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KARAKURA NEWS | Introducing the New Attorney General


Level 79
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report 12 (1).png

August 30, 2023
Barbatos Archon Hanazono

A formal interview introducing the newest attorney general of Karakura, Goemon Asogi! I asked him questions about his future plans as well as his vision for the town, expanding on his ideas as well as gathering information, and for you, dear listeners and readers, to know more about what possible future system we would have in the future!

[!] As the audio started, small quiet laughter would be heard before it quieted down [!]
Barbatos: “Good morning Karakura, I am here with one of our remarkable lawyers in town, Goemon Asogi! As the new Attorney General of Karakura, may you introduce yourself to us, Attorney Asogi?”

Goemon: “Why yes! As Mr. Archon said, I am Karakura’s one and only Attorney General - Goemon Asogi.”

Barbatos: A small chuckle would be heard, voice playfully amused as he spoke, “So, Mister Attorney General, I have a few questions for you since you are now the new head of lawyers.”

Goemon: Chuckling alone as well, he replied, “Proceed!”

Barbatos: “Mm alright then! My first question for you is, do you have any plans for the future in terms of within your power as Attorney General now?”

Goemon: “Obviously, I wish to bring about change in our legal system! Improvements all the way. However, they’re more so internal.”

Barbatos: “Oh? If it isn’t too confidential, can you expand more on it?”

Goemon: ”Well, I’m still in the midst of introducing these things to the other higher-ups, so I’m not quite sure. However, I am hoping to introduce subpoenas sometime soon!”

Barbatos: Voice confused, he would ask in a soft tone, ”Subpoenas?”

Goemon: ”Mmmmhm! They basically summon certain people to court to testify or obligate a certain party to hand over evidence until a set time. If not adhered to, it may result in sanctions.” A small pause, ”Usually, monetary fines are levied against the party in question! Obviously, these are not the only instances under which sanctions are imposed, though!”

Barbatos: ”What would be the other instances then? Just so our listeners can probably have a grasp on your future ideas.”

Goemon: ”I'm glad you asked! For example, not complying with court orders. Court orders may include, but aren’t limited to, talking to an opposing side’s witness.” - ”Now, this isn’t set in stone, but I am hoping to get these systems installed sometime soon.”

Barbatos: ”Well, I do hope and wish you luck then on getting it installed- It would be, from a legal standpoint, would make more things make sense I suppose? At least from what I’ve gathered.”

Goemon: ”Of course! Sure, it means more paperwork, but it also provides more certainty.”

Barbatos: ”Besides from plans though, do you have any future visions for the town then?”

Goemon: Chuckling, ”None that I can disclose at this time.”

Barbatos: ”Fair enough! We’ll wrap this soon then, any final words to the people listening on this?”

Goemon: ”Stay safe, and don’t commit crimes!”

[!] The audio would stop there [!]

The possible introduction of subpoenas to summon people to court and obtain evidence, and a goal for the improvement of the legal system, I hope you dear readers and listeners enjoyed the small formal interview with our new Attorney General! Though Goemon has hinted at having future plans for the town but didn’t fully reveal them, with time we will see improvement in our laws as well as court system. That is all, and I hope to see you all in the next report!

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Level 175
Goemon is the best lawyer and best attorney general i will not hear for the alternatives

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