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KARAKURA NEWS: The Anonymous Reporting System.


Level 86

June 09, 2023. - 12.22C | 54.0F - Cloudy with some humidity - SPRING

What happens when you cant speak to someone directly? Or when you just cant seem to get someone to respond to your phone call? Well dont worry, there seems to be a solution thats taking Karakura by storm: The Anonymous Reporting System! This was a collaboration report between Karakura Police Department and Karakura News Station.

First seen most popularly used in the school, Karakura SLT members - or some at least, had a way for students to anonymously leave notes, messages, and reports outside their office for SLT to review. Now, this method has grown into a professional light as jobs across Karakura offer a similar system.

Now in both Karakura News Station and Karakura Police Department, you, the citizens, can make reports without actually trying to contact someone! Here we will go over how to use these systems, along with how to properly make reports of all variations to these people.


Starting off with Karakura news, of course. Karakura News has actually had this system in place for awhile now and here we will shine
some light to it. Starting off, where is Karakura news? Karakura news is location beside Karakura’s local skate park and right down the street from the main entrance to the beach and Daisuki Yohins. Upon entering the news station, youll be greeted with a sign to the Karakura News Official Hotline which is (020) 980-4487. Here you can call an available reporting and report something, we will discuss how to make a phone call report later. What youll also be greeted with is another way you can contact the news, which is Via the Onrain account of @KaNews! Lastly, at out front desk the Anonymous Reporting System, which the News Station calls ‘Public Submissions’.

Now, how do you properly make a report with the News? Its simple, and easier than you'd expect.

When going to a reporter in person, be sure theyre wearing a purple badge, this means theyre on duty. Obviously those on the news are well known, as theyre constantly
on TV, social media, and so on. However, they have personal lives too, many may not enjoy being force fed reports when they arent on duty.
When doing in person reports, be sure to have any proof, evidence and other items prepared that may be needed. When it comes to Interviews, do note the reporter is in charge. If you lie to a reporter in an interview, or say something about another person and its put into a news broadcast, you yourself may be sued for possible defamation of character or more. Do not think the news will take the blame, as it wasnt them who said it: it was you.

The News Hotline works similarly to the Government one, and 110, where after dialing the only way the call will actually go through is if you speak. So please, immediately state your business after you dial the number (020) 980-4487. Afterwards, if a reporter is available, youll get a reply. But what do you report on the hotline? Well, if an event is happening, if you see something, know something, so on, you may call. Or, if you are going to be hosting something and wish for Karakura News to be there, you may also call.
When calling, please note we may not get there fast or be available at the time of something. So, what we suggest is as you wait for our arrival, take photos or videos yourself. That way when we DO get there, you can hand us over the photos and so forth so we can make the process go smoother.
If youre reporting information, make sure you have proof to back up your claims. Defamation is something the city takes seriously, so if a reporter writes on a subject you told them about without any evidence .. theres a chance said reporter can be sued. In result, they may sue you back the money seeing as youre the one who gave it to them. Your information and suggestion of topic may also not even be taken seriously if lack of information, evidence, proof, etc.

NG SYSTEM: “Public Submissions”

For public submissions, you may write down what you need onto some sort of physical device, suc has paper, a book, sticky note, and so on. From there, its suggested you leave the following if doing a full report:
-Phone Number

-what youd like to be done
However, you dont have to just do that. You may also just leave your number and ask for one of us to call! You can also just leave information if you wish not to be contacted.
Do be warned, similar to KPD, KA News has many CCTV in the area and we can see who comes in and leaves things if need be. If you leave a prank submission, something incriminating, and so on .. there is a chance you may be reported to the police depending on the reporter's discretion.
Once you write up your report, you may simply toss it into the Submission box.

Karakura New’s official Onrain account is @KANews, there you may message them in private messages about report topics, suggestions, information, and more! They also often post QnA’s asking the public for input and information as well, so keep an eye for that if interested.


Sure the News makes reports, but when when it comes to taking them? One thing surely comes to mind, and thats Karakura’
s police department. KPD has a different Anonymous Reporting System than Karakura News, however its still similar nonetheless. Karakura Police Department also takes phone calls, in person reports, and so on.
In same format as above, itll be discussed the ways you can make reports with Karakura Police Department along with what NOT to do as well. We also got the chance to do a one on two interview with the new Police Inspector, Governor Eli Zennix along with Karakura Police Department Corporal K188, Jeo Su-Ho, where they both explain in their own words how the reporting system works and the elements of it.

[Yasushi]: “What are your names and positions? And for the officer, what rank of any?”

[Zennix]: “Eli Hanazono-Zennix, Governor” (And Police Inspector)

[Su-Ho]: “My name is Jeo Su-Ho, Badge number K188. I am a corporal officer..”

[Yasushi]: “Alright. The rest of the questions will be about reports - between how to report, what to report, so on.”

[Yasushi]: “Starting this off officially now, this is more directed towards the Officer in the room: How does the new Anonymous reporting system work here in the KPD lobby? The one you just took a photo with?” (see group photo at top of section)

[Su-Ho]: “Well, its pretty simple actually. If someone witnesses a crime and want to let us know, they can get a book and write the information that we need to know such as... the name of the culprit, a description of them, what happened and where it happened. After that they can put it inside of the report box and a officer regularly will look through it and submit it. Then we will do everything we can to catch them and help service justice to the community”

[Yasushi]: “Interesting, we have a similar method at the news station. Moving on: What are some other ways citizens can report crimes? And how would they do so?”

[Su-Ho]: “They can call us by using the 110 number, from there they can tell us where they are, whats going on, and what is needed. Its especially important they at least tell us where they are, as we cannot help them much if we dont know where they are.”

[Yasushi]: “And?”

[Su-Ho]: “They can come in person into the station and let an officer know they want to make a report. We can take you into the station and ask you the questions. If noone is at the front desk all you need to do is call the emergency number 110 and ask for someone.”

[Yasushi]: “So far, we have the Anonymous reporting system, going to someone in person at the lobby, and also calling to report. Say, a way to also deal with some issues is to get a restraining order, correct? Could you tell me a little more about that, seeing as townhall handles such now?” (Said towards the inspector)

[Zennix]: “Filing a restraining orders are now under the Government, mainly Judges and Lawyers. They have been the same since transfering to over to us. The only thing that has changed is the location and who you need to talk to."

[Yasushi]: “Ok... i alread established that what I
asked you was Mr. Zennix.. or what i wanted you to eat was HOW someone would actually get the restraining order, the process of that.”

[Zennix]: “You talk to a Judge or Lawyer, as I just stated. As for the process involved, I do not know as I am not trained in the orders.”

[Su-Ho]: "I could answer it..."

[Su-Ho]: "I am trained since we used to do them here..”

[Yasushi]: “Perhaps you are more useful then the inspector. Since youre more competent, what's the process then?”

[Su-Ho]: "Well, of course you can't get a restraining order if the person only has harassed you once... it needs to be more then once. And you need to have something that can prove it actually happened. This could be things such as text messages, a video recording or you could see if any officers could find it on any CCTV. Once you have that go to the townhall and tell them what happened and provide the evidence. They will then give you a book which states that you have a restraining order against them... They will also get the same book. If they then breach it you can alert an officer and we can arrest them for it.”

[Yasushi]: “I see. Backtracking here, how about phone calls? Whats something people should do? Say? Be sure of?”

[Su-Ho]: "The first thing they should do is tell us what is happening. Let us know if they are masked or have any sort of weapon on them. This is important since we need to know how many officers we should send. And of course... Even though I think this is very obvious.... The location. It would be even more useful if you could describe the person or people we should be looking for..."

[Yasushi]: “"thank you, lets see here.."

[Yasushi]: "What if no one answers the phone call, then what should that person do?”

[Su-Ho]: "If we don't answer, don't panic. We are on our way to the location. Answering calls can slow us down. As long as we have all the information we need we don't need to answer. Just remain calm and put your safety first."

[Yasushi]: “And if no one comes?"

[Su-Ho]: "Well urm... in some cases... we may not have enough officers on duty to respond.... we need to make sure our officers are safe. If we are not safe then how are we supposed to help others? My best advice is to try your best to get any evidence such as a video recording or try and get near CCTV. Then come and report it later."

[Yasushi]: “What are some bad things to do when reporting, or just things that are inconvenient?”

[Su-Ho]: "Well... He need to be able to see the face of the culprit. Many
people use masks.. If they do its very hard to be able to identify them. We need to be able to actually see the act of crime happening in the evidence. For example, just a picture of them is not that useful... A video would be much better."

[Yasushi]: “What else can be used as evidence?”

[Su-Ho]: "As I mentioned before, we have many CCTV around the city. Not only that, when it comes to weapons we can identify blood and match it to the victim through our databases."

[Yasushi]: "What about DNA? Such as a used cigarette at a scene or fingerprints?"

[Su-Ho]: “Hmm... Well- I am not really sure about that... I am not trained in that as I am not at detective. But I assure you, we have many resourses that can help us with bringing solid evidence to the prosecution..”

[Yasushi]: "Whats a bad example of Evidence?”

[Su-Ho]: "Witnesses... I get so many people come into the station saying that they want to report a crime and when I ask them what evidence they have... They say ohh so and so was there! They can tell you about it!... That is useless and can not be used. People can easily lie and that wouldn't really be fair on the culprit."

[Yasushi]: “Right, plus .. eye witness testimony is the most. unreliable. But anyway, anything else that isnt good to have when reporting?”

[Su-Ho]: "I mean if you don't have any description of them then we don't exactly know who to look for... You can of course still put in a report but just know that we may not be able to actually catch anyone."

[Yasushi]: ‘Right, I see."

[Yasushi]: "Now, KPD currently clasified hanakura at a Level Four Danger level,|| correct? How may this effect how you guys respond-to-balls, reports, and so on, hm?"

[Su-Ho]: "Well usually before we could respond to calls with just two people... Now we have to have at least three people. We also use riot gear much more often. When it comes to major situations we need at least two officers with us who have glocks."

[Yasushi]: “Understood. Does anything else effect the way police respond to calls, no matter the danger level?”

[Su-Ho]: “When it comes to reporting criminals, no other changes are made.”

[Yasushi]: “I see, hm. Anything youd like to add Mr. Zennix? Youve been awfully quiet, not even putting your usual two cents in.”

[Zennix]: "There is nothing I need to add, as I am not trained in restraining orders nor does the emergency level effect workers of town hall."

[Yasushi]: “What about you k188? Anything youd like to say?”

[Su-Ho]: “Nothing else I believe I have to say, we seem to have covered everything”

As exampled above, there are so many more factors we see behind the scenes that go into police reports and the process of dealing with them. I also asked Detective Akihasa Hakasada some of the things Su-Ho couldnt answer, such as the question about DNA and fingerprint collection. In response, he somewhat confirmed KPD is capable of it. It was hard to tell as he stated “Anything is possible” … so we can assume he meant yes.

Moving on, Heres the things to note for when reporting in the several ways there are.


If no officer is at the front desk, you may use the emergency 110 number to request an officer to come. When doing a desk report, you will be eventually searched and brought to a questioning room where theyll file your report.
Having evidence is key, you may file a report without evidence or proof ho
wever the chances of them conducting an arrest or filing a wanted log based on your report is slim to none as theyd have nothing to go off of. Video evidence is preferred along with knowing the location of the crime was in range of CCTV, however photo evidence works as well. Eye witnesses are not evidence nor are they considered reliable.

110 CALLS:
When calling 110, same with the other hotlines, calling isnt enough. In order for the call to go through and for officers to know youre on the line, you MUST speak.
110 is shared with the hospital EMS workers as well, meaning its vital you specifically state whats going on therefore the responders know the situation and who should go where.
As Su-Ho explained, stating where the crime is being committed is extremely important as well.
Even if no one picks up the phone, it doesn't mean you're being ignored. Sometimes officer’s don't respond to the calls verbally as it takes up time, rather instead they take the time to recruit fellow officers and go to the crime if stated where. This way they can respond as fast as possible. If an officer doesn't show, it may be due to the danger level set for them. Danger levels rank from one to Four and it depends on the current state of Karakura, the higher the level, the more precautions KPD must follow. Most commonly, this means they need a certain about of people in order to respond to calls. As Su-Ho stated, as of right now thats three or more officers when usually its between one to two officers.
KPD is able to trace back phone numbers, prank calling the hotline is considered a crime and you will face punishment.

Same with Karakura N
ews, CCTV catches everything. Usually they wont be checked for those who submit reports, but pranks and incriminating messages may result in CCTV being checked. Besides that, you should stay relatively anonymous unless you state in your report your name, phone number, etc.
Paper, books, note pads, and other writing devices will not be provided
to you. You must bring your own in order to make the report.


This overall report was a large collaboration between Karakura News and the Karakura Police department to show off a new reporting system along with providing the public with knowledge on how to properly report to both respective jobs. During this process, a few photos were taken that will be shared below.

This was Jim Yasushi, signing out.

Have something you'd like to report or be reported on? Call the Reporter Hotline at (020) 980-4487 or message us on Onrain @KaNews


Level 53
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Hakasada actually meant.. you can kill people with a fingerprint scanner! Yayy

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