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KARAKURA NEWS | Rogue in Blue: Former KPD Sergeant, Amaya Omori O'Sullivan, Exposes Karakura Police Department with Video Confession


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Rogue in Blue: Former KPD Sergeant, Amaya Omori O'Sullivan, Exposes Karakura Police Department with Video Confession
By: Sky Hanazono Edgeworth

Former Karakura police officer, Sergeant Amaya Omori O'Sullivan, now officially declared deceased, handed a flash drive to Karakura News Station containing a video confession a day before her death. The footage exposes her involvement in numerous crimes and corruption while placing the blame squarely on the KPD for her actions.

But before we dive into the video, I've had a chance to chat privately with Mayor Ezri and Hospital Director Heddo about all this. They have not taken this lightly, Mayor Ezri is taking protective measures by planning to appoint inspectors. These inspectors will oversee all government factions, to combat and watch over each faction to ensure in keeping the government updated on activities.

Meanwhile, Hospital Director Heddo is putting in the effort to make sure and to improve the safety of EMS workers so they can protect themselves better. He's arranging training to help them handle situations just as the video will say later, just in case something like this happens again.

As with that, this report contains the full details of her video.

[!] The video would turn on, it seemed to show a weird, old room. The footage showed a figure in blackout wearing a mask standing in the center of the room. [!]

Amaya faced the camera, keeping her hands in her pocket as she kept a more relaxed and calm demeanor. She spoke slowly and calmly at first, “Good Afternoon, Karakura News Station! I bet you’re wondering why did you get a video from a random masked person? What is going on! Etc etc, all that sort of stuff! WELL DO I HAVE A GREAT NEWS STORY FOR YOU! I want you, to cover my corruption in KPD! And how KPD is the reason behind my corruption for that matter. So, let's get started shall we? Allow me to introduce myself.” Amaya said, as she removed the mask from her face revealing her identity. Amaya had a large smirk on her face. It was clear, the Amaya Omori O’Sullivan everyone knew, was officially dead.

“My name is Amaya Omori O’Sullivan! I WAS a sergeant for KPD, and my callsign was K156! But as you may have guessed, I’ve gone corrupt! I’ve committed a LOTTT of crimes, and I want the whole world to know how much I was able to get away with, and how this is all KPD’s fault! So, let’s get started.” Amaya chuckled softly to herself, oh how this was gonna be the victory she wanted so badly! “Let's start off with the crimes I’ve committed and gotten away with so far! So far, I’ve committed the following crimes, Government Misconduct x3, Government Corruption x8, Assault with a deadly weapon x2, Kidnapping x1, Conspiracy to commit major harm or murder x1, Tampering with Government Equipment x5, Obstruction of Justice x4, and THEFT x2!! WOW ISN’T THAT ALOT?

Amaya laughed again, before looking back at the camera, the same smirk sat on her face, “Now, I bet you’re wondering, WHAT DID I DO TO GET ALL THOSE CHARGES!? Well, a lot of stuff. I paid a gang and worked with a gang in exchange for information, I even allowed one of their members to get out of a felony arrest! I deleted a lot of CCTV footage, broke my bodycam a few times, oh yes, and I also tranqed Sada! Yes, the cop! I also tranqed Asha and tased her, tranqed her again, and then knocked her out with my crowbar. And just RECENTLY, I snuck into EMS and tranqed and tased two EMS workers AND KIDNAPPED AN EMS WORKER, ISN’T THAT FUN??? Of course, there's more. I hired a gang to attack someone, took a few KPD darts, lied. Etc etc.”

”It's a lot of stuff to pack into one video, but that sums it up! Now, I bet you are wondering though, what made me corrupt? Well, let me fucking tell you!” Amaya said, seeming to get a bit more angry as she said it, “I was recently kidnapped, carved, and tortured by a gang known as the Black Dragons. They kidnapped me to their apartment where I was tied up, and beaten, and slashed with a katana for information. When KPD arrived, sadly Officer Yung got stabbed. But, while everyone cared for her, where was I? Oh YES! Still tied up, with duck tape on my mouth, covered in blood on the bed. No one helped me, no officer untied my ropes or applied a medkit OR EVEN TOOK OFF THE TAPE! I was taken to EMS last, AND EMS HAD TO REMOVE THAT STUFF!!

Amaya gave a jokingly and sarcastic surprised look before she kept talking, “I went right back on duty after, there were NO OFFICER checked in on me! No one asked if I was okay, no one cared, etc. Then we all went to visit Yung for getting stabbed in the leg, while the torture victim stood there in the recovery room, watching as everyone else paid attention to her, and ignored me…” Amaya said, clearly getting a bit more angry over time as she kept talking.

“But of course, this wasn't the end, overtime Rei the detective would constantly tell me she hopes I get jumped over the radio when I went on patrols, Sada the CPL said ‘womp womp’ to me getting attacked and tortured. And other Officers just didn’t care to check in! Imagine what that does to someone. Your own team, your own co-workers who you work side-by-side with and have for a very long time, not caring. It was here where I realized why should I care about myself, or my job, or KPD, when they clearly don’t care about me!” Amaya threw her arms out for a moment, before putting them back down.

”KPD is pathetic when it comes to mental health of their officers, they only force us to check in with a physc every month but otherwise no officer checks in with another officer. They don't offer help. KPD is pathetic and sad and their members and force doesn't care about the mental health of their officers. If they did, they would have seen I wasn't okay from a mile away! But now…”

She laughed more, smiling brightly as she took out her tranq gun and her spiked bat. Resting the gun on her shoulder, “Now, because of their lack of care for their officers’ mental health, I’ve spiraled down to the point of no return. Officers and EMS have gotten HURT because of KPD’s negligence and lack of care for their members’ mental health. LET THIS BE KNOWN KARAKURA NEWS, KPD IS THE ONE TO BLAME, THEY MADE ME LIKE THIS, THEY NEVER CARED ABOUT ME UP UNTIL I BECAME CORRUPT. And now… They suffer the actions. I will keep being corrupt, and anyone who gets in my way will be tranqed and hurt, I don’t care who, I don’t care anymore. Good luck KPD and EMS, and as stated before. Stay out of my way if you want to be safe and unharmed.”

Amaya aimed the tranq gun at the camera, before shooting a dart into it, the footage would cut into static and cut then and there.

[!] The footage then ended [!]

In the coming days, Karakura will undoubtedly see changes in the government, going through reforms that prioritize the safety, well-being, and trust of the people. With her video confession exposing all of her crimes and blaming the Karakura Police Department for negligence, the mistreatment, Karakura is now in a corruption crisis.

But as we conclude this report, we will now wait on the Karakura Police Department's official stance on this issue.

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Level 109
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As the government falls, who will be standing, watching the world burn?

probably Kaz, ain't that right Aania.



Level 109
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we're free from that silly amaya kid now as well. this is multiple W's in the history books of Karakura

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