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Denied jeepkillers Librarian Application


Level 2
1707512438941.pngOut-Of-Character Information
What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
How old are you? (Optional):
What is your time zone?:
Describe your activity on the server:
I haven't really spent the most and longest time within the server, however during my time within the server, I’ve mainly learnt the roleplay aspect and really used the time to settle in and find my comfort zone within the server. Now I'm beginning to enjoy the aspect of roleplay and want to extend this further by getting this role and experiencing a new setting of roleplay. I try to be on for multiple hours per day usually spending time with my friends icly or talking oocly on different platforms. My activity on the server can learn in different ways though, I may not be active for 1-2 days at a time if I am sick or on a holiday and such but that normally does not happen.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
I’ve had a total of two bans while on the server, I have no excuse for these but I hope you can understand I’ve taken the time and learnt from my mistakes and will not be following up with doing them again.
1st ban Hacking
2nd ban - Inappropriate name

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I fully acknowledge that If I am inactive then I will be demoted and can lead to removal from the faction if I am inactive for a certain amount of time.

School Employee Role you are applying for?:
I am applying to become a Librarian

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
In the position as a Librarian they usually sit at their desk waiting for students to either check out a book or buy a Library Card, In this position you are also allowed to help out students and faculty with any questions as well. You are allowed to help during situations including fights, drunk students, and more but this does not generally happen.. As a Librarian you are also allowed to patrol around the school looking for students that may be misbehaving or breaking the school rules and policy.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I have a decent amount of previous experience in roleplay in all, I have done some things with the community and with my friends before roleplaying different things like CombatRP, DeliquentRP, GangRP, and much more. I try to bring my experience in all of these things up whenever I get the chance so that I can show my skills to the community and to myself in general as I personally just want to bring my roleplay skills up. I have done things with random people before like P2L and such but I don't generally do it. I have been trying to actually "roleplay" more than just doing simple actions and I take my time detailing them. Like I said in my activity above, I do not have the biggest aspect when it comes to roleplay however I believe my roleplay skills have greatly improved ever since I joined the server and began taking it fairly serious compared to before, only other roleplay thing that I have done in the past is World at Warcraft, in which was heavily roleplay based when I was younger and played the game.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
I am eager to join the School Employee faction for several compelling reasons. Firstly, it presents an exciting opportunity for me, as a player, to explore new horizons and immerse myself in diverse role playing scenarios. By stepping into the shoes of a school employee. Through the lens of my character's lore, I see this role as a chance to elevate their backstory to new heights and navigate different challenges that align with their narrative. I also want to bring back to the community in general by participating in different events that happen around the school like dances, sport days, and more. I want to be able to bring my reputation up so more people can know about me and what the different things that I can do are and the skills that I have.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
[ACCEPTED] Language Application 1
[ACCEPTED] Language Application 2
What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/
During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:

If this happened in an everyday scenario I would briefly walk over to them before firstly warning them for their language, If they kept doing it repeatedly I would warn them a second and third time or them to watch their language and tone. I would then start to talk to them about what I did wrong and why they were cursing at me specifically and what I could have done better in the future. I would talk to them about how they could stop cursing at me and other faculty members in the future to avoid situations. After doing so I would then proceed to write them up a detention slip for “Failure to listen to Faculty” and “Repeadetly Cursing” after I told them multiple times to stop. I would then proceed to check their record for previous detentions, suspensions, and more which could lead to suspension.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
If I did witnessed 2 students physically throwing punches and attacking eachother I would immediately run over and yell &lBREAK IT UP!, If they did not listen to my instructions I would physically step in and break the fight up by pushing them away from one another. After doing so and breaking up the fight I would briefly say in a angry tone.. What is going on, Why are you guys fighting.. After they explained the situation I would begin taking 2 pieces of paper out of my pocket writing each of them a detention slip for the reasoning “Assault on school grounds” which is an instant detention. After doing so I would start checking each of their records for previous detentions, suspensions, and more.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
If I witnessed this while on the job I would walk over quietly take my phone out and start to record the situation for more evidence, After recording for a bit and finding out what all was exactly going on in the situation I would turn the phone off before swiftly walking over to them and confronting them on what was going on and why they were doing what they were doing. If they kept doing it I would record again and then look for any SLT members that I could talk to about them and what they have been doing wrong or unprofessional whilst on the job. I would show them all of the evidence and explain the whole situation to them so they could understand it more.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
Whilst I am in the Break Room I would still act professional like how I would outside, I would try to talk to the other people in the break room if there were any and start a nice friendly conversation with them talking about their job and how they like it compared to others, After chatting for a bit I would then sit down in a chair and proceed to read a book or either go on my phone and watch something. I would act as friendly as possible in my time in the break room because it can change peoples perspectives on me as a person in general. I want to make people think that I am a nice person because I really am and can be some times which can help people know more about me in general.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:
/me Would glare at the student before briefly coughing and starting to say.. Hello!! How may I help you this afternoon? Do you want to check out a book or buy a library card? He would stop for a brief second starting to listen to the student. He would then speak for a moment after the student responded with the question "Where can I find the tutoring room?" He would then stand up going outside of the desk starting to walk with the student to the back of the library where the tutoring room was.
/me Would start flipping the pages in a book while sitting back in his chair at his desk in the library, He would then proceed to start reading a certain page out of the book that was interesting to him.. He would then proceed to keep reading the next few pages before thinking quietly in his head.. This is a really good book hm, He would then proceed to walk back out of his desk and placing the book back in the shelf that he took it off of so a student could check out and enjoy it like he did..
/me Slightly coughed for a brief moment before staring at the student and saying How can I help you? The student would reply with "Yes! I need an ID card how would I possibly obtain one?" He would respond with, Oh!! Yes I can hand those out for around 5000 yen I believe? He would then proceed to check the amount needed before proceeding to ask the student for the amount. He would then proceed to take out a library card and hand it over to the student so they could use it to check out books in the future.
Full Name (First & Last only):
Marrok Fedoro
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Preferred Name:
Age (Minimum is 25):
Academic Degree:
Masters Degree In Library Science
Library Science, Communication
Known Languages:
Italian, Korean, Japanese
Growing Up:When Marrok was young he had to learn how to do things by himself like chores around the house or making money for his family, Marrok always has a passion for reading as he loved books when he was young and still does to this day, Marrok had a goal to read as many books as he could in his life. When Marrok reached high school he studied about Education, Communication, and Library science starting off which he spent more time on in college. He Aced his classes with an A+ in each subject which he could use to his advantage in the future when dealing with different situations or things he might run in to. When Marrok reached college he spent a few years studying more about the subjects he learned in high school eventually graduating and reaching the goals that he wanted to achieve.
Finding a Job: When Marrok reached the age that he wanted to get a job at he decided to start looking for one for around a month or so, He eventually stumbled upon the job of a librarian at KHS in Karakura Japan which he took an interest on so he decided to do some further research on the topic. He learned about the things he needed to have in order to become a receptionist at KHS and what he could possibly do to raise his acceptance chance. Marrok decided to start researching it so he could start to write his application for the job. He spent a while writing it because he wanted the job really bad as he loves to help people and read books in his free time. Marrok realised that the job was a hard one to get in to so he decided to learn about how he could bring his chances up.

Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective)
Well.. the main reasons I want to join KHS is to help out around the school and people in general, I want to share my passion with other members of faculty or students around the school that may have similar goals or passions as me, I want to be able to help out during events around the school such as school dances, game days, and more. I also want to be able to make sure that the students around the school follow the rules and school policy so no one gets hurt or injured while in school to keep the community safe. There are a lot of other reasons why I want to work here but these are the main ones
Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
Well.. There are some reasons why I think I should be accepted over other applicants, Firstly.. I possess a few different skills that not many people may have, I have skills in speed, jumping, swimming, communication and more that I know not all people are good at. I think that I would be a good fit because of the things I can do rather than handing out books.. I think I would be a good fit for this position and to work at KHS with my knowledge on a lot of different things like locations around the school, classes, reward stickers, and much more. I know that a decent amount of people have this knowledge as well but these are the main reasons.
Additional notes about your application:
Do you have any questions?:


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Level 197
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thank you for taking the time to apply for the Employee Faction, after careful review, we have unfortunately decided to deny your application. We apologize for the inconvenience, however due to the large amount of applications this wave we cannot elaborate further on the reason for denial, however once spots open back up again we encourage those denied to re-apply.

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