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KARAKURA NEWS | A Festive Beginning: The Dragon Enters


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A Festive Beginning: The Dragon Enters
By: Sky Hanazono Edgeworth

Happy New Year to each and every one of those who are reading this as we enter 2024! As we bid farewell to 2023, and enter the year of the Dragon with new goals, new resolutions, and new memories with our current and future loved ones, we hope that you're experiencing a delightful first week of January. In this report, we tell a story recap of the New Year’s Festival organized by the maidens and priests at Shinsei Seinaru Monastery!

By 6 PM, a very lively atmosphere was all around the shrine as the people were already gathering for the event. Families, partners, friends, or simply those wishing to see the fireworks, a sense of excitement was with all the people.

By the area where the maidens and priests reside, a tiny yet charming fortune-telling booth was set up! Offering glimpses into what the future might hold for them in 2024, some tried their luck to see what their fortunes would tell.

As the night grew, the monastery's lovely maidens took center stage, performing a ceremonial kagura dance for all. Giving blessings upon all the people that are in the monastery for the upcoming year.

Following the Maidens' performance, people moved to different places after it. Some went to the tarot hut to have their cards read. Here as well just outside the hut, a lovely explanation for the dragon kites that were around the shrine was there!

Though while some went to go get guidance from tarot readings, others made their way to the main shrine to offer prayers to the kami, seeking blessings for the year ahead.

The festival offered a lot of activities during the event honestly. Some explored stalls to purchase omamoris and lanterns, while others took the opportunity to write their wishes on the ema board- Me personally being one of them that wrote down on the boards.

But as the clock approached midnight, people all went to the bridge waiting for the grand finale, the fireworks display. The bursts of color marked the end of 2023, filling the night sky with beauty and excitement for the coming year.

As the echoes of the fireworks fade away and we leave the year 2023, despite the trials and challenges that have come and gone throughout the year, it is a new start for us all. May this Year of the Dragon bring fortune and blessings to each and every one of us. Happy New Year!


And with that, I wish you all a happy new year as well OOCly! I hope everyone would create new memories with people, via this server or in real life, enjoy life y'all! Take care and you all are amazing.

P.S Credits to my lovely IRL friend for the drawings of chibi Sky, wanted to show it off via my report :) <3

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