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Karakura News | Positive Impacts of Hobbies


Level 106
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Good morning Karakura! Jin Kuroki here! I hope everyone is having a lovely day so far!
Today, we have an article about hobbies and the positive effects on them!
Of course, these are just a handful of them!



Build self-esteem. Being able to properly care for plants can give a sense of accomplishment. Growing any kind of plant from a seed or bud into its mature stare proves that you can do anything you put your mind to.

It’s good for your heart. Gardening is considered exercise when digging, planting, and weeding, so it helps burn calories.

Reduces stress. This is a given, as gardening is very relaxing. A very calm hobby that anyone can do. Watching life grow because of something you do can feel very rewarding.



Cooking at home is healthier. When cooking for yourself, you have full control over what you put in your meal. You can watch the calories you ingest and avoid processed foods. Learning new recipes can expand your world knowledge.

Searching for new recipes from other cultures is great fun. Learning about the history of a meal, while also being able to experience another culture’s cooking from your own home is just wonderful!

Being able to cook one or two meals is a great confidence booster. Everyone has to eat, so making meals that people enjoy and compliment will give you a boost of serotonin and make you feel much better!



Art allows a healthy outlet for emotions. Whether it be drawing, painting, or other forms or art, it allows a person to show off their creativity. Art is often personal, so it can easily allow a person to convey how they feel to others.

Art can show off hidden emotions a person is bottling up. As stated before, art allows people to convey their emotions. While performing art, subconscious parts of the mind will be able to be expressed, even without the artist knowing.

Art facilitates growth in perception. Artistic people are often more observant of their surroundings and are able to find small details in their everyday lives.



Writing improves communication. When a person writes a lot, they gain a larger vocabulary. These words can be used to explain a situation quicker or easier.

Productivity is also increased by writing. Putting your goals down in writing puts a focus on the tasks you are planning on accomplishing and helps avoid multitasking.

Improves decision-making. Writing allows you to put all your ideas down into words and clearly sort through them. Being able to look at everything will help make the best choices.



Improves mental health. When you run, blood gets pumped to the brain, which affects the part of the brain that improves mood. Running can also lower levels of cortisol produced by the body, reducing stress.

Keeps the body healthy. Running burns more calories than most other activities, as well as improves a person's sleep quality.

Boosting confidence. Running depends upon the will of the person running. Setting up a goal on how far or where you run to and how fast or hard you run all and sticking to it builds up confidence, since you are achieving that goal.



Improves concentration. To read a book, you have to fully focus on the story and the pages. By reading more, you are practicing concentration and focus, since it requires your undivided attention.

Teaches Empathy. By reading, you are taking the place of the narrator or of a character in the story. You are then placed into a setting where you are able to experience feelings, emotions, and thoughts of other characters, allowing you to understand and share those feelings, oftentimes being able to prepare you for the same, or similar situations.

Improves literacy. When reading, you are often introduced to new words, which are then added to your vocabulary. This added vocabulary will allow you to express yourself more, along with communicating more effectively. Reading also improves writing, as you learn different styles of writing the more you read.


That is all for this article! I hope this has given you some ideas and helps get you out and about! Maybe try something new!
Stay tuned!
Until Next Time
Jin Kuroki


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