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Karakura News | Commissioner Interview


Level 72
CommIssIoner IntervIew.gif

Umeda Kame

Alright, folks! Since the tragic death of the ex-commissioner, a new one came into the office! Today I’m giving you guys a little insight on his thoughts and opinions about things. As well as a few personal questions!

U.K: "Cool cool!" Pressed the red button on her phone screen. She placed her phone on the side of the couch. "Kay, Soo... What's ya full name and formal position and stufff...?""

Y.S: "Yonio Schwartz, current Commissioner of the Karakura Police Department, oh- and I'm also 35

U.K: "Cool coool.. So, what's 'ya overall opinion on the job? Is it stressful? Or is it like, sup'a dup'a easy."

Y.S: "Well . . . I can feel that the role of Commissioner has heavily restricted my movement in the force to mostly office work and paperwork. However, it's not really that stressful. I mean - Of course, I haven't been here for that long, so I can't really- have a say in that, but so far so good, I guess."

U.K: "Darrn, no more fightin' cool crime as much huh... In your perspective, do you think everyone likes 'ya as the new commissioner?"

Y.S: "Ssss... Well, I can say that many people admired Reizo; After all, he was the one who got KPD out of the trash hole that the previous corrupt commissioner got us all into. However, I guess I can say that I haven't heard anyone call us" Pigs "In a long while. Guess that's a nice thing." he chuckled

U.K: "I mean, I'd only assume so! Mmm... What new policies are you plain' on implementin'? Anythin' worth mentionin'?"

Y.S: "Well... Most of this will be announced in a public meeting with the mayor, though it's certainly taking a while, so I may as well just say it now. So far, we've successfully implemented the bat and ballistic masks change where we'll no longer ask for a photo, since that was straight-up dumb, if you allow me to say so. Besides, we also reworked some other sentences in regards to popular demand; We have changed the driving punishments related to poor driving skills to fines instead of arrests, and finally, FINALLY, we've gotten rid of the sentence for possessing unprescribed medication. This one has been replaced with a fine. That way, citizens may feel safer out there whenever they see a cop."

U.K: "Oh em gee, Mist'a Schwarz that last one was the best thing 'ya could ev'a think of! I would'a hated bein' arrested just for not havin' a slip of pap'er! I'm sure people are goin' to love these new policies! From the recent death of passed commissioner,-"

U.K: "What would your opinion on crime ov'a all stand at?"

Y.S: "Criminality. . ." would let out a long 'hmmm',"Well, that's a broad term. Personally, I think that criminality SEEMS to be lowering down, at least in regards to gangs. This is something good, but we can't be too confident. Actually -this is only a work-in-progress system, but we're planning on introducing a system where we'll inform citizens every month about the current state of the city. We'll give recommendations depending on the level of emergency that the city is undergoing."

U.K: "Oh man, you must be workin' ya booty off. Props to 'ya! As EMS and police work so close togeth'a, what's 'ya overal opinion of 'em bein there for yall?"

Y.S: "Can't deny that they've been really helpful. Not only when it came to saving officers, but citizens as a whole. If it wasn't thanks to them, our" Protect "Part from the Protect-And-Serve quote wouldn't be possible."

U.K: "Okay, last two questions, promise! Sooo.... What recent pomotions are 'ya lookin forward to?"

Y.S: "Promotions... I don't know if you mean cadet ones or current officers. Anyhow - I can't really reveal that since here we'd like to keep it a surprise, though all I'm gonna say is that if they're actively going out on patrols and having a great-"-performance, they should expect to be rewarded for it."

U.K: "What I expected... Now to dig away from the work life, what's 'ya off-duty life like?"

Y.S: "Ahm... Well, I can't really say I have that much of a... Social life, you know. You see- I used to have some friends 'n family around here, but since my... Well, since some stuff happened, I decided to move away for a while. So . . the only people that - I could really hang out with and feel a sense of belonging with, are other off-duty officers."



U.K: "Its fine!"

Y.S: "Okay, what were you saying."

U.K: "I hadn't had the time to ask the last question, ahha!"

U.K: "So the last question I got's for you is... Whats 'ya overall opinion on Karakura as a whole, as well as the citizens, government, and schooling system."

Y.S: "A long one, eh?" He'd take a while to respond, thinking of a good answer he could give, saying "Well, it is obviously not the best place to live in, that's for sure. However, I've grown to be attached to this city. This is where I grew up, met my first love, and got to develop myself as a person."

U.K: ". . . Alright! Thank you soo much!”

And that's practically it for this report. . ! Let's all give great thanks to Yonio for stepping up to the commissioner position and hope he does well

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