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Denied Judge | telepatias' Application


Level 0

In-game Name:

telepatias (This is my alt and I will be applying for the position on this account.)

Previous bans (include appeal links):
I have not been banned before.

Discord Tag:

Do you have a working microphone?:

Timezone & Country:
Pacific Time (PT) - USA

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):
Prior to my break from Minecraft, I had been accepted and played as the roles Shopkeeper, Professor, and Teacher. However, due to the fact that this was before 2019, I lost access to my old forum account and could not obtain those applications again.
Doctor Application - Pending
Spanish Application - Accepted

Describe your activity on the server:
I have played SRP since 2017 and I returned after a break from Minecraft as a whole about a month and a half ago. Since then, I have maintained my daily activity by playing for hours. I will continue to do so.


What position are you applying for?:

I am applying for the Judge position.

What is your motivation for applying?:
The field of law has always been one that interested me. Serving as a Judge for the Karakura Town Department would expand the array of roleplaying opportunities I have at the moment. I do appreciate the roleplay experience and dynamics that come with being a student however, I think of a Judge, and the Town department as a whole, as people who protect the liberties of civilians and keep everything fair. Without Judges and the sense of legal structure that is present, there would be criminals populating the city at an absurd level since there wouldn’t be any court proceedings that determine the outcome of law violations. I am fascinated by the unbiased perspective that a Judge takes to determine the result of a scenario. In a way, they enter the courtroom without having any knowledge about the case and they hear the argument of each party. In doing so, they also ****yze the critical points of each side to build their decision. In short, the ideas associated with being a Judge and what the role signifies is what particularly drew me to apply.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
Yes, I do.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
Given that the field of law commonly intertwines with history, it would be a mistake for me to entirely leave out the implications that my role could have on Karakura’s history. I hope to be able to roleplay with legal concepts like stare decisis where Judges set precedents for future decisions. This allows for the history of Karakura to expand as we record more decisions and highlight the descriptions of cases that can be even related to previous ones. In a way, serving as a Judge would give me the opportunity to shape landmark cases and further contribute to the historical records of Karakura. OOCly, I have always been very interested in the way legal systems work. As a Judge, you also have the ability to act on the idea of judicial activism. Yes, precedent will always be a prominent idea in law but as a Judge, you can find a particular balance between every judicial component. Furthermore, you can contribute to setting precedents for legal decisions while still acting on certain aspects of judicial activism. You are able to interpret and apply the Constitution’s principles based on the ongoing changes in Karakura. As Judges, it is important to take note of the historical cases that came prior; however, to ignore the ongoing changes in the city would make you a bad Judge. I want to be able to practice my ****ysis skills as I connect constitutional ideas to the different cases I am given. Factoring all of this in, I hope to serve as an intelligent Judge who is able to juggle all of these ideas while still making a lasting impact on the history of the town through my involvement in case verdicts.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
Judges act as figures that are impartial in the courtroom in order for justice to be served after they hear arguments from each party. In a way, Judges must ****yze the critical points in each argument while disregarding any bias. They have a lot of power when it comes to the procedures that occur in the actual courtroom. For example, they can either sustain or overrule objections depending on what the Judge sees fit. These are decisions that a Judge will have to act on at the moment and cannot be planned since they will decide whether an evidentiary objection being sustained would further advance the case. They must also be strong critical thinkers who are able to digest information rather quickly in order to make sure each party is not falsely stating information. Furthermore, the Judge must interpret the Constitutional principles to further apply them to their decisions and what the violations of the law were. A Judge’s duties do not solely lie in the courtroom however, they are also tasked with providing search warrants to the Police department. My role is only to provide the warrant when it is deemed necessary because there is evidence of illegal occurrences. Since one of the Judge’s most prominent and major powers is the ability to sentence, they must always be fair-minded individuals who are able to diminish any ounces of bias in case proceedings. Finally, Judges play an important role when it comes to reaching verdicts on issues that can include the civil liberties of people and the rights of marginalized groups in the community.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
Yes, I do.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
Yes, I do.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
Yes, I am.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
Yes, I have.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
Yes, I am.


Full name:

Evan Marshall

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):
Mr. Marshall

Current age:

Date of birth:
April 4, 1994


Academic Degree:
B.A. - Political Science & Statistics
M.A. - Legal Studies
J.D. - Law

Political Science, Statistics


Work experience:
“I began work straight out of school at the age of 25, working for the biggest law firm in New York at the time. Of course, I couldn’t have gotten the opportunity to work there without the internships I took on during my school breaks. I spent every summer between my sophomore year of undergraduate and my last year of law school in a fellowship or internship of some sort. Through various law firms, I was able to network with several already established attorneys while I got a glimpse into the work they performed. The majority of these work experiences required me to hold legal secretary positions and eventually, I was able to work as a Summer Associate in Miami after my first year of law school. There, I learned how to professionally draft contacts and I was exposed to many aspects of court. I participated in Mock Trials where my ability to defend clients was tested and praised by the law firm coordinators. With their assistance, I was also able to obtain letters of recommendation from them when I was applying for my first competitive judgeship at the age of 27. I landed the job, taking it over several other figures who were twice my age. I worked at the center of Kyoto for 2 years before I moved to Karakura, where I heard about the open position here and hoped to establish myself here.”

Political background:
“During my time in undergraduate, I spent several semesters being actively involved in campaigns for elections both at the state and federal levels. However, I didn’t follow the ideas of any campaign. I constantly made sure to verify the backgrounds of political figures running for elections in my city. I have always believed in justice for the population being the main focus of authorities in power and I started student-led organizations on campus to emphasize this. When current leaders were abusing their power and ignoring the concerns of minority groups, I led organizations of students to pressure litigation to be passed to help communities when they were being ignored. I constantly found myself reviewing over legal and Constitutional principles to find connections in the legal systems of current society. I was even invited on local networks to make my voice heard in terms of injustice that was being ignored around me.”

Nationality & born location:
Japanese - Nagoya, Japan

Fluent languages (Underline your native):

Criminal record:

What makes you a good candidate for this job?
“My experience both at school and work has prepared me for this position. I am fair and unbiased when it comes to achieving justice. That is because justice is for the greater good of society. I tend not to fear anything however, a world purely filled with injustice is something that does invoke a sense of fear in me. This is why I hope to become the newly hired Judge of Karakura. I want to serve as a figure that accurately interprets the ideas of the Constitution and then applies them to any case I am handed. In doing so, I will make the fairest decisions possible that provide justice for the people of Karakura. I will perform extensive research and utilize my critical thinking skills to make sure no civilian’s legal troubles are ignored in the courtroom.”
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Level 172
News Lead
Government Lead

After careful discussion with the Higher Ups of the faction, we have chosen to deny you:​
  • Another application stood out more, we appreciate your application, and you can apply again anytime!​

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