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KARAKURA NEWS | Itsbyoshi Station's Grand Opening


Level 43
Lore Team

Have you heard? If not, a new train station and apartment block have opened recently! Just a couple of days ago, Governor Bao Koji and Deputy-Mayor Yui Tsu gave a speech before Tsu cut the ribbon to officiate the grand opening of the new Itsbyoshi train station right under the new apartment block, Block L.​

[The recording would start, the text was written out underneath]

[Bao Koji]
“We thank you for joining us here today for this grand occasion. We understand you have given up your valuable time to be here with us today, so fret not, dear citizen, for we will keep this introduction brief. Less than a fortnight ago, by the grace of our local government, and both the Madam Mayor Sturm and newly-appointed now-Madamn Deputy Mayor Tsu, this cyclopean building was birthed into existence.

With its completion, we warmly welcome you to but one of its many components, the illustrious Itsybyoshi. With its title dating back to the founding of Karakura, and the families responsible for it, this station will serve as another hub of transportation for citizens. With this station’s creation, we only strengthen our interconnectivity within our community. . . Do utilize it. Now, dear citizens, allow me to introduce the newly-appointed Madam Deputy Mayor, Yui Tsu. She will commence with the ribbon-cutting ceremony.”

[Yui Tsu] “Thank you, Governor Koji, and good evening citizens of Karakura. Because the Mayor is otherwise occupied, I will be giving this speech not only on her behalf but mine as well. This complex serves as a move towards fixing the many crises within the city. As I said while I was complaining to Deputy Mayor, I pledged to solve the housing crisis. I

hope this action, which has been previously planned by myself and Mayor Sturm before the elections were even announced would solidify your confidence in myself and the government, We as the Karakura Government, the police, hospital staff, and government officials alike all have a common interest in protecting and serving the city to the best of our abilities. I thank you all for coming to this next complex’s late, yet still just as grand opening, and now we will cut the banner! May this mark the grand opening of the Itsbyoshi Train Station!”​
[The recording would come to an end]

What do you think about the new station and apartment block opening? Do you think that it’ll be the last block that needs to open in order to fix the housing crisis in Karakura, or do you think that another block or two will need to open in order for it to be fixed? Until next time.​

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