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Denied Karma's Event Team Application


Level 2

IGN: _FqllenKarma_

Explain your activity on the Server: I am fairly active, online almost 24/7 without fail.

What previous experience do you have working in a team?: A few precious experiences I have working on a team would be, for example being a staff member three times within separate servers and a staff member 10 times in discord servers, I know how teamwork makes the dreamwork and I do well with working and communicating with others. I am also currently in a Tailoring Service and do really well with communicating with customers and the tailors who work beside me. I was very successful and was told I do really well with speaking up and saying my ideas or plans. Due to the experience of being staff and a tailor, I have learned not to be fearful of speaking to those who call me out.

What makes you different from other applicants
Here are a few things that make me unique from the other applicants.
I am an outstanding person who can communicate well, most people usually are fearful of doing so and I can work without an Argument rising, as I am understanding and listen to both sides of an idea. I also am a toxic free person and I am not known to be the type to lash out at anyone, though I was a bit unprofessional when I was younger. However, I am grown and understand all roles and what the job is and means, I know how to preform as a Event Team Member if I am to be accepted. I am professional , Accountable , and Loyal to any Role I am given. I am available at all times and I check discord every 5-10 minutes so if you need someone ASAP, I will always send a message back and be at every meeting, I can stay up all night doing whatever is required as well. I am very committed when it comes to an important job I am given and never stray away from it, I follow all rules and directions as well as pay attention to whoever is speaking and listen closely. I believe that due to how Professional, Accountable , Committed, and Loyal I am during an important Role that are a few stated reasons to why I should be accepted onto the team.

Provide a detailed event proposal that would be seen by the Event-Team
Here is my idea for an Event

I suggest that we could create an event for a Celebration known as
Hanami (Cherry Blossom Festival)
From what I have researched it is a Festival where people watch blossoms grow and sit under trees to eat and celebrate with family and friends, a few games are there as well for entertainment. Those who celebrate this festival often compete against others to see who can find the quietest place in the area, after an area is found events happen day and night. A little revelry takes place beneath the blooms that are celebrated for their fleeting, impermanent nature.
Hanami's dates range between March and May, depending on how far north or south in Japan. Blooms begin appearing in the south first as winter gives up. Officials predict and forecast the northern progress of blooms on government websites.

How would we do this you ask?
Well, first we would start off with having a few blossom trees in a little area for example, the Shopping District. We would then set up tables and events/games that everyone can enjoy and maybe even include a few other unique things, like music , parties , and a lot more. I know a lot of people would enjoy watching the tree's bloom as they are very pretty and it is really romantic for most, so a lot would be bound to attend. Though, this idea is a work in progress, I would love some feedback from the rest of the team.


Level 111

- The event suggested is greatly ordinary, and there is very, very little detail in this application. We are thankful for your patience in awaiting a response and your interest in the role.
- If you have any questions, contact heb#5009 over Discord.​

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