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Karakura News | Why School Faculty Chose Karakura


Level 108
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Teacher Lead

Hello Karakura. Jin Kuroki Here.
Today’s report is about why school faculty chose to work in Karakura.
It will be broken off into three sections: Teachers, Professors, Employees


The first section will be the answers from two teachers. I asked Mr. Anderson and Mr. Wigglesworth the same questions and here are their answers.

What interested you in teaching in Karakura?
Wigglesworth | “Oh! Well, I suppose I would say the students kinda made me want to teach here! I just wanted to try to help them in any way I could!”
Anderson says "Well, I have family in the area and was looking for a new place to live... So I just decided to kill two birds with one stone."

What made you choose your subject?
Wigglesworth | “Well, I actually tried to apply to be a science teacher, but it was full.. So I took one of the vacant spots in the history department instead! I always find history to be so interesting!”
Anderson | "Math just came easy to me, to be honest. I still hate it as much as everyone else. It just so happened that I was talented in it."

What is one piece of advice you’d give to the children of Karakura?
Wigglesworth | “One piece of advice? Oh man.. that's tough. Uhh.. I suppose to always give an effort! Not just in school, but in all walks of life!”
Anderson | "The kids? Hm... Stop pursuing something out of your reach. Enjoy the life you have."


The next section is directed toward professors. I asked Ms. Ota and Mr. De La Fontaine the same questions.

What interested you in teaching in Karakura?
Ota | "The students, they've always been so engaging and eager to learn something completely new."
De La Fontaine | "Well I used to be a teacher back in Italy, helping students adapt to the transition from high school to college. I enjoy spending time with older students really, which is why I applied for the open professor job here. Though my interest really lies in helping students achieve and succeed in higher education. Moving to Japan offered a fresh start for my family and I am very excited to continue meeting and bonding with many of the college students here."

What made you choose your subject?
Ota | "I noted that Karakura has a somewhat large amount of crime, I thought that this was due to lack of teaching so I decided to teach law and justice."
De La Fontaine | "My interest in Biology really was a missed shot. I wanted to be a doctor like my brother was, though unsuccessful in that area, due to financial issues. Science truly is an amazing subject to teach because there's so much that we truly don't understand about nature and the world we live in. I enjoy it because it is a constant learning experience"

What is one piece of advice you’d give to the children of Karakura?
Ota | "Stay out of trouble... it never does you good and you have so much hope in life, you shouldn't throw it away."
De La Fontaine | "My advice for the children of Karakura would be to persist through the hard times. Even the worst things in life will come to an end and once you hit rock bottom there's nowhere else to go but up. Keep your head above the water and you won't drown. Sure life is competitive and can be difficult at times, but nothing is worth giving up on."

The final section is directed toward the school employees. I chose to interview Mr. Nakano and Mr. Masaki.

What interested you in working in Karakura?
Mr. Masaki | “Well my reason is my daughter lives in Karakura, and I wanted to be closer to her, another reason is helping the students with anything they are struggling with!”
Mr. Nakano | “I had just finished taking a break year following college, as I needed to heal and take care of my parents. I began looking through the offers I had received, wanting to work, and eventually stumbled across a quaint island town - Karakura. I figured it would be a nice change of scenery, something I desperately wished for. As much as I love my hometown, I wanted to see new people and new places. I suppose that's a part of the allure Karakura held for me, as the promise of what would practically be a 'new life' made itself apparent to me.”

What made you choose your position?
Mr. Masaki | “I have always known I wanted to be a tutor when I was in highschool and I got tutored by them and saw how much they loved to help the students.”
Mr. Nakano | “When I was in high school myself I faced hard times due to being quite reserved. However, the school employees would be kind and treat me nicely, which I appreciate very much so. I initially wanted to be a tutor, however. . . I am not the best at social interaction. A one-on-one session with students for extended periods of time seemed like a hard task for me, even after the years I had spent trying to sharpen such assets. Eventually, my lovely sister recommended the receptionist position. Although it would require a lot of socializing and such, it was significantly less than any other position required, and I would still be able to give back to the community I felt had served me so well.”

What is one piece of advice you’d give to the children of Karakura?
Mr. Masaki | “One piece of advice I would give to the children is never change for anyone and be yourself.”
Mr. Nakano | “Don't allow your peers to dictate how the rest of your life goes. Your worth is greater than you know.”


Thank you for listening in for this interview. Stay tuned for more news!
Until Next Time
Jin Kuroki


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