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KARAKURA NEWS: Valentines, Dates & Remembrance.


Level 86

Jim Kaede Yasushi - February 14, 2023. - 3.9C | 39.1 F

It’s February 14th in Karakura which means the holiday of love and desires has fallen upon us, Valentines day. This will be a summary of how the holiday came to be, all the last minute date spots residents can choose from, what the locals are up too along with mentionings of the Karakura Valentines festival and the Anniversary of Hayami Mori’s passing.
Valentine’s Day, also called St. Valentine’s Day, holiday (February 14) when lovers express their affection with greetings and gifts. Given their similarities, it has been suggested that the holiday has origins in the Roman festival of Lupercalia, held in mid-February. The festival, which celebrated the coming of spring, included fertility rites and the pairing off of women with men by lottery. At the end of the 5th century, Pope Gelasius I forbid the celebration of Lupercalia and is sometimes attributed with replacing it with St. Valentine’s Day, but the true origin of the holiday is vague at best. Valentine’s Day did not come to be celebrated as a day of romance until about the 14th century. Now in days, the religion factor is far gone nor is the history of the holiday celebrated, but rather the modern tradition world wide of celebrating those you love.. Even if not lovers, some even take it as a chance to celebrate those they love family wise instead.
In karakura, we have a special tradition in which we have our local Valentines festival thats been going on for two plus years now, this year this festival took place on the pier. As for Japan as a whole, it’s a tradition that the female in the relationship gives the boy she admires chocolates (as well as to other significant men in her life), and this is reciprocated by the male a month later on March 14th! This tradition doesn’t apply to Karakura, where we see people in relationships of many different gender identities and sexualities. This proves that modernisation of tradition isn’t necessarily always negative, and our city is different in it’s own special way. This was Meikan Masuo and Tomochin Taikan, signing out for now.

Similar to last year, which you can read about
here, there was little shops, two photo booths, of course the rides and decor! But what was unique this year? Lets dive into that.

For starters, lets take a look at the shops. The first ill be mentioning is shown to the side that represented Shizukesa! There sold the following: Patbingu for 2,500 yen, Rose Milk Tea for 3,200 yen, Spring Rolls for 3,500 yen and Ramune for 2,500 yen!

Next we have Floral bust/Kaneshon Valley, which sold the following: Sweet Pea Bouquets for 8,000 yen, Roses “Baquet” for 5,000 yen, Solitary flower Agro for 10,000 yen and then Red & Pink roses for 5,00 yen.
Here is Koribureku’s
Bakery booth, they sold the following: Bread Buns for 3,000 yen, Pink Frosted Cupcake for 2,500 yen, Koribureku Coffee Mugs for 1,200 yen, and then strawberry milk for 4,000 yen.

Moving on, we have Joi-Kon’s Booth! Here they sold: Toy Cupcake “chuck” for 60,000 yen, Donut Cat plushie “Twinky” for 50,000 yen, Sailor moon wand for 50,000 yen and lastly Blue xbox earrings for 30,000 yen.

Second to last, we had “Valentines
Candy Grams” which sold .. you guessed it, Candy Grams for 5,000 yen each!

And of course, best for last, the Original one and only Aisu’s Ice was open! They sold their classic Watermelon Ice’s for 2,500 yen, and ice cream
sundaes for 2,000 yen.

Lucky enough, I even got an interview with one of the shopowners who hosted a booth for the event in which I spoke about how well business was, what they sold, and how they felt about the event, that interview will be showed .. right now.

[!] - Audio / Video starts -

[Yasushi]: “Thank you for taking your time to speak with me, firstly, can you state your name and which shop you run?”

[???]: “Of course, My name is Jhene Marciano Hinara, and I own the shop Kaneshion Valley. . Previously known as Floral bust. A Flower Shop that is.”

[Yasushi]: “Understood, so Miss Hinara, as established earlier you hosted a booth at the Valentines Festival last night, can you tell me a little about what you sold that evening to Festival attendees?”

[Hinara]: “Mhm! I sold arounddd five items! Those items being our rose bouquets, Sweet Pea Bouquets, solitary flower asago, Pink and red roses!”

[Yasushi]: “Right. Which, if any, would you say sold the best, and what sold the worst?”

[Hinara]: “Id say all sold pretty well though. But, if anything mostly the solitary flower Asago along with red & pink roses were the most being bought. The bouquets were also sold bought, but not as much as the other three”

[Yasushi]: “Ah, I see. Was your booth busy? And if you can estimate off the top of your head .. How many products altogether do you think were sold?”

[Hinara]: “Our booth was quite busy, yes! Everytime I had stopped by, the line wasnt ending. We had around, fifty and more orders? So Id say more then one hundred items were sold that day, I can get the actual numbers if needed! But id estimate around there”

[Yasushi]: “No worries, I do not need anything exact .. But thank you. Did you, personally, enjoy the festiva;? Was this the first year you were involved in it?”

[Hinara]: “I did not attend last years Valentine’s festival, as I was out of town for that, but I did infact attend this year and enjoyed it tons! Especially the photobooths and the placing up emas for shrine.”

[Yasushi]: “Of course, now going a bit off topic; you said earlieryour shop had a new name? Would you like to expand a bit on that, seeing as much of the public, including myself, wasnt too keen on that?”

[Hinara]: “Mhm! The shop was originally named Floral Bust. As much as we liked the name, we just didnt think it suited to well in karakura. So, after a few months of thinking through, we decided to re-name it to Kaneshon Valley. In other words, Carnation valley. Its more of a pleasing and appeallable name, also gives the vision of just a valley of flowers in a way. You know?”

[Yasushi]: “Interesting. Was there any other names you and your team considered before coming up with Kaneshon Valley?”

[Hinara]: “There was uhh.. Floral Bloom that one of our cashiers had brought up, but we still preferred the other name (Kaneshon Valley) more then that”

[Yasushi]: “Hm, I see. Well thank you, for the insight. Lastly I must ask, do you have anything youd like to say to the public before we conclude this?”

[Hinara]: “Yes!! Follow us on onrain.. And also message us some flower suggestions! Thats all, and of course! I can start takin’ you back ou-”

[!] -Audio / video ended there -

Moving on, what else did the festival have besides the booth’s? Well there was a fair amount of attractions, the most popular by a survey taken at the festival being .. the photo booths ! The festival had two photos booth similarly to last year, however this years theme was Repunzel and the Titanic, both boat themed! The repunzel photo booth was the scene from the movie’s lanter lighting festival on the water, and the Titanic’s photo booth was the famous scene in which Rose stood at the front and heald her arms out wile being heald by jack. Here are some photos of some Karakura attendees at the booths!

Next up we have the tunnel of love, which was one of the set up rides and attractions that oddly .. wasn’t as popular as you’d think. For starters, which was a turn off for many a
ttendees, was the constant fee for everything, which we be brought up later. The tunnel of Love here costed 2,500 yen per person and was relatively short, many commenting it felt ‘too short’ ‘a waste of money’ or ‘disappointing.’. A similar thing was said about the fortune teller. However, most complaints came about the person collecting the money, rather then the fortune teller itself. All throughout the event, a blonde male who was supposedly a college student allegedly harassed people on line or those walking on the board walk about ‘cutting in line’, ‘needing to pay’ and so on. He even approached me and other officials w
orking during the even telling us to pay or to quite cutting the line, despite us having nothing to do or wanting anything ..
Back to the fortune teller itself, most people complained it didn't seem real or genuine, as stated for the tunnel of love: a waste of money. Some compared the one at the event to the one from the new years festival and claimed this guy seemed like ‘just some kid scamming people’ or ‘not legit like the other one’.

Going to a more popular attraction, the Shrine had a little area for wish making and an advertisement about how the shrine does host weddings as well! Which was of course, fitting for the valentines day festival. There is all the names that were written down!

“Kay x Saeko”
“Cyril Jeo x Inkyo Mori”
“Valentinus V. <3 Sasha V.”
“Ami Akai x Kiyoko Akai”
“Asahi Goro x Athena K. M.”
“Alexander W. x Buford B.”
“Aurelia Pinnae x Johnny Reeves”
“Ichika B. A. x Tony Y. M.”
“Noa H. Lacrosse x Harry Styles”
“Kamishiki O. x Komatsuna T. M.”
“Hua Li x Ohma Tokita”
“Nao H. Lacrosse x HARRY STYLES”
“Rae Tokugawa x Luca Marchesi”
“Mao Tsu x Whitney Davis”
“Bert Gaecia x Ahnjong Chai”
“Takaharu F. x Katsuhito A. S.”
“Ayanna x Ichika”
“Lee x Ronin”
“Aurelia x Mist”
“Akira Ryugu x Kiwimi Susuki”
“Potato x Nemo”
“Bailey Minamoto x Stefano Romero”
“Nokunishi x Jhene”
“Lorenzo X Ash”

“Elizabeth X Kaede”
“Sincriterio x Niny”
“Orpheus x Eurydice - To the end”
“Georgia S. x Reikoh”
“Kiyoko x Einosuke”
“Vildalia <3 x Koichiro’s Mom”
“Sumi Ishida X the Track Team”
“Tiffany Takagi x Keisuke Uso”
“Kaleb x Amelia”
“Virdis x Maddie”

“Dante Marr - To be cooler in the coming times”
“Koichiro Awano - For the fortune and grace”
“Tamara - N/A”
“Nina M. Kinoko - To not relying on other people”
“Oliver Sunada - For Good Looks”
“Zuko Portgas - Harsh for Chiyo, eh?”
“Skylar RJ Quinn - To feel a heart bear”
“Chrisanthos - To find a lover”

Matching Sweaters were a recurring theme at the festival, though obviously some did it on purpose, some did not! Heres the top two matching sweaters we saw at the festival! The most popular same shirt being one thats fully white, however the shirt cuffs were a vibrant red along with having a heart in the front center in the same colour! Theres more people who wore the shirt then just seen in the collaged photo shown, but these were the ones we were able to catch in camera easily. The other one was a pink sweater with two hearts in the center, one being a red and the other a dark pink.

The last event of the night was surely one to remember, as one of the Karakura School’s cheer team preformed a routine for us to conclude the night! Below will be a list of all noted cheer leaders along with photos of the performance as we unfortunately couldnt record it on video.

Rozu Heddo

Ines Matsuoka
Luz Valentine
Kaida Saiky
Luka Takanohashi
Kazuhisa Ryojin
Irona Shimonishinosonoka

Katsuhito Saiky-Akihito

Next up! ONRAIN!! Cant have an article about the public, without some public input, can we? Here is out two questions we asked you guys, and what we got in response!

[US]: Happy February Karakura! You know what's this month? VALENTINES DAY!! <33, so with that we have to ask a #Question - What are your plans this valentines day? What locations are you planning dates at? Let us know!!

Some of the responses:

Tiffany Takagi @tiff

Umeda Kame @KAME

Daniel Minaya @Danez
"A friend of mine wants me to go back to spain around those days. She is planning on going to the pirinees. If she asked me out, I would be happy to be with her❤❤."

Anita Yōko @aniiita
"I'm gonna spend it back home"

Valentin Fynn Jaeger-Miyahara @vxlz
"I might ask them out, not entirely sure though yet"


[US]: Keeping with a valentines day theme .. we got another #Question !- what are some of the best date places or romantic locations in Karakura City?

Some of the responses:

Atlas Edgeworth @AtlasEM
"There is this little picnic area just past the hot springs. It’s rather relaxing there and let’s ya have a lil fun on the way over as you have to swim."

Cressida Onasis @barbie
"There's always the spot on top of the lighthouse, if you don't mind a little chill"

The Great Diviner, Shade @localnecromancer
"There are many respite areas around the coastal areas of the city that I quite appreciate."

Kirin Otakemaru @GiirinKiirin
"hear me out, the lighthouse at midnight!"

Yasuko Murakami @IAmKana
"the garden by the public housing! so many cute spots, ranging from a treehouse, multiple picnic spots, and a few gorgeous spots with pretty views on the edge of the mountains. <3"

Need a last second date location? Need now future date locations? Dont know where to go? Here’s thirty of known and unknown Karakura places to take loved ones! These are in no specific order, simply just placed listed out. Not all locations will have a given name .. and we didnt include specific businesses such shopping district due to them not being open 24/7

[NAME: Swan Boats
COORDS: 1214 14 1520
NOTES: placed by the end of the pier, its a nice out of the way area if you want a romantic location thats unique and by the water]
[NAME: Lighthouse Wonders
COORDS: 1159 66 1400
NOTES: Located at the top of the lighthouse, it gives a splendid view out of the pier and ocean ]
[NAME: Park Bridge
COORDS: 1420 21 1050
NOTES: Located near Plaza, this is a nice public spot if you want something more casual but peaceful ]
[NAME: Picnic Cove
COORDS: 1932 14 1457
NOTES: A lantern lit picnic hidden by the ocean under a natural rock formation ]
[NAME: Red Arc
COORDS: 1954 21 1433
NOTES: Near the ocean with a beautiful view and lighting, this date spot can double as a wedding location]
COORDS: 1954 17 1190
NOTES: A casual yet aesthetically pleasing sitting area in a park]
[NAME: Hidden Pond Picnic
COORDS: 1978 17 1180
NOTES: Hidden up on higher grounds and behind a tree, this is a beautiful and overlooked picnic location .. if you dont like frogs though, wouldnt recommend coming here.]
COORDS: 2022 40 1177
NOTES: On higher grounds, this place has numerous sitting areas with beautiful views ]
[NAME: Elevated picnic
COORDS: 2034 59 1114
NOTES: A picnic place tucked away in a corner with a view you must see!]
[NAME: Secluded seating
COORDS: 2062 71 1162
NOTES: A small spot to sit and rest off to the side if you wish to stay indoors, that also comes with quite the view! ]
COORDS: 2062 77 1177
NOTES: Several park benches and blankets reside high on a mountain, not many people pass by and its got an eye catching view]
COORDS: 2044 76 1135
NOTES: A place to sit with quite the overview of the surrounding land ]
[NAME: Sushi Seating
COORDS: 1962 17 1110
NOTES: a table located under a sakura tree in a park that offers sushi to dine! ]
[NAME: Pathway Seating
COORDS: 1858 17 1133
NOTES: Located on a hidden back pathway beside the highschool, this a beautiful and safe place to sit for awhile! Its also convenient for students! ]
[NAME: Pathway Picnic
COORDS: 1940 17 1138
NOTES: On the same Pathway as above, its a beautiful place to sit! ]
[NAME: Pathway Pond
COORDS: 1785 18 1127
NOTES: Again, same area as above but this here is a nice bench that overlooks a minpond! ]
[NAME: 11/7 Seating
COORDS: 1929 17 950
NOTES: A popular location beside 11/7! ]
[NAME: Bon Fire
COORDS: 1935 17 798
NOTES: A large controlled fire placed in the karakura forest! ]
[NAME: Picnic Table pond
COORDS: 1921 17 757
NOTES: Located beside a small pond and cabin, this is a relaxing place to sit and talk for awhile! ]
COORDS: 1971 23 550
NOTES: A place near Karakura’s shrine entrance and in the back of the forest, a very aesthetically pleasing and calming place to go! ]

[NAME: Projector seating
COORDS: 2080 130 503
NOTES: A little place to sit down and sit for hours! Comes with a beautiful view of the shrine and a projector to watch movies! ]
[NAME: Shrine Garden
COORDS: 2072 114 527
NOTES: A beautiful view of one of the gardens that belong to the shrine ]
[NAME: Bobcat cove
COORDS: 1925 55 483
NOTES: Located on the known Bobcat mountain, there is a cave in which a lovely seating area is placed!]
[NAME: Bobcat Bon Fire
COORDS: 1912 64 472
NOTES: located also at bobcat mountain, a little sitting area near the fire]
COORDS: 1902 19 524
NOTES: A peaceful and well lit picnic spot ]
[NAME: Center of everything
COORDS: 1702 17 618
NOTES: The center of shopping district has several seating locations, picnic blankets and picnic tables!]
COORDS: 1530 17 505
NOTES: Located near shopping district and beside an apartment complex, here is a nice calm area with a picnic table and blanket]
[NAME: Alley way picnic
COORDS: 1215 17 715
NOTES: located beside an apartment complex and near the old power plant, a small picnic, seating and barbeque area is located! ]
[NAME: overgrown Picnic
COORDS: 1909 17 719
NOTES: Located off to the side in for forest and behind an older cabin, this picnic location truly does make you feel at peace and alone ]
[NAME: Skatepark
COORDS: 1299 17 1287
NOTES: A place to have fun and to relax! Comes with its own picnic table!]

[!] This is an official slight expansion on the 1999 murder lore case! [!]
Karakura News would like to take this article as a chance to mention and honor deceased reporter, Hayami Mori, as in 1999, February 14th, she was sadly murdered. We wish to take this time to speak about her death and cherish her death, along with get the public’s help and support on something we wish to accomplish for her.
Reporter Hayami Mori was a 5’5”, 35 years old Japanese Female. She had Long, Sleek, neat Black hair normally kept in a high ponytail, her eyes would be a bright emerald.. She had Freckles that ran across the bridge of her nose. As for her voice? Voice soothing, slightly monotoned. Her father was KPD sergeant Asuka Mori, who served with KPD for 10 years before the incident occurred.
Below we will be placing the 110 call that came into police regarding the discovery of her death ,, viewer discretion may be advised.

[!] - Audio Starts -

[110 Dispatcher]: ‘110, please state if you need Emergency services or Police.’

[!] a voice over the phone on the other end seems to be hyperventilating

[???]: “P-Police and Emerg-gency.. there is a dead body on.. the steps of the town hall. . .Komichi Road. . .”

[110 Dispatcher]: “Okay sir, please stay calm for me. Police are on their way now. How can you tell they are dead?”

[???]: “Blood.. blood everywhere up and down the steps.. she.. she isn't breathing!-”

[!] Call Audio cuts off here and ends.

The phone call above was made around 09:43 on February 14th, 1999 by a lawyer named Hideyoshi Yamamoto who was new to the job, just becoming a lawyer earlier that day. He called on the Town Hall's landline. When police arrived, it wasn't a pretty sight. Reporter Mori was stabbed four times in her upper shoulder and torso and three in the neck according to her official medical examination. Through interview, it was discovered she was on the way to speak with Mr. Yamamoto regarding the possible corruption of something regarding the Karakur a police force, which lead police originally to believe it was her father who committed the gruesome crime, however he was quickly cleared during a quick interview in which Mori was distraught and in tears, along with a given alibi backed up by CTTV.
She was seen by coworkers that morning heading out with her messenger bag, a vanilla folder of papers, and an engraved pen that her father, Sargeant Mori, gave her for her birthday. CCTV caught Miss Mori passing by the local Karakura High School around 09:00 as school was in session, heading towards the local family store on the corner.
An ambulance arrived at the scene as the officers were speaking to the lawyer, to take the body of Hayami Mori to the morgue. Doctor Maki Takagi explained that she was stabbed in the shoulder and neck area roughly seven times in total, resulting in blood loss.. The doctor stated the death wasn't instant. She was likely aware for most of it and possibly choked on her blood. She didn't die in peace.
Hideji Kajiyashiki was later found guilty of the murder in first degree, Sergeant Mori being the main arresting officer. No cameras caught sight of the arrest, however when Hideji was brought into KPD for booking, he was reported to seem like he was beaten .. however on paper it was said by his own testimony that it was due to a gang affiliation issue after he was interviewed by KPD previously.
Hayami Mori did get a funeral soon after, the main colours being red and white. Her funeral took place at the Karakura church, and the afterparty was private to only reporters and KPD. It was the first time in Karakura history that KPD and Karakura News stood by one another as one, not as divided or rivaling jobs. The party’s location is unknown, but there are photos of the event that exist, the most known being the lead reporter at the time, Najami Nakasa and the police Commissioner at the time shaking hands, both having the same brand of cigarette in their mouth .. Nakasa heald the commissioner’s gun in his free hand, and the Commissioner heald a newspaper in the other. It was a sign of unity, brought together by Hayami Mori’s death.
Now in days, times have changed. KPD and Karakura News dont have a rivalry, but rather a disagreeance, theres no surprise we see one another as enemies, we eachother and ick or roll eyes. Its media, politics, and personal opinions. Only time can tell if an event shall bring the two teams together again, maybe one day.

With all that said, now this is the part that us, Karakura News, and I, Jim Yasushi are pushing for; A grave for Hayami Mori. Her father himself, stated he didnt care what happened to his memory, but rather that of his daughters. We attempted to get one for her before today, but alas it was to no prevail. So, Karakura Public, those reading, we wish for you to help push the movement to get her a grave. And for those reading this that can make that happen, do it.

From Love, to family, to Valentines to dates, And from trust and betrayal. Karakura News hopes you guys spend today with those you love and cherish, you dont know if today will be the last.

Jim Yasushi is signing out.

Have something you'd like to report or be reported on? Call the Reporter Hotline at (020) 980-4487!
Last edited:


Level 55

Jim Kaede Yasushi - February 14, 2023. - 3.9C | 39.1 F

It’s February 14th in Karakura which means the holiday of love and desires has fallen upon us, Valentines day. This will be a summary of how the holiday came to be, all the last minute date spots residents can choose from, what the locals are up too along with mentionings of the Karakura Valentines festival and the Anniversary of Hayami Mori’s passing.
Valentine’s Day, also called St. Valentine’s Day, holiday (February 14) when lovers express their affection with greetings and gifts. Given their similarities, it has been suggested that the holiday has origins in the Roman festival of Lupercalia, held in mid-February. The festival, which celebrated the coming of spring, included fertility rites and the pairing off of women with men by lottery. At the end of the 5th century, Pope Gelasius I forbid the celebration of Lupercalia and is sometimes attributed with replacing it with St. Valentine’s Day, but the true origin of the holiday is vague at best. Valentine’s Day did not come to be celebrated as a day of romance until about the 14th century. Now in days, the religion factor is far gone nor is the history of the holiday celebrated, but rather the modern tradition world wide of celebrating those you love.. Even if not lovers, some even take it as a chance to celebrate those they love family wise instead.
In karakura, we have a special tradition in which we have our local Valentines festival thats been going on for two plus years now, this year this festival took place on the pier. As for Japan as a whole, it’s a tradition that the female in the relationship gives the boy she admires chocolates (as well as to other significant men in her life), and this is reciprocated by the male a month later on March 14th! This tradition doesn’t apply to Karakura, where we see people in relationships of many different gender identities and sexualities. This proves that modernisation of tradition isn’t necessarily always negative, and our city is different in it’s own special way. This was Meikan Masuo and Tomochin Taikan, signing out for now.

Similar to last year, which you can read about
here, there was little shops, two photo booths, of course the rides and decor! But what was unique this year? Lets dive into that.

For starters, lets take a look at the shops. The first ill be mentioning is shown to the side that represented Shizukesa! There sold the following: Patbingu for 2,500 yen, Rose Milk Tea for 3,200 yen, Spring Rolls for 3,500 yen and Ramune for 2,500 yen!

Next we have Floral bust/Kaneshon Valley, which sold the following: Sweet Pea Bouquets for 8,000 yen, Roses “Baquet” for 5,000 yen, Solitary flower Agro for 10,000 yen and then Red & Pink roses for 5,00 yen.
Here is Koribureku’s
Bakery booth, they sold the following: Bread Buns for 3,000 yen, Pink Frosted Cupcake for 2,500 yen, Koribureku Coffee Mugs for 1,200 yen, and then strawberry milk for 4,000 yen.

Moving on, we have Joi-Kon’s Booth! Here they sold: Toy Cupcake “chuck” for 60,000 yen, Donut Cat plushie “Twinky” for 50,000 yen, Sailor moon wand for 50,000 yen and lastly Blue xbox earrings for 30,000 yen.

Second to last, we had “Valentines
Candy Grams” which sold .. you guessed it, Candy Grams for 5,000 yen each!

And of course, best for last, the Original one and only Aisu’s Ice was open! They sold their classic Watermelon Ice’s for 2,500 yen, and ice cream
sundaes for 2,000 yen.

Lucky enough, I even got an interview with one of the shopowners who hosted a booth for the event in which I spoke about how well business was, what they sold, and how they felt about the event, that interview will be showed .. right now.

[!] - Audio / Video starts -

[Yasushi]: “Thank you for taking your time to speak with me, firstly, can you state your name and which shop you run?”

[???]: “Of course, My name is Jhene Marciano Hinara, and I own the shop Kaneshion Valley. . Previously known as Floral bust. A Flower Shop that is.”

[Yasushi]: “Understood, so Miss Hinara, as established earlier you hosted a booth at the Valentines Festival last night, can you tell me a little about what you sold that evening to Festival attendees?”

[Hinara]: “Mhm! I sold arounddd five items! Those items being our rose bouquets, Sweet Pea Bouquets, solitary flower asago, Pink and red roses!”

[Yasushi]: “Right. Which, if any, would you say sold the best, and what sold the worst?”

[Hinara]: “Id say all sold pretty well though. But, if anything mostly the solitary flower Asago along with red & pink roses were the most being bought. The bouquets were also sold bought, but not as much as the other three”

[Yasushi]: “Ah, I see. Was your booth busy? And if you can estimate off the top of your head .. How many products altogether do you think were sold?”

[Hinara]: “Our booth was quite busy, yes! Everytime I had stopped by, the line wasnt ending. We had around, fifty and more orders? So Id say more then one hundred items were sold that day, I can get the actual numbers if needed! But id estimate around there”

[Yasushi]: “No worries, I do not need anything exact .. But thank you. Did you, personally, enjoy the festiva;? Was this the first year you were involved in it?”

[Hinara]: “I did not attend last years Valentine’s festival, as I was out of town for that, but I did infact attend this year and enjoyed it tons! Especially the photobooths and the placing up emas for shrine.”

[Yasushi]: “Of course, now going a bit off topic; you said earlieryour shop had a new name? Would you like to expand a bit on that, seeing as much of the public, including myself, wasnt too keen on that?”

[Hinara]: “Mhm! The shop was originally named Floral Bust. As much as we liked the name, we just didnt think it suited to well in karakura. So, after a few months of thinking through, we decided to re-name it to Kaneshon Valley. In other words, Carnation valley. Its more of a pleasing and appeallable name, also gives the vision of just a valley of flowers in a way. You know?”

[Yasushi]: “Interesting. Was there any other names you and your team considered before coming up with Kaneshon Valley?”

[Hinara]: “There was uhh.. Floral Bloom that one of our cashiers had brought up, but we still preferred the other name (Kaneshon Valley) more then that”

[Yasushi]: “Hm, I see. Well thank you, for the insight. Lastly I must ask, do you have anything youd like to say to the public before we conclude this?”

[Hinara]: “Yes!! Follow us on onrain.. And also message us some flower suggestions! Thats all, and of course! I can start takin’ you back ou-”

[!] -Audio / video ended there -

Moving on, what else did the festival have besides the booth’s? Well there was a fair amount of attractions, the most popular by a survey taken at the festival being .. the photo booths ! The festival had two photos booth similarly to last year, however this years theme was Repunzel and the Titanic, both boat themed! The repunzel photo booth was the scene from the movie’s lanter lighting festival on the water, and the Titanic’s photo booth was the famous scene in which Rose stood at the front and heald her arms out wile being heald by jack. Here are some photos of some Karakura attendees at the booths!

Next up we have the tunnel of love, which was one of the set up rides and attractions that oddly .. wasn’t as popular as you’d think. For starters, which was a turn off for many a
ttendees, was the constant fee for everything, which we be brought up later. The tunnel of Love here costed 2,500 yen per person and was relatively short, many commenting it felt ‘too short’ ‘a waste of money’ or ‘disappointing.’. A similar thing was said about the fortune teller. However, most complaints came about the person collecting the money, rather then the fortune teller itself. All throughout the event, a blonde male who was supposedly a college student allegedly harassed people on line or those walking on the board walk about ‘cutting in line’, ‘needing to pay’ and so on. He even approached me and other officials w
orking during the even telling us to pay or to quite cutting the line, despite us having nothing to do or wanting anything ..
Back to the fortune teller itself, most people complained it didn't seem real or genuine, as stated for the tunnel of love: a waste of money. Some compared the one at the event to the one from the new years festival and claimed this guy seemed like ‘just some kid scamming people’ or ‘not legit like the other one’.

Going to a more popular attraction, the Shrine had a little area for wish making and an advertisement about how the shrine does host weddings as well! Which was of course, fitting for the valentines day festival. There is all the names that were written down!

“Kay x Saeko”
“Cyril Jeo x Inkyo Mori”
“Valentinus V. <3 Sasha V.”
“Ami Akai x Kiyoko Akai”
“Asahi Goro x Athena K. M.”
“Alexander W. x Buford B.”
“Aurelia Pinnae x Johnny Reeves”
“Ichika B. A. x Tony Y. M.”
“Noa H. Lacrosse x Harry Styles”
“Kamishiki O. x Komatsuna T. M.”
“Hua Li x Ohma Tokita”
“Nao H. Lacrosse x HARRY STYLES”
“Rae Tokugawa x Luca Marchesi”
“Mao Tsu x Whitney Davis”
“Bert Gaecia x Ahnjong Chai”
“Takaharu F. x Katsuhito A. S.”
“Ayanna x Ichika”
“Lee x Ronin”
“Aurelia x Mist”
“Akira Ryugu x Kiwimi Susuki”
“Potato x Nemo”
“Bailey Minamoto x Stefano Romero”
“Nokunishi x Jhene”
“Lorenzo X Ash”

“Elizabeth X Kaede”
“Sincriterio x Niny”
“Orpheus x Eurydice - To the end”
“Georgia S. x Reikoh”
“Kiyoko x Einosuke”
“Vildalia <3 x Koichiro’s Mom”
“Sumi Ishida X the Track Team”
“Tiffany Takagi x Keisuke Uso”
“Kaleb x Amelia”
“Virdis x Maddie”

“Dante Marr - To be cooler in the coming times”
“Koichiro Awano - For the fortune and grace”
“Tamara - N/A”
“Nina M. Kinoko - To not relying on other people”
“Oliver Sunada - For Good Looks”
“Zuko Portgas - Harsh for Chiyo, eh?”
“Skylar RJ Quinn - To feel a heart bear”
“Chrisanthos - To find a lover”

Matching Sweaters were a recurring theme at the festival, though obviously some did it on purpose, some did not! Heres the top two matching sweaters we saw at the festival! The most popular same shirt being one thats fully white, however the shirt cuffs were a vibrant red along with having a heart in the front center in the same colour! Theres more people who wore the shirt then just seen in the collaged photo shown, but these were the ones we were able to catch in camera easily. The other one was a pink sweater with two hearts in the center, one being a red and the other a dark pink.

The last event of the night was surely one to remember, as one of the Karakura School’s cheer team preformed a routine for us to conclude the night! Below will be a list of all noted cheer leaders along with photos of the performance as we unfortunately couldnt record it on video.

Rozu Heddo

Ines Matsuoka
Luz Valentine
Kaida Saiky
Luka Takanohashi
Kazuhisa Ryojin
Irona Shimonishinosonoka

Katsuhito Saiky-Akihito

Need a last second date location? Need now future date locations? Dont know where to go? Here’s thirty of known and unknown Karakura places to take loved ones! These are in no specific order, simply just placed listed out. Not all locations will have a given name .. and we didnt include specific businesses such shopping district due to them not being open 24/7

[NAME: Swan Boats
COORDS: 1214 14 1520
NOTES: placed by the end of the pier, its a nice out of the way area if you want a romantic location thats unique and by the water]
[NAME: Lighthouse Wonders
COORDS: 1159 66 1400
NOTES: Located at the top of the lighthouse, it gives a splendid view out of the pier and ocean ]
[NAME: Park Bridge
COORDS: 1420 21 1050
NOTES: Located near Plaza, this is a nice public spot if you want something more casual but peaceful ]
[NAME: Picnic Cove
COORDS: 1932 14 1457
NOTES: A lantern lit picnic hidden by the ocean under a natural rock formation ]
[NAME: Red Arc
COORDS: 1954 21 1433
NOTES: Near the ocean with a beautiful view and lighting, this date spot can double as a wedding location]
COORDS: 1954 17 1190
NOTES: A casual yet aesthetically pleasing sitting area in a park]
[NAME: Hidden Pond Picnic
COORDS: 1978 17 1180
NOTES: Hidden up on higher grounds and behind a tree, this is a beautiful and overlooked picnic location .. if you dont like frogs though, wouldnt recommend coming here.]
COORDS: 2022 40 1177
NOTES: On higher grounds, this place has numerous sitting areas with beautiful views ]
[NAME: Elevated picnic
COORDS: 2034 59 1114
NOTES: A picnic place tucked away in a corner with a view you must see!]
[NAME: Secluded seating
COORDS: 2062 71 1162
NOTES: A small spot to sit and rest off to the side if you wish to stay indoors, that also comes with quite the view! ]
COORDS: 2062 77 1177
NOTES: Several park benches and blankets reside high on a mountain, not many people pass by and its got an eye catching view]
COORDS: 2044 76 1135
NOTES: A place to sit with quite the overview of the surrounding land ]
[NAME: Sushi Seating
COORDS: 1962 17 1110
NOTES: a table located under a sakura tree in a park that offers sushi to dine! ]
[NAME: Pathway Seating
COORDS: 1858 17 1133
NOTES: Located on a hidden back pathway beside the highschool, this a beautiful and safe place to sit for awhile! Its also convenient for students! ]
[NAME: Pathway Picnic
COORDS: 1940 17 1138
NOTES: On the same Pathway as above, its a beautiful place to sit! ]
[NAME: Pathway Pond
COORDS: 1785 18 1127
NOTES: Again, same area as above but this here is a nice bench that overlooks a minpond! ]
[NAME: 11/7 Seating
COORDS: 1929 17 950
NOTES: A popular location beside 11/7! ]
[NAME: Bon Fire
COORDS: 1935 17 798
NOTES: A large controlled fire placed in the karakura forest! ]
[NAME: Picnic Table pond
COORDS: 1921 17 757
NOTES: Located beside a small pond and cabin, this is a relaxing place to sit and talk for awhile! ]
COORDS: 1971 23 550
NOTES: A place near Karakura’s shrine entrance and in the back of the forest, a very aesthetically pleasing and calming place to go! ]

[NAME: Projector seating
COORDS: 2080 130 503
NOTES: A little place to sit down and sit for hours! Comes with a beautiful view of the shrine and a projector to watch movies! ]
[NAME: Shrine Garden
COORDS: 2072 114 527
NOTES: A beautiful view of one of the gardens that belong to the shrine ]
[NAME: Bobcat cove
COORDS: 1925 55 483
NOTES: Located on the known Bobcat mountain, there is a cave in which a lovely seating area is placed!]
[NAME: Bobcat Bon Fire
COORDS: 1912 64 472
NOTES: located also at bobcat mountain, a little sitting area near the fire]
COORDS: 1902 19 524
NOTES: A peaceful and well lit picnic spot ]
[NAME: Center of everything
COORDS: 1702 17 618
NOTES: The center of shopping district has several seating locations, picnic blankets and picnic tables!]
COORDS: 1530 17 505
NOTES: Located near shopping district and beside an apartment complex, here is a nice calm area with a picnic table and blanket]
[NAME: Alley way picnic
COORDS: 1215 17 715
NOTES: located beside an apartment complex and near the old power plant, a small picnic, seating and barbeque area is located! ]
[NAME: overgrown Picnic
COORDS: 1909 17 719
NOTES: Located off to the side in for forest and behind an older cabin, this picnic location truly does make you feel at peace and alone ]
[NAME: Skatepark
COORDS: 1299 17 1287
NOTES: A place to have fun and to relax! Comes with its own picnic table!]

[!] This is an official slight expansion on the 1999 murder lore case! [!]
Karakura News would like to take this article as a chance to mention and honor deceased reporter, Hayami Mori, as in 1999, February 14th, she was sadly murdered. We wish to take this time to speak about her death and cherish her death, along with get the public’s help and support on something we wish to accomplish for her.
Reporter Hayami Mori was a 5’5”, 35 years old Japanese Female. She had Long, Sleek, neat Black hair normally kept in a high ponytail, her eyes would be a bright emerald.. She had Freckles that ran across the bridge of her nose. As for her voice? Voice soothing, slightly monotoned. Her father was KPD sergeant Asuka Mori, who served with KPD for 10 years before the incident occurred.
Below we will be placing the 110 call that came into police regarding the discovery of her death ,, viewer discretion may be advised.

[!] - Audio Starts -

[110 Dispatcher]: ‘110, please state if you need Emergency services or Police.’

[!] a voice over the phone on the other end seems to be hyperventilating

[???]: “P-Police and Emerg-gency.. there is a dead body on.. the steps of the town hall. . .Komichi Road. . .”

[110 Dispatcher]: “Okay sir, please stay calm for me. Police are on their way now. How can you tell they are dead?”

[???]: “Blood.. blood everywhere up and down the steps.. she.. she isn't breathing!-”

[!] Call Audio cuts off here and ends.

The phone call above was made around 09:43 on February 14th, 1999 by a lawyer named Hideyoshi Yamamoto who was new to the job, just becoming a lawyer earlier that day. He called on the Town Hall's landline. When police arrived, it wasn't a pretty sight. Reporter Mori was stabbed four times in her upper shoulder and torso and three in the neck according to her official medical examination. Through interview, it was discovered she was on the way to speak with Mr. Yamamoto regarding the possible corruption of something regarding the Karakur a police force, which lead police originally to believe it was her father who committed the gruesome crime, however he was quickly cleared during a quick interview in which Mori was distraught and in tears, along with a given alibi backed up by CTTV.
She was seen by coworkers that morning heading out with her messenger bag, a vanilla folder of papers, and an engraved pen that her father, Sargent Mori, gave her for her birthday. CCTV caught Miss Mori passing by the local Karakura High School around 09:00 as school was in session, heading towards the local family store on the corner.
An ambulance arrived at the scene as the officers were speaking to the lawyer, to take the body of Hayami Mori to the morgue. Doctor Maki Takagi explained that she was stabbed in the shoulder and neck area roughly seven times in total, resulting in blood loss.. The doctor stated the death wasn't instant. She was likely aware for most of it and possibly choked on her blood. She didn't die in peace.
Hideji Kajiyashiki was later found guilty of the murder in first degree, Sergeant Mori being the main arresting officer. No cameras caught sight of the arrest, however when Hideji was brought into KPD for booking, he was reported to seem like he was beaten .. however on paper it was said by his own testimony that it was due to a gang affiliation issue after he was interviewed by KPD previously.
Hayami Mori did get a funeral soon after, the main colours being red and white. Her funeral took place at the Karakura church, and the afterparty was private to only reporters and KPD. It was the first time in Karakura history that KPD and Karakura News stood by one another as one, not as divided or rivaling jobs. The party’s location is unknown, but there are photos of the event that exist, the most known being the lead reporter at the time, Najami Nakasa and the police Commissioner at the time shaking hands, both having the same brand of cigarette in their mouth .. Nakasa heald the commissioner’s gun in his free hand, and the Commissioner heald a newspaper in the other. It was a sign of unity, brought together by Hayami Mori’s death.
Now in days, times have changed. KPD and Karakura News dont have a rivalry, but rather a disagreeance, theres no surprise we see one another as enemies, we eachother and ick or roll eyes. Its media, politics, and personal opinions. Only time can tell if an event shall bring the two teams together again, maybe one day.

With all that said, now this is the part that us, Karakura News, and I, Jim Yasushi are pushing for; A grave for Hayami Mori. Her father himself, stated he didnt care what happened to his memory, but rather that of his daughters. We attempted to get one for her before today, but alas it was to no prevail. So, Karakura Public, those reading, we wish for you to help push the movement to get her a grave. And for those reading this that can make that happen, do it.

From Love, to family, to Valentines to dates, And from trust and betrayal. Karakura News hopes you guys spend today with those you love and cherish, you dont know if today will be the last.

Jim Yasushi is signing out.

Have something you'd like to report or be reported on? Call the Reporter Hotline at (020) 980-4487!
Mmm, Your scrumptious toes


Level 110

Jim Kaede Yasushi - February 14, 2023. - 3.9C | 39.1 F

It’s February 14th in Karakura which means the holiday of love and desires has fallen upon us, Valentines day. This will be a summary of how the holiday came to be, all the last minute date spots residents can choose from, what the locals are up too along with mentionings of the Karakura Valentines festival and the Anniversary of Hayami Mori’s passing.
Valentine’s Day, also called St. Valentine’s Day, holiday (February 14) when lovers express their affection with greetings and gifts. Given their similarities, it has been suggested that the holiday has origins in the Roman festival of Lupercalia, held in mid-February. The festival, which celebrated the coming of spring, included fertility rites and the pairing off of women with men by lottery. At the end of the 5th century, Pope Gelasius I forbid the celebration of Lupercalia and is sometimes attributed with replacing it with St. Valentine’s Day, but the true origin of the holiday is vague at best. Valentine’s Day did not come to be celebrated as a day of romance until about the 14th century. Now in days, the religion factor is far gone nor is the history of the holiday celebrated, but rather the modern tradition world wide of celebrating those you love.. Even if not lovers, some even take it as a chance to celebrate those they love family wise instead.
In karakura, we have a special tradition in which we have our local Valentines festival thats been going on for two plus years now, this year this festival took place on the pier. As for Japan as a whole, it’s a tradition that the female in the relationship gives the boy she admires chocolates (as well as to other significant men in her life), and this is reciprocated by the male a month later on March 14th! This tradition doesn’t apply to Karakura, where we see people in relationships of many different gender identities and sexualities. This proves that modernisation of tradition isn’t necessarily always negative, and our city is different in it’s own special way. This was Meikan Masuo and Tomochin Taikan, signing out for now.

Similar to last year, which you can read about
here, there was little shops, two photo booths, of course the rides and decor! But what was unique this year? Lets dive into that.

For starters, lets take a look at the shops. The first ill be mentioning is shown to the side that represented Shizukesa! There sold the following: Patbingu for 2,500 yen, Rose Milk Tea for 3,200 yen, Spring Rolls for 3,500 yen and Ramune for 2,500 yen!

Next we have Floral bust/Kaneshon Valley, which sold the following: Sweet Pea Bouquets for 8,000 yen, Roses “Baquet” for 5,000 yen, Solitary flower Agro for 10,000 yen and then Red & Pink roses for 5,00 yen.
Here is Koribureku’s
Bakery booth, they sold the following: Bread Buns for 3,000 yen, Pink Frosted Cupcake for 2,500 yen, Koribureku Coffee Mugs for 1,200 yen, and then strawberry milk for 4,000 yen.

Moving on, we have Joi-Kon’s Booth! Here they sold: Toy Cupcake “chuck” for 60,000 yen, Donut Cat plushie “Twinky” for 50,000 yen, Sailor moon wand for 50,000 yen and lastly Blue xbox earrings for 30,000 yen.

Second to last, we had “Valentines
Candy Grams” which sold .. you guessed it, Candy Grams for 5,000 yen each!

And of course, best for last, the Original one and only Aisu’s Ice was open! They sold their classic Watermelon Ice’s for 2,500 yen, and ice cream
sundaes for 2,000 yen.

Lucky enough, I even got an interview with one of the shopowners who hosted a booth for the event in which I spoke about how well business was, what they sold, and how they felt about the event, that interview will be showed .. right now.

[!] - Audio / Video starts -

[Yasushi]: “Thank you for taking your time to speak with me, firstly, can you state your name and which shop you run?”

[???]: “Of course, My name is Jhene Marciano Hinara, and I own the shop Kaneshion Valley. . Previously known as Floral bust. A Flower Shop that is.”

[Yasushi]: “Understood, so Miss Hinara, as established earlier you hosted a booth at the Valentines Festival last night, can you tell me a little about what you sold that evening to Festival attendees?”

[Hinara]: “Mhm! I sold arounddd five items! Those items being our rose bouquets, Sweet Pea Bouquets, solitary flower asago, Pink and red roses!”

[Yasushi]: “Right. Which, if any, would you say sold the best, and what sold the worst?”

[Hinara]: “Id say all sold pretty well though. But, if anything mostly the solitary flower Asago along with red & pink roses were the most being bought. The bouquets were also sold bought, but not as much as the other three”

[Yasushi]: “Ah, I see. Was your booth busy? And if you can estimate off the top of your head .. How many products altogether do you think were sold?”

[Hinara]: “Our booth was quite busy, yes! Everytime I had stopped by, the line wasnt ending. We had around, fifty and more orders? So Id say more then one hundred items were sold that day, I can get the actual numbers if needed! But id estimate around there”

[Yasushi]: “No worries, I do not need anything exact .. But thank you. Did you, personally, enjoy the festiva;? Was this the first year you were involved in it?”

[Hinara]: “I did not attend last years Valentine’s festival, as I was out of town for that, but I did infact attend this year and enjoyed it tons! Especially the photobooths and the placing up emas for shrine.”

[Yasushi]: “Of course, now going a bit off topic; you said earlieryour shop had a new name? Would you like to expand a bit on that, seeing as much of the public, including myself, wasnt too keen on that?”

[Hinara]: “Mhm! The shop was originally named Floral Bust. As much as we liked the name, we just didnt think it suited to well in karakura. So, after a few months of thinking through, we decided to re-name it to Kaneshon Valley. In other words, Carnation valley. Its more of a pleasing and appeallable name, also gives the vision of just a valley of flowers in a way. You know?”

[Yasushi]: “Interesting. Was there any other names you and your team considered before coming up with Kaneshon Valley?”

[Hinara]: “There was uhh.. Floral Bloom that one of our cashiers had brought up, but we still preferred the other name (Kaneshon Valley) more then that”

[Yasushi]: “Hm, I see. Well thank you, for the insight. Lastly I must ask, do you have anything youd like to say to the public before we conclude this?”

[Hinara]: “Yes!! Follow us on onrain.. And also message us some flower suggestions! Thats all, and of course! I can start takin’ you back ou-”

[!] -Audio / video ended there -

Moving on, what else did the festival have besides the booth’s? Well there was a fair amount of attractions, the most popular by a survey taken at the festival being .. the photo booths ! The festival had two photos booth similarly to last year, however this years theme was Repunzel and the Titanic, both boat themed! The repunzel photo booth was the scene from the movie’s lanter lighting festival on the water, and the Titanic’s photo booth was the famous scene in which Rose stood at the front and heald her arms out wile being heald by jack. Here are some photos of some Karakura attendees at the booths!

Next up we have the tunnel of love, which was one of the set up rides and attractions that oddly .. wasn’t as popular as you’d think. For starters, which was a turn off for many a
ttendees, was the constant fee for everything, which we be brought up later. The tunnel of Love here costed 2,500 yen per person and was relatively short, many commenting it felt ‘too short’ ‘a waste of money’ or ‘disappointing.’. A similar thing was said about the fortune teller. However, most complaints came about the person collecting the money, rather then the fortune teller itself. All throughout the event, a blonde male who was supposedly a college student allegedly harassed people on line or those walking on the board walk about ‘cutting in line’, ‘needing to pay’ and so on. He even approached me and other officials w
orking during the even telling us to pay or to quite cutting the line, despite us having nothing to do or wanting anything ..
Back to the fortune teller itself, most people complained it didn't seem real or genuine, as stated for the tunnel of love: a waste of money. Some compared the one at the event to the one from the new years festival and claimed this guy seemed like ‘just some kid scamming people’ or ‘not legit like the other one’.

Going to a more popular attraction, the Shrine had a little area for wish making and an advertisement about how the shrine does host weddings as well! Which was of course, fitting for the valentines day festival. There is all the names that were written down!

“Kay x Saeko”
“Cyril Jeo x Inkyo Mori”
“Valentinus V. <3 Sasha V.”
“Ami Akai x Kiyoko Akai”
“Asahi Goro x Athena K. M.”
“Alexander W. x Buford B.”
“Aurelia Pinnae x Johnny Reeves”
“Ichika B. A. x Tony Y. M.”
“Noa H. Lacrosse x Harry Styles”
“Kamishiki O. x Komatsuna T. M.”
“Hua Li x Ohma Tokita”
“Nao H. Lacrosse x HARRY STYLES”
“Rae Tokugawa x Luca Marchesi”
“Mao Tsu x Whitney Davis”
“Bert Gaecia x Ahnjong Chai”
“Takaharu F. x Katsuhito A. S.”
“Ayanna x Ichika”
“Lee x Ronin”
“Aurelia x Mist”
“Akira Ryugu x Kiwimi Susuki”
“Potato x Nemo”
“Bailey Minamoto x Stefano Romero”
“Nokunishi x Jhene”
“Lorenzo X Ash”

“Elizabeth X Kaede”
“Sincriterio x Niny”
“Orpheus x Eurydice - To the end”
“Georgia S. x Reikoh”
“Kiyoko x Einosuke”
“Vildalia <3 x Koichiro’s Mom”
“Sumi Ishida X the Track Team”
“Tiffany Takagi x Keisuke Uso”
“Kaleb x Amelia”
“Virdis x Maddie”

“Dante Marr - To be cooler in the coming times”
“Koichiro Awano - For the fortune and grace”
“Tamara - N/A”
“Nina M. Kinoko - To not relying on other people”
“Oliver Sunada - For Good Looks”
“Zuko Portgas - Harsh for Chiyo, eh?”
“Skylar RJ Quinn - To feel a heart bear”
“Chrisanthos - To find a lover”

Matching Sweaters were a recurring theme at the festival, though obviously some did it on purpose, some did not! Heres the top two matching sweaters we saw at the festival! The most popular same shirt being one thats fully white, however the shirt cuffs were a vibrant red along with having a heart in the front center in the same colour! Theres more people who wore the shirt then just seen in the collaged photo shown, but these were the ones we were able to catch in camera easily. The other one was a pink sweater with two hearts in the center, one being a red and the other a dark pink.

The last event of the night was surely one to remember, as one of the Karakura School’s cheer team preformed a routine for us to conclude the night! Below will be a list of all noted cheer leaders along with photos of the performance as we unfortunately couldnt record it on video.

Rozu Heddo

Ines Matsuoka
Luz Valentine
Kaida Saiky
Luka Takanohashi
Kazuhisa Ryojin
Irona Shimonishinosonoka

Katsuhito Saiky-Akihito

Next up! ONRAIN!! Cant have an article about the public, without some public input, can we? Here is out two questions we asked you guys, and what we got in response!

[US]: Happy February Karakura! You know what's this month? VALENTINES DAY!! <33, so with that we have to ask a #Question - What are your plans this valentines day? What locations are you planning dates at? Let us know!!

Some of the responses:

Tiffany Takagi @tiff

Umeda Kame @KAME

Daniel Minaya @Danez
"A friend of mine wants me to go back to spain around those days. She is planning on going to the pirinees. If she asked me out, I would be happy to be with her❤❤."

Anita Yōko @aniiita
"I'm gonna spend it back home"

Valentin Fynn Jaeger-Miyahara @vxlz
"I might ask them out, not entirely sure though yet"


[US]: Keeping with a valentines day theme .. we got another #Question !- what are some of the best date places or romantic locations in Karakura City?

Some of the responses:

Atlas Edgeworth @AtlasEM
"There is this little picnic area just past the hot springs. It’s rather relaxing there and let’s ya have a lil fun on the way over as you have to swim."

Cressida Onasis @barbie
"There's always the spot on top of the lighthouse, if you don't mind a little chill"

The Great Diviner, Shade @localnecromancer
"There are many respite areas around the coastal areas of the city that I quite appreciate."

Kirin Otakemaru @GiirinKiirin
"hear me out, the lighthouse at midnight!"

Yasuko Murakami @IAmKana
"the garden by the public housing! so many cute spots, ranging from a treehouse, multiple picnic spots, and a few gorgeous spots with pretty views on the edge of the mountains. <3"

Need a last second date location? Need now future date locations? Dont know where to go? Here’s thirty of known and unknown Karakura places to take loved ones! These are in no specific order, simply just placed listed out. Not all locations will have a given name .. and we didnt include specific businesses such shopping district due to them not being open 24/7

[NAME: Swan Boats
COORDS: 1214 14 1520
NOTES: placed by the end of the pier, its a nice out of the way area if you want a romantic location thats unique and by the water]
[NAME: Lighthouse Wonders
COORDS: 1159 66 1400
NOTES: Located at the top of the lighthouse, it gives a splendid view out of the pier and ocean ]
[NAME: Park Bridge
COORDS: 1420 21 1050
NOTES: Located near Plaza, this is a nice public spot if you want something more casual but peaceful ]
[NAME: Picnic Cove
COORDS: 1932 14 1457
NOTES: A lantern lit picnic hidden by the ocean under a natural rock formation ]
[NAME: Red Arc
COORDS: 1954 21 1433
NOTES: Near the ocean with a beautiful view and lighting, this date spot can double as a wedding location]
COORDS: 1954 17 1190
NOTES: A casual yet aesthetically pleasing sitting area in a park]
[NAME: Hidden Pond Picnic
COORDS: 1978 17 1180
NOTES: Hidden up on higher grounds and behind a tree, this is a beautiful and overlooked picnic location .. if you dont like frogs though, wouldnt recommend coming here.]
COORDS: 2022 40 1177
NOTES: On higher grounds, this place has numerous sitting areas with beautiful views ]
[NAME: Elevated picnic
COORDS: 2034 59 1114
NOTES: A picnic place tucked away in a corner with a view you must see!]
[NAME: Secluded seating
COORDS: 2062 71 1162
NOTES: A small spot to sit and rest off to the side if you wish to stay indoors, that also comes with quite the view! ]
COORDS: 2062 77 1177
NOTES: Several park benches and blankets reside high on a mountain, not many people pass by and its got an eye catching view]
COORDS: 2044 76 1135
NOTES: A place to sit with quite the overview of the surrounding land ]
[NAME: Sushi Seating
COORDS: 1962 17 1110
NOTES: a table located under a sakura tree in a park that offers sushi to dine! ]
[NAME: Pathway Seating
COORDS: 1858 17 1133
NOTES: Located on a hidden back pathway beside the highschool, this a beautiful and safe place to sit for awhile! Its also convenient for students! ]
[NAME: Pathway Picnic
COORDS: 1940 17 1138
NOTES: On the same Pathway as above, its a beautiful place to sit! ]
[NAME: Pathway Pond
COORDS: 1785 18 1127
NOTES: Again, same area as above but this here is a nice bench that overlooks a minpond! ]
[NAME: 11/7 Seating
COORDS: 1929 17 950
NOTES: A popular location beside 11/7! ]
[NAME: Bon Fire
COORDS: 1935 17 798
NOTES: A large controlled fire placed in the karakura forest! ]
[NAME: Picnic Table pond
COORDS: 1921 17 757
NOTES: Located beside a small pond and cabin, this is a relaxing place to sit and talk for awhile! ]
COORDS: 1971 23 550
NOTES: A place near Karakura’s shrine entrance and in the back of the forest, a very aesthetically pleasing and calming place to go! ]

[NAME: Projector seating
COORDS: 2080 130 503
NOTES: A little place to sit down and sit for hours! Comes with a beautiful view of the shrine and a projector to watch movies! ]
[NAME: Shrine Garden
COORDS: 2072 114 527
NOTES: A beautiful view of one of the gardens that belong to the shrine ]
[NAME: Bobcat cove
COORDS: 1925 55 483
NOTES: Located on the known Bobcat mountain, there is a cave in which a lovely seating area is placed!]
[NAME: Bobcat Bon Fire
COORDS: 1912 64 472
NOTES: located also at bobcat mountain, a little sitting area near the fire]
COORDS: 1902 19 524
NOTES: A peaceful and well lit picnic spot ]
[NAME: Center of everything
COORDS: 1702 17 618
NOTES: The center of shopping district has several seating locations, picnic blankets and picnic tables!]
COORDS: 1530 17 505
NOTES: Located near shopping district and beside an apartment complex, here is a nice calm area with a picnic table and blanket]
[NAME: Alley way picnic
COORDS: 1215 17 715
NOTES: located beside an apartment complex and near the old power plant, a small picnic, seating and barbeque area is located! ]
[NAME: overgrown Picnic
COORDS: 1909 17 719
NOTES: Located off to the side in for forest and behind an older cabin, this picnic location truly does make you feel at peace and alone ]
[NAME: Skatepark
COORDS: 1299 17 1287
NOTES: A place to have fun and to relax! Comes with its own picnic table!]

[!] This is an official slight expansion on the 1999 murder lore case! [!]
Karakura News would like to take this article as a chance to mention and honor deceased reporter, Hayami Mori, as in 1999, February 14th, she was sadly murdered. We wish to take this time to speak about her death and cherish her death, along with get the public’s help and support on something we wish to accomplish for her.
Reporter Hayami Mori was a 5’5”, 35 years old Japanese Female. She had Long, Sleek, neat Black hair normally kept in a high ponytail, her eyes would be a bright emerald.. She had Freckles that ran across the bridge of her nose. As for her voice? Voice soothing, slightly monotoned. Her father was KPD sergeant Asuka Mori, who served with KPD for 10 years before the incident occurred.
Below we will be placing the 110 call that came into police regarding the discovery of her death ,, viewer discretion may be advised.

[!] - Audio Starts -

[110 Dispatcher]: ‘110, please state if you need Emergency services or Police.’

[!] a voice over the phone on the other end seems to be hyperventilating

[???]: “P-Police and Emerg-gency.. there is a dead body on.. the steps of the town hall. . .Komichi Road. . .”

[110 Dispatcher]: “Okay sir, please stay calm for me. Police are on their way now. How can you tell they are dead?”

[???]: “Blood.. blood everywhere up and down the steps.. she.. she isn't breathing!-”

[!] Call Audio cuts off here and ends.

The phone call above was made around 09:43 on February 14th, 1999 by a lawyer named Hideyoshi Yamamoto who was new to the job, just becoming a lawyer earlier that day. He called on the Town Hall's landline. When police arrived, it wasn't a pretty sight. Reporter Mori was stabbed four times in her upper shoulder and torso and three in the neck according to her official medical examination. Through interview, it was discovered she was on the way to speak with Mr. Yamamoto regarding the possible corruption of something regarding the Karakur a police force, which lead police originally to believe it was her father who committed the gruesome crime, however he was quickly cleared during a quick interview in which Mori was distraught and in tears, along with a given alibi backed up by CTTV.
She was seen by coworkers that morning heading out with her messenger bag, a vanilla folder of papers, and an engraved pen that her father, Sargent Mori, gave her for her birthday. CCTV caught Miss Mori passing by the local Karakura High School around 09:00 as school was in session, heading towards the local family store on the corner.
An ambulance arrived at the scene as the officers were speaking to the lawyer, to take the body of Hayami Mori to the morgue. Doctor Maki Takagi explained that she was stabbed in the shoulder and neck area roughly seven times in total, resulting in blood loss.. The doctor stated the death wasn't instant. She was likely aware for most of it and possibly choked on her blood. She didn't die in peace.
Hideji Kajiyashiki was later found guilty of the murder in first degree, Sergeant Mori being the main arresting officer. No cameras caught sight of the arrest, however when Hideji was brought into KPD for booking, he was reported to seem like he was beaten .. however on paper it was said by his own testimony that it was due to a gang affiliation issue after he was interviewed by KPD previously.
Hayami Mori did get a funeral soon after, the main colours being red and white. Her funeral took place at the Karakura church, and the afterparty was private to only reporters and KPD. It was the first time in Karakura history that KPD and Karakura News stood by one another as one, not as divided or rivaling jobs. The party’s location is unknown, but there are photos of the event that exist, the most known being the lead reporter at the time, Najami Nakasa and the police Commissioner at the time shaking hands, both having the same brand of cigarette in their mouth .. Nakasa heald the commissioner’s gun in his free hand, and the Commissioner heald a newspaper in the other. It was a sign of unity, brought together by Hayami Mori’s death.
Now in days, times have changed. KPD and Karakura News dont have a rivalry, but rather a disagreeance, theres no surprise we see one another as enemies, we eachother and ick or roll eyes. Its media, politics, and personal opinions. Only time can tell if an event shall bring the two teams together again, maybe one day.

With all that said, now this is the part that us, Karakura News, and I, Jim Yasushi are pushing for; A grave for Hayami Mori. Her father himself, stated he didnt care what happened to his memory, but rather that of his daughters. We attempted to get one for her before today, but alas it was to no prevail. So, Karakura Public, those reading, we wish for you to help push the movement to get her a grave. And for those reading this that can make that happen, do it.

From Love, to family, to Valentines to dates, And from trust and betrayal. Karakura News hopes you guys spend today with those you love and cherish, you dont know if today will be the last.

Jim Yasushi is signing out.

Have something you'd like to report or be reported on? Call the Reporter Hotline at (020) 980-4487!
Hayami Mori did get a funeral soon after, the main colours being red and white. Her funeral took place at the Karakura church, and the afterparty was private to only reporters and KPD. It was the first time in Karakura history that KPD and Karakura News stood by one another as one, not as divided or rivaling jobs. The party’s location is unknown, but there are photos of the event that exist, the most known being the lead reporter at the time, Najami Nakasa and the police Commissioner at the time shaking hands, both having the same brand of cigarette in their mouth .. Nakasa heald the commissioner’s gun in his free hand, and the Commissioner heald a newspaper in the other. It was a sign of unity, brought together by Hayami Mori’s death.


Level 8
Irona Shimonishinosonoka
You get Shimonishinosonoka right.....albeit, accent mark excluded.......but u fumble iroha !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!? Report ruined, disliked, reported for harassment. (Genuinely amazing report though !!!!!!!!)

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