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Denied itzmiaau1234gaming's doctor application


Level 234
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator

Thank you for taking the time to apply, however, we have decided to deny this application due to the following reasons:

- You have failed to follow the proper application format (CLICK HERE).
- A decisive factor that influences our decision is server reputation. We tend to pick players who have been on the server for a while and have a relatively clean history. One way to improve your reputation, and boost your chances of acceptance, is by applying to other factions/community teams.
- When applying for a faction, having detail is one of the best ways to show your interest to the higher-up team. We recommend that you spend more time adding detail to your application if you wish to apply again!

However, our applications are not currently scheduled to be reviewed. Feel free to re-apply anytime!

If you need any further assistance, feel free to privately message me - 4lx. - via discord, and we will solve any inquiries you may have.

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