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KARAKURA NEWS: Every job, Shop, Business & Spending Location


Level 86

Jim Kaede Yasushi - January 30, 2022. - 3.9C | 39.1 F

Shops and jobs, nothing new, right? We all seen them, perhaps you even have a job. Some shops are manually run, while some you get to just pick up an item and go. But what are these jobs? Where are they? Who runs them? Thats what will be mentioned.
(all jobs mentioned are LEGAL, no mention of anything other as we wish to not get a lawsuit.)

Please note, that the statuses of each shop may change depending on when Owner decide to open applications or have new owners in place. Some shops will not be named due to massive construction changes, new business, or no label outside their building. If you wish to be added or for something to be updated, contact us on Onrain.

The shopping district is rightfully titled for its name, as majority of Karakura’s jobs are located here. If you take the Shinboshu subway station, youll no doubt miss the 10+ shops that are bundled up in this location. We’ll be going in no specific order, simply listing off every location and what type of shop they are.. We also did a survey to rate each shop out of 5 stars.

KISSAKO KARAKURA - Restaurant & Bar: 3.5 Public rating

Hiring status: Closed

Coordinates: 1772 17 550
HARECUTS - Barbershop: 4.3 public rating

Hiring status: Closed

Coordinates: 1843 17 563
YEOBO - Sweets shop: 4.5 Public rating

Hiring status: OPEN!

Coordinates: 1826 18 546
LA CASA NOSTRA - Restaurant, gambling & Bar: 4.2. Public rating

Hiring status: Closed

Coordinates: 1800 17 645
SHIZUKESA - Bar & Restaurant: 4.6 Public rating

Hiring status: Closed

Coordinates: 1786 17 646
KORIBUREKU BAKERY - Cafe: 4.7 Public Rating

Hiring status: Closed

Coordinates: 1736 17 691
SHINBOSHI SAYAKA - Smoke & Liquor: 3.7 Public Rating

Hiring status: Closed

Coordinates: 1737 17 706
ONIQLO TAILORING - tailoring businesses: 5 public Rating

Hiring status: Varies per company.

Coordinates: 1739 17 740
MIYAGE-HIN MATO - Gifts & accessories: 3.8 Public Rating

Hiring status: Closed

Coordinates: 1689 17 756
HANAKOTOBA - Gifts & Accessories: 4.1 Public Rating

Hiring status: Closed

Coordinates: 1689 17 730
FLORAL BUST - Florist: 4.9 Public Rating

Hiring status: Closed

Coordinates: 1690 17 705
KARAKURA BANK: 4.0 Public Rating

Hiring status: Closed

Coordinates: 1687 17 676
STRAYS - Bar: 5.0 Public Rating
Hiring status: Closed

Coordinates: 1645 17 645
SAYONARA GIFT-SHOP - Gifts & accessories: 4.7 Public Rating

Hiring status: Closed

Coordinates: 1603 17 638
JOI-KON - Gaming & trends: 4.0 Public Rating

Hiring status: Closed

Coordinates: 1602 17 552
OTAKAYA - Gothic & Trends: 4.3 Public Rating

Hiring status:

Coordinates: 1642 17 546
AUFFALLEN - Accessories and Fashion: 4.9 Public rating

Hiring status:

Coordinates: 1679 17 546

[!] - recording starts -

[Yasushi]: “state your name and which shop you run”

[???]: “Yejun Tashiro Ukiyo, I own Yeobo”

[Yasushi]: “How long have you ran Yeobo, and or owned it?”

[Ukiyo]: “A couple years now … I think. Its bee nawhile”

[Yasushi]: “Right, what exactly do you sell?”

[Ukiyo]: “Sweets, mostly. We do sell alcohol and we offer arcade games as well; Which im glad tp say, we are the first shop to do. Apparently it was such a good idea, others began doing it as well”

[!] Ukiyo giving a small chuckle is heard [!]

[Yasushi]: “Understood. How often do you have employee applications open, Miss Ukiyo?”

[Ukiyo]: “Not very often; once every couple of months. We actually have then open now but they close soon”

[Yasushi]: “Ah? Good to know, how many applications do you get, would you say on average, per opening?”

Ukiyo]: “Typically between twenty to thirty”

[Yasushi]: “Right, has anyone tried to steal from your place before?”

[!] yet another chuckle i heard by Ukiyo [!]

[Ukiyo]: “Yes, actually. Someone tried stealing a cakepop once .. one of our employees jumped over the counter, chased them out, tackles them, and got it back. I think of our employees as a sort of family, theyre very dedicated to their jobs and I believe they have a fun time doing it as well”

[Yasushi]: “Loyal as well, I see. Do you think theres a possible lack of jobs currently in karakura? Causing such a high application rate when you do open?”

[Ukiyo]: “I think theres plenty of jobs in Karakura at the moment. Teenagers and young adults just lack the motivation to pt the effort into applying for jobs higher up on the.. Erm .. food chain. I suppose”

[Yasushi]: “oh? Is that so? understood . when accepting applications, what do you look for?”

[Ukiyo]: “Good attitude, genuine reason to work, high worth ethic .. just basic things, my manager and I arent too strict”

[Yasushi]: “Can you elaborate on what you mean by ‘genuine reason to work’? What does that look like too you?”

[Ukiyo]: “We dont look for applicants who answer in such a way .. “Im bored. I want something to do”. If you need money, just say it. Id you simply like the shop and want to gain more experience, thats fine too. We just need to know that they have the corrupt motivation, meaning theyll actually come into work. Does that make sense?”

[Yasushi]: “Yes, thank you. One last thing, anything you like to say before I end this?”

[Ukiyo]: “Nope, you covered everything you needed surely during the interview itself.”

[!] recording end

As you can see, I was lucky enough to run across a shop keeper while in the process of collecting photos for this article. As heard, Ukiyo claims a contrasting argument towards the public, claiming there ISNT a job issue or shortage and that simply young adults & teenagers are lazy. So on contrary of this statement, I did another survey. instead of this time asking for how someone would rate a shop, I asked if they believe theres a work shortage.

This was the response:
"Hm, interesting question. I'd say.. yes! I'm currently employed at Joi-Kon, yet I had to switch my position due to there never being enough shifts available for me." - Marilyn Tominaga, age 18

"Well OBVIOUSLY theres an issue .. wait til all these kids grow up! the population in karakura right now heavily has more teachers .. once they grow up theyll certainly be even LESS jobs!" -Miyahara Mishimi, age 24

"yeah." - Johnson Millwell. age 17

Beside the shopping district, we have what come call Mechanic Ally with two decently known locations regarding the area. Typically also associated with crime, this are a consists of Karakura's main car related shops and even a bowling ally.

AUTOS - Cars & Bikes: 3.5 Public rating

Hiring status: closed

Coordinates: 1633 16 680
HARADA MOTOR PARTS - Vehicle parts: 4.0 Public rating

Hiring status: closed

Coordinates: 1651 18 687
BOBCATS BOWLING ALLEY - Icecream & games: 4.1 Public rating

Hiring status: closed

Coordinates: 1623 17 711

Nearby, is one singular area .. along the one of the streets that run by shopping district.

URADORI LANDRETTE - Laundry: 3.1 Public rating

Hiring status: closed

Coordinates: 1565 17 666

Surrounding Karakura Highschool, several locations that are easy accessible to students are prominent and easy to afford as well.

7/11 - Retail & food: 4.9 Public Rating

Hiring status: closed

Coordinates: 1929 17 981
FAMILY STORE” - School Supplies & Food: 4.5 Public Rating

Hiring status: closed

Coordinates: 1492 17 866
YUASA AUCTION - Public Auction: 4.7 Public Rating

Hiring status: closed

Coordinates: 1291 17 981
ROBERT SMITH’s - Fishing: 5.0 Public Rating

Hiring status: closed

Coordinates: 1940 17 841

Near the Karakura Coast, it is no surprise here there is a large number of jobs and locations as well, especially at the Board walk.

KARAKURA POST OFFICE - Mail: 3.8 Public Rating

Hiring status: closed

Coordinates: 1398 17 1234
MIHIYO - Convenience store: 4.1 Public Rating

Hiring status: closed

Coordinates: 1420 17 1231
KARAKURA MARINE RESERVATION - Gift shop & Aquarium: 3.1 Public Rating

Hiring status: closed

Coordinates: 1446 17 1334
AISU’s ICE! - Sweets: 3.9 Public Rating

Hiring status: closed

Coordinates: 1334 20 1405
KANAO's BIG WAVE~ - Beach supplies: 4.3 Public Rating

Hiring status: closed

Coordinates: 1307 201407
ROTASU MUSIC - Music equipment: 4.7 Public Rating

Hiring status: closed

Coordinates: 1238 20 1414
IGEN’NOARU - Regality Items: N/A Public Rating

Hiring status: OPEN?

Coordinates: 1737 17 1343
NOTE: Not finished shop yet
MINAKO PROPERTY LTD - Real-Estate: 3.5 Public Rating

Hiring status: closed

Coordinates: 1779 17 1345
MOKATO - Alcohol: 4.5 Public Rating

Hiring status: closed

Coordinates: 1350 17 1317
LIGHTNING ELECTRONICS - electronic devices: 4.6 Public Rating

Hiring status: closed

Coordinates: 1363 17 1184

Lastly but not least, I will go more in depth with Karakura’s main or most paying jobs. I did not include shopkeepers as I believe most of this article as is mentioned them.


Hiring status:

-Priests needed
-Maidens needed


Coordinates: 2036 83 585
KARAKURA HIGH & COLLEGE: 3.5 Public Rating

Hiring status:

-Caretaker needed
-Receptionist needed

Professors Needed

SALARY: 250-550k yen

Coordinates: 1473 17 1007

Hiring status:

-Officers needed

SALARY: 300-400k yen

Coordinates: 1584 17 1248

Hiring status:

-Reporters needed

SALARY: 225k yen

Coordinates: 1293 17 1248
KARAKURA HOSPITAL: 4.1 Public Rating

Hiring status: closed

SALARY: estimated 100K+

Coordinates: 1251 17 951

Hiring status:

-Lawyer needed
-Governor needed

SALARY: 250k yen

Coordinates: 1584 17 1248

I also have here an interview with two KPD cadets to tell me abit about their job and how they feel ..

[!] - recording starts -

[Yasushi]: “State your name for the recording .. cadet ‘blank’ works fine if need be.”

[???]: “Cadet Watson, Amy Watson”

[???]: “Hank Schofner, cadet. A pleasure.”

[Yasushi]: “Well cadets, seeing the article im writing .. why dont you tell me, why did you choose to go into KPD, hm?”

[!] -odd paper tearing and flapping noises is heard -

[Cadet Watson]: “Ahh .. thats a tough question. I suppose id have to say it would be to further my experience in the city and help people while im at it. Ive always had an interest in crime and mystery novels so .. I suppose that developed into an interest in actual police work, leading me here many years later!”

[Cadet Schofner]: “Well uhh.. Ive been in law enforcement for a while now, just relocated.”
[!] a squeak of a chair is heard .. then foot steps [!]

[Cadet Schofner]: “That bird”

[???]: chirp

[Yasushi]: “Understood .. are you aware of what your quotas look like for KPD yet, or have you not gotten that far?”

[!] - a sigh off to the side is heard -

[Cadet Schofner]: “He (the bird) is shredding the pamphlet papers”


[Yasushi]: “Im assuming your experience in law enforcement elsewhere, wasnt in rural or forest areas.. Was it?”

[Cadet Schofner]: “yeah, no. Was a city concrete jungle kid if you will”

[Yasushi]: “i can tell”

[Bird?]: “RAHHHH. CRAW! CRAW!”

[Cadet Schofner]: “is this normal!?”

[Yasushi]: “For a bird, a wild animal, yes”

[!] rustling is heard as the bird .. began to peck and proad at one of the officers? A lot of shooing can be heard off to the side -

[Yasushi]: “...Should I repeat my question, Officer Watson?”

[Cadet Watson]: “hm?”

[!] -bird .. wings.. Flapping noises-

[Cadet Schofner]: “AHH-”

[Yasushi]: “..ill just repeat myself”

[Yasushi]: “Ahem. .. are you aware of what your quotas look like for KPD yet, or have you not gotten that far?”

[!] -a lot of grabbing and moving is heard.. -

[Bird?]: “RAHHH. CAW CAW!!’

[Cadet Schofner]: “Shoo!!”

[Cadet Watson]: “Although we don't receive them during training, I've see what they (quotas) look like. And they're quite generous, by completing our duties on a regular basis the quotas are not too demanding. Stuff like patrol and training. They're not too hard to reach”

[!] noise of something hitting the wall .. hard is here

[Cadet Schofner]: “God damn.”

[Cadet Schofner]: “ . . .”

[Yasushi]: “Right, thank you-”

. . .

[Yasushi]: “Are you aware of what a normal salary looks like as a KPD officer?”

[!] insert a lot a long pause and seemingly, based off the audio recording, one of the cadets ran around trying to the .. bird .. soon a quick photo snap was heard followed by other officers coming in [!]

[Officer ???]: “its.. Not even inside anymore!”

[Cadet Schofner]: “Woke up is pecking at my feet, no clue” (said loudly into radio?0

[Officer ???]: “Fling it back outside!”

[Cadet Watson]: “ah, (officer) hitoshi! Yes, this one”

[Bird?]: “RAHHH,.. AHH!!”

[Officer ???]: “. . .

[Officer ???]: “You can LEAVE if youre going to be louuudd” (to bird)

[Yasushi]: “Anyway .. did you hear my question, Watson?”

[Cadet Watson]: “I have been informed I cannot disclose that information sir.”

[!] -shoving is heard-

[Officer ???]: “do you have rabieess…..”

[Cadet Schofner]: “Probably”

[Officer ???]: “Eeww.. you should get that checked”

[!] a quick ‘ouch!’ is heard before more rustling -

[Officer ???]: “ . . . “

[Officer ???]: “what is wrong with you!”

[Yasushi]: “ah I see. No worries, I know how to get that later.. With thatm im obligated to ask one last thimg/ Do you have anything youd like to say before I leave?”

[!] -metal detectors going off .. wrestling? Rustling? Screeching?!”

[Cadet Schofner]: “I got it!

[Cadet Watson]: “If youre interested in joining KPD. apply! Nothing to loose”

[!] recording HAPPILY ended

On the well known social media site Onrain, you may remember awhile back us asking you what jobs youd like to see in Karkaura, in addition to the pre-existing ones. Along with this, also what types of shops the audience would like. Here is their responses:

Wakabayashi Uso @Wakabayoshi
"A Gym"

Marilyn Tominaga @FadedMoonlight
"It would be cool if we had a Fire Department, so that the cops don't have to rush into fires with improper equipment and get serious illnesses"

Romeo Miyahara @Loverboy
"Daycares? Or construction workers"

Yato Kurose @PrettyBoi
"Daycares would be nice so that kids had a place to go afterschool if they dont have a place"

Frank Novuston @SimpleFisherman
"Fire department or daycare seem like good choices for what this town needs"

Acie H. O'Sullivan @AcieDatboi
" bear sanctuary to protect the bears"

Arisu Mishimi @ariririsu
"A zoo and zookeeper! Oh, but it depresses me to see animals in cages... KARAOKE BARS! FIRE STATION! CINEMA!"

Adeline @Blu
"Rangers, Dentists. A Daycare would seem usless, as Karakura resides of mostly Highschool/College students because of Karakura High."

Atra Benevento @Oxymoronic
"Park/forest rangers, car dealers.."

Jane Genesis @PunkRocker
"a cinema would be sick tho"

Minoru Laurent @colormyworld
"I would love an arts and crafts store! Wait I don't think I quite understood the question... Er, farming! Anything agriculture!"

Kayn Santarossa @KaynMilfHunter

Eva Adamec @eggs

As shown, the top two most requested jobs here are for Karakura to have a fire department, along with forest rangers .. or arguably a branch of KPD that are like Game Warden officers to patrol the Karakura wilderness.


Currently, Karakura has 12 prominant businesses and indurstries that have been officialized by the Karakura governmnet. Here is what they are, and what they do.


Kirigaya Inc. is a company started by Sea Kirigaya with the goal of creating a long-lasting and active corporation to operate in Karakura. The company has been put into Sea’s family name to have it more recognized publicly. Kirigaya Incorporated is always growing and looking to home new/old businesses

Initially, the purpose of the company was to harbor new businesses and old ones alike, but with Sea Kirigaya stepping down, his old friend, Neo Corvid has taken over changing the direction of the company towards the film industry, bringing birth to the subsidiary Saisei Studios

Interested in selling your business or creating one of your own under us? Feel free to contact any executive.

The KSPF (Karakura Shinto Preservation Foundation) is a non-profit fundraising and charitable foundation founded by Ryuu Tashiro. We are dedicated to raise money and attention to the Shinsei Seinaru Monastery, and overall work towards improving shrine activity. This charity will host many fundraisers, events, and help improve the quality of shrine tourism in Karakura. Want to help on our mission? Come apply to work with us on our many events!

Bijutsu Inc is a business tailored for the arts. Passed down to Daichi Yamazaki by his father, he now strongly holds ownership of the business. Bijutsu Inc has been passed down the Yamazaki family lineage for decades, being one of the largest family owned businesses in Karkura, Japan. With plans of passing it on to his daughter, Daichi now strives to become a wealthier and bigger business. His appreciation of the arts is what got him here as its been a passion for most in the Yamazaki family. Bijutsu Inc concerns the arts, a big factor for most in modern life. From tailoring to photography, it has some of the biggest forms of art in Karakura. The company believes in making the arts thrive in Karakura and all across Japan. They will work hard to make any of your desires for the arts come true.

Cartier is a business that includes Tailors, Artists, Builders, and Models. Founded in Sweden by two grandparents it has been running since then, moving to Karakura the transfer of ownership has been rocky within the system but overall Eve Cartier has remained the primary owner. Her managers working alongside her keep this family business pure and, managed rather perfectly. With great people with many different talents and statuses, Eve, alongside the Cartier staff welcome you with unique products of all kind.

Celestial & CO is a company formed and maintained by the leads of the Celestial family for generations, specialising in manufacturing and supplying accessories for its associate business, Harecuts, alongside specially tailoring outfits to requested standards. Recently falling into the hands of Yumi Jaibatsume, owner of the Harecuts branches to continue its work and expand upon what is already formed, hoping to make Karakura and all places where business is situated a brighter more colourful place to live by providing you with the best quality items to accessorise yourself with.

Akihito Loans offers a temporary solution when you have a lack of funds. Simply take out a loan, use the cash, and pay us back over time. We offer payment plans, debt collection, and a wide variety of loan options that can range from small to large amounts. Money isn't always easy and taking out a loan can help with immediate payments such as rent. So what are you waiting for? Give us a call.

SUPURATTO! is a small company started by Seiun Igarashi that is dedicated to bringing the life to parties, and putting on the best tunes to get you moving. Do you have an upcoming event that needs the hype? Are you a party-goer that wants to keep up with the latest high-energy playlists? Or are you just someone who has an ear for good music? Join us and stay up-to-date, or even apply to be apart of our team!

Saiky Corporation, or Saiky CORP. for short, is a family company owned by the Saiky family and was founded by Eikichi Saiky. Due to the increasing number of Saiky’s trained in medicine, the family focuses their business ideas around medicine. The company’s main focus is private healthcare and accessory distribution. The headquarters of this company is in Cambridge, the United Kingdom, as Eikichi is currently residing there

Miyata Enterprises Corporation is a multinational Japanese conglomerate headquartered in Nihonbashi-Kayabacho, Chūō, Tokyo, Japan. The company currently holds an estimated 11,417 employees and currently has four large branches within Japan and one in the United States, accompanied by many more smaller branches.

At Hasuke & co we offer amazing services we believe will help the public. Perhaps you have new apartment and you'd like it renovated? Or maybe you're throwing a party in need of catering? Or perhaps some help getting friends? Well that's exactly what Hasuke & co offer. We help you.

The Hatake family formally known as a crime family has recently made a change. They are becoming a major business related family providing multiple services for small companies starting up. They are always looking to invest into companies who are struggling or are just starting up! And are always looking for new members to assist in this cause.

Hanazono Inc., was previously registered under the "Hanazono Family" that is originally owned by Sakuta Hanazono and left alone after his death. Now being passed to Asahi H. Hanazono and managed by Sky Hanazono Edgeworth to continue this business, it is now used to generate more revenue for the family and help a few creators make some extra yen for themselves aswell. Envisioned as the ideal hub for creativity and talent, Hanazono Inc. welcomes all talents from all places. All the while ensuring safe and proper income for the creators and ideal service for the customers.


And with that concludes pretty much every place in karakura to get money, or too spend it. Again, I could not have listed locations being rebranded or with no known name .. Along with some public opinions as well

Jim yasushi, is signing out.

Have something you'd like to report or be reported on? Call the Reporter Hotline at (020) 980-4487!


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Level 86
Thread starter
BTW if i forgot smth .. oh well LOLL i spent TOO LONG getting screenshots, coords, n info for this LMAOO. I did enjoy watching cadets suffer with the bird though, make the article worth it


Level 120
IGEN’NOARU - Regality Items: N/A Public Rating

Hiring status: OPEN?

Coordinates: 1737 17 1343
NOTE: Not finished shop yet
Saiky Corporation, or Saiky CORP. for short, is a family company owned by the Saiky family and was founded by Eikichi Saiky. Due to the increasing number of Saiky’s trained in medicine, the family focuses their business ideas around medicine. The company’s main focus is private healthcare and accessory distribution. The headquarters of this company is in Cambridge, the United Kingdom, as Eikichi is currently residing there

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