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KARAKURA NEWS || New Year's Resolutions


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Photo Credit: AllenBUwU

It’s a new year which means it is time for a change. Everyone has their traditions to welcome The New Year, whether that is eating 12 g****s underneath the table at midnight, running with your luggage, wearing red undergarments, New Year's kiss, or even making New Year Resolutions for yourself!

After asking around Karakura and using the internet to learn more about Resolutions and their history. The history of resolutions is quite interesting, here's a little more on it: it is said that the Ancient Babylonians were the first to create New Year Resolutions over four thousand years ago, but they didn't actually celebrate New Year in January, but rather in mid-March. This is the 12-day religious festival known as Akitu, during which the Babylonians crowned a new King or reaffirmed their loyalty to their reigning King. They frequently promised their gods that they would repay their debts and return any borrowed objects. They believed that if these promises were kept, their gods would be pleased and bring them a prosperous new year. Many different versions of this tradition existed in various cultures, including Ancient Rome and early Christianity. Though this tradition originated more religiously, it is now celebrated by many different cultures and people.



Now, what are some resolutions people have for themselves this year?

Du Jiayi - ‘I plan to build a replica of the empire state building out of rocks.’
Alexandrina Moon - ‘I wish to end the madness that dwells inside me…’

Koda - ‘Find actual hot men in Karakura (spoiler: they never live in Karakura)’

Eli Zennix - ‘Getting my family more well known for good reasons!’

Wakabayashi Uso - ‘My resolution is to become a good sportsman’

Ai Chiharu - ‘To get into the Swim Team'

Nakanishi Katsuro - ‘To get better at Football and win the Football Tournament’

‘Soba’ Helvete - ‘Look after my family’

Sid Omori - ‘To be less scared of talking to people 'cause I wanna talk to people more and not feel annoying!’

Jim Yasushi - ‘Not a resolution, but I will become the senior reporter at some point’

Snoobs Wigglesworth - ‘My resolution is to make it onto the news’

Annika DuPont - ‘Get back onto the Track Team and find something I want to pursue’

Riven Armani - ‘To be a better person for Dimirti’

Kazuo DeLuca - ‘Get the news active again’

Many others also wished for new love and for marriage, good fortune, good health, and happiness, for balance in their new year, some even wished for more sleep and much more. There’s always a little bit of everything for everyone. So let’s make plans for the new year, have fun, and party till we drop. . .not quite literally though-


We welcome the new year with open arms and new ideas. Maybe some drama and excitement so we can tell new stories. Speaking drama if you hear anything or have a story to tell call or text the hotline at:
(020) - 980 - 4487

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