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KARAKURA NEWS | The 2023 Deputy Mayor Elections


Level 86

April 6, 2023. - 21.67 C | 71.0 F - Sunny, partially cloudy - SPRING

After the sudden stepping down of Kyoko Akai, former Deputy-Mayor Sturm was deemed the new official Mayor of Karakura, leaving an open spot to those who step up to the plate in elections! Here will be the quick summary of who's running .. and what's been going on so far!

On March 25th, 2023, approximately eleven days ago to today, it is now new knowledge that Kyoko Akai has stepped down .. leaving Annabell Sturm, a former member of KPD, in charge. Now with that being said, the deputy mayor position is up for grabs. However this time around, things .. changed. Just as suddenly as campaigning began, trouble emerged. Multiple governors running suddenly .. vanished? Quit? It’s unknown what happened but now two other qualified individuals have joined the competition, two who aren't governors … a judge, and a lawyer.

The campaign truly started on March 31st, with the announcement of the two ladies of law running for office. A speech took place outside of town hall, Mayor Sturm introducing the situation and its resolution: Two people dropping out, and two people coming in. Afterwards the two candidates were formally introduced and took the mic, both taking the respectful turn at explaining their side of things, and what to expect from them both. Below will be a written down statement of what was said from both parties.

“Thank you, Mayor Sturm. I will do my best to make this short, I don’t want to keep you all standing here for too long! Anywho! Good afternoon Citize
ns of Karakura! As you know, my name is Yui Tsu, and I am the chief judge of the town hall. For a bit of background, I specialize in upholding justice within the city via court proceedings and determining verdicts for every case. I, as a judge, am absolutely ecstatic to announce that I will be running for Deputy Mayor! I can promise that upon voting for me, I will do my best to better the quality of life within the city of Karakura for not only its citizens, but for structure and wildlife as well. I have plans. Plans in which I can bring to life with the help of not only my fellow government workers, but YOU as the citizens as well. After all, I wouldn’t be running for this position if I didn’t have YOU in mind. The city has always been my first priority, and I take my job very considerately. I look forward to the campaign, and hope to bring nothing but proper reform and quality of life to the city. Vote Yui Tsu for Deputy Mayor, for a cleaner, brighter future!”

“Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, all residents of Karakura.. As you may or may not know, my name is Riko Derevo. It’s my honour to annou
nce today that I will be joining the elections for this position as Deputy Mayor. As of right now, I was Attorney General for the city. A good deal of my work involves working closet, and often directly, with the citizens of Karakura. As Attorney General, I’ve seen both sides of the coin, I know the struggles of the average citizen and work day to day sympathizing with the public along with constructing elaborate arguments to bring justice to our society. While I do not publicize myself as a governor at the current moment, I guarantee that I work day and night in the town hall, whether it'll be in my office or in the courtroom, I work towards the common good of Karakura. I hope you all will consider me as a well-rounded candidate, as well as keep your eyes and ears peeled for upcoming events relating to my campaign. I look forward to seeing you all over the course of this election, and hope that over time you will consider voting for me in the upcoming polls. Thank you all for your attention, and have a great rest of your afternoons!”

Now that you’ve seen the new two candidates, here will be a quick summary of all four of the current candidates all together! Not all summaries will be lengthy, it'll just be a quick way to familiarize yourselves with them.

Akira Hatake
Governor Hatake is in his mid to late thirties with a clean criminal record and a vast college record studying law and justice. So far he's been with Karakura for a few months, officially joining town hall back in January of 2023.

Riko Derevo

Next up is one of the new candidates, Riko Derevo who’s Karakura’s current Attorney General. She became a lawyer back in July of 2022 and has stuck around ever since. In her campaign she will be focusing on Karakura’s crime rates, crime prevention and even at times on the police, a subject that seems to appeal with most of Karakura’s younger audience.

Malachi Moralez

Another governor on the list, we have Malachi Moralez. Known for his often appearances at KPD .. and for his seemingly young appearance in general, Malachi Moralez has been a governor for Karakura since April of 2022 .. his anniversary will be on the sixteenth! Similar with the other governor, Malachi studied Criminal justice in college.

Yui Tsu

Last up that will be mentioned is Chief Judge Yui Tsu, who's known not just for her .. often eccentric behavior, but also right now for her eventful campaigning. So far she’s doing the hands on approach of hosting blocked-off street events, handing out pins, and so on.

Regarding the new candidates that aren't governors, it’s been known from the start that they must do a bit more to prove themselves to the audience.. Due to the fact they are starting a bit later and are a bit unexpected by the public. So, to combat this, what have they done?

Starting with Tsu, she has recently hosted a blocked-off street event in which a DJ played music, shops had booths and even a small speech was made ..
Also during this event, Former mayor and now Governor Kyoko Akai attended in order to judge a competition that took place .. For more information regarding this event, look forward to an upcoming article which will be written by reporter
Calico O'Sullivan.
Yui Tsu also was reported to have been passing around campaign pins to the public! Most notably going to KPD where cadets and higher ups alike got a pin.

As for Riko Derevo, even though no major events publicly have taken place yet as it's still very early on, she's pushing for a more change-based campaign. After speaking to Derevo personally, she told me she plans to combat the immense rise in crime taking over Karakura. As an Attorney General who sees the cop’s, citizen’s and criminal’s point of view.. She hope’s she’ll be able to assist in any way she can when going against the issues at hand.

Now, when do elections end? How long do these four candidates have to prove themselves as the best choice for Deputy mayor? Elections are estimated to begin in a few weeks! No exact date has been determined quite yet, but will be mentioned in an upcoming news article when released.

This was Jim Yasushi, signing out.

Have something you'd like to report or be reported on? Call the Reporter Hotline at (020) 980-4487 or message us on Onrain @KaNews!
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