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KARAKURA NEWS | Karakura's Shopping Habbits!!


Level 43
Lore Team

As we all know, whenever a shop opens up, no matter which one it may be, people run to flood the area inside and outside of the shop. Whether the shop may have new or just the same old items it’s had for months, maybe even years! Today, we’ll be discussing the shopping habits of Karakura citizens, along with having a couple of interviews!​

[The recording would start.]

'Calico' - “To start, may I get your full names, ages, and occupations?”

Sid Omori - "My name is Sid Omori! I'm 24 and I'm a Ph.D. Student!”

Eléonore Beauchêne - "My name is Eléonore Beauchêne, I'm 20 years old and I'm a Bachelour student."

'Calico' - "Right, so.. Assuming both of you shop due to your accessories.. Where do you usually shop if you have anywhere specific of course! Or even if you have a favorite shop."

Eléonore Beauchêne - "I don't remember the exact name... but it's that one Emo shop right next to JOI-KON. Every time I go over there it lets me be... well me."

Sid Omori - "Mmm, well! I usually go to shops whenever they open, just to check out if they have anything new! I think the place I have shopped the most is Sayanora Gift shop and recently, Lighting Electronics. With Sayonara, I've always ended up coming out of there with a new purchase and Lighting has some things that caught my eye too! So yeah, that's about it from me!"

Eléonore Beauchêne - "Lightning Electronics? I actually work there funny enough."

'Calico' - "Yeah, new items are always great at stores! Is there anything in specific that you guys like to buy at those stores, or do you just like browsing for new items?"

Eléonore Beauchêne - "I usually try to find what best fits me, like these earrings or the phone that I currently have."

'Calico' - "Oo.. Which phone is it? It looks really cool!"
Sid Omori - "Mmm, well! Some of the things I have bought have been like a drawing tablet, a ds...a green microphone too! I like browsing for new items, just checking to see if there is anything that stands out to me!"

Eléonore Beauchêne - "It's the bones smartphone. Honestly probably one of the best-looking phones in Karakura."

Sid Omori - "Oh my god, we have matching phones. Great minds...think alike."

Eléonore Beauchêne - "I know right!"

'Calico' - "Huh, I should really get one of those phones! Is there anything either of you'd like to add before we wrap this up? Like.. Items that should be added, changed, or anything?"

Eléonore Beauchêne - "As of right now I don't think so."

Sid Omori - "I think shops need more bracelets. While I love this Gyaru bracelet so much, I would love to see even more like these! Everything else seems to be pretty good to me!"

Eléonore Beauchêne - "Hmm.. Now that you mention it there does seem to be a lack of them a bit."

'Calico' - "Ooo, more bracelets do sound really nice! Well, I'd like to thank you both for your time during the interview!"

[The recording would end.]

[The recording would start.]

'Calico' - "To start off, could I have all of your names, ages, and occupations please?"

Kieran - "I'm Kieran Densetsu. I am 18 years old and I'm a student but I have a part-time job at Kiku Dokyo."

Valora - "Uhh I'm Valora Moulin, 18, and a student who works at the cafe Kiku Dokyo."

Sarband - "Well hello I'm Sarband Hue, 18 years old, and work at Kiku Dokyo and go to school I suppose."

Raven - "I'm Fiaven Tanaka. I'm 18 years old and a student."

'Calico' - "Lovely to meet you four today! Assuming that everyone thinks teens love to shop, where's your favorite place to shop or a place where you usually go shopping?"

Kieran - "Nice to meet you too!! Hmm... Difficult to say.. I really like Sayanara gift shop because it has cool stuff. But I also like Otakaya because yuhh edgy stuff."

Sarband - "My favorite one is actually right behind me it's called Igen'noaru they sell the best toys and hats, as well as the horned hat, is my favorite."

Valora - "The gift shop Sayonara, man if I could buy the whole shop I would but I love the jewelry."

Raven - "To be honest I love all the shops but the ones my friends work for I really love because I love to cook and work in the kitchen a lot."

'Calico' - "Oo.. Cooking is really fun, I can't do it though! I'm not allowed to.. What's your favorite thing to buy at the shop or shops, it could be multiple things honestly! Or do you just like to browse the items sometimes?"

Sarband - "As I said my favorite is the horned hat but I do as well love the toy katanas they sell, they have a nice design."

Valora - "Mainly the plushies, but I tend to browse more often than anything."

Kieran - "Definitely sunglasses or accessories for my face! But also if anything else seems cool that too. I try my best not to splurge too much and save money so I usually only browse shops."

Raven - "For cooking, I like to buy anything really, I like to learn different cultural foods, for a different store I would say a sketchbook since I'm an arts kid."

'Calico' - "That's really cool, I can agree with the plushies and face accessories, those are really good to buy! Before we wrap it up here, is there anything you'd like to add? Maybe something like new times that should be added, any changes to shops, or anything at all?"

Sarband - "Hm I would love to buy a football as I am in the football team so I could just have a football in my room to kick around than just playing on the field but for the rest, I don't got anything else to add."

Raven - "If anything should be added, there should be more art supplies and definitely more sports equipment, all of us love sports and we each are on a team."

Valora - "Maybe more antique-like things? Something old-fashioned that I wouldn't already have or maybe I should say more of a unique item."

Kieran - "Well, least favorites gotta be Yeobo and Koi-on or whatever it was called lowkey... Like there's not really anything at both shops that's worth it that isn't at other shops or that you could buy more than once and be like 'Oh! Hou! I forgot how cool this was! Then added... Hmm, I'd love to see more items like jewelry at stores like Sayanara or Koi-on like some kinda special bracelet to give someone or a necklace from a game."

'Calico' - "Well, I thank you all for your time to do this interview!"

Valora - "Mhm!"

Sarband - "Of course anytime miss."

Kieran - "Of course! Glad to help!"

[The recording would end.]

[The recording would start.]

'Calico' - "Alright! To start, could I have your names, ages, and occupations please?"

Chiharu - "Kyohanashima Chiharu, twenty-six, I am a Police Lieutenant."

Jennifer - "Jennifer, 20, mermaid."

'Calico' - “Okay..”

Yoshi - “Yoshi.. 21…”

'Calico' - “Lovely, lovely… Y’know, since you all probably shop, it’d be weird if you didn’t - do you possibly have a favorite place to stop, or do you have a place you usually go shopping?”

Jennifer - “Sayonara or.. Otayaka!”

Chiharu - “I haven’t been to many shops in this city - which I assume you’re referring to - although, a shop by the name of Sayonara was pretty nice.”

Yoshi - “Kissako is a nice place… All be it they open rarely…”

'Calico' - “Fair enough! Is there a favorite item to purchase at these places, or do you just like browsing the items?”

Chiharu - “Nothing in specific”

Jennifer - “I like browsing the items because I’m broke, Karakura doesn’t pay me enough. It’s a sad story being a mermaid in Karakura these days.”

'Calico' - “Oh… Okay then. . .”

Yoshi - “I get gifts, mainly plushies. I like those from the Sayonara gift shop, zippo lighters are also fun to fidget with. I forgot the shop where you can get those…”

'Calico' -"To wrap this up, is there anything you'd like to see added to shops, or maybe even some changes?"

Jennifer - "Shops opening more, restaurants too.."

Chiharu - "Umm.. I'd like for the music shop to open a little more often, but that's all that I can think of."

Yoshi - "Online orders.. It sucks to have stuff shipped in from other countries.. Or even cities.. It gets expensive.."


'Calico' - "Lovely... Great-.. Yeah... Thank you for your time!.."

[The recording would end.]

With the report nearing its end, what are YOUR shopping habits? Do you possibly have a favorite shop or restaurant? Maybe some of you just like to look around at the items, or buy any new items that you can get your hands on for the right amount of money!

Do you have something you’d like reported?
Call the reporter hotline! - (020) 980-4487

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