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KARAKURA NEWS | Trial to Death


Level 86

June 018, 2023. - 33.88C | 93.0F - clear skies for most of the day, rain shower expected at night - SUMMER

Monday, 8:30 AM, Opening statements started for the trial of Sebastian O. Kuri.

"Greetings Ladies & Gentlemen, I'm Silvio Russo standing here today on the defense of Sebastian O. Kuri.. I'd like to preface my defense by saying that the actions of my client are in fact deplorable, and deserve punishment, however the execution of such a young person for a crime that the police cannot even prove is also deplorable, and- should not be allowed to stand in the outcome of this court…"My Client here is a troubled kid, they've suffered greatly and have also done plenty harm, however without any proper punishment and rehabilitation he was pushed into a life of crime that we all know is so prevalent in this town, this shows the importance of proper justice... so the defense today will merely be saving this poor child from having his life ended, and put forth some more appropriate charges.. The defense is suggesting that my client is charged with gang affiliation, and assault with a deadly weapon, I will comment on why these charges are appropriate once the evidence is put forth, as it is all lacking in terms of proving my clients guilt in the beheading that killed the individual, as far as evidence- can prove my client is only guilty of severing the leg of the individual, making the more appropriate charge assault with a deadly weapon, Thank you that will be all" -S. Russo, Defense

“Good day Your Honor, ladies, and gentlemen of the Jury. I am Morax Archon, the counsel for the prosecution and representing the Karakura Police Department. As said by the brief summary of the Judge presiding in today’s case, Sebastion O. Kuri was initially arrested for Obstruction of Justice by lying to KPD and his lawyer as well during interrogation, when asked about his involvement he said he was simply running around with his friends… But alas, when presented with the photo of the body of Jared Y. K., he immediately acted as if he DID know something about it though still lied. Being also shown the severed leg that police found on him, he stated that he was just there watching and that he did not know who the individuals in the photo were. Blatant lying, and changed his story during interrogation, Mr. Kuri’s sentence was then changed to First-degree murder of Jared Y. K., as he claims to not be guilty of the charges at all. But that is why I am here today your Honor, to prove that he was guilty of the crime and that people like him, lying and pretending to not know what happen when it is obvious that they know they have an involvement, should be punished, that is all, your Honor.” -M. Archon, prosecution

As shown above, those are the statements that started the trial on July 6th, 2023. But what lead up to this? Whats the story behind the case? Sebastian was initially arrested at the time by officer K269 back in June on the 19th, his original charge being evasion as he ran from both K269 and another officer. However, additional charges arose and further investigation took place. The charge for Obstruction of Justice came to light after Sebastian lied to police. However, after he was arrested, police found a severed leg on their possession.. Soon the official charges changed to face away from the original evasion charge to really focus on the obstruction of justice, and now murder that faced them.
After noticing the severed leg, some officers filed some warrants on sebastian and did some forensics work with the evidence they had and discovered. Moreover, they discovered a picture of the person they allegedly killed whom indeed had the severed leg.. But also had a carving that said "KYOKI WAS HERE'.
Several days later, officers headed to the location where the picture was supposedly taken, to where it seemed to be in one of the many tunnels located beneath the infamous powerplant. After hours of investigation, the body was determined to be Jared "Drowned" Y. K., which had been beheaded at the time they were found.. After these discoveries, Sebastian was interrogated to know more about his involvement in the heinous crimes. When asked about what they were doing at the time of the incident (which could be easily identified by any competent and prudent person due to the photo's creation date),, he said he was simply running around with his friends. Running around with his friends? How funny. Upon being presented with the photo, he immediately leaned his head to the table, stating a phrase you wouldn't usually say if innocent or not guilty in any way. Sensation’s reaction to whats shown ahead of him was simple: "Fuck”. When also shown the severed leg that police found in his possession, he stated that he was just there watching, and that he did not know who the individuals in the photo were. So now, his story went from he had no involvement and running around with friends.. Too simply ‘watching’ this disturbing and heinous crime unfold with people he supposedly didn't know.

Obviously, with all this set and done, there wasn't a doubt this would be going to trial, which it did practically a month after his initial request. After the trial went through and was processed, lawyers pressed for the death penalty to be at play. The reasoning behind this was as is, Sebastian was under arrest for First Degree Murder, along with such he tried to lie to detectives and their own lawyer to try to get away with their crime. The death penalty was instated and said if found guilty, it would be given.

The very end of the trial came with a lot of anticipation, upon which the following was said on both sides.
"I'd just like to run over this once again, I am still asking that my client is charged with assault with a deadly weapon as well as affiliation with a gang, executing people is not the answer and especially not in this case, their crime was-- grotesque and violent however it is not a repeat offense, in fact this is their first time being charged, I believe it would be simply
unconstitutional to charge my client with the death penalty, while the actual cold blooded killer runs free…Thank you, that will be all" - S. Russo, Defense

“Once more, good day your Honor, ladies, and gentlemen of the Jury, I am Morax Archon, the counsel for the prosecution and representing the Karakura Police Department. Once again I would like to restate what I’ve said since the beginning of this trial. Blatant lying to the officer, and to his lawyer, and changing his story during interrogation, though yes he wanted to protect the ones he works with their identities, it does not justify the act committed by them as they still took someone’s life whether intentional or not. Taking their right to live, he, in turn, forfeited his even if it was for the ‘greater good’. That is why your Honor, I would like to say that they are guilty of what they’ve done, with all the pieces of evidence that I’ve provided, his testimony and answers during the cross-examination, even admitting that he lied to the law, those who committed such crimes should be punished, and give justice to the ones who are gone. That is why I ask that you would pass a guilty verdict that fits right with what they’ve done, that is all, your Honor.” - M. Archon, Prosecution.

… As expected by many, and dreaded by perhaps more, Sebastian O. Kuri was found guilty of his charges and sentenced to death. During the end of the whole trial, like far too many criminals before him, he didn't like the end of his trial. He wasnt satisfied with his ending, and so he got up and attempted t strangle an officer from behind with his hand cuffs.. Which of course failed, as per usual.


After the trial, that is when the inmate was solely back up to Karakura Police Department’s authority, and that is why an officer on scene whos been involved with Sebastion since his arrest is here to speak today upon what happened after the trial.

[Yasushi]: “Officer K629, more popularly known as the oldest P.O and Karakura’s desk cop, tell me Officer Sada, how did you manage to get your hands on Sebastian?”

[Sada]: He chuckled at the reporter’s comment, “I aint’ expect to arrest him .. in all honesty chief. It was about sunset, yeah? Me n’ a detective were gonna… shit, i think fine someone? We aint expect to do so much, hence why we only went out with just us two! No one else.. Er, so we head out, end up at powerplant, the usual crap. When leavin’ the station, for patrol, a call, a good half the time yur’ ending up at powerplant. Ill admit i dont remember all the facts but i mosty remember when the adrenaline kicked in.. The detective was in pursuit of some other guys across the road, ya’ know the wide alley way there? He tased our guy, Sebastian, and kept runnin’ .. so i stayed behind and cuffed the guy for evasion! Ya know? Dude ran from us! I aint know any otha’ charge to hand ‘em at the time!”

[Yasushi]: “I see.. So at the time you nor the detective knew what you guys were getting into when arresting him?”

[Sada]: “Tch, I sure as hell didnt! Maybe the detective did,, I aint too sure.”

[Yasushi]: “Right, moving on, what happened after that, Sada?”

[Sada]: “Well.. after i place the cuffs on the guy i actually got surrounded. I was about to do the usual patdown as some guy had a mask, yeah? So i turn the guy around, have ‘em on the wall when some dude approaches me from behind! Son of a bitch probably had a weapon but i somehow prevent ‘em from gettin’ all behind me.. So to keep myself safe i sorta spin the guy i was about to pat down around to swap positions.. This way im safe against the wall. At this point aint no one else bother me too much so i actually er, do the full pat down.. And skidaddle the fuck away afterwards! A few tried to follow me but got called back by someone.. I was er, more focused on gettin’ outta’ there, ya’ know?”

[Yasushi]: “Action packed day for the usual desk cop, hm?”

[Sada]: “ahaha.. Hell yeah! I mean, i know what i was doin’, At the moment Im the like oldest normal Patrol officer, all the others are newly officers from the cadet wave afta’ me so im sorta glad it was me out there then some otha’..”

[Yasushi]: “Totally understandable, Sada. So, we went over the story of how he got arrested, now lets just to after the trial, shall we? We started at the very beginning, now the quite literal end.. What happened?”

[Sada]: “As per usual, i was just working desk when shit starts happenin’ on radio and I hear this guy tried to strangle one of the newer P.Os! So i of course like, ask how or what the hell happened and i get told the guy put his cuffs around the dudes neck! So .. i uh, yeah i made a small comment sayin’ its unoriginal and asking if the guy was ok, which he was. Once they all got to the station, me and the same detective guy who arrested Sebastian originally were sorta.. In charge I guess? And the other two Patrol officers just delt with the little stuff like asking for the dudes last meal and all that.”

[Yasushi]: “How was the death decided? Did he have a choice? Walk me through all that”

[Sada]: “OH! Ya’, guy chose firing squad.. Yeesh. No ones chosen that in a long time.. So we had a lot to prepare and time to stall. So one of the P.Os got told to ask for their final meal, and then i told ‘em after a bit of waiting to bring ‘em to the cafeteria to get ready as the detective guy brought the Deputy Mayor Tsu in the cook some of the food that we aint have on hand.”

[Yasushi]: “..Oh? The deputy mayor assisted? Interested, tell me, Sada, what was this final meal?”

[Sada]: “Er.. Like a happy meal with fries and a sprite. We aint got that so we gave ‘em Ushi … somethin somethin drive through crap and the Deputy Mayor made the fries.”

[Yasushi]: “I see, now I must ask, i know its slightly back tracking.. However, these criminals seem to get a kick out of bothering people. Were there any issues when transporting the convict into the cafeteria?”

[Sada]: “hm.. Ya’ actually. I totally forgot.. Dude tried to choke out the officer guy AGAIN .. thankfully i had my pepper spray with me though, ya’ know? I always have that shit on standby! Since well.. Im usually an in-station cop, i deal with all the inmates, mugshots, so on that other officers dont got time to do.. So ive learned to be real good buddies with pepper spray.”

[Yasushi]: “I see.. I see, at what point did other officers arrive? What happened as it got closer to the execution?”

[Sada]: “Right! So like, I kept standing guard where-ever the Deputy Mayor was, since like no one else did, ya’? So I stood at a door by cafeteria, and eventually stood guard in the hallways as she got led out. While there, some other detectives show up. And soon the one detective i been workin’ with this whole time starts tellin’ em to get ready and whats about to happen, ya’ know? So after the Deputy Mayor leaves and the kid finishes his meal, it was well.. Time. So I and a different detective lead the guy into a back room past where we take mugshots.. And in there he was put into a lil area. I of course stepped out, as at this point I have no control. About err.. Four officers go in, all with loaded glocks since well, as said before the guy CHOSE firing squad.”

[Yasushi]: “And then they fired?”

[Sada]: “Ya’.. all were told to fire several rounds, all at the same time, this way no one actually knows for sure who did the final blow.”

[Yasushi]: “How many gunshot wounds did the medical professional on scene afterward say there were?”

[Sada]: “err.. Thirty two.”

[Yasushi]: “Eight shots per officer, then.”

[Sada]: “Sounds about right.. Yeah.”

[Yasushi]: “And just so everyone is on the same page, it was Sebastion O. Kuri himself who said he wanted to die like this.”

[Sada]: “Correct, we gave him many other options, and he chose the firing squad.”

[Yasushi]: “Alright, i believe that’ll be all, thank you, Officer Sada.”

[Sada]: “Anything for my former chief of police, Yasushi.”

As told clearly from an officer’s point of view, the death wasn't a scene of brutality, but one of their own decision and discretion. And with that, majority of the story is explained, from how the arrest was made, to the trial points, the evidence.. And to death.

This was Jim Yasushi, signing out.

Have something you'd like to report or be reported on? Call the Reporter Hotline at (020) 980-4487, Drop us a message at the Karakura News Station or message us on Onrain @KaNews!



Level 79
Love it!
Sebastian's trial wasn't actually going so bad for him, until he decided to say: "We did it for the greater good," during his testimony.

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