s not like Isamu wanted to use them anyway, in fact he didn’t even know what they were. He spent most of his life doing things which were easy, fun (at least in his parent’s eyes) such as playing the piano, stamp collecting, bird watching. He also didn’t attend any schools, he was strictly home schooled with some subjects like religion and history being kept out of his schedule.

While Isamu was living a very happy life. It was painfully clear that many secrets were being kept from him which ended up tearing his life apart.

December the 10th, Isamu walks downstairs to go wake up his parents. His parents and him agreed to go bird watching. When Isamu opened the door, he saw the corpses of his parents. At first he just thought they were sleeping, ignoring the pool of red liquid surrounding them both. After trying to shake his parent’s awake for 10 minutes, he got worried and ran to a neighbor's house and they promptly dialed 119 and 110 (Japanese Emergency Service Numbers). The rest became hazy to Isamu. Eventually it was discovered that his parents were murdered by their siblings who disagreed with many of their life choices. (Not baptizing Isamu, not letting Isamu use most technology, sheltering Isamu, etc…).

Isamu was sent to live with his uncle and aunt in Karakura. At first they were welcoming, loving and very kind towards Isamu however when Isamu refused to trust them they immediately became demanding. They flipped Isamu’s life upside down. They forced him to wear clothing he didn’t like, use technology he didn’t care for and forced him to believe in things he didn’t believe in. Over the course of his life, Isamu was always told it was his parent’s fault that he was unhappy and depressed. So eventually he ended up hating them just as much as he did his uncle and aunt.

Though he may claim he hates his parents a lot, he can’t help but miss them.


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