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KARAKURA NEWS | Yui Tsu's Government Ball


Level 43
Lore Team
A few days ago, I was kindly invited by the Chief Judge, Yui Tsu, to attend and report on the Government Ball where a speech was held. The main floor of a tower held a fun-filled night with a sprinkle of chaos and a fun party game!

[The recording started. The dialogue was written for those who were reading it instead]

"Good evening everyone! And thank you all for coming. This party, hosted by myself and Director Heddo is meant to once again bring the tri-government factions together for a bit of fun! Now- the secondary purpose of this event is also to advertise my campaign to you all. Let me tell you what it’s all about!

Firstly, my name is Yui Tsu, and I’m the town hall's chief judge for those who don’t know. I work day and night to bring justice to Karakura via our judicial system, which I have taken part in developing and refining myself alongside former Mayor Akai and Attorney General Derevo. However, I feel as if I can do more. I have done everything I could for my department in terms of creating excellent judicial systems that have brought justice to countless trials, and despite my accomplishments, I wish to do more for not only my coworkers but the city as a whole. When thinking about my campaign initially, I thought about the many issues this city faces.

From high crime rates to mental health awareness, as my competitors have chosen to campaign, I decided to turn my gaze to the quality of life within the city. By tackling the housing crisis first. It’s been brought to my attention that many students have nothing to come home to after the school bell rings every day, and that breaks my heart as a wife and a mother. I have been working for countless hours, pledging to begin solving this crisis starting with expanding current apartment complexes and even building new ones in empty areas that could easily be used for expansion. I believe this city is not small. Space does not play a part in why this city has a housing crisis. The first step to change is being willing to change.

I, as your fellow coworker, colleague, acquaintance, or even friend, pledge to solve this issue. I am someone who has made changes before. Change has impacted the lives of government workers and citizens alike. Vote for me, and give me the opportunity to create more change within this city. I am confident that I can make the changes necessary to combat the crises within this city in a fair, feasible way.

Anywho! There are loads of things planned throughout this evening. Feel free to chat, play games, and I will be around to answer any questions you may have."

[The recording ended]
After the announcement, everybody split off into groups and started to do their own thing and chat while music played in the background. A while after, the quiet chattering and music stopped, and the announcement for a game of musical chairs was made. Music started playing and everyone began to seat themselves to begin the first game of Musical Chairs. The last two standings were Ide and Sturm, though the winner was Ide, a Surgeon at the Karakura Hospital!

After the first game, a small break was given before another round of the game Musical Chairs started! After others joined and seated themselves, including me, it was announced that there would be a 50,000 yen prize for the winner! After a rough match of people fighting for their spot in a chair, the winner of the second game would be Masuyo! From my knowledge at least.

After all of that excitement, more was to come in order to wrap up the entire event! Since it was a formal event or easter themed, the event ended in a very fun easter egg hunt for the government workers, the first person to find all five eggs won the hunt!


Though we’re nearing the end of the report, do you think you’d vote for Yui Tsu, or do you think you’d vote for somebody else? Maybe by the end of this report, it may urge you to apply to be a government worker and have the opportunities like this to have an amazing time with the rest of your co-workers!

Do you have something you’d like reported?
Call the reporter hotline! - (020) 980-4487

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