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Jtth_ bmd application | #4


Level 6
  • Updates: This is my fourth application for this role and this time I updated a few things. Due to the very recent third application there was not too many to change but I did make a fair share of adjustments. First of all, I added more details about my activity on the server as well as a possible time schedule. Moving on, I added a new idea I came up with in the suggestions which I think will benefit the faction. I also added a second part to my character's personality which also adds up to his lore written by a third person. Additionally, I added a brand new chapter to his backstory which is also the finishing one for now. Last but not least, I added an extra situation in the BMD situations (Last question in the format) based on a potential arrest along with a few new images.
  • Note: I didn't get the chance to update it even more because both applications are very recent and there hasn't been many changes. Regardless I tried my best to offer a somewhat newer and more updated version with better info.
  • Old Applications: Application #3 Application #2 Application #1
Jtth_, I plan on applying with my main account as it is the only one I currently own. No alts or other igns for the time being.

Describe your activity on the server:
I joined the server almost 3 years ago and ever since, my main focus has been crimerp! There were times when my activity could even reach a perfect scale as I would get online for hours everyday, while leading a verified gang and peaking in the crime aspects of the game. Sadly though after a series of unfortunate events in my life I lost a lot of motivation as well as time to have such a high activity in the game. I also lost leadership of my old gang Bonten and it had a negative impact on me and my activity. Currently, after a long time of inactivity I decided to join the new verified gang Mefisuto and keep a low ranking position for the time being to bump up my activity. I also started taking up new things such as becoming a BMDA and trying to be active on my main character for gangrp and planned lore situations on every chance I get. To sum things up, even though my past activity was close to 10/10 or at least 9/10, I can assure the faction that with this role there is a lot to come in terms of activity and I can even reach those old numbers.
I'd rate my current activity at least a 7/10 as I still get online frequently when i'm needed and besides the slow decline on gangrp these past months I manage to fit in a bunch of situations (Perm using, trainings and meetings with the gang, IC lore and even some casualrp with multiple chars) as well as overall participation.
below is a table with each day as well as the hours and information based on my activity. The second bar, showcases the hours in each day that I can be active and contribute to the faction. Note that all hours are on GMT+2 timezone. on the third bar, there are some additional notes depending on each day.

14:30-18:30 | 22:00-00:30​
14:30-16:30 | 20:00-00:00​
17:00-20:30 | 22:00-00:00​
2:30-18:00 | 00:30-02:00​
12:00-19:00 | 00:30-02:00​
12:00-17:00 | 22:00-00:00​
Monday is a busy day but I can most of the times keep the schedule​
Also a busy day yet the schedule can be quite stable​
Moderate day, with an easy schedule.​
Very duty-free day, with a lot of time to invest.​
moderately busy day yet friday is one of the days I try to stay up and cover for late hours.​
Very free schedule yet it's not always guaranteed if I will be home on Saturdays but its also one of the days I can invest a lot of my time in the game.​
Not always certain about the 12:00-17:00 but the later hours are guaranteed.​

Specify your Discord username (USER#0000) and if you have a microphone:
My current discord username is Jtth_ (Used to be Jtth_#8832) and I do not currently own a microphone. I know that it might be a small drawback in terms of communication but I am an understanding person and I can easily follow commands, do tasks when ordered to and communicate with different means such as no mic, chats, IC (phones etc) and texts. I am very active on discord and I keep up with all my chats to support communication due to the mic issue. Lastly it is not a permanent issue as I will be getting a mic at some point in case of acceptance. I hope it's not a big deal breaker and I can promise not to disappoint in any way when it comes to communicating easily.

Specify your country of origin and time zone:
I live in greece and my time zone is GMT+2 currently (It will be moving forward 1h ahead soon so at some point in case of acceptance it will be updated to GMT+3 due to daylight saving time)

What are your motivations in applying for the black market dealer role?:
The black market dealer role is one very important for the crime faction. Personally by applying for this position there has been a lot of consideration from my side and a lot of motivation sources that made me decide to attempt for the third time to get this role. There are two factors in my motivations, one is OOC reasons and the other one is IC ones (why would my char want to apply etc). First of all comes my OOC motivation which starts back when I first lost my gang leading role, after 8 months of being in the lead. I felt as if there was time for a new beginning, a new approach to the crime faction as I had already seen and done enough in the GangRP area. Many events, many collaborations and a lot of lore and rp all coming from gangs. I simply felt like I wanted to see what the other side of the crime faction was. I had already worked a bunch with people associated with the BMD and even had planned some events with them in the past. Back then I posted my first application ready for this new start. I got denied but my anticipations did not end there. I knew that any type of gangrp would not feel as fun and original as it once felt and becoming a black market dealer was my only goal now. Then there was my second application, one with a lot of work behind it and many hours spent to make it feel as perfect as possible. My flaw then, was the long period of inactivity which doomed me to get denied. Now with the 3rd app, i'm more motivated than ever, as it has been a long time of trying and failing to claim this role. It has now become something like a personal goal, and I just can't give up on the second application. A lot has changed since the last time I applied including a new crime lead and a bunch of new BMDS. I am hoping for better luck this time.
One other reason I'm motivated to apply is the current roster of the crime faction. I share a lot of past collaborations with some of the current black market dealers, and I really feel like this position is a chance for me to once again reunite with some old people and create new projects. I really feel motivated to join them as I have worked a lot with them and we have accomplished great events in the past as well as projects. To sum up, im in good terms with most of the current BMDs and share a big past with them in the Gangrp scene. I really feel excited to have a chance to work with them again.
One of the least serious reasons but yet still a source of motivation, is my quite recent introduction to BMD, when I claimed the BMDA role. It opened my eyes to lots of information about the BMD as well as their chats. I got to bond with some of the members and it lit up the spark inside me to reapply now that apps are open. The whole position motivated me and made me come one step closer into the true goal of becoming a dealer and it gave me lots of hope to reapply with confidence once again.
Last but not least, one of the main reasons I feel motivated to apply for BMD is because I have never before been in an IC job, recognized by the server due to my dedication to crimeRP and Gangrp. I see BMD as an opportunity to be able to do what I like on the server and still have a well paying job as a criminal. It is sadly true that through gangrp someone can’t make a stable payment and often they are not able to work either especially with main characters as they might have criminal records or positions in gangs. With the BMD though, what I love is the fact that I can actually be a registered criminal making money out of crime and also participating in crime situations and events. The whole package of being a BMD just seems right to me and it motivates me a lot to keep trying for a possible position within the roster.
The IC reasoning behind my motivation is also quite similar to the rest. I plan on applying with my main character (Shinjiro). A character that I have been developing for two years now, strictly dedicated to crime. With this character I first started my own gang which ended up verified, and during those times, he has experienced almost everything left to experience in terms of Gangrp. With him I have also planned and participated in some big server events (Kaku kai v Bonten, Triad x Bonten Kidnapping event etc. ) and overall I have used him in many big occasions. I simply feel like there is a gap in his crime career and that is the black market associations. I feel as though with such a position, he can finally complete his journey as a criminal and settle in with a well paying criminal job and some good allies. Afterall his whole life has been about crime and such a position is one of the highest roles a criminal can achieve.
To sum things up, there is a lot of motivation behind this application and I really hope that the third time will be a charm. I really enjoy crimerp and I hope I get to experience this role and roleplay with it in case of acceptance.

What helps you to stand out from other applicants & what can you uniquely provide to the team?:
Part of a successful application, is of course the applicant to stand out compared to others. I believe that I have both strong and weak points when it comes to being a good choice for a BMD. In addition, I feel like for certain reasons, I am a good choice for this position due to multiple factors. First of all, I think that one of my strong points is my experience with CrimeRP and GangRP in the past as well as the present. I have been one very dedicated and loyal to Crime player ever since the beginning of my SRP career and I think that rewarded me with some valuable experiences compared to others. I have past from leading a verified gang and getting to organize huge events as well as working with many individuals for certain projects. That of course granted me some sort of high experience compared to most who might have been more on the CivillianRP or even some lower ranking gangs. Through those experiences I learnt a lot on the current and the past SRP rules and I saw many changes and adjustments over the times so I can have a good opinion when it comes to CrimeRP and its development. Lastly I was lucky enough to work twice with the event team to accomplish certain big events for my old gang which made my understanding superior to some less experienced with these type of things. Apart from the event team though, I also got to work with some important to the Faction people, and while some of them are even BMDs now. Overall I feel like experience is one of my very strong points based on the past roles I have managed to achieve in the crime aspect of SRP (Vgl). In conclusion I am confident about my experience
Another important factor that I think makes me stand out compared to other applicants is my creativity when it comes to events, projects and plans in general. I already have a list of ideas to improve the crime faction as well as events and projects planned in case of acceptance. In addition I have already planned the Bmd business Idea prior to my application. Overall I feel like creativity is one of my strong points, and its main source is my experience but also my ability to brainstorm and think out of the box. I believe that it can be valuable to have someone in the roster with many ideas with main purpose to improve the crime faction and make it a better place for everyone.
Moving on to the next, one very strong point of mine is my potential activity as well as my dedication to the faction in general. I have been playing for quite some time now, and not even a day have I considered quitting CrimeRP in general. I have been very dedicated, and before I lost leadership of my gang due to some unfortunate events, my activity was also sky-rocketing. I believe that with this position, I can be very active once again as well as dedicate my SRP career fully towards it. Overall I am very motivated and dedicated to continue being an active criminal in SRP compared to some that are not as loyal to the faction as I have been. I also think that with this position I can surpass most people in terms of activity as well as support the faction with ideas and plans for the future.
Last but not least, Ill give it to my communication skills as well as my ability to work in a team without causing any issues or misunderstandings. I have a lot of experience due to my past, in working with teams and I believe that regardless of my microphone issue, I can be very good at communicating with others. I am a social individual and I am also quite easy to deal with. I can follow commands easily and contribute to the team while respecting everyone’s opinion and accepting others to have different plans. I have worked in teams many times ever since I joined the server and it has always gone very well without any issues or rough communication between the parties. Overall I feel as if communication and teamwork are two of my best skills throughout my time in SRP.

What previous experience do you have in working with a team?:
With this position, I acknowledge that teamwork plays a huge role in the BMD’s operations as well as the whole setup. I have tons of experience in working with teams ICLY and OOCLY but for the purpose of this application I'll focus on the IC ones.
To begin with, I'll mention the first time I contributed to a team in SRP. It started when I joined Kanto Manji Gang in my very first months of playing the game. Through that gang I got to experience what it's like to truly work in a team and respect as well as trust others and work with them for a mutual goal. It was a truly delightful experience with many positive effects on me as well as some valuable lessons. Once that gang disbanded though, I got to move on my own once again and I started slowly trying to find new teams and expand my horizons to new people. It was then that I came across Fight club. With fight club I was still new to teamwork and It was time for me to learn some more about communicating with others and roleplaying as a team. I met new people and experienced the whole scene. In my peak as a fight club member I even got to secure some staff positions which taught me how to appreciate a project and contribute to its well being. During those times and while still being a member of fight club I also wanted to start a project of my own and elevate my roleplay experience. That's when I came up with the idea of Bonten, a new gang made to continue the legacy of my old one. With Bonten, my teamwork as well as my overall career on SRP peaked. I got to meet many new people and worked with many new parties in order to achieve big gangrp events as well as collaborations. Through bonten I also trained my communication skills to the next level having to manage a big verified gang with roughly 30 members all running smoothly. It was a truly unique experience that offered me a lot in terms of teamwork. Through Bonten I also came across a few times with the event team. With the event team, I planned a big event which lead to my gang getting the verified role. I can still remember the amount of negotiating and communicating with the event team in order to plan that huge event as well as it’s flash events to perfection. It was a solid amount of teamwork and a lot of general planning and it taught me a lot about being open minded as a member of a team as well as phrasing my opinions and respecting others. Lastly through the event team I learnt to put other members and the general goal above my personal needs to achieve a well roleplayed project. Next came the big collaboration of bonten and Triad/Myriad (old river gang), for a server event in which the two gangs kidnapped the judge and her daughter threatening the cops and creating a big crime scene. It was a well planned event followed by a lot of teamwork and collaborations as well as discussions with all parties of that event. I remember clearly te amount of work as well as the anticipations we had for that event which all lead to a positive outcome and a well played roleplay from both sides. In that event though the two gangs ended up getting arrested through regardless we had a lot of fun throughout the event. In conclusion I learnt how to accept defeat and still value roleplay in teams above my own personal wins. Lastly, keeping the streak while trying to stay solid with activity, I was high ranking member in Mefisuto/Valhalla and helped with its rise as well as the current status. I am now a low ranking member although I try to contribute to the gang and sharpen my teamwork skills daily. I feel as though teamwork after all these projects and teams is one of my strong points and I am confident enough in terms of collaborating with other people while creating a professional environment without drama or confusion.

What suggestions do you have to help better the crime faction?:
Well I believe that the crime faction has a lot of potential in becoming one of the most popular ones as well as improving it’s reputation and name. First of all I think that the issue with the current faction is mainly the reputation it holds due to past mistakes from older people and the toxicity around gangrp that still exists to this day. Regardless I believe that it is currently in very good hands as I know and have worked with many people that are currently in the faction and I know they are capable of fixing it. First of all, to better improve the reputation issue I have some simple suggestions.

First of all, I would say that it should project more it’s operation with server wide events and showcase of it’s clean activity. For example, some good events strictly for the crime faction could open people’s eyes on the topic and make them feel intrigued to join it. Following up, I think one of the main issues of the Faction is it’s lack of IC projection and land. To be more specific, I’d suggest for the faction to have more criminal authentic areas, mainly for dealers to sell weapons, and ciminals to roleplay in. I know that there has been a lot of effort for the sewers bu I think crime should have it’s own hotspots and lands where people interested in it, can actually roleplay with BMDS aswell as BMDA’s. Similar places exist such as the powerplant but I feel like the faction needs more as it plays a very important role in the server. It would also improve the BMD business as it will grant the dealers, land to work with as well as hideouts where they can sell weapons on perform crimes “safely”. It is a very well established faction and it deserves some more attention as well as some “facilities” to work with, same way other job factions have. (Courts, fields, shops, school employees etc).
Another very important issue with the server is it’s current perm situation. Gangrp and Crimerp suffers from a major wave of toxicity due to the current perm situations. Don’t get me wrong, its not all bad, but I just feel like it lacks roleplay value as of now. Taking a closer look, you realize that current crimper does not allow much roleplay to be developed. A simple example is with majors, people no longer roleplay IC rivalries or fight in general due to fear of getting majors. In addition others constantly bait a simple ko only to come back and take your character’s leg with majors. What I suggest is to add some complexity to this and value the scene, and the scenario more. For example chopping off a leg due to a random drunken fist fight is simply not realistic or fun. I feel like the rules should be adjusted so that majors or even KPS can be acted with certain IC motivation etc. Instead for something as simple as a KO (3 hits to the head) there should be less gruesome acts such as simple stabs or broken limbs. Majors as we know them currently should be claimed after an escalation of events between two people and a bigger rivalry compared to a simple fight. This will allow more development between characters and it will also make gangrp a bit more unique and interesting for most. It will also minimize perm baiting a lot which is still an issue as of now. In the black market aspects it can offer deeper development as well, because dealers may also have their personal rivalries with people who do 3rd party deals or overall mock the bmds.
Additionally, apart from the crime hotspots, the perm changes and the need for more events, I believe that the crime faction, needs to showcase it’s activity more through the dark web/ikigai or even with a channel. It is often that people don’t recognize the huge work this faction offers to the server and so i think that highlighting it a bit would benefit it’s recognition as well as appreciation in the server. It would also help a lot with fixing its bad past reputation as well as create a better image of the faction in people’s eyes and make it more approachable for newer players. In conclusion, there are not too many serious issues with the current faction but with a few adjustments it could really become a much more well known and recognized group with a bigger range of supporters and players involved with it.
Lastly, I believe that an idea that could improve the faction majorly is to give more IC value to the ranks of each gang. As we all know, a huge part of the crime faction is dedicated to the IC gangs that players open. Those gangs should have more IC lore and recognition as well as roleplay in general with the BMD before being granted roles such as unverified and verified. I have noticed this and suggested it before as well, because I believe that being able to rank up a gang with a brief application is not challenging enough for most, while having to be chosen through IC methods and general roleplay will give the gangs more of a motive to work ICLY and make connections. In addition, it will fill in a way the lack of activity most gangs experience and the lack of motivation they have to actually roleplay by giving them a chance to claim their name ICLY instead of OOCLY.

Are you familiar with all rules pertaining to weapon profiles, combat, permissions, and player conduct on the server?:
Of course, I have been very updated with the rules and their recent changes!

Are you familiar with that if you leave the black market at any point, the black market lead will have permanent kill permissions on your character?:
Yes but I still chose to apply with my main character for the lore development as he is a 2 year long criminal.

Are you familiar with that if your character(s) is/are killed or permanently arrested twice, you will be removed from the black market?:
Yes, I know how it goes but i plan on being cautious.

Are you familiar with that you cannot reveal any out-of-character plans or potential addition to the black market to others?:
Yes, absolutely, I am loyal and trustworthy.

  • ICLY: A masked man wearing a dark suit with a red tie apeared slowly out of the shadows infront of the interrogator. He spoke in a calm voice aswering eac question with confidence. He seems to hold a small back in which he has his important files lister below as well as a small book, with title "Jett's Mind". The book contains images and a huge story, pretty much like a novel of his life.
Full Legal Name:
My name Is Shinjiro Hatake, I know that my family origins have bad past with the black market although It’s only a matter of blood, I didn’t chose them and I feel no connection with them. I have fully cut ties with Tachitsu.

Criminal Alias:
In the streets, as well as in Bonten they call me Jett.

Age & Occupation:
I am currently 20 years old and I go to college bachelors. My Occupation is crime, I find it hard to get a real job, due to some records.

Gender & Marital Status:
I am a male, and I am currently single.

Ethnicity & Race:
I am a japanese man, pure blooded I suppose.

Known Languages:
I know how to speak spanish and russian, my old gang taught me the basics.

Former Associations/Occupations:
Well I got quite some experience, my first association was Kanto Manji Gang, a delinquent yet notorious street gang which took me in as family of their own. They taught me a lot about crime and how to do it efficiently. I was only 16 when I joined. Next, I got involved with fight club due to my talent with martial arts. I suppose you will read more about it in my biography. During those times Kanto disbanded so I decided to open my own gang, Bonten. Im sure some of you may remember it. With Bonten I peaked as a criminal and it got recognized in the city. For a short amount of time you could even say that Bonten was the best gang in town. Then I had a few associations with another gang called Myriad, some good allies of Bonten. Afterall though, it was time for the downfall, bonten members took over and disowned me as their leader, they stopped respecting me and in no time they took over the gang That was not my end though, I joined Valhalla or Mefisuto, and in it I thrived again as a criminal keeping up with the old habits. That's like a short story in terms of associations.

Highest Level of Education:
College Bachelors, I still don’t know how I passed that.

Physical/Mental Ailments:
*The male handed out two papers, both seem to be written by some sort of doctor.
-That should be it?
Physical Ailments: Patient’s name is Shinjiro, while examining his body we found that everything seems to be fine, not any bad wounds or disabilities. The only striking is that there are 3 huge scar marks on his chest area. After some close examination, we can guarantee that two of them are the result of some sort of stabbing, with a certainly long blade as they go deep. One of them is located at his right ribs, and it seems to go as deep as to sc**** his lungs. The other one is on his left side on the chest, and it seems to have damaged the lung yet not too severe. As for the third wound, It seems to be made by a bullet, near the center of his chest, few inches away from hitting his heart. A wound that could have easily been fatal. Apart from that and a few minor breathing issues such as short breath and some coughing the rest seems quite clean
Mental Ailments: Patient seems to have two names, He introduced himself as Jett, and Shin, Short for Shinjiro we suppose. After a few sessions of communicating with him as well as some general tests, we have a diagnosis. The male suffers from some sort of split personality disorder and bipolarism. With further tests and a few sessions we can be certain that he developed such conditions due to past trauma in his life, and we can be certain that he is still not over it. He doesn’t seem very open about it and he is generally not very easy to understand. We also noticed that he can sometimes become violent easily and he would try to hurt others physically and verbally. He also seems to have a very high image of himself, although we just blame that on his personality. He is narcissistic and surprisingly, his social skills are quite high. Overall this patient is hard to fully understand but we can get to the basics of him.

Known Family Members:
Well, no family members of mine are still in town, and I have no contacts with them. Regardless I can drop some names of the people I used to know. Again I acknowledge that some of them may have bad past with the organization but I am not linked with any of them or their actions in any way. With that being said I have cut ties with that side of my family completely. You can see it in my name right on this paper.
*The male handed a small torn apart paper picturing a part of his family tree.

Describe your character's appearance to the greatest detail:
*Gave an image of him, but he still described himself just in case.

I am a well built male, with an athletic body, and some tight muscles. I stand on a quite average height, just about 5’8 feet or even 5’9 on a good day. My body doesn’t have anything too remarkable, only two big kanji tattoos, one on each arm, followed by 3 big scars on my chest. Two of them are stabs wounds, while the third one is from a bullet fired from the commissioner's pistol. I value my hygiene and so I am a clean person in general. As for my face, I have a pale skin tone yet my skin is smooth and almost shiny. I focus a lot on my physical looks because I believe that life is easier for better looking people. I have brown eyes, and a small scar on my right cheekbone. My face has some quite average features, and some could even say im handsome. I have thick long brown hair, resting on my face, cut in a way that suits me. Overall my face is quite average but I take good care of it in order to keep up some good looks. I wear classy but also stylish clothes and I focus a lot on my style because I feel like it represents me. Lastly, I wear two earrings, one on each ear. A good ally gave them to me. It’s one of the few things I got left from him.

Describe your character's personality to the greatest detail:
Well describing my personality can be quite challenging, although I gave you the mental ailments, I will do my best. To begin with, I am a very social guy, and I care a lot about my reputation among others. I always feel though as if there is a gap inside me. I had a rough childhood and I don’t know if I ever healed completely. There has always been something wrong with me. Almost as if im troubled or just don’t fit in well. I think of myself as superior compared to others but i know I shouldn’t. Regardless of my issues though, I am a very loyal man to my friends and allies. I could even kill for the people close to me. I believe thats one of my good traits. I also have a lot of anticipations about my life, mostly around crime though. Crime is simply my way of living and I am proud about it. I am a passionate man and I work hard for the things I want to achieve. In addition, im quite stubborn and I don’t give up easily when I have a goal. Lastly, I tend to give second chances, although only to people who deserve them. I hope this was enough detail.

Third person description: Shinjiro is a troubled man, a problem with no solution. Ever since I met him, and from the little details up to his general life choices he never seemed to have any sympathy or true love in his life. Nothing ever seemed to fully complete him. At first we could have diagnosed him with depression, although he doesn't show any signs. He is never particularly sad or happy, even when he laughs it feels fake or wrong. His decisions are self destructive yet in his lifetime he has also damaged other people heavily. He seems to destroy the people around him and hurt them mentally and sometimes even physically. Never in his life has he shown any true feeling towards anyone. Regardless, he can be charming sometimes, almost like a trap. The few who allowed him closer to their circle, and even grew attached to him ended up hurt while he, Shinjiro never seemed to be affected. The only time and this man can actually show any form of care is with his crime operations and comrades. Surprisingly he values those alliances higher than his own life. Other than that, anyone who ever saw good in him ended up with bitter regret. Its interesting how much you can know about your bunk mate. Prison really makes some people open up. Shinjiro was one of the inmates who constantly shared stories from the past. He was really an interesting criminal.

Describe your character's backstory to the greatest detail:

The following novel seems to be written by a third person for Shinjiro.

It all begun, somewhere in Tokyo, Japan, an orphan living alone waiting for his lucky day, an adoption. One day, two nice people arrived there and his hopes were up once again for a possible family. The couple took him home and slowly started bonding with him, as well as giving him a name. 'Shinjiro'. As he grew up he found out more about his parents as well as his family origins. His father was a hard working man, who is said to have some past affiliation with dangerous people. On the other hand, his mother was also a good woman but sadly she was sick, she was battling some strange disease yet she never told Shinjiro what it was. She was trying to keep it from him because she wanted her son to be happy even though he could notice that she wasn't well. As he grew up he started practicing from a young age, how to defend himself along with a variety of martial arts. He was very good at karate, and he was almost unnaturally flexible. It was as if he was born to be a fighter. Year by year, his life in the city was always getting harder. The unfortunate part was that he did not know what was going on with his family yet he could only assume. His mother's sickness was getting worse and his father kept leaving the house late at night and returning home with bruises or small wounds. He could only wait and see how this whole issue with his father would evolve. It was a regular night, his father gone and he was home taking care of his mother. The phone suddenly rung and as he picked it up he heard a familiar voice, his dad's. He was warned to hide and without second thought he hid inside one old wardrobe in his house. What he heard traumatized him for life. His door was brought down and a big crime group murdered his mother before storming out of the apartment. Once they left Shinjiro quickly went to see if his mother was still breathing but sadly, it was too late. He called the police who arrived quick. His father was still not home and he was now alone in the station waiting for any news or signs that his dad was still out there. The days past, yet still no news. He was now missing and young Shinjiro was sent back to the orphanage. Ever since that day he never heard of his father again. He grew up in denial, how could his life be so unfair. The hate inside him kept growing until the age of 17 when he ran away from his orphanage and tried for a new life in a new city named Karakura!
Karakura was a small city yet filled with opportunities, It seemed like the perfect place for Shinjiro to make a new start. As he arrived though he was quickly stopped at the station by a strange man. He was average height at about 5'9 feet, with a very macular build and a pale skin tone. He had blonde damaged hair but what made him stand out from others was his terrible eye wound. His right eye was completely damaged and the wound was untreated. He looked very intimidating, yet discouraged. That man ordered Shinjiro to follow him inside one of his hideouts. His name was Kenji Kurokawa, and all he wanted was to tell Shinjiro the basics about Karakura. It seemed as if Kenji knew exactly who Shinjiro was yet till the end he never revealed anything. From him Shinjiro learnt a lot about the town including it's high criminality along with the many dangers it hides. He was desperate, the gang life followed him everywhere so he decided that he'd no longer run away. It was time to fight back..


There he is, all alone now surviving in town. Luck was by his side, as he quickly met up with a strange group. They wore white clothes with some unique black letters on their sleeves. His great fighting skills where quickly acknowledged by the organization who later revealed their name. It was a gang, feared by most and respected within the town. Kanto Manji, a semi-delinquent biker gang with members similar to Shinjiro. A great population of the gang were from a family named Hatake. Kanto was more than a gang to Shinjiro, It was his family. With that followed his unique new last name, he was now a 'Kozlov'. It was the name of some commanders of the gang and inside that family he met two great new brothers. Forty Kozlov and Vincello Kozlov. In addition, within Kanto he made a new friend. Their blood was not the same but their bond was as strong as a family one. His name was Levi Izana. During that time, he got his first signature tattoo on his arm. It was the Kanji letters from the attire. The tattoo was a symbol of his eternal loyalty o the gang and his new family. Everything was going great until they arrived.. A gang by the name 'Kaku-kai'. The first strike was when Kaku-Kai abducted his brother Vincello and later on he was pronounced dead. The day Vincello died, was the day that Shinjiro evolved his darker side, and the hate inside him grew bigger than ever. It was when Jett was born. Kanto was not ready for such a death and revenge was slowly coming. In one of the meetings, Shinjiro got to fight some members of the organization himself and he realized that their fighting skills where very unique and dangerous. As kaku-kai begun to rise, the whole revenge plan was forgotten. A new, much harder and more dangerous opponent was now against Kanto. It was one of the mightiest criminals in town followed by his family. The Hatake family, and their mighty secrets. A strange group was also close to the hatakes. Was it a gang?


Akuma-Shidan was a group formed by the leader of the Hatake Family, a man named Sasori. He was the same age as Shinjiro ye far more experienced. Some information about the Hatake family was now spread to both sides. Hatake had three founders, Choji Hatake, Nagato Hatake and Lastly Sasori Hatake. Nagato joined Kanto's side while Sasori went the opposite direction with Choji. The two sides slowly begun going against each other, with the main rivalry being Nagato versus Sasori. Nagato had a whole gang behind him full of loyal soldiers, while Sasori had most of the Hatake's with him. Small fights kept occuring within the two sides though it all peaked inside the sewers. An unknown member of Kanto had contacted Akuma-Shidan giving them information about Kanto's position leading into a big fight between the two. Kanto members faught with their life on the line leading in a victorious outcome for them. The only ones missing from the battlefield where the main founders, Choji, Nagato and Sasori along with one higherup of Kanto who went with Nagato. The happiness of victory became silence of grief once the yelling of a higherup was heard. 'NAGATO IS DEAD!'. That sentence pierced through Jett's mentality. The hate inside him was once again peaking as he grabbed one of the enemy members released all his anger on her. The following days, many meetings occurred involving the leader of Kanto himself. A man named Shinsen'na Hisagawa. During one of those meetings the last devastating truth behind that war was revealed. The traitor.. He was no other than Shinjiro's last remaining family and battle ally. Forty Kozlov.. Shinsen'na made sure to execute him in front of the whole gang yet the damage was already done. Jett was once again alone. Akuma-Shidan slowly disappeared from that day on. What was left for Kanto though?


Shinjiro learnt it the hard way, as many might say.. After the war, Kanto Manji gang slowly begun getting inactive, the members stopped attending as much and most of the people grew out of crime. Was it the sudden success that made them realize that crime is not for them? Strange… Shinjiro and a few others were the only ones who kept the spirit of being in the gang. Things where not as they used to be. Kanto was still at its peak yet it was clear that it would fall in the next few months. The member's hope though was not lost, they all thought it would catch up once again and reach the top in the city. Besides it outlived all of its opponents except one. Kaku-Kai was still there and it had now surpassed Kanto in numbers. The day arrived, in the frequency where usually new gang plans where posted was now a message from the lead himself explaining that the gang was disbanding. Was this the end? Shinjiro reached his lower during that time. He had officially lost everything that was once holding him in town. The only thing left was his mentality and his spirit. During that period, Shinjiro changed, he was less of an emotional person and his mindset switched up fully. He now wanted to go back to his old rival, the Kaku-Kai gang. He knew that Kanto fell but its spirit would continue living inside people forever. The gang never dies. Kanto’s legacy had to be passed down. During that time Shinjiro's life was also seeming to get a lot better. He had finally managed to find a woman to support him. They were even looking to get married. Regardless though the fury inside him and the deep desire for crime lead him on. He could not just get out of his criminal life.


Once Kanto stopped operating, Shinjiro was up to something. His closer people and former allies from Kanto lost him for a few days. He was locked up in his place thinking, brainstorming.. A buzz was heard on their phone. Shinjiro was finally reaching out again ''Meet me at the park, Important!". The group gathered, and they started discussing. Shinjiro was planning to open a new gang that would eventually continue Kanto's legacy. Founders of Bonten where his most trusted and closest allies. Two men by the names of Akira and Shinoku and one woman going by Odette. After a long discussion, the 4 teenagers agreed to work together to establish their new gang. "Bonten!". Bonten was a semi-delinquent group, with basic motivations and simple beliefs. Their goal was to dominate the town, and defeat everyone who stands in their way. Shinjiro, or Jett, was now more evil than ever and his first goal was to murder and take down the gang that killed his brother, Kaku-Kai. Bonten slowly grew, and Shinjiro realised that the leading role was too much for him. He decided to allow a trusted person with that job and he took the role of council which was almost equal to a leading position. Things where great at first, Kaku-Kai seemed to be losing on brawls besides their advantage in numbers. Though things did not stay ideal. Bonten leader at the time was a man named Subaru Makino, and through the position his mindset slowly shifted. He developed a high ego, and his respect for the council and the co-leader fell fully. He even started attacking members that got in his way. It was time for Shinjiro's first fight once he stood up against Subaru. They fought for hours in front of their members. Until at some point, both men fell on the ground, breathing heavily and almost dead. Followed after that day, the gang chose to kick Subaru and Shinjiro became it's new leader. Now one thing was left, destruction of Kaku-Kai. During that time he also received a text from one of his members, the user was named L.I. They scheduled to meet, only for Shinjiro to notice a familiar face he hadn't seen in a long time. It was his friend Levi Izana. Now Shinjiro knew that he had successfully rebuilt Kanto's spirit and he was ready to fight. A battle of life and death itself..

It was now official, Karakura only had space for one gang. Besides their extreme member advantage, 40 to 12, Bonten decided to go against the biggest gang in town. The well known by now, Kaku-Kai. A war was being prepared, and Shinjiro took a lot of time to train for it. During that time one of Shinjiro's greatest friends Shinsenna Hisakawa, former Kanto lead and the man who taught shinjiro all aabout gangs returned as the co-leader of Bonten and helped in the war. the two gangs had a bunch of events and small brawls, in which Bonten was always victorious and the news around the criminals were spreading fast. Bonten was rising in numbers and in popularity. Within a month, it was no longer a big difference between the two gangs. The day of the war was close. Many fights had occurred before that changed Shinjiro and fed the hate inside him. The final strike was when the Kaku-Kai higherups kidnapped Shinjiro and tortured him brutally. That day he was stabbed at his ribs and his leg, yet he did not crack. He just barely escaped his enemies and after that day he decided that the war that was supposed to be with blunt weapons and delinquent style was getting cancelled. It was now a fight to the death with sharp deadly weapons. On the day of the war, Bonten was more ready than ever. Kaku-Kai on the other hand, had a lot of their members missing, something that caused them to lose that day, and since then, the gang was never seen or heard again. That day, changed Bonten and Shinjiro forever. Shinjiro was finally at the top, and his gang was now acknowledged by the black market themselves. The only issue was that the police was after him and sadly they arrested some of his allies including the gang's second in command Shinsenna. Shinjiro managed to change his facial features along with some small parts of his name and Identity and he got himself off the radar. The gang was still raising and people could no longer doubt Shinjiro at any point. He had managed to concealed his identity from the police and hide as a new person. Only few could recognize him. Other gangs now wanted to side with Bonten, and jett, only looked for the most evil and dark ones. He was now a face of pure evil blinded by his corruptness and his dark thoughts. He had lost his humanity. Only his now wife could still see any good in him and not the corrupt criminal he had become.

A gang alone, is powerful. But what happens when two of the best gangs in town meet? Great crimes are now for the cops to battle with. Triad was a cult lead by a Korean man, quite older than Shinjiro. Not many things are known about him, besides that he once lead a gang named river, and that he was now leading a much darker gang. A cult. Triad wanted chaos and destruction in town, and their main activity was sacrifices. There was a secret code between them, they were bound by a certain mark that made them stick like brothers one for another. It was the perfect gang, for Bonten to side with. Different beliefs but same motivation and goals. With Triad, Bonten reached it's full potential, It was now fulfilled and the crimes followed would shock the town. Sequence 011, was one of the Triad's dark ideas. Bonten members along with their allies, gathered at the old bakuto tunnel. Their plan went smoothly. A loud bang was heard on the Judge's door, before many masked men got in her place annd abducted her and her 13 year old daughter. The next step of their plan evolved police, a video of the kidnapping was sent to them, and alerted them to meet Triad at the tunnel where it all started. From there on the criminals asked for a ransom along with the release of the former Triad leader Johnny Ledger. A lot of time was spent there negotiating with the police, but eventually they found a crack and arrested them all. That day, Shinjiro got shot in the chest, and he was saved by EMS 50 seconds before his bleedout. Life flashed before his eyes that day as his death was seconds away. It changed him forever. His whole life, everything he ever accomplished, all could have been lost in those 50 seconds. All because police started shooting them in a dead end, no escape..

The wound, still fresh and the blood, almost not enough to keep him alive. 1 hour after his arrest, his chest patched quickly to stop the bleedout. Shinjiro was now breathing heavily inside a cell, it was his first time being in one. His at the time silver hair were resting on his face, as he stood barely unconscious grabbing on his bed's railing to stay on his feet. The voice of the commissioner himself broke the silence.. "You're in for life.. no bail for now". Was that it? No t can't be. The next few days he was transferred to some sort of high security prison. His breathing was still bad, and the wound made by a bullet on his chest was not even close to healing. He was one of the few survivors from sequence 011 who managed to be saved after the shootout. In his cell, he was given the opportunity to call many times with Karakura and give his plea for a chance of a bail. He chose to remain silent and keep training alone I'm his cell. A lot of time past, he was forgotten by most, and remembered by a few select ones. It was time... a much different Shinjuro walked slowly towards the calling room. His eyes, filled with hate, his hair, no longer dyed and healthy, just messy and damaged but what stood out the most, his body. He had trained for all that time, he was barely recognisable at this point. "I plead guilty.." Said to the phone before he hang up. Then, his routine came back to normal. Working out in a filthy cell. At some point, a bang was heard on his cell, followed by the sight of an officer standing infront of it with some keys. "Shinjiro, someone by the name Odette, paid the bail of 5 million yen, you will be set free". A corrupted individual, filled with hate and anger was transported back to Karakura. Things though could never be the same after that. He had lost everything, the few people who still believed in Shinjiro were all pushed away by Jett. Even his wife left him, after all she was never his first priority. Always a sentence in the end of a whole chapter.


Was things back to normal? How could things ever come back to normal after that. How could this happen? Jett’s mind was poisoned by his rage. Bonten changed, It got weaker. The respect for their own founder and Leader was almost dead. It was once again questioned if he was good enough. Jett's corruptness was no longer suitable for Bonten. His higherups lost the remaining respect they had for him. His plans were not appreciated by the gang. It was the downfall of Jett. Bonten higherups soon started talking about kicking jett out and getting a new leader. Tony, one of Jett's brothers was now the possible next lead. Around that time, Jett's true Identity also got revealed to the police, yet he still managed to conceal himself barely. His mind was no longer the same after the sequence 011. He became inactive and started risking people's life for his own gain. He started killing, just for the adrenaline it would give him, and within Bonten, council knew he could no longer lead. Not many things are known about his downfall, yet the gang ended up disowning him, and the new leader became KANO, his own brother Tony. From that day on, Shinjiro was alone, but it was not the time yet. He still had lots of things he wanted to achieve. Reaching the top position within gangs, was a fulfilled dream and desire. Yet crime is a cycle that doesn't end so simply. His knew goal was to become big in a new area, even greater than gangs. Black Market was now what he truly wanted to achieve position within them. Before approaching them though, Jett left Karakura..

Back where it all started, Shinjiro needed answers about his life. He returned to his birthplace, to discover his actual routes. He wanted to find himself, and also seek for his adoptive father. He looked quite alike his brothers from the Hatake family yet there was no actual evidence yet. He first went to the orphanage that took care of him before his parents adopted him. It had been a while, he was now 20 years old, and he asked them to know, who had given him up for adoption. The answers he received where misleading. A DNA test was the only way. He still had Nagato's clothes, as a memorial of his lost brother. Once the results came back, he was shocked. They were positive, and it turns out that Shinjiro was a blood related sibling of the Hatakes. He was one step closer to himself. His father was the only gap in his backstory. And that would change soon. Shinjiro knew where and how to find gang relevant people, from his own personal experience. From asking around and getting small information he learnt that his father had gone with the gang members the day they killed Shinjiro's mom. He was furious, and his mind was filled with thoughts of revenge. One night he grabbed his double blade naginata and went to find the gang. It was quite an easy task, that gang was nothing compared to Bonten. He murdered them all, one by one showing no mercy to anyone, their leader was the only one who could put up a fight. Besides his attempts Shinjiro could easily defeat him. One man was missing from the slaughter, it was his father. He asked the few people that were still alive from the gang, bleeding out and the information he got was that his dad had passed away, after a police officer shot him. His final questions were about the officer who killed his father. They knew him, and he was quite well known for going against the gang. Shinjiro left the ruins of the now dead gang after finishing off the few alive, and went straight into tracking down the police officer. With a simple bait he got him alone and stabbed him in the neck causing his death. He had now erased all of his father's side and completed the task of finding his backstory. Everything that once caused him pain was now gone, dead in front of Shinjiro's mask. He was ready for a new start, a return in town. A position among the most notorious and powerful criminals of Karakura. The black market. That was his new goal..


How much more can this story include? We made our way to the final chapter and the most recent one, after a great journey, and the final news, was finally ready to move on. Him and his brothers decided to start fresh with a new gang. To be specific, they decided to restart and gang that used to operate way back, before Shinjiro first got in town. It was named Valhalla and it is their latest project. Valhalla is a notorious group with basic motivations of domination in town. It is lead by Sasori Hatake and also founded by him. With Valhalla Shinjiro got to experience commanding criminals once again after a long time ever since Bonten betrayed him. It also helped him realize that as much as he tries, he will always be a criminal. The issue though is that Valhalla or any other gang no longer satisfies him. He wants more.. His goal to become a dealer never weakened. As much as he wants to stay in Valhalla, his heart always wants more. Regardless of all that happened though, a few people hold a dear spot in Jett's cold heart. After a while, things just stayed smooth, it seemed like this was the final move for Jett. Up until Sasori left and others took over the gang. They changed it to Mefisuto and it's beliefs changed aswell. It was no longer compatible with Jett's ideals, and his need to move to a different group grew bigger. His goals of becoming a black market dealer lit up once again.


The final chapter seems to be written from Shinjiro's point of view.
Going back to an old grave, remembering all the things I did with people who were brave, I wonder how I ended up here even though I was afraid. I used to be a good kid, easy going and quite the opposite of the dangerous man I am now. If there is one thing I learnt, from all these years is to trust only myself and my loyal dead comrades. Kanto manji gang was what really lit the fire in me, specifically my leader in that gang. He was the ideal criminal in my eyes, a form of inspiration, a goal for me to reach. After his downfall, I was what remained, a new body with the old ideas. I thrived in my own gang, with Bonten I knew I had finally reached his level, even he knew. I hadn't seen that man in ages up until that day, the day that the two leads would finally reunite. It was a regular evening, nothing special up until my phone rung. Typically I answered, only to hear the voice of the leader who I thought disappeared. I quickly got up and drove to his place, his eyes looked motivated yet he was out of shape. He looked depressed and sad, almost like a new man, nothing I'd expect from the lead I used to look up to. He got dressed in the attire of the gang I lead and his words were unexpected. He wanted to join me in the war as my partner in crime. Who would expect that his decision would take away his life. The war was a success for the gang but not for the members, the police caught us right in the act, few managed to evade prison. I was one of them, lucky people. My old friend, and leader had a different fate. The last time I saw him was when the police wrapped the cuffs around his wrists. I know he isn't dead but he isn't alive either. The grave might be empty inside but filled with grief from his absence. He is the reason my career in crime happened. He taught me everything I know. Ill end this with a picture, one very precious to me. It pictures the war, right before it started. It was one of the few moments I felt complete. I am a criminal and I don't plan on changing.


Describe an interaction that your character may have as a black market dealer:

Cathcing a third party deal

It all begun on a typical day, Jett had just sold off a big supply to a bunch of customers. It all seemed to be going normally up untill a strange phonecall from Jett's associate.

-Associate: Yo Jett, I just got offered to buy a bunch of weapons out of a random, this might be someone reselling wepons they bought.
-Jett: Hop on it, make the deal but try to sneak in a recording.
-Associate: Alright, Ill keep you updated.

Jett's associate meets up with the potential third party dealer and indeed it seems to be someone trying to make bunk out of what Jett sold earlier. With no hesitation the associate sends the secret video to Jett and calls him to the dealing spot. The third party dealer realises the setup and attempts to flee just as jett arrives. The two chase him down and sooner or later, the associate who was closer to the victim manages to restrain them. Then the two proceed to knock the victim out abducting them to a secret location to punish the victim.

*Victim wakes up scared and frightened
-Jett: You know what happens to people who sell weapons?
*Jett pulls out a katana
-Victim: No please! Don't hurt me.
*Jett would begin a recording while proceeding to stab the victim infront of him once in the chest area leaving him bleeding severly with little chances of surviving. He'd then speak in the video "This what you get for dealing my supply". He'd then close the recording uploading it on Ikigai.

After stabbing their victim the two men upped the almost lifeless body driving it to a park near plaze before calling the EMS

-Jett: Consider this your lucky day, stay out of my league.

This is a simple third party dealing perms, yet the victim was not fully killed because I believe that it's not enough motive alone to fully murder a character. In another scenario it could have aswell been a full kill.

Weapon deal.

After posting a signal for people to order, Jett woul wait at the sewer entrance outside of school for potential customers. Suddenly his phone would ring, it was his first ever customer. He quickly moved the number to a private lime before breaking the ice with his customer.

-Jett through the phone: What you need?
-Customer through the phone: Just a knife and a ballistic facemask
-Jett through the phone: Back gates, sewer entrance, be quick!
*Hungs up waiting for more

As soon as his customer arrives, Jett would appear out of the sewers wearing a dark suit and a ballistic facemask. He'd slowly approach the individual infront him asking
-Jett: What you need?
-Customer: The ballistic and the Knife order
-Jett: 285k for them two.
As the customer pays jett quickly pulled out the items handing them to the customer before disappearing from the scene waiting for more phone calls.

Getting caught by the KPD

It was a typical day like no other for Jett, casually wondering around, planning an opening with a big supply. Nothing out of the ordinary, yet it still had some risk like always. As he was getting ready to sell, replying to the first callers, he heard sirens all around his location. In quick attempts to flee, Jett climbed up out of the sewers running for his car which was parked in the streets in front of him. With the cops yelling and his anxiety growing larger and larger he kept running. Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain on his back, not quite like a bullet yet it shocked him and it hurt a lot. Shinjiro felt his legs going numb and his energy reaching it's all time low as he fell on the ground unable to move. The next words were nailed in his brain. He had heard them before yet now he knew that he was in for a good arrest. First though they patted him down, only to find a massive supply of weapons and masks.

-Police Officer: You are under arrest, we will have to ask you a few questions.

Jett was speechless as they moved him to the interrogating room. He knew the police station like the back of his hand, after all he has been in there many times. The interrogation was long and Jett refused to budge and give in any details about the black market or even his position. In the end, having kept his mouth shut, Jett was locked up for good. Going back to his old "territory" hoping to be bailed soon. He knew that snitching would bring him a more painful end, and after all those times in jail, he is now longer afraid to be locked in for a while.

Describe any other additional information that is notable in considering your character for the role of a black market dealer:
My character is a very developed criminal with lots of eperience and past in this area and I believe that it would make sense for him to be chosen icly as a black market dealer due to his past reputation as a verified gang lead as well as the big events/ crimes he has commited in town. He has been in the crime area for 2 OOC years and that grants him a lot of lore as an outlaw compared to others.


Level 266
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead

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