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"Jim" Yasushi | SushiSanwich Reporter App!


Level 85
OOC (Out-Of-Character) Information:

What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)?:


Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?:

List your timezone and country:
EST, Canada & America (I got over boarder often but I usually stay around Ontario and New York if that explains it)

Describe your activity:
I'm a very active player on the sever, on my main account (AllenBUwU) I am a QT and usually in the top 3 teachers for most classes hosted per month!
I believe that shows I am on and actively participating in roleplay, along with participating in my faction quite a bit. I've also recently gotten another alt (mechanicMichaelSada) so I can experience more of student rp, since I joined the teacher faction on my main within 10 days of originally joining the server.. So in my early days of the server I didn't get to experience it much!

Do you have any previous bans? If so, list them below:

Link any significant applications (e.g., Roles/Teams, exclude languages):

What is your motivation to apply for reporter?:
I absolutely adore the idea of being able to continue writing or doing a different form of writing than I usually do! As somewhat known and as Im sure ill mention right below this in the next question, on my main account, I teach professional literatures! However, I move around with topics a lot meaning i cant focus on one thing for awhile.
I like the idea of being reporter as that means I'll have a more consistent layout with report writing, even though the topics i write about will vary, the type of writing doesn't. I also see that the reporter faction is pretty underrated or I rarely see any reporter on tab, so I'd love to help contribute and be apart of the community! It would also be nice to be apart of a smaller faction with a nice assumingly tightly knit group of people compared to always being in constant large groups. I believe overall the reporter job could be a very fun writing AND roleplay experience!

Do you have any experience with writing? What is your relationship with writing?:
yes! On my main account, my character Allen Black is actually a professional Literatures teacher, coincidentally enough he or I am also teaching journalism at the moment. My other two topics so far been more law related writings such as legalese used by lawyers! I've so taught law literature which refers to written Law, contracts, will, laws, etc.
Besides SRP writing/literature teaching, I am studying in both law and literature as well in school as main subjects. (Yes that correlates into what I end up teaching on srp lol). I have a very comfortable and happy relationship with writing, if anything sometimes srp frustrates me with how limited we are to what we can type and how sometimes we need to buy ranks in order to type longer messages as I myself am literature.
Now, outside of both SRP & IRL schooling, I am a avid roleplayer on Discord and even used to be on Instagram and Amino when that was popular. So writing is a very daily thing for me in many forms.

Are you aware of - and will follow - the set of rules provided to you?: yes!

Why should we accept you over others?:
I believe I should be accepted over others as I have experience in both IC and OOC literature, and have the ability to write in most forms of writing from roleplay, to reports, to essays, stories and to as mentioned before even law writings.
Now why is this important?
Why do I mentioned the fact I have an ability with law and law Literatures to begin with?

Well even now it isn't entirely just this, many MANY reports and writings we see from the reporters faction often involve those in power, those from KPD and overall legal cases. It can be beneficial to know both karakura and ooc law when writing about such topics, as it adds that bit more to legitimacy. So, I believe this is a redeeming trait or knowledge other applicants may not have.
Now what about perhaps more environmental issues or simple student issues that don't really involve politics or law?
Well for enviroment issues, I too OOC am knowledgeable about it as I often actually intern or volunteer at wild life reserves or parks since I'm planning to go into a Game Warden / ranger career when older.
As for perhaps student related issues or events, I believe as a student myself on an alt and irl, I could use some common sense and some understanding of the philosophy of teens / young adults!
Also with that, I could be able to perhaps go write something that connects or relates to the main audience of srp, which is the students.
So in general, I believe over other applicants I should be accepted due to my background and current knowledge of writing and understanding of several topics that'll be handled or looked at when or in reports.
Along with this! I of course know Karakura news or topics fluctuates, so that's why i also mentioned three sorta main topics we see in Katakura very often, students, Law/politicals and Nature and how I have background knowledge and current learning knowledge of each!

Do you understand you have to stay completely neutral with all reports? (Your report can't have any OOC or IC bias towards a specific group.): yes

Do you trust that you will be able to stay active and complete the monthly quota?:
yes! As you can check likely with the education faction im in, I have a lot of freetime and usually knock out my teaching quota within the first week on a month! therefore, I have no doubt Ill have plenty of time to be active and to complete a monthly quota for being a reporter as well!

Summarise what you imagine work as a reporter is:
briefly mentioned previously, I imagine working as a reporter would have that need to be active or interactive in the community and on the server, as how else will you know and have the information on what to write about?
I think you need to also have that certain type of skill and understanding of writing ooc, as well to be able to translate that into your reports so it looks professional! Then yet at the same time, also be able to write in a way so perhaps everyone can understand; I say this as many people on SRP aren't exactly the oldest or English is not their first language, so as a reporter, yes professionalism seems important but also knowing the fine line of what big words to use and what would let the audience understand the information you're putting out there the best is also important. Overall, working as a reporter seems like you need to be active in order to even know thats going on, have the courage to approach + interview others via rp, and to be a decently skilled writer that has not just perhaps a talent but also the motivation to do your job.

IC (In-Character) Information:
Treat this section like it is your own character answering it

Full Name: Jim Kaede Yasushi
Preferred Name/Nickname and Title (e.g., Ms, Mr): Mr.
Current Age (25+): 44

Past job/work experience:
Chief of Police at block 15 in Maine, Warwick County, USA. 10 years
Correctional officer, Rikers Island, New York, USA. 4 years

Degree/qualifications: JD& Bachelors
Nationality and born location: I have duel citizenship,
I have a citizenship in both America and Japan.
I Was born in Osaka, Honshu Japan
Phone Number: (030) 659-0939

How would you describe yourself in under 150 words?
I am a man that's seen all works of life, between criminals, divorce, fellow officers and citizens. As a former chief, Ive had many things come my way and have been personally interviewed by reporters several times. During those times, I am seen as calm, collected, and well spoken, keeping your cool in any situation is a talent not many have but I have acquired.
I do no walk around or speak to people as if theyre my friends, unless they are. I walk around and speak to people professionally and for work, Ive done so for years as an officer and id be prepared to do the same thing as a reporter.

What are you interested in writing about? How will you achieve this, and would you consider going out of your comfort zone?:
Personally, I'd like to touch on more serious issues involving KPD, EMS or other Frontline workers, as I myself have been apart of a similar line of work overseas. However, I'm more then aware others likely touch on subjects like these as well, so I'm also willing to go another route ..
I am not afraid to expose people of wrong doings. It sickens me nothing more then someone who's meant to be looked up to, to have a dirty past and or have disgusting actions swept under the rug.. But id never do this with a bias, Id search for the facts and circumstances that would lead to a prudent person to come to a conclusion of sorts, such as myself, that would allow me to write the reports and articles.. I know achieving any of this can be hard, some may say perhaps stupid to consider. Nonetheless, with my skill set, prior knowledge and ability to talk and research, I believe I am capable to do such. I am willing to go far and beyond my comfort zone, as while I myself was in an upstanding position years ago.
I was trained to do as such Anyway.
As for out my comfort zone, i dont believe much is exactly out of it. As stated in the about me section, I was an officer for 14 years, Ive seen too much to have much of anything outside of a comfort zone .. with that being said, I have no problem writing about smaller issues such as events, students, Normal employees or issues.

What are your expectations for the job?:
I think it may be a bold statement, but my expectations work wise isn't high. I say that as I find it weird to always set high standards, people who do that only get disappointed. So, my expectations for this job is very simple, work enviroment wise I expect to meet a few fellow reporters, and maybe have a little "inner circle" as some say. For the boots on the ground work, I expect to be out a lot. I expect myself to be living with a notepad by my side at all times observing, speaking to others and overall being attentive to my surroundings.
I expect myself to be in a position where I must know for a fact what I'm saying so I don't misinform the public, and so I don't end up with a possible defamation charge on my back.
But, at the same time, I dont expect the job to always be so high risk as I make it out to be here, I dont expect myself to seem like some private detective from a movie. I expect the normal day to day work week to be rather .. calm perhaps. however, for when I do catch a big lead? Maybe then, some other things I stated will apply.
Overall, I do have some background knowledge on how reporters work.. as I been interviewed a few times. But nonetheless I am keeping an open mind, as Im aware I shouldn't make judgement compared to experiences I had ages ago.

Do you have a criminal record? If so, list the crimes below:
I've only had two offenses in my life,
One was a misdemeanor for having an unregistered vehicle in the United States as a teenager, age 17.
The other was Harassment which typically in other states but New York would've been a Battery charged,
I slapped a man in a bar after they said some foul words about a friend of mine .. both were before I joined the police force.

Fluent Languages (Underline your native):
Japanese, English, Chinese and Spanish

You will have to write two ‘reports’ about a topic of your choice. Here we can see how pronounced your writing is and how creative you are. Use your own formatting and your own report idea. (If you’re found plagiarizing an actual report or another applicant, you will be denied.)
#1 - General report. Report about a topic, informing player’s about an event or significant issues to Karakura.

Lack of Remembrance.
Jim Yasushi.

There are plenty of First and Emergency Responders, those who are on the Frontline helping stop and prevent crime, and fighting to get to those who need help. No matter the role, rank or position you played, if you helped out or were apart of these forces, you'd think you'd deserve some recognition, right? Even if you retire, you still helped people, you were still a hero. So what happens if you die? You went through traumatic work, got hurt, risked your life, and likely, didn't have a full life either. Who's going to remember you? What will be your legacy? Well from what my research as shown, there will likely .. not be one for you.

It seems like there's an uneasy pattern in Karakura, where only the big clan or yakuza families get remembered such as the Akihitos. Or perhaps people who were well known in general .. but not all of these known people perhaps risked their lives like those who again, were First Responders. I personally visited the Karakura cemetery and was baffled by the lack of marked graves there. Though something did catch my eye, way off to the side of the cemetery. I noticed two marked Graves belonging to a sergeant and commissioner.. so I began doing research about both and others who had similar positions. I then also did research about other marked Graves in the cemetery.. from there I went around and asked the public whoknoew who.. the answer likely won't surprise you. As guessed, majority only knew those with staple last names as again, Akihito.

So then I did more research, who else has died and not gotten regnoizition, let alone a grave with their name. I found several people who I could name here, but I'll focus one, Makoto Shimada. I learned from his former lover, Allen Black who's a well known member of Karakura Education as a Professional Literatures Teacher, about the former officer.. And what he told me, honestly made me upset. Makoto Shimada was a seargent with KPD, and he wasn't just a Survivor of the 11/7 blowing up, but was also a Survivor of former Commissioner Herrington's abuse, as he was shot several times by him. But, for someone who went through so much.. why wouldn't he get at least a grave by fellow former downed officers? Why would someone, who fought so hard to not just surve the city but also went through traumatic, life threatening injuries from someone above him, someone as a public we should've been able to trust .. not get a grave? Yet someone who was a leader of a yakuza, or yakuza members in general, are the ones we are choosing to remember? And I'm sure you're reading this now, not knowing who I'm even talking about or who Makoto shomada was, and I wouldn't blame you. Interviews I've hosted showed that KPD themselves seem to forget those before them ..

So now, let me ask you guys again. What if you were in the position of getting seriously Injured, fighting perhaps possibly daily for our safety, and end up dying to unfortunate circumstances .. Would you like to die knowing damn well the only people who will remember you and celebrate you is perhaps just your family and friends? I doubt you would. And therefore, I bring up my final point, Karakura needs to do better at preserving the memory of those who had fallen. If we can't give someone a grave at LEAST to remember them by, how are we meant to expect to remember other heros? I don't see the Education System teaching our new generations who fought for your safety? Who worked as EMS in tragic conditions? And so I say, with what I've seen and gathered, karakura should take a step up in honoring our fallen heros.

I'll be updating this with a follow up report in the form of an interview with someone who is actively apart of the first responders community, or someone who has a close relationship with one.. til' next time, I am Jim Yasushi signing out."

#2 - Interview. It’s important to have well-rounded questions. Create your own interview with ten questions or more. And answer them yourself.

An interview with Keiki Zaalate


[Yasushi]: "Good morning Karakura residents, I'm Jim Yasushi reporting in today a very special interview with Keiki Zaalate who's allowed me here today to speak and ask her about her quite well know family."


[Yasushi]: "thank you for meeting up with me today, Ms. Zaalate, are you ready for me to ask you a few questions regarding some important people in your life?"

[Zaalate]: "But of course, I do enjoy answering questions."

[Yasushi]: "Great.. Glad to hear. Well let's start off with your name, I've heard and done some research to find you're more recognizable by a former last name of yours .. yes?"

[Zaalate]: "Edgeworth, I presume? Yes yes, I was once the wife of a professor that used to work in Karakura. Our sons, Atlas and Isoroku, are now in the workforce as surgeon and detective respectively."

[Yasushi]: "Right! You brought me exactly where I was planning to go actually.. Say, Miss Zaalate, are you now also with someone who works in the education department once again?"

[Zaalate]: "You could say that. I don't know why this has happened thrice in a row, but that's besides the point."

[Yasushi]: "I see,, well now let me ask you this, between your sons, and lover.. and hell even perhaps your former mentioned lovers, do you think they've helped people? And along with that, do you think those in their career field help people often, perhaps even daily?"

[Zaalate]: "I know for certain that they all help people, both out of obligation for their work and for their general care for the people and students they work with. I'm very thankful to have met my lovers, both past and present, and am very proud of my sons for doing their best every day at work."

[Yasushi]: "Now, excuse me as I possibly take this a dark turn ma'am .. but God forbid anything happen to them but, theoretically if something did, you'd want their names to be known, yes? Would you want them to have justice and for their name to be out there, for them to be seen perhaps as a hero?"

[Zaalate]: "I've watched this town forget too many names in the 20+ years I have spent here, and I know it is inevitable that I may join that list of names, but all I wish is that they'd at least remember the ones that truly mattered. The ones that put their lives, connections and even sanities on the line to ensure the betterment and wellbeing of the town public."

[Yasushi]: ", you,, you understood right where I was going with this, Miss Zaalate. So with that I'll ask you a question I'm sure you and I both already know the answer too, that being, do you then think that this city has a issue with remembrance and giving respect to those died? To those who risk their lives for us?"

[Zaalate]: "Certainly. I've seen it quite often, this town remembering murderers and child murderers more fondly than those who brought them to justice in the first place. In a way, I think it's that mentality of glorifying the crime these workers work so hard against that muddles their names and makes it harder to see how much they are trying."

[Yasushi]: "I am utterly impressed with your responses Zaalate, it seems you and I both have a similar stand on such a matter .. not to seem repetitive here with these questions, but I must ask. As a mother, someone who has not one, but both sons as first responders, how would you feel if they got forgotten? Wasn't even a given a grave like those before them and even some who've passed recently?"

[Zaalate]: "Sad, angry even. I've watched them put themselves at risk day by day, and that's how this town decides to thank them? It's appalling that this town decides their dramatic, bloody and gore-filled lives are more worth the time of day than at least showing some respect to the ones that work tirelessly to keep them from ending so soon."

[Yasushi]: "Right, of course.. it's interesting to hear your point of view on this. Exactly why I chose you, Ms. Zaalate .. I wanted to hear someone's point of view that had a strong connection to those protecting karakura without being apart of it themselves. I'll admit, you were quite hard to find seeing your last name didn't match with your sons nor Mr. Black .. but nonetheless, that's offtopic anyway. I have a few more questions to ask now, do you have time for them?"

[Zaalate]: "I've got all the time in the world, shoot"

[Yasushi]: "Gadly.. so for my final few questions, I'll like to ask some more personal questions if you dont mind .. so the audience will know a bit more of the person I'm interviewing here, yeah? I again, as stated at the start of my interview here today, said I did some research before talking to you today .. is it true you personally have a background in the medical field? Is there anything you'd like to share about it or where you specifically worked?"

[Zaalate]: "Why yes, I have. I've worked for Karakura's EMS team as a surgeon for... Maybe a year? I quit due to mental health reasons, and because the strain it put on my family time was too much for me to handle. Working there isn't as demanding as it used to be, it has been a while since I've been a worker there after all, but it was... Quite stressful."

[Yasushi]: "I bet, I too, back in the day used to be a first responder so I understand the demand and stress. Now, I also saw in some public records, specifically a year book from karakura schooling that you were a nurse too, yes? What was is like there?"

[Zaalate]: "It was a bit more fulfilling, since I've found that I work better with kids and teens. Though I did get much more inappropriate comments working there than anywhere I'd worked before."

[Yasushi]: "Unfortunately not surprised .. karakura teens are known for the lack of filter after all. I think I'll start wrapping up the questions here Miss Zaalate, I believe I only have between one to three left. So.. with everything we've talked about today, between the lack of remembrance and family .. are you personally scared or worried about not being remembered if you were to pass away?"

[Zaalate]: "...No. It isn't a worry I personally hold. I wouldn't want to be remembered, I'm not as good of a person as my sons and more recent lover."

[Yasushi]: "Oh? Is that so? Do you mind perhaps explaining why you'd rather not be remembered? Or perhaps,, hm. Maybe if you'd wish, you can tell us about your lover and to why you think he's a good person, considering we've already spoken a good amount about your sons today, yes?"

[Zaalate]: "We have, and I'd be glad to change topics. Allen Vinogradov Black, one of the sweetest people I'd met. Kind to his students, fun with his co-workers, heart of pure gold, the works."

[Yasushi]: "I see.. sounds like a great man, im sure you and your family are happy with him.. I spoke to him earlier as well about a similar topic, didn't realize you both were a couple.. quite a coincidence. But anyway, I think that about sums up today's interview. You yourself and your point of view of the matters we spoke about today was very enlightening, Miss Zaalate. Before I end here, do you have any final comments you'd like to make or share?"

[Zaalate]: "My uh... I haven't told them about him yet, but thank you. And all I can really say is that I hope this report is heard, I hope what I've said at least changes *something.*"

[Yasushi]: " haven't told th- ahem.. ahem, it surely changes the legitimacy of the situation. Thank you again, Miss Zaalete. It was a pleasure meeting with you today. Stay safe! Make sure to spend some time with that family of yours."

[Zaalate]: "But of course."

[Yasushi]: "And that's that, thank you for all who's taken the time to read and listen to this. I hope this interview was Enlightening upon the issues I've mentioned here and in a previous report. With this being said, take time to be with those you love and care for, no matter if it's a friend, family, or co worker.. you never know when it's your last day with them. This is Jim Yasushi, signing out."

Additional Information: uhh look hes so cool !! Hes old and got black n white films noir aesthetic

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