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Level 43
Lore Team
[As Antoinette spoke, a static version of California Girls was playing in the background..]

Just in, Hospital Director Rokku Heddo and Clinical Manager Ide Zaiaku have both somehow gotten into a car crash just in front of the Saiky Estate. Witnesses stated seeing the car swerving from each side of the street until they ended up crashing right into the side of the Saiky Estate. Witnesses also seemed to speculate that the passenger, Rokku Heddo, had something to do with the ambulance now being in shambles, blaming him for the accident that occurred.

Even though every bystander who had witnessed the crash and anybody within the estate were both okay, the same couldn’t be said about Ide Zaiaku and Rokku Heddo. Soon after the crash, ambulances came rushing to the scene where both were rushed to the hospital where they would be treated while in critical condition. More information about the horrible situation will be given as we receive updates from both the hospital and officials taking care of the scene.

[An explosion was heard from behind Antoinette, the area busted out in flames. An officer included.]

HOLY- the side of the estate has explored into flames and caught an officer in the flames with it. Luckily, the police came with fire extinguishers and ended up getting rid of the fire, putting the officer out right after. Officers and bystanders are both being harmed by multiple explosions, taking the ambulance with it- glass and debris are all over the place, harming other citizens and officers along with ruining the street and sidewalk.

[The lampost fell behind, and a few people fell right down with it. Cops started to yell, then the live video froze, causing it to end]
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Level 61
Tbh out of all of the factions I would 100 percent suspect ems to do sm like there. There driving skills suck (I’ve seen yalls clips don’t try to justify yourself)

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