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Karakura News | A New Monastery Supervisor


Level 130

Hello there Karakura! Today I’ve secured myself an interview with Mayor Kiyoko Akai. Known to most, she is the most recent Mayor of Karakura, but what you may not know is that she is now the supervisor of the Shinsei Seinaru Monastery. In this interview, I ask some questions about the shrine's future. Wonder where this will go? You can listen to the recording below!

Recording Started

NK: Hello there, this is Nobuyuki from Karakura News, here with Mayor Kiyoko Akai! Today I'll be asking some questions about her new position as the monastery lead… So, Kiyoko, tell me about your position. . what is it exactly that someone in your position does here at the monastery?

KA: Due to the departure of the previous leader of the Shrine, The amazing people here were left without leadership... Continuing their duties, however, they didn't have anyone specific to guide them for hosting festivals, or other large-scale events that involve the public.. That is where I came in. I wasn't born religious, nor was I involved in any religions growing up, however, Shintoism has really grown on me. I've learned to embrace their traditions and support the staff here.

NK: That's wonderful. How do the current priests and maidens feel about the change in leadership?

KA: I believe they've taken it well! I've been trying to adapt to it as best as I can, however, it's been a bit of a learning curve but I hope I'm doing good for them!

NK: Ah, I'm glad! I've interviewed a priest in the past, they're nice people... Ah, back to the point. What are your current plans for the future of the monastery?

KA: My current plans, they are to almost keep everything as is, I plan to do some small re-modeling of certain areas, but as well as planning events and such for the future, that'll hopefully keep the shrine going strong.

NK: Wow! I can't wait to see the changes that are made... Are you able to elaborate on what some of these events will be?

KA: I plan on hosting the autumnal equinox festival in a short while, you can expect that before October, then we'll be more open to new things in October.

NK: Hmm.. I'll definitely be attending. . maybe I'll even do a report about that. How about you? How do you balance your mayoral position and your monastery leadership?

KA: I mainly find myself leaning on the Mayoral position, however, I don't let either or conflict on the other, so when focusing on my Shrine duties, I don't let my Mayoral position get in the way.

NK: That sounds like a lot of work, but I'm sure you can balance it. Last question, are you confident that you can bring the shrine to it's full-potential while occupied with mayoral duties and little background in Shintoism?

KA: Indeed, I couldn't be more confident, I trust each and every person that works here alongside me, we all get on fantastically well, and we work amazingly as a team! I implore you to come to our next festival to check it out!

NK: I definitely will!

Recording Stopped

Of course, I can’t just take one perspective on this whole matter. To get another side of the story, I interviewed Ms. Ukiyo, the Naishoten of the Shinsei Seinaru Monastery. Tune in to listen to her side of the story as well!

Recording Started

Hello Karakura, this is Nobuyuki Kurihara from Karakura News! We're here with Ms. Ukiyo from the Shinsei Seinaru Monastery. . So, Ms. Ukiyo, what exactly is your role here at the monastery?​

MU: Well I am a Naishoten, it is kinda like for simple terms a manager of the Miko or shrine maidens. I do a lot of the same stuff as them though.​

NK: That sounds like a big job! I'm assuming that you're occasionally in charge of events here at the monastery as well?

MU: Yes, that would seem to be the case until we get a full-time lead of our dear monastery here. But we are a team here and do a lot to help each other. With the most recent lantern festival, I was in charge of leading the Kagura that we did.​

NK: Ah, I didn't get to attend that one, I had some business to attend to... But I hope to attend the next... Anyways, how do you feel about the new monastery supervisor for the time being? Mayor Kiyoko Akai?

MU: Love her! She does a very good job at helping us out, and the staff here are doing a good job at working with her as well as teaching her more about Shintoism. She is the main reason that the Lantern festival even happened in the first place.​

NK: Oh, you're teaching her about Shintoism? She stated in our interview that she doesn't have a Shinto background, but she's enjoying learning more about it.. How do you feel about that?

MU: I am perfectly fine with it. Not everyone has lived their life with Shintoism in it. It is our job at this monastery to educate the public and all that are interested. I am sure she has done a lot of self-studies as there is a lot of literature about Shintoism around the monastery's grounds.​

NK: That's great! Has she made any extreme changes to the monastery yet?

MU: I would say no. I think she is still trying to figure out things that could be changed or that should be. She is still feeling the waters a bit, so to speak.​

NK: Hmm... Last question. Do you feel that your fellow monastery staff are supportive of her as well?

MU: I have noticed no murmurs or dislike of Miss Akai from any of the staff. Honestly, I think they are all just happy to have someone with public interest bringing eyes to the monastery. It is really all I want that is for sure.​

NK: That's good! I'm excited to see the future changes that are made, and more importantly, the public opinion on Mayor Akai's position. That will be all, thank you so much for subjecting yourself to this interview.

Recording Stopped

Nobuyuki Kurihara
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