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KARAKURA NEWS | The Powerplant Finale and a closer look at Ezri Akai


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September 30, 2023
Barbatos Archon Hanazono

Mayor Ezri Akai delivered a speech right in front of the powerplant earlier, and I was there to capture the entire moment, recording it live. From her opening words to her final remarks, every part of her speech was documented. Following this, I had the privilege of conducting a one-on-one interview with Mayor Ezri, delving deeper into her motivations and future ideas as the Mayor and the thought process behind her speech.

[!] The video would start by zooming in for a moment where all the Government officials are [!]
It would show the Mayor walking up to the podium, taking a sip of water before starting, ”Good afternoon, everyone. I’d like to address the current state of powerplant and what our plan is going forward, as I’m sure a lot of you know. Powerplant has been long used as a place for criminals and gangs a like to congregate, and generally it’s a stain on on our city, especially considering it’s placement.”

“Especially considering when you first enter the city from the airport you see masked people hanging around with weapons out. This does not look good on the city we all call home.” Ezri would be seen pausing, before they continued, “Some of you might argue, but keeping them confined to one place makes the city safer in the long term, and to that I say, So what? Why should we even allow this to happen in the first place.”

She would visibly be seen looking around at the people, and possibly the officers as well, finishing off the speech. “With that in mind, I’d like the proudly announce that powerplant is officially CLOSED. I hope you all have a wonderful night.”

The camera would then move over to the crowd as they erupt with protest, screams even, some negative, some positive, as in the video you would hear, “BOOOOO!!!” “SO YOU WOULD RATHER HAVE CRIMINALS RUNNING IN THE CITY?” “LETS GO NO MORE POWERPLANT!” “GOOD JOB MAYOR” “WHAAAAAT?”

[!] The video would then end there for now [!]

With the conclusion of Mayor Ezri Akai's speech, the finale of powerplant is done. The community's response was a mix of opinions, ranging from enthusiastic support to anger from the people. After it though as I said earlier, I had the opportunity to sit down with Mayor Akai for a personal interview, aiming to gain an understanding of the reasoning behind this as I do hope this will allow the public to better understand the person behind our town.

[!] Another video would be played! This time with Barbatos, Mayor Ezri, Deputy-Mayor Yui, and Commissioner Yeager inside the town hall [!]

Barbatos: “So Miss Akai, may you formally introduce yourself to the people?"
Ezri: “Of course! So, I'm Ezri. I'm the niece to former mayor Kiyoko Akai, and was pretty much raised here in Karakura. Though I'm originally from Kobe, Japan. I was brought into the Akai family, and generally was inspired by Kiyoko's position and everything she had done for this city, and wanted to do the same!”

Barbatos: “I see," A momentary pause, before his tone changed into a joking one, harmless in his words, "So you have been taught by the best of the best then?" Continuing, "What, brought up the idea of your recent speech, Miss Akai? If it isn't that too confidential."

Ezri: “Well, It does start with when I arrived in the city, It was quite hectic in the city and there was a lot of crime, then when I took office one of the detectives came to me and expressed a lot of issues and on that day I made a promise to rid the city of crime once and for all. I feel that by making these steps to eradicate crime.”

Barbatos: “I personally can agree to that- the whole... city being quite hectic. Besides with this change of many, what are your other plans then? Any future steps you are thinking to take?"
Ezri: "I like to keep my future plans private as to be a surprise to the city when they finally reveal, for example, revamping the entire business park, renovating plaza, and now closing powerplant." With a small pause from her side as well, she finished with, "I feel that it makes them more appreciated that way."
Barbatos: "Fair enough then, Miss Akai." A small chuckle would be heard from him, "they do say that the element of surprise is the best well received by many. Well this is my final question then, what is your motivation for becoming Mayor?"

Barbatos: "Though I am aware that it was because of Lady Kiyoko Akai, I'm sure there are plenty of other reasons no?"

Ezri: "Exactly! My motivation to become mayor is really just to make this city a better place for everyone, We should be proud of the city we live in, and I want to do everything in my power to make it happen."

Ezri: "Government isn't lethal anymore, nor do they use lethal force. Death penalty was removed, we took the glocks away. Generally I just want the city to be safer for everyone, and I want everyone to be proud of the city we live in."
Barbatos: With a slight awe in his voice, "To be honest, I'm happy with the work you've done so far, Miss Akai. As a person who grew up here personally, seeing it change for the better, what you vision for the town, is already happening." - "Though I digress, I do not want to take any more of your time... Do you have any final words to the people?"
Ezri: Took awhile to think about the final question, "Be safe, and if you ever need anything, please do not be afraid to come to the townhall if you need help"

Ezri: "Also we're hiring.”

[!] And thus, the video ended [!]

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