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KARAKURA NEWS | The Mysteries Of Karakura Series - The Sewers [PART ONE]


Level 43
Lore Team

Karakura is full of mysteries, from people to places, or even events that took place in the city, and many people have questions about all of them. Even though questions are asked about these strange areas or happenings, I’m here to push them out to the public in hopes that people get the answers they’ve sought for however long it’s been.

This fungi-filled room, which isn’t very far away from the Shopping District front entrance is very overgrown and smells horrid. Once you walk in, the putrid smell of what can be described as rotting corpses, sewage, and anything else you could probably imagine hits you right in the face. Looking down, you’ll see a trail of blood leading to another room that’s white, or once was white. Any unfortunate victim down in this area will be met with the once-white walls which are now covered with dry blood. Was it real, or was it fake? We don’t know. This white room is encased in the larger stone room, visit this area at your own risk.

Before being met with the room, a water-filled hallway leads up to the room with various sprays. Once you make it to the doorway, you’re met with an office-like area, the room having another few sprays within it. Something green and mysterious is hiding another doorway, which leads to another smaller room, surprisingly not covered in sprays, though it’s decorated with a vending machine. If you’re trying to find this room and explore it, you’ll head to the Shopping District front sewer entrance then go all the way straight until you get to an area where you can go four ways, go right, and boom, you’re there. Once again, explore these areas at your own risk, there is a chance of something or somebody dangerous lurking in these sewage areas.

Assuming you all, or most of you, have explored the sewers, you may have come across this room full of bridges, most need to be fixed or unsteady. Even though you may have a high chance of falling, this area can either be seen as beautiful or disgusting, this depends on the person who visits the area and how they view the world. Getting here is easy though due to the fact that there are multiple entrances/exits, around four or five, maybe more if you take the time to count every single one of them. Even though this area of the sewers isn’t very special or anything, many people wonder, including me, wonder how it got here and when. One day it wasn’t there, then the other day it suddenly appeared, but people don’t seem to openly question this.
[Something seemed to be missing from the report.. What was it though?]

When entering the closest entrance to the sewers from the back gates, you’ll be met with this exact room where the head of a horse is on a chain. Even though this room is currently closed off by boulders and rocks due to the recent earthquake, I was lucky enough to get these photos of it. Oddly enough, chains are hung from the ceiling, the other side of the room, opposite the rooms’ entrance, another possible entrance/exit has been blocked by a boulder for years. Now that this room is closed off, sadly, this cannot be explored by anyone, leaving this area to slowly disappear from the memory of Karakura citizens.

While this report is coming to an end, this will be a continued series called The Mysteries Of Karakura, so don’t miss this too much! Once you’ve seen all of these rooms and their descriptions, would you still dare to check out these disgustingly interesting locations in the sewers? Let us know if you do by posting a photo of the location findings on Onrain with the hashtag; #SewerExploring!

When exploring, have a flashlight ready, and don't go alone. We're not responsible for anything that may happen while you try to find these areas of the sewers.


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