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KARAKURA NEWS | Interview with Mayor Alex Koji


Level 173
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Government Lead
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How’s it going, citizens of Karakura? I hope you are all doing well. My name is Kazuo DeLuca, new Head-Reporter for Karakura News! Kaz for short, though.
As I’ve come out of the blue, I chose to start with a bang. My first interview since returning to Karakura was with our beloved Mayor Alex Koji. All I can say is that it was informative and maybe confirmed something you guys have been speculating about.


[!] - A beep let itself be heard, signaling that the recording had started.

“Now, the first question for you, Mr. Mayor. What made you want to get active in Karakura’s political scene? You started off as Governor, so there had to be some motivating aspect.” K.D

A. K: “Ah, of course. My first introduction to politics was actually my father. He used to sit me down and discuss the different parties, the different social and economic problems circulating Japan. Almost everything had some sort of politics to it, even if they’re just on a much smaller scale. One quote in particular that has stuck with me throughout my entire life that I learned from my father was: “There is no justice in the world, not unless you make it.”. That was one of my largest pieces of motivation to pursue the career path that I did.”

“Your father sounds like quite the wise man. Has your family always been located in Karakura, or did this little town just have the best potential for you to start your political career?” K.D

A. K: “My family is actually descended from Russia. I was born in St. Petersburg and then spent a few short years living in America. My family moved to Japan due to my father's business partners, to which we found ourselves in this small city. We realized that Karakura has quite a lot to offer, so we’ve remained here since.”

“Remarkable. I’m curious, was becoming mayor a goal of yours? It’s well known around town that you were appointed to your position after the tragic trial MYRIAD v. POPOVICH; with that, was it hard for you to bounce back from that incident? I’m curious, was becoming mayor a goal of yours?” K.D

A. K: A moment of hesitation could be heard before the mayor spoke. “It wasn’t, actually. It was completely unexpected, just as everything else was that day. It was the strongest mixed feelings of emotion I’ve ever experienced; terror, tragedy, and life-changing success is not a combination that often occurs for an average person. . . The courtroom hadn’t even been cleaned up upon receiving the news from former Mayor Sengoku.

“Do you think your appointment to mayor was more of an in–the–moment decision, or was it already a plan for you to receive the position?” K.D

A. K: “I asked that same question at the time, actually. Ms. Sengoku had been planning to step down for quite some time; she believed that the position was best held within my hands due to my experience as Governor.”

“The whole event was quite a shock for most citizens, but I believe most can agree with the statement that Ms. Sengoku's choice was a good one. How did becoming mayor impact you?” K.D
A. K: “Well, ever since I became Mayor of the city, my workload has certainly shot up. I find myself not having quite as much time for my family as I'd like, but that’s just part of the job.”

“If not mistaken, a few weeks after your appointment, there was an attempt on your life. Is this a life-threatening job in your eyes?” K.D

A. K: “Yes- I do recall that day. Any political figure with a high place of power is at risk. For example, it is said that being the President of the United States is the most dangerous job in the world. This job comes with a risk, just as everything else in life. Since then, the KPD have tightened their security around me in public. I feel perfectly confident walking our streets. "

“In the past, it has been seen that you are one of the few mayors who does walk out of the town hall and doesn't hide due to fear. Something you should be proud of, Mr. Koji. So, what are your plans for Karakura’s political future? Your new addition of business officialization was already a big step forward, but what can we expect in the near future?” K.D

A. K: “Well, we’re still in the process of making a full transition with the new business officialization. Every business in Karakura has untitled April 19th to go through the necessary process required to legitimize their business until it is deemed illegal and closed down by the city. We’re going to keep our focus on that for now. A large prospect for the future is cutting down on gang violence. It’s always been something that has plagued our beautiful city. We’re working on a collaboration with the local school and college in order to spread awareness within classrooms, as well as provide resources to help people who feel trapped in it.”

“A brilliant way to start, stop those who get introduced to it and per-say 'grow up with it. A question from the citizens is, are court cases going to run more smoothly in the future, and will there be an increase in them? It’s pretty well known that there is a certain lack of trust in the police force and the judicial system is per-say the last safety net before their sentencing.” K.D
A. K: “Yes, after the complete remodeling of the city hall, citizens will also be able to hear more clearly when judges, lawyers, prosecution, or defendants are speaking. The police force has improved significantly under its latest leadership change. I believe the people of Karakura should give them another chance this time around.”

“It does always take a while to build trust back up. But with your guidance, it hopefully will work out. Now. . . some darker topics hold Karakura in its grasp. What was your reaction to the Kishi Division and its rampage? Especially towards Metagarou Tachitsu. You never released a public statement about it; only the previous Commissioner spoke about it.” K.D

A. K: “The so-called ‘Kishi Division’ was no more than a group of manipulated, misled students following a sick and twisted leader. I worked very closely with the previous commissioner Tokushima to aid in the capture of Metagarou Tachitsu where I could. The police were after him for months. His cold, ruthless, calculated attacks on our population were a dark time for our city. I condemn him and his actions, and I wish the tragic helicopter crash that ended the lives of both him and Tokushima never occurred.
I wish that Metagarour Tachitsu was caught sooner and made to face his egregious crimes before a court, before justice. My heart goes out to all those who were affected, including the families and friends of any victims. “

“What did you think about the rumors Mr. Tachitsu released? Did you find it shocking that so many believed him, or was it understandable in a way?” K.D

A. K: “I cannot really comment. Unfortunately, I don’t know enough about the situation to make an informed statement. However, Mr. Martinez has not been seen in the city since shortly after that statement was released, and Mr. Tokushiuma is entirely unable to provide any answers. I suppose it’s open to interpretation until clarification is received from the KPD.”

“Understandable, and may Mr. Tokushima rest in peace.” K.D
A. K: “Indeed.”

“Mr. Koji, my next question is about the Akihito Clan, and what is your opinion on them? Do you find them trustworthy, or is that clan just the next Kishi Division bound to happen?” K.D

A. K: “The Akihito family is an older one. It’s been around for quite a while and has held a fair amount of influence within the city. I understand that they have offices, but that’s about the extent of my knowledge. Why would they become similar to one of the most violent gangs in Karakura? Could you elaborate?”

“Many months ago, there was a report about the Akihito Clan and a violent incident that occurred at the power plant. It was more out of curiosity if any closer looks were taken regarding the clan?” K.D

A. K: “There must have been. Surely, the Detective Division of the Karakura Police Department have taken an in-depth look into it. As for the Akihito Clan itself, I don’t think they’d go down the same path as the Kishi Division. They have too much to lose. An estate, shops, and a long lineage.”

“I think that'll be a comfort to some citizens, as I believe many still remember that situation. Could you also share any information on the incident at Kurabu Tower, where an armed helicopter attacked a tower floor? It’s pretty frightening knowing that an offense like that could repeat itself at any time of day.” K.D

A. K: “Yes, I remember that day very clearly. I arrived at the scene amongst the crowds of Karakura, as far as I’m aware. Nakahara Isao was taken into police custody for questioning, and anyone else involved is still on the run. I believe that the KPD have tightened their security since that incident. I can assure that nothing like that will be occurring here again.”

Something seemed to silence the reporter for a brief second. "Mm- and is there any information on what Mr. Isao's intentions were? Or even how he obtained something so destructive?" K.D

A. K: “I have absolutely no idea. All I witnessed was him being escorted away from the scene by police. After that, it was out of my hands. Nobody can say for certain- on the outside at least, as to whether or not he was involved.”

“Truly a mystery. Do you have a plan to figure out where these firearms are coming from? Do you maybe need to take a closer look into the KPD and how cleanly everything is run? Or perhaps more investigations towards the Black Market need to be implemented?” K.D

A. K: “Yes, we’ve gathered that the majority of our illegal weaponry sold within the city actually ships from Russia. We’re working very closely with the Russian Customs Officers in order to filter out and seize these weapons before they make it out of any harbors or ports.

“I’m taking that; you and the commissioner are working tirelessly together to find a way to stop the shipments before they reach whoever is ordering them?” K.D

A. K: “Precisely, just as I stated.”

“We’ll now be going into more private matters, meaning if there is a question you don’t wish to answer, it is understandable. However, even a short answer would satisfy many curious minds who listen to the news. Out of curiosity, with the day-to-day violence that occurs here, some parents fear for their kid’s safety, which of course, is something you can relate to. Do you feel safe with your kids going to school, even though it’s publicly known that they are the mayor’s children?” K.D

A. K: “Yes, I feel that they are entirely safe attending school and going out and about in the city. They’re just like normal kids, and with the KPD watching over everyone, I believe most crime is caught in the act and effectively stopped by officers in most public settings.”

“You previously mentioned that becoming mayor did affect your personal life. Could you go into detail about how your appointment to mayor affected your marriage and your relationship with your kids? Understandably, some relationships can become strained in your position, especially with how Karakura is.” K.D

A. K: “It’s simply just that the result has left me with very little free time these days. Back-to-back meetings, paperwork, laws, legislation, and interviews such as this one take up a very large portion of my weeks. Often I’ll find myself working here in the town hall after hours when everyone’s gone as well.”

“Was there some sort of talk you had to have with your family once you took your position? Any explaining you had to do or was everyone understanding?” K.D

A. K: “There were adjustments to be made, I informed them all about our new circumstances, and everyone understood fairly well. It’s unfortunate, but they understand, which is as much as I could ask from them. I make sure to give all of my attention to my family with what little time I have off.”

“It’s good to see that someone in your position stills holds family close.” K.D

A. K: “Family is everything; it’s all one truly as in the end. At birth, at death, and far beyond into the future. Everyone in the world is responsible for the legacy that their family will hold.”

“Now, to my final question. This is one that’s kept me nervous. I’m not sure if you’re aware, but there have been rumors about you and one of your 'colleagues'." A nervous chuckle escaped the young reporter.
“Would you like to comment on the scandal that you and Suruga Sengoku are in a relationship? You and the current Attorney-General have been spending a lot of time together, and rumors have followed around the younger populace. That is why she quickly received her role as Attorney-General after her resignation a few months ago.” K.D

A. K: There seemed to be a long pause. “I’m not quite sure what you’re talking about in terms of a ‘scandal.’ Ms. Sengoku has been invaluable to the Government, especially with her former experience as mayor. She was quickly granted her position upon becoming a lawyer due to outworking and achieving far more than the previous Attorney General had done in months. It is true; we have enjoyed a cup of coffee from time to time outside of work as simple colleagues. Anything outside of that is simply fabrication.”

“Well, we all know how people are, always trying to stir some trouble. I thank you on behalf of the news and the citizens for sitting down and taking time for this interview.” K.D

[!] - The recording ended with another beep.

And that, my friends, is the end of that interview. I’ve got to be honest with you guys. I think I struck a nerve there with my last question. But that just comes with the job, doesn’t it? Have a nice day, Karakura, and stay cool.


Level 112
theory: kazuo is the former bmd kazuo blackwood with changed last name

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