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Karakura News | The Execution Trial


Level 71

Umeda Kame, Senior Reporter

Today, a private trial took place. An execution trial for the inmate named Shingeru Obasan. This 18-year-old male was charged with the murder of late Detective Inspector Sofia Sakurako. The whole event was gruesome, and horrible to discuss further.

The trial started with Lawery Hideyoshi’s opening statement, claiming all of the evidence that would be provided, would prove Obasan included in the murder, along with two other people, as well as deserving the execution sentence. Then we moved on to Lawyer Archon’s opening statement, explaining that his client could have been forced to murder by an unknown suspect during the event.

Hideyoshi called on her first witness, Detective Cheif Inspector Jackson Kinoshira. In his testimony, he claimed that the day had been normal, and Sakurako had left on her solo patrol, nothing out of the ordinary. He claimed that the force didn’t know Sakurako was murdered until a few days after, even though they attempted to radio for her. Commissioner Schwarz was the one to find her body, and they found their culprit Obasan, as well as another inmate, Shinku L. Yebisu, from body camera footage.

Next, Archon began their cross-examination. Starting off, Archon immediately questioned if the other officers were questioned, as well as mentioned how Obasan did NOT act alone.

Soon, the bodycam footage came out, it was pretty gruesome. I won’t go into detail about what they depicted, though it was hard evidence against Obasan. It showed exactly what he had done to Sakurako. After the video was shown, Obasan attempted to speak up for himself, multiple times out of turn. All of these objections were overruled, due to only attorneys being able to object.

Both Lawyers gave their closing statements, explaining their side so far. Now, all that was left was for the jury to decide. The defense was found guilty and sent to execution for the murder of Sofia Sakurako.

I got a moment to speak to Shingeru Obasan. . . and here is what he said.

U.K: “Can you tell me how you felt after murdering Sofia Sakurako?”

S.O: “I was scared. I was scared. I was scared all the time but, this government clearly doesn’t care. . I didn’t want to do it. . the judge wasn’t ready to hear. She wasn’t ready to hear me out!”

U.K: “Do you have any last words that you would like to have on record? Anything goes Sir.”

S.O: “Yes! The government sucks! They are corrupt. . There is a lot behind their masks. . Kojis are criminals. Akihito are criminals and so is the government they hold! She (the judge) wasn’t ready to hear me out! She was the judge. . And she deserves death.”

That's all from me, I have no closing statement to leave this report with. Stay safe.


Level 183
Shishi with the epic reporting as always

Also Jesus, man got caught in 4k

I'm on phone and it's not letting me edit and quote you so apologies for replying multiple times in a row but,

You did great and I was very proud of you OOCly.. That was rather my chatacter ICly being stubborn and.. Criminal? But you did very great especially for a first trial I'm impressed


Level 266
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
super fun trial to watch for the portion of the time I was there, and credits to pash for having fun with his character and making the trial interesting despite the circumstances.

Props to the government branch too, love y'all


Level 183
Sky vs Bunnie :o

Honestly.. They both did great and Sky was very impressive but she didn't stand a chance because of myself. They had a clear footage of bodycam showing my face but Sky tried her best and I was nodding at every word she said


Level 135
I’d just like to point out that I was the only person on the jury who didn’t want him to die


Level 79
Community Team
Media Team
bro you did so good for your first trial
bfkdheke thankie! i tried but it was nerve racking ;w;
Honestly.. They both did great and Sky was very impressive but she didn't stand a chance because of myself. They had a clear footage of bodycam showing my face but Sky tried her best and I was nodding at every word she said
i tried so hard to make you seem more innocent but defending someone for murder is a challenge but im glad i did good :')

both Bun and me were super scared during the trial ngl LOL

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