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KARAKURA NEWS | WHIZFEED: Funny Current And Old Posters In Karakura Hospital!


Level 86

After looking through the hospital and being sent several photos, here are some of the most random, silly AND funny current and old posters from Karakura Hospital!

Photo of Kojiro H-Tatchitsu, N. Jaibatsume, 2023

First on our showcase is the notorious poster that’s been in the old and now current hospital lobby! It is of the Clinical Manager Ide Zaiaku, and advertising him being, and as quoted from the poster “Hot and Single”!

N. Jaibatsume, 2023

Next is the now Senior Psychiatrist Alfred Jones! From what I’ve been told, this is located in the downstairs of the hospital where they have a work out section! This poster displays the athletic medical professional promoting fitness captioned “You can’t be a Paramedic with THAT kinda speed!

Submitted by Anon - N. Jaibatsume, 2024

A poster that seemingly pokes fun at a specific hospital staff employee, this poster is of Graige Higglebottom-Saiky with the captain of “Worst Paramedic!

Submitted by Anon - N. Jaibatsume, 2024

A display that doesn't feature a specific person! Instead, its cute, creative, and a bit humorous .. This poster (Or should I say banner) has a frog promoting mental health!

‘LOKE’, 2023

Once again another hospital worker poster! The hospital surely loves their workers, don't they? This one is of Naomi Inoue, with the funny caption of “Gorjus” which we can easily assume to be a silly spelling of “Gorgeous”!

Submitted by Anon - N. Jaibtsume, 2024

Actually had to do some research for this one.. From what I learned Krunker is a popular simple 3D game where your team tries to kill the other team! And first one to a certain amount of kills, wins! Theres also a leaderboard and individuals tries to get the most kills.. And according to this poster thats placed beside the computers.. We can only assume its a warning to the hospital staff to not play their favorite game! LOL!

Submitted by Anon - N. Jaibtsume, 2024

A funny, yet semi-morbid old poster found! Once again I believe this was from the workout basement the Hospital has! This poster is just words, stating “The faster you are, the less people die.”!

Kami P. Poina, 2023

Another game related poster! This one however seems to encourage gaming .. but one specific type! WII SPORTS!

Submitted by Anon - N. Jaibtsume, 2024

This poster surely has made some laugh! Once again likely from the workout area for hospital staff, this one says “Run like the KPD is after you!”

Kami P. Poina, 2023

Last, but not least .. Presumably a poster out of the public eye just for medical staff to giggle at, this silly poster is captioned “You’re not ok? Just makeout!”

F. Tastic, 2023

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the ads are 99% of the reason i said yes to this i cant lie. . ..

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