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Kaito Shirogane's Biography


Level 3
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Kaito Shirogane-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
カイト シロガネ
"You say if it doesn't rain the flowers won't grow, i'll be optimistic and take a piss on them."


♪ ♫ P L A Y L I S T ♫ ♪ [CLICK]


Basic information
"Sounds cool"
"It's cause i can be very energetic... I think"
Mr. War Criminal
"Well uh.. I unno man"
G E N D E R | Male
A G E | 20
H E I G H T | 6'1''
W E I G H T | 176Lbs, or 80Kg
B I R T H D A T E | June 24th.
"A day like any other to me."
P L A C E • O F • B I R T H | Karakura, Japan
R A C E / N A T I O N A L I T Y | Japanese - Italian
M A R I T I A L • S T A T U S | Single.
R E L I G I O N | Atheism
S E X U A L I T Y | Bisexual
O C C U P A T I O N S | College Student


Character Descriptions

Personality Traits

[] + Positive Traits + []

"How rude of them not to donate! Here's 69 yen."
"I'm sorry that you're going through this, I may not be a psychologist but if there's anything i can do to help or make you feel EVEN SLIGHTLY better, please do tell, i care about you."
"Nah I did it. I beat that guy up. Put me in detention already."
[] - Negative Traits - []

Slightly Sadistic
"I'll only be satisfied when you'll be drowning in a pool of your own blood."
Barely Empathetic
"Oh that fucker died..? Dang, what a shame, hope he's enjoyin' it down there"
Hateful towards people he doesn't like
"I sincerely hope your life ends as soon as possible in the slowest.. Most painful.. Way possible, do you understand you disgusting excuse of a human being?"
"Eh, why bother, my life's shit. It's too late to fix everything anyway."

S T R E N G T H –
P E R C E P T I O N – 5/10
E N D U R A N C E- 10/10
C H A R I S M A - 6/10
I N T E L L I G E N C E - 8/10
A G I L I T Y - 8/10
L U C K - 10/10
H E A L T H - 9/10
M O R A L I T Y - 3/10
P R I V I L E D G E - 2/10
O B J E C T I V I T Y 2/10
S A N I T Y - 5/10
S O C I A L - 7/10


Physical traits


He has a helmet with the text "Born To Kill" on it on the left side of his neck




Character Voice

"I've never met a strong person with a good past"

Kaito Shirogane had a rough childhood. He was always known for being a rebellious kid who would often cause trouble at school. He would throw stones at the principal's office, and his younger brother Yuuta would try to stop him, but to no avail. Despite his troublesome behavior, Kaito had a good heart and loved his family deeply.

When Kaito was 12 years old, his father decided to move the family to Daegu, a Korean town, for work opportunities. Kaito had a hard time adjusting to the new country and culture, but he eventually settled into a routine. He attended school and made new friends, but his rebellious nature never faded. He would often skip class and hang out with the wrong crowd, getting into trouble and causing headaches for his family.

During his time in Korea, Kaito received devastating news from home. His younger brother, Yuuta, had been involved in a gang assault and had lost his life. Kaito was devastated by the news and felt immense guilt for not being there to protect his brother. His father, who had become an abusive alcoholic, blamed Kaito for Yuuta's death, causing a rift between them.

Kaito returned to Karakura at the age of 18 years old, determined to start a new life. However, things only got worse. His father's alcoholism had worsened, and he became more abusive towards Kaito. His mother had disappeared under mysterious circumstances, and the police had no leads on her whereabouts. Kaito was left to deal with the pain and trauma on his own.

Kaito tried to get a job and contribute to the household, but his father's abuse made it difficult for him to hold down a job. One day, Kaito had enough. He snapped and killed his abusive father, unable to stand the abuse any longer. This act of violence shook Kaito to his core, but he couldn't bring himself to feel remorse for what he had done. Instead, he felt a sense of relief that he would no longer have to suffer at his father's hands.

After the death of his brother and the disappearance of his mother, Kaito struggled to find stability in his life. He moved around a lot, trying to find a place where he could belong. Unfortunately, tragedy seemed to follow him wherever he went. Many of his close friends and even some of his exes met untimely deaths due to gang violence, accidents, and other unexpected circumstances.

These losses took a toll on Kaito, causing him to become even more closed off and distrustful of others. He began to see the world as a cruel and unforgiving place, where good people were punished for no reason and the wicked thrived. It was during this time that he developed a deep-seated anger and resentment towards those who he felt were responsible for his suffering. Despite all of this, he carries on with a smile on his face, wanting to detach from his past, even if it comes back to bite him in the ass.


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