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ItsAnTurtle's Black Market Dealer Application


Level 1
IGN: ItsAnTurtle
Previous bans/warns/kicks: AFK Grinding
Describe your activity on the server: I'd give myself a 6/10 since I play SRP almost daily, I have a little over 2 weeks OOC playtime and I have taken my time to go through all of the weapon profiles as well as the the weapon prices.

Specify your Discord username (USER#0000) and if you have a microphone: Vibezz#2448 and Yes I have a microphone
Specify your country of origin and time zone: United States, EST

What are your motivations in applying for the black market dealer role?: If I'm honest my motivations in applying for the BMD Role is to get away from the more common RP that goes on the city, don't get me wrong I've had my fair share of GangRP experiences and I'd just like to shift away from that sort of attention. I'd still like to be a part in the Karakura Crime community I'd just like to switch my perspective as being an active trouble maker in the city I could rather help suggest changes in the ways the town is ran. Nonetheless I would be an active member of the BMD community providing my services while keeping the business unsuspected. I'd like to get more in-depth with my roleplaying abilities and I feel the Karakura BMD role would be a perfect opportunity to go more in-depth with my character and create a story for him.
What helps you to stand out from other applicants & what can you uniquely provide to the team?: I cannot promise that my application will stand out more than others because I admit other people have different views of situations and their values/plans on things they want to achieve. I can bring an active member to the BMD team ensuring my job is done correctly while staying in secret. I can uniquely provide a more out-going character to the BMD team as my character is more known for being intimidating he'd put an act on around others making them feel more comfortable in their presence. If I am granted this position I solely agree to perform my duties that come with this role and show my activity to the lead member of the BMD.
What previous experience do you have in working with a team?: I have decent experience working with a team, due to my character's background he'd always end up in a team working together problem solving to figure out the most logical solution to the problem at hand. I tend to work more comfortably when in a team but I can perform my duties just as efficient working alone.
What suggestions do you have to help better the crime faction?: One of the main suggestions I have to help better the crime faction is removing some rules that effect the roleplay of gang attack/crime that goes on in the city. For instance FearRP public places if you were in real life in a situation where someone is being attacked by a weapon of some sort you would not just stand there presumably in shock staring at the situation at hand, you'd run away from the scene in fear for you life which if this was incorporated in the crime faction I feel roleplay would increase dramatically due to the reasoning there's not much in-depth roleplaying happening due to there being no fear while situations occur. During my time in SRP I've seen it a couple times where someone would be getting chased/attacked and there would be no FearRP incorporated people would swarm towards the person getting attacked as if they have no fear for their lives being in danger.

Are you familiar with all rules pertaining to weapon profiles, combat, permissions, and player conduct on the server?: es, I have read through all of the rules specifically for Crime/GangRP and the weapon profiles many times.
Are you familiar with that if you leave the black market at any point, the black market lead will have permanent kill permissions on your character?: Yes, I acknowledge that if I leave the black market, the lead will have permanent kill permissions on the character that I use.
Are you familiar with that if your character(s) is/are killed or permanently arrested twice, you will be removed from the black market?: Yes, I acknowledge that if my character is killed and/or permanently arrested twice, I will be removed from the black market.
Are you familiar with that you cannot reveal any out-of-character plans or potential addition to the black market to others?: Yes, I acknowledge that I cannot reveal any out-of-character plans or potential addition to the black market to others.
Full Legal Name: Arakan Yamashita
Criminal Alias: Solonik
Age & Occupation: (Note: if you become a black market dealer, you will be permitted the Adult role) 18, Karakura Student
Gender & Marital Status: Male, Single

Ethnicity & Race: Russian, Caucasian
Known Languages: Russian, Japanese, Spanish
Former Associations/Occupations: N/A
Highest Level of Education: 12th' grade

Physical/Mental Ailments: (If inapplicable, put N/A) N/A
Known Family Members: (If inapplicable, put N/A) Ohma Tokita

Describe your character's appearance to the greatest detail: Arakan Yamashita would be a 6'4 tall man of Russian descent, he'd have soft curly hair that'd reach past his chin almost hiding his face from view. He'd have a few scars from the things he's experienced when he first moved to Karakura, he'd have scars along his chest seeming to be from some type of blade dragging against his flesh. He'd have a tatto on his forearm which he never explained the reasoning behind. He'd stand straight up tall giving off and intimidating aura around new people, he'd often wear a red button-up jacket over a white undershirt with his favorite pair of pants which was gifted to him from his mother. He'd often stand in an intimidating stance placing his hands inside his pockets at all time or reaching around his person.
Describe your character's personality to the greatest detail: Arakan Yamashita would be an outgoing friendly person, he'd often be seen helping out the less fortunate people in the city taking people to school, giving out food to those in need. Since a kid he'd always have sympathy towards the less forunate since he was once in their situation, he'd be a very understanding person until you got on his wrong side. Arakan would often be seen in a happy/playful mood, once it's time for him to handle his "errands" he'd seem to change into a completely different person seeming more aggressive and intimidating in his size. He'd use his size as an advantage so others would know that he doesn't play around like everyone else. After the attacks that occurred on him it seemed to change him in to a different person as he'd get more into the crime world meeting up with new people making new contacts. He'd be noticed walking around from his height and size (6'4 205 lbs) using his size as an advantage he'd go around meeting new people more confidently knowing people were afraid of him.
Describe your character's backstory to the greatest detail: (200+ words minimum) Arakan Yamashita was born in Dagestan, Russia before he moved to Karakura. In his home town he'd live with his father and mother aswell with his younger sibling Ohma, his father would be an abusive alcoholic which lead him to taking boxing classes in his hometown secretly. Over the years of trauma and abuse Arakan finally got tired of what he was put through growing up and seeked revenge on his father. He waited until his father was asleep when he began hitting him uncontrollably, his father would wake up in a drunk-state beating on him for waking him up. Shortly after Arakan, his brother, and his mother moved to a new apartment which was located near the ongoing wars that were happening in their home town leaving their father behind. Shortly after they'd move into their new apartment Arakan and Ohma would set out to find a job to help pay the bills around the house, upon returning to their apartment Arakan would realize the ongoing wars in their hometown was far more dangerous than he anticipated when he saw what once was their apartment reduced to tiny rocks as the apartment building would be hit with a car-bomb. Shortly after this incident they were forced to move to Karakura where they'd meet new people and attempt to blend in with the new environment, Arakan would spend his days learning how to speak Japanese so he could communicate with his peers and professors. It'd take him a couple months to fluently learn the language so that he'd be able to communicate with the rest of the town, but he'd continue focused intrigued on learning and experiencing new things in this town. Shortly after he'd met a new group of friends which mainly spoke Spanish, making him feel he needed to learn how to speak another language to fit in well in this town. Arakan would keep his life a secret not telling anyone his real name so he'd be impossible to find by anyone he might have had business with. Shortly after he'd fall into some trouble with a few well-known people which ultimately lead to him being jumped, after this experience Arakan would feel this sense of needing to be ready to protect himself at all times which ultimately leads him to trust issues. Arakan was sitting in his apartment when he'd hear a knocking on his door, he'd stand up pausing his tv show when 2 masked males forced themselves inside after he'd unlock the door. After they successfully breached inside the house they'd start to attack him knocking him unconscious, he'd slowly fade in and out of consciousness waking up in a different room each time. When he eventually woke up he'd be kneeling in front of 4 masked men armed with blades waiting in a lined formation inside the power plant, they'd have his arms and legs tied up so he couldn't escape or scream before initiating their attacks on him. Arakan swore he'd change his life around for the better so he'd not have to worry about such people breaking into his house looking for him.
Describe an interaction that your character may have as a black market dealer: (This can be anything — a weapon deal, an event they may be involved in, or maybe an interaction with a gang)
Arakan Yamashita would put on a pair of latex gloves before gripping the door handle with his right hand with a firm grip, he'd swing the door open walking inside the underground bar. He'd head towards the bar table wearing black attire with gloves on and a mask sitting in his jacket pocket, he'd then greet the bartender placing his ID on the table showing him a signal which looked like a handshake. The bartender would notice his signal placing a drink on the table in front of him before heading towards the front door locking it.

The bartender would return to the table where Arakan would be seated ensuring the coast was clear and the door was locked, he'd take a few sips the drink before standing up heading towards the bathroom. Once he entered the bathroom he'd head into a stall reaching his left hand into his jacket pocket pulling out the mask which was hiding. He'd place the mask gently over his face strapping it tightly in place so his voice would be muffled, unlocking the bathroom stall he'd head towards the bathroom door while gripping the combat knife that would be hiding inside his waistband.

Arakan would swing the bathroom door open heading back towards his drink before picking the glass up, he'd walk over to a group of people sitting at a table drinking together offering if he could buy them a drink. They'd accept his offer and he bought them drinks for the night purposely attempting to get them intoxicated, once they finished the drink he'd stand up from the table acting as if he was going to pay for the bill before talking with the bartender one last time.

After his conversation with the bartender he'd turn heading back in the direction of the group sitting at the table, he'd slip his right hand inside his waistband gripping the knife's handle tightly mentally preparing himself. Once he got in range he'd quickly draw the blade from his waistband gripping it tightly jabbing the target's chest with the freshly sharpened blade, he'd begin to black out from adrenaline as he'd see blood dripping from the victim's chest and blade of the knife dripping onto the glove which covered his right hand.

He'd quickly place the blade back inside his waistband tucking it in snug ensuring it wouldn't fall from running. He'd signal to the bartender which he'd press a button under the desk to unlock the doors, as he'd run out the building he'd hear the screaming from the victim's friends as his body would begin to lose it's life bleeding out slowly. Arakan would head off towards the train station still covered in blood with his mask and gloves on attempting to destroy the evidence, he'd throw the blood-covered gloves in the train station toilet flushing it before removing his mask and washing his hands. While headed to the train he'd take the mask which would be in his left hand placing it in his pocket zipping the pocket up.

Describe any other additional information that is notable in considering your character for the role of a black market dealer: (If inapplicable, put N/A): N/A
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Level 92

Thank you for taking the time to apply; sadly, the position has just been filled.​

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