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KARAKURA NEWS: Shops Engulfed In Flames


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Shops engulfed in flames

Today the 31st of august means it has officially been 2 full weeks that have passed since the Karakura shopping district was terrorized by a coordinated vandalistic attack. After many long hours of research, rewriting and interviews I finally have brought a full and finished report for you all to read.

Written and researched by Xiao Tachitsu

The information of the stores
On August 17, 5 shops – 4 of which located within Karakura’s own shopping district – were hit by a series of coordinated and vandalistic attacks. The first but also most unknown shop to be hit by this group of gang affiliates was Lightning Electronics. A shop previously located closely towards the KPD, right next to the news station. It did take a small while before the officers initially arrived on scene due to a mysterious cause of the KPD being put on lockdown, seemingly by a bunch of fuses missing, DCI Hakasada stated: “Unfortunately, not long before the riots, the police station was set on lockdown. We're unsure as to what the issue completely was, however we found out that fuses were missing from its box.”

Shortly after the other 4 shops were raided, vandalized and finally set on fire by the group, the stores were as followed; Mai Yume, Kirei Hana, Shinboshi and Kiku Odkyo. The 5 stores seemed to have all been a coordinated attack, with each store being raided and vandalized by a small group of affiliates, before finally set on fire and abandoned by the criminals responsible. The entire attack seemed to only have lasted a short amount of 30 to 45 minutes and by small groups of affiliates at the same time, as bystanders said and watched along from outside of the stores. After all 5 stores being engulfed in flames, the KPD most certainly had a difficult time splitting up their forces around each of the 5 stores, working together with the crowd admiring the flames or watching in horror, but also some people who were not the best of crowd imaginable for this type of event. In total 11 citizens were arrested under the criminal charge of instigating riots during the incident. On top of that, around 7-10 criminal affiliates were arrested for their involvement with the arson attacks. But that of course brings the question as to why and who planned and executed these events.

The criminals in charge
After conducting research which ultimately lead to nothing, I decided to turn towards some of the arrested felons and schedule interviews with 2 them (interviews on page 3), these interviews deemed very helpful as to figuring out who was to be held responsible for these attacks, as two names surfaced via these interviews, those being a criminal gang named Valhalla as well as Karakura’s own Black Market team. As stated by Yan Binder Jr in our interview: “Anyways…We were hired by the Black Market. We have connections like that” Incentivising that the Black Market was offering a large reward for those willing to help. Using the money they earn and playing it like a card. The criminal gang named Valhalla has now repeatedly provided itself a name due to its vandalistic acts, as they were also responsible for the bombing and vandalizing of the Itsbyoshi tunnel – towards the airport – together with another criminal organization named Forelli, which sooner or later vanished without a trace. This marks the second public act of mass vandalism for Valhalla, and it is looking like it will become a serious issue for the Karakura Government. And to much of our concern, the Black Market within Karakura is finally taking a step and coming out of their sewers to join forces with other criminal gangs to cause havoc on this city. For once they do something more ambitious than selling illegal weapons to Karakura’s citizens.

Listen down below will be the transcripts of 3 of the interviews I have conducted whilst writing this interview! To give you all a little more inside information on the current situation, where I got the information from and what the affiliates are like.

Transcripts directly type-copied over from the recorded audio

One of my first interviews I conducted with DCI Akihisa Hakasada, the transcript for this interview is written below.
INTERVIEW #1 – Akihisa Hakasada

Xiao: “Before we begin, could you please state your full name and occupation.”

Akihisa: “I am Akihisa Hakasada, one of three Detective Chief Inspectors working for the Karakura Police Department.”

Xiao: “Could you tell us what took the KPD so long before arriving at the main 4 shops which got set on fire and blown up in the shopping district?”

Akihisa: “Unfortunately, not long before the riots, the police station was set on lockdown. We're unsure as to what the issue completely was, however we found out that fuses were missing from its box. We collected the fuses, geared ourselves up and then headed out.”

Xiao: “How did the KPD handle this certain situation?”

Akihisa: “Well, we handled this how we handle many situations like this. Of course, we prioritized the safety of the crowd! Then, we flushed the fires down with an extinguisher. We then put the people behind it in custody.”

Xiao: “Is the KPD still investigating the matter? And how do you guys do this?”

Akihisa: “I cannot provide you with an answer on the basis that we know that this is not the end. It never is, for any criminal organization. They always seem to breathe more life into the fire. We will put the fire out, however we can.”

Xiao: “Despite the on-going investigation, is there anything you guys can release to the public”

Akihisa: “Well, we'll try our best to make announcements about it if we can, but I cannot confirm nor deny that we are still investigating this matter.”

Xiao: “Will there be changes perhaps to prevent a massive arson attack like this from happening again?”

Akihisa: “Depending on the government's input, we will help out in installing whatever needs be in order to prevent these attacks from reoccurring.”

Ending of Interview/tape.mp3/q?=transcript

After my interview with Akihisa, I arranged an interview with one of the arrested affiliates, Braylen Jokull.

INTERVIEW #2 – Braylen Jokull

Xiao: “Before we begin, could you please state your full name for us?”

[!] A loud slam on the table.
Braylen: “BRAYLEN JOKULL REMEMBER THAT NAME. You was scared of all of us. ALL KPD FEARS US.”

Xiao: “Right…You got arrested because of a certain event, would you mind sharing with us what you did?”

Braylen: “WE burned down 2 shops without a trace of Karakura’s Police Department anywhere”

Xiao: …Correct. And who is ‘we’ if I may ask?”


Xiao: “The shadows of Valhalla? A pretty big criminal organization. Do you mean with shadows that you worked for them? Or stood in their shadow like a failed experiment of what was to become a criminal organization?”

Braylen: “We was to show the world who we are, no more hiding. Our name will be told for legends!”
Braylen: “No gang will come close to what we are.”

Xiao: “Such high pride and morals, truly you must be proud for burning down two shops in the shopping district, but does that mean you and Valhalla weren’t responsible for the other 3?”

Braylen: “WHO KNOWS!”

Xiao: “I assume you do. Since you are the one arrested for it.”

Braylen: “Aha more like I wanted to be here.”

[!] A popping sound.

Akihisa: “Oh, we know!”
[!] Sounds of someone snickering
Akihisa: “Round it up now”

Braylen: “You really think I would get arrested that easily?”
Braylen: “You’re ugly you know that?”

Braylen: “BE SCARED OF US!”

Ending of Interview/tape.mp3/q?=transcript

The last and most ‘valuable’ interview was with another arrested affiliate, Yan Binder Jr.


Xiao: “Before we begin, could you please state your full name for us?”

Yan: “Yan Binder Jr.”

Xiao: “Yan, you’ve been arrested for instigating violent riots and gang affiliation. I’m sure you wouldn’t mind sharing with us what organization you were involved with, no?”

Yan: “Well…We took part in the arson thing. The explosions or something were a different group that hired us. But for the most part it was Valhalla and those that hired us of course.

Xiao: “Another group? Any chance I can get a name out of you, Yan?”

Yan: “If you didn’t look at the spray paint on the stores that were destroyed you would know what that organization was. But because I am so nice I'll let you know.”
Yan: “None of your business”

Xiao: “Right, so Valhalla is the organization you’re affiliated with. Thank you for telling me.”
Xiao: “Now I have talked with one of your fellow affiliates here as well, one thing stood out to me: Was everyone from one organization? Or was it perhaps a group effort of multiple gangs and what not.”

Yan: “Do I get a date if I give a name?”

Xiao: “...Unfortunately for you I am a little too old for you maybe.. I’m also not in jail for 19 months.”

Yan: “Oh and you can get into jail very easily, just blow something up hun. Or kill someone.”
Yan: “Very easy…Anyways…We were hired by the black market. We have connections like that.”
Yan: “We know a lot more than you even think. Therefore, it will always rise higher than anyone else.”

Xiao: “Hired even? What was there on the table for you guys to earn besides a hefty jail sentence?”

Yan: “More tools to use. More people to go to.”
Yan: “The only reason I hate this place is because these fuckers won’t stop tasing me! And my ‘jail time’ is nothing.”
Yan: “There will always be more. our sacrifice is worth every moment.”

Xiao: “Not even a financial benefit? You’d sure have to pay me a couple of million to pull a stunt like this!”
[!] A more cynical laugh.
Xiao: “Would you happen to have directly spoken to a member of the Black Market? Maybe an image of what they look like comes to mind?”

Yan: “Everyone in the Black Market wears a mask, we don’t know how they look. Nor would I get it out.”
Yan: “Even if I have knowledge of that, I wouldn’t snitch. I have no gain from that.”
Yan: “We have our benefits, but that's out of my information I get.”

[!] A chuckle

Yan: “I mean…At least we get more gain from destruction of the shopping district than your pathetic reporter job.”

Xiao: “Worth a shot wasn’t it? I spoke to one of your associates as I mentioned before and he mentioned Valhalla was only in charge of 2 of the shop burnings, yes?”

Yan: “That’s right.”

Xiao: “And that’d mean the other 3 were committed by members of the Black Market, No?”

Yan: “You got it.”

Xiao: “Perfect, now can you note any other involvement Valhalla has had with the black market maybe?”

Yan: “Besides getting illegal weapons? Not sure. I don’t have much information on that.”

Xiao: “How unfortunate. Do you have anything to add about the situation yourself?”

Yan: “It was very fun. Watching everything in those shops burn to the ####### ground.”
[!] A table slam
Yan: “I was ACHING to burn something to the fucking ground.”

Xiao: “Do you have previous experience with arson and vandalism?”

Yan: “Yes. It’s not the first time.”
[!] A laughter
Yan: “Karakura deserved to know about Valhalla now.”

Xiao: “Oh really? Can you recall what you might’ve set on fire in the past?”

Yan: “Just some other stuff like bus stops, another shop once a while back too but that wasn’t here in Karakura. I did my jail time for those anyway so, you’re not going to give me more jail time with this hun.”

Xiao: “Alright. And then lastly, did you guys do anything about the witnesses or something? People who might’ve ventured into the stores?”

Yan: “They could have burned, that's their problem. Not ours or mine.”
Yan: “I could care less if shelves fell on them or anything. It’s not my problem and it never will be.”

Xiao: “Heartless like always, but honest. Thank you for your time, Yan.”

Ending of Interview/tape.mp3/q?=transcript

For now this is about all of the public information out there, as the KPD is still proceeding with their on-going investigation on the incident. My other attempts at arranging more interviews with affiliates were sadly denied due to visitation rules by the KPD, or public bystanders who sadly declined my offer.
This was Xiao Tachitsu, I hope you all have a great rest of your day.

Have something you'd like to report or be reported on? Call the Reporter Hotline at (020) 980-4487, Drop a message at the news station in our anonymous reporting box, or message us on Onrain @KaNews



Level 86
Very fun event, had a Roadrunner vs. Coyote kinda chase with butterolls for a good few minutes

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