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KARAKURA NEWS | Chaos in the Courtroom!


Level 14

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Commissioner Martinez down?!

During the recent court case Fushiguro v KPD, during Commissioner Martinez’ speech, he suddenly collapsed sending the place into shock. During the chaos of people shouting in hope the Commissioner had passed, Governor Sturm rushed to his aid and took charge. Quickly getting the unconscious Commissioner out of the crowded area. She then took him to the Hospital. Quickly returning to her Governor duties at the Trial.

While I was waiting in the hospital waiting to hopefully get an interview with Commissioner Martinez, I spoke with an EMS worker who was On Duty at the time. She stated that, “Could be anything, overworking can take a large toll on the body when given a chance to. You can fight it all you want, but your body will shut down if it needs to. Could be a lack of sugar, anything really. Too vague of symptoms to know.”

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Interview with Sturm

I got a chance to speak Sturm herself, she stated, her thought process went along the lines of, “Down goes Ernesto. Nobody was moving except that one Officer, so I went in.” When asking if she was afraid, she claimed she was partially afraid. Stating, “Right before you check someone’s pulse, you prepare. Are they going to be cold?”

Do you have something you wish to let us know about? Give us a ring!
(030)-980-4487 (P.S. No, I will not be picking up calls about your life problems, I'm looking at you Blaire Togomi.)

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