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KARAKURA NEWS | Drunk Santa Claus during a public event


Level 30
Topic written by Akiko Nakamura (WhiteSnowy1737)

December 22, 2023

Ahh. Santa Claus, a beautiful, friendly, friendly image and most importantly the joy of many children, definitely a figure who is always calm and that everyone can replicate, or is that so?

Event day

So, at an event to talk to Santa Claus, many were surprised by his attitude, where he was extremely rude, rude and not to mention that he vomited on the poor children who just wanted to make a wish, or when they weren't dirty, they were insulted by him.

It was supposed to be a nice event, everyone excited to sit on Santa's lap and telling everything that they want to get in christmas day.
Was supposed to be a special day, a day that would mark his life. After all, you made a wish to Santa Claus, but after a while, Santa Claus got a bottle of an alcoholic drink, and kept drinking it during the event.
He had a gun from one of the officers for safety, but there came a point where the officers had to ask for the gun back to prevent him from doing anything worse.

This was definitely not an attitude this guy should have taken for doing "The Santa Clause".

Now going to Interviews.
  • Interview about what Karakura people thinked about drunk Santa:
  • Everyone was interviewed Friday 12/22/2023
  • Nº1 - Etsuko Hozumi Misono
  • “Yeah, um. . I didn’t noticed before, but he was really, really drunk. . His eyes were even red upon closer glance..
    He seemed like the guy who didn’t really want to fit in the role of santa. .”
  • Nº2 - Andy ‘Adachi’ Arya
  • “It was sight to see.
    Kinda creepy as well…
    Well… he was… Not the best… He was cussing a lot, and was cleary drunk
    I remember screaming at him to stop cussing there are kids there, and cops were there too”

  • Nº3 - Sakura Nakazumi
  • “Well.. About that- didn’t feels so good, he held the bottle in his hand, and keep drinking that-
    And he says bad words too.. I guess he is not exemplary santa.”


Level 137
Wonderful report - This Santa Clause story already worried me on Onrain - this really went of the rails. Who organized that person anyways?

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