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KARAKURA NEWS | A look into the eye of foot fungus


Level 109

A look into the eye of foot fungus

Updated July 4th 2022 GMT​

Hey’a Karakura, It’s Tatsuo Terusuno once again. Today, I come to report on a more serious topic. Fungal disease is something that affects billions of people in the world, but today we’ll be focusing on one out of the many forms fungal infections take, foot fungus. The form of this fungal disease infects millions across the country every single year, sometimes even being chronic.

I had the honor of talking to one of Karakura’s own students to let her speak on her very own experience with foot fungus! I’ll cut to the chase and let you in on Kolva Isao’s experience.

TT: When did you first discover your foot fungus?

KI: Hmmm… Well, it was when I was real little- back when me and my mom lived outside of Karakura. I was waddlin’ around… And then I found it. At the end of my mom’s bed.

TT: How would you describe the severity of your current foot fungus?

KI: Well. I guess I’d say it’s pretty mild now. When I first got it, it was suuuuper inflammatory or something- like, it looked like my mom’s lasagna. Which. . . Is shit, by the way. Anyways, since then, it’s seemed to have deflated. I guess it’s ‘cause’a the lack of uh, nutrients…?

TT: So, you had a lack of nutrients- Which, helped the inflammation? How did’ya go about doin’ that? What did you stop or start eatin’?

KI: I don’t know. I didn’t really like, chaaange my diet, I guess? I’ve always been eatin’ the same crap! I think it’s what I was feedin’ the fungus. I used to slip it a little bit of uuuuhhhh. . . What’s that crap called? Oh! Those little. . . Fish-flake things you feed your fish. That didn’t help. Cucumber did, though!

TT: Has your battle with foot fungus affected your health, mentally? Or, physically even.

KI: Nope.

TT: Mhh, okay! What would you say, as a piece of advice to the brave citizens out there who are fighting the same battle, the battle against foot fungus!

KI: Never forget where 'ya came from. Also, be real careful when pickin' fungus off of your mom's toes. She got really grumpy when I did.

TT: Okaaaaaay. . .. .. Thank you for your time today, but I think that's all I neeeeeeed!

I got to see the disease up close, thanks to Kolva carrying it around in a little bag. But, besides that! I am very glad I got to speak with someone who knows so much about it all, I hope that the words of this young student will help others who face the battle. This has been Tatsuo Terusuno, reporting from the very sunnyside town of Karakura. See you next time!


Level 217
i can only imagine Nakahara taking off his glasses and rubbing his eyes reading this

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