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KARAKURA NEWS | More politics and a new Mayor!


Level 173
News Lead
Government Lead

Evening lady and gents! Kaz here to inform you about the newest happenings in Karakura!
Now, if you haven’t heard Mike Akihito stepped down from his position only five months after taking office. To this day, probably the shortest time someone’s been Mayor. It brings up the question. Why? Did something happen? - Well, folks. . .

I got no idea.

My senior reporter will be covering that in the next few days!

But luckily, Kiyoko Akai has taken his spot and his responsibilities. She already had our hearts during the election for Deputy Mayor, so we can only hope she keeps those during her time as Mayor.
Earlier today, I had the luck of getting a quick interview with our lovely Mayor. One thing I can say is that she’s even kinder in person than I had expected. Enjoy!

As usual in Kazuo’s fashion, the interview was in the form of a video. Where you could see both Kazuo and Kiyoko Akai sitting across each other in what looked to be her new office.

[!] - Video started. You could see every gesture and movement.

“So, Ms. Akai, you have to give us the scoop. Was this a long time coming? Or is this just as much of a shock to you as it is to Karakura?” - K. D.

K.A: Kiyoko had her hands neatly folded on the desk, smiling kindly towards Kaz. “Hmm..” her brows furrowed as she pondered for just a second. “Well, I was elected as Deputy-Mayor by the Citizens of Karakura, and I promised to do my best for the people of this town. I believe I stood by that claim. Although Mr. Akihito’s departure was rather sudden and unexpected, he has done some amazing things for this town which we will not forget, and we appreciate his efforts. . . But for a straightforward answer- No, this was rather unexpected. “

“Quite odd; makes you wonder why. You were the newest Governor and since then. You stole our hearts in the election and became Deputy Mayor and now Mayor. Those are the best promotions of all time. What’s your secret? Was this your plan?” - K. D.

K.A: “I’ve got a fairly large plan for the city. It’s been plagued by ridiculous amounts of crime over the last few months. I’ll be making several announcements over the next few days. I’m hoping to expand our roster here slightly, although, as you’d probably guess, I can’t say too much.” she said with a small laugh at the end.

“Damn, was hoping we’d get some cool information. .ahh, guess it’ll be a surprise to us all then once it’s announced.” Kazuo looked and sounded amused as he shook his head in acted disappointment. “You always made your goals clear, especially regarding crime. .can you share any plans for possibly helping other parts of Karakura and its factions, maybe?” - K.D.

K.A: leaning with her right arm onto the desk, as if telling a secret among a crowd, she continued: “Well, seeing as it’s you- I suppose I can say that we’ll be assigning Governors to help oversee the Police Department & the EMS workers, helping to address any concerns they may have, amongst other things. However, I’ll release more information regarding that when the system is fully in place.”

“Ooo- you heard it here, guys. . maybe the first mayor who will have a hands-on approach regarding the factions.” Kazuo shifted in his seat before continuing his questions.
“So. .talking about Governors. .there’s a nice and shiny spot open as Deputy Mayor. Will elections be coming up soon- More campaigns we should prepare ourselves for?” - K.D.

K.A: “Haha- well, maybe there’ll be one soon. However, after the recent election, it may be a little while until the next one.”

“I’ll take that as a yes- and we’ll be seeing our Governors going head-to-head.” he placed both his hands on the table. .mostly for the dramatics. “One last thing. Ms. Akai. Give us some powerful words as the new Mayor of Karakura! Some words to start off your career.” - K.D.

K.A: stopped for a moment. .one could tell she was gathering her thoughts to convey the correct message. “As your new Mayor of Karakura, I will contribute to doing what is right and what is fair for this town. Ensuring a safer place for everyone to live together. I have every faith in our citizens, and I hope.” she’d look into the camera. .dramatics. “I hope they will offer me the same faith in return.”

[!] - The video would come to an end with Kiyoko offering a kind and warm-hearted smile.

And that would be all, folks! So, why did Mike Akihito leave? Why was it so sudden? Does it have something to do with the negativity he’s been shown due to the clan. .maybe we’ll find out soon. Or not. Who knows!

Stay safe and stay healthy! Kaz out.

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