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KARAKURA NEWS | Akira Hatake's Campaign Speech!!


Level 43
Lore Team

Today, Akira Hatake made a speech, he’s our fourth candidate running for the role of Deputy Mayor this time! Not only is he a Governor over at the Town Hall, but he also used to be in the Army and served time for us! He’ll tell you more in the following audio.

[The video of Akira played, the text written underneath the video]

Now before the real fun begins, I wanted to say a few words about what this event is all about. Let me just say, it is always an honor speaking to you all and I am very glad to be hosting this course! But I just wanted to explain to you what the true reason is behind this cool event. Mental health is one of the biggest silent killers not only in our town but nationwide. I know that many people here if not most, have suffered due to this silent killer. As an army man, my service caused me great trouble after I left. The stuff I saw over there was… Inhumane. Sometimes it’s easy to forget the things that haunt you until it all comes flooding back. I thought I had gotten rid of them for good, but something happened and they just came back.

Despite that, I am working day after day to cope, thanks to our incredible Psychiatrists. Mental health is a big problem, people are scared to open up because they are scared of being shut down, thus they bottle it up. All it does is build up anger, sadness, and depression until it just comes out and hurts the people around you. Bottling it up is the worst thing anyone could possibly do. So I urge any of you who are currently suffering from this, to reach out. Reach out to a friend, family member, or anyone you can trust. Do not suffer in silence.

Now, exiting that note. During and after the obstacle course I will have a booth where you can come to me and ask any questions you want to be answered. The obstacle course is a symbol of my service, and I hope it can bring you a bit of release from your own worried minds. Thank you for your time and enjoy the course!

[The recording ended]

After the speech came to an end, the course was opened for the citizens to attempt to complete it for FREE! With a night full of fun, who do you think is going to win the election and become the Deputy Mayor? Who are you going to vote for Deputy Mayor? Don’t forget to vote!!

Do you have something you’d like reported?
Call the reporter hotline! - (020) 980-4487


Level 107

Today, Akira Hatake made a speech, he’s our fourth candidate running for the role of Deputy Mayor this time! Not only is he a Governor over at the Town Hall, but he also used to be in the Army and served time for us! He’ll tell you more in the following audio.

[The video of Akira played, the text written underneath the video]

Now before the real fun begins, I wanted to say a few words about what this event is all about. Let me just say, it is always an honor speaking to you all and I am very glad to be hosting this course! But I just wanted to explain to you what the true reason is behind this cool event. Mental health is one of the biggest silent killers not only in our town but nationwide. I know that many people here if not most, have suffered due to this silent killer. As an army man, my service caused me great trouble after I left. The stuff I saw over there was… Inhumane. Sometimes it’s easy to forget the things that haunt you until it all comes flooding back. I thought I had gotten rid of them for good, but something happened and they just came back.

Despite that, I am working day after day to cope, thanks to our incredible Psychiatrists. Mental health is a big problem, people are scared to open up because they are scared of being shut down, thus they bottle it up. All it does is build up anger, sadness, and depression until it just comes out and hurts the people around you. Bottling it up is the worst thing anyone could possibly do. So I urge any of you who are currently suffering from this, to reach out. Reach out to a friend, family member, or anyone you can trust. Do not suffer in silence.

Now, exiting that note. During and after the obstacle course I will have a booth where you can come to me and ask any questions you want to be answered. The obstacle course is a symbol of my service, and I hope it can bring you a bit of release from your own worried minds. Thank you for your time and enjoy the course!

[The recording ended]

After the speech came to an end, the course was opened for the citizens to attempt to complete it for FREE! With a night full of fun, who do you think is going to win the election and become the Deputy Mayor? Who are you going to vote for Deputy Mayor? Don’t forget to vote!!

Do you have something you’d like reported?
Call the reporter hotline! - (020) 980-4487
Knew it.

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