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KARAKURA NEWS | Karakura's Forgotten Locations


Level 43
Lore Team

As years pass and days pass, some parts of the city become famous and very popular. For example, Plaza and Beach are two well-known and popular places where you can meet friends, chat with them or just hang out. However, other places have remained forgotten, either for an unknown reason or if something terrible happened. This caused many people to forget the area because they don't want the memories to be anywhere in their minds. In this report, we will talk about those buildings and the possible renewal of the mentioned locations to keep them alive again.

While this place has had a lot of bad history like the Kishi vs Akihito war, or even when it got blown up just a few months ago, this place deserves better. Though lots of crimes have been committed at this place, we should respect it more and those who have been harmed inside by making it something we can use for good acts. This memorable area should be ‘updated’ in a way, rebuilt, and fixed up.​


[The recorder was heard turning on. Dialogue of the audio was written out for the readers.]

O'Sullivan - “Alrighty! Could I get all three of your names?”

Kanako Sakai - “Kanako Sakai.”

Botan “The name is. . Botan..”

Ryota Miyasaki - “Miyasaki Ryota.”

O'Sullivan - “So! Of course, you three know what’s happened here at the power plant. If they were to change anything here, whether it be completely, or something small… What would you want to see changed?”

Kanako Sakai - “Hmm... I would like there to be more lightning. . Either less or more blood and taller buildings with more things in them? Blood adds a certain touch to things. Either have none or all of it.”

Ryota Miyasaki - “Clear up the parking so it’s safer for wheels, Rakkiyatsu, and other people could come down here and host killer car meets if that was the case, now it has too much glass and dangerous objects spread about. Maybe convert the place into a garage and get good mechanics to work there.”

Kanako Sakai - “What if they had races down there?-”

Botan - “Come to think of it, I don’t think this place has much potential, I mean you risk the building collapsing on you the moment you walk in. But yeah, they should definitely get the garage made.”

Kanako Sakai - “Wouldnt that be an interesting way to die though?”

O'Sullivan - “I see… Well… What about the abandoned 11/7 behind the bowling alley? What would you like to be placed there, like some kind of shop or… Whatever?”

Ryota Miyasaki - “The 11/7 could make for a killer car shop! I need a place I can buy car accessories you know? Like de-icer for this sort of weather, brake pads, all that good stuff.”

Kanako Sakai - “Hmm… As long as it leaves the other area alone there, y’know? A car shop would be cool though. Or any type of store could work. But the 11/7 really needs to be updated.”

Botan - “Rakkiyatsu could definitely make use of that space, we can arrange car meets there and organize rac- I mean organize some totally legal uh... Eating food? Yeah, food eating.”

Kanako Sakai - “You really car obsessed with cars, huh Ryota?”

Ryota Miyasaki - “And bikes.”

O'Sullivan - “Cars are cool!”

Kanako Sakai - “That’s cute, hm? Yes. Cause you can really ride wherever like cards can’t really go in the snow- but bikes could if you tried!”

Botan - “That’s a point, get the council around with a snow plow.”

Ryota Miyasaki - “You just need a good mechanic and good tired to drive in the snow. . . It’s not as hard as people make it out to be.”

O'Sullivan - “Fair enough! One last question! That mechanic shop- Harada’s Motor Parts… Would you guys consider it abandoned or just not in total use just yet?”

Botan - “It will be put to good use soon, I’ll tell you that.”

[Yasushi's voice came out of nowhere..]

Yasushi - “Michael Harada surely would be happy to hear the place being put to good use..”

Kanako Sakai - “Not in total use yet, definitely. It’s still needed! I go there sometimes. And it could be used really- well. Yeah, I simply just love it. The design is lovely and the way it can be used is a really big benefit.”

Ryota Miyasaki - I used to know the owner of the garage. . Only in passing, he had a cool bike but I have seen people going in and out, and it seems to be being used. . I just don’t see many cars there which upsets me a little.”

[The recording cut off abruptly.]

Abandoned 11/7
This place has been sitting here to pretty much rot as many years have gone by, As you look around the inside of the shop, you can see the prices of old items and how everything was left behind to be a part of history. Hopefully, this once-loved shop can be used once more as a local shop of some kind so it can be put to good use once more.

Harada’s Motor Parts
As the name states, this was/is a motor parts shop, though this is the first time anyone has seen the area in use. While this location is only a guess on being abandoned or not, it practically is due to the fact on when you walk past you see nobody inside of the building, nor do you see anybody coming out of it.

[The tape recorder was heard being turned on and placed down. Dialogue of the interview was written out for readers.]

O'Sullivan - “Pleasure to have you here! May I ask your name, age, and occupation?”

Michael Sada - “O..oh! Right... Yeah uh, Michael.. Harada Sada! I’m seventeen and uh... I do some mechanic stuff!”

O'Sullivan - “That’s cool! Is there anything in specific, or just anything?”

Michael Sada - “Well... I kinda suck at really modern stuff with wires so- I guess older vehicles? I can also do like.. Handyman stuff too!”

O'Sullivan - “I see! Do you work anywhere specific, or just for anybody who asks for anything to be repaired or worked on?”

Michael Sada - “Well... Ehh- All garages have been kinda... Closed for a while. Even Harada auto parts have been out, but I think that’s also because uh... People have been using the building for other things sadly..”

O'Sullivan - “Yeah, they’ve seemed to lose lots of activity there- mechanic wise of course. Do you have any guesses of what they may be doing there instead?”

Michael Sada - “I uh... Opened a back door in Harada’s once and uh... I, I couldn’t see much- but there’s some like.. Akihito poster? I don’t remember what it says but... I think they may be using it as a spot to meet up? Or. At some point did?”

O'Sullivan - “Possibly! I guess we won’t know until given confirmation. Would you like to add anything before we wrap this up?”

Michael Sada - “Well uhh... I guess it would be nice to see the building in actual use for their purpose again. I like... My middle name is Harada so I have some sorta connection to the place... So it would be like- I don’t know, great for the motor parts to sell motor parts again! Or the garage not to go so abandoned like that one near the club or the one near the tower district.”

O'Sullivan - “I agree with that completely. Thank you for your time Mr. Sada, have a good night!”

Michael Sada - “Right! Yeah uh... Good night- ma’am..”

[The tape recorder was heard being fiddled with before turning off.]

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