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Kokoro Cafe (Shop 3 Application)

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Level 1
Kokoro Café

Previous applications:
Previous Shop Application
[ I'm not sure what happened to it ]
Current Shop Application (Remake of the last [ Pending ]
Previous warns/kicks/bans:
Supposedly flying (When I was glitching, coming back on)
Shop Wanted:
Shop 3

Why do you want to own:
First of all, to start off the application, I believe that there is one thing that is made noticed here, is that there are sometimes a lack of constant shops and cafes that are open, as well as places where people can go to express their favorite fandoms and just talk with people in general. Owning a shop would be a huge responsibility and I understand that, as well as I believe I can take on that job, with the help of my friends. It would be an awesome idea to introduce to the community and I just generally want to make people feel safe when talking about the fandoms they enjoy to others. I want to own a shop to bring people together and let them actually make friends in a safe environment. It would welcome the idea of cosplaying as well. I would also want to help teach others if they aren’t that good at role playing or to help them learn if they wanted to stop by at a certain time. Everyone who enters would be treated with respect, no matter who they are or what they did. Another reason why I would like to own the shop is so that we can give a safe environment for everyone to hang out at. And it just be a general place that people can just go, grab some food, chat, and enjoy, and it not be a place where people have to worry about school and such. We would also have a few set rules, but ultimately people who come in would have to follow the school rules and if they break those or the rules that we set up, or disrespect staff within the café, they will be warned and if they do it again, they have the chance of being kicked out for the day that the shop is open.

What do you plan on doing with the shop?
I have many ideas with what I could do with the shop in general. First would have to be it being a cosplaying café, where the waiters and waitresses and customers (if wanted) could dress up as a certain anime, manga, or fandom each week or time we open. It would also be a place where you could buy café style items such as a baked goods and drinks pretty much, while either taking it out with you or sitting and dining in the hall. Or upstairs in the rafters, where there will be a karaoke bar where people can join on certain nights, as well as a runway if we hold a cosplay contest! Those are pretty much events we were thinking about doing on either weekend nights for people. Since it would be interesting to have cosplay contests sometimes, like for Halloween events and such. You see this is not just your normal café because people could also write stories for other people to read as well, (mind you, we will be checking them ourselves before we put them up) within the café. We might even plan an overnight sleepover upstairs, but it really depends one what we're allowed to do as a café, but there are too many ideas that we could ultimately do and add sometime in the future.

How will your shop be unique?
Our café is already unique as I stated before, not just because we sell food, but because it can just be a hangout place, where people can buy food and/or accessories and chill with their friends. This also might extend our hours a bit, just to let people come at their own time, and since we may have a bit of workers I'm fairly certain that there will be a full staff at all times, if not, then that's alright as well because I have a few capable people in mind to hire for the shop. Not only that but we will have excellent coordination on what anime/manga/fandom we will be doing, and the upmost respectful staff. They will be welcoming and ready to help if needed. They will get fair pay, and we will make sure that it will be a safe environment. There will be many events that our group will collaborate and talk about each time one has an idea, and I may make uniforms for sometimes, when we don't have enough time to find a cosplay skin, but we will most likely be in cosplaying outfits when serving. Also, I mean, we could use a karaoke place, since a lot of people are not able to go to the actual club on the server (at least I don't think) and I think it will be fun to do since people could do stand up comedy as well if they wished or tell stories and such.


{1} Owner
This person will be in charge of the entire café, and will be the one handing out the paychecks as well as the one who mainly hires and runs the place. (This would be my job)
{2} Co-owners
These are my two trusted people, and they will take over for me, if I am not currently on. They will act as the owner if I am not around, and they will be in charge of ordering around the managers of each thing, as well as the people under them. These people are strong and they are also going to be respectful just like everyone else. There is going to be a second and third in command which I will assign to certain people I deem responsible enough. They are able to have the powers of the owner when I am not around and open it when they wish to make extra money for the café. I am not saying what they are earning but if they see people doing a good job they have the ability to give them an extra bit of money.
{1} Supply Manager
This person will be in charge of supplying the café a couple of times per week, (irl) and will be held up to delivering at the right time and making sure that each delivery has the right amount of things needed. They will be earning 5-9k per delivery.

{1} Head of Workers
These people come directly to the owner in case of needing more staff hired, but they will also be able to conduct the hiring's only if they are in need of an extra hand around, or they are low on staff. They are able to organize the waiters and waitress's and keep them in control and help teach them if they need help with some things. They can also step in if needed and will be the ones I will be contacting a lot. They earn around 8k per 3-4 days of work. They will be trustworthy and will help when needed.

{6} Waiters/Waitresses
These will be the main people who cosplay as certain people, depending on who chooses the fandom for that day. These people will be respectful to the customers and always welcome them with a smile. They will be handling the food and waiting on customers, and making sure that people are doing good and if they need stuff then they can go and help them. The waiters/waitresses will be required to work a minimum of 2-3 days per week (irl), and will be paid 5k at the end week. If you work another day, you get an extra 1k added. These people are trusted and if you betray that trust you will be fired and if there is stuff you have stolen, you have to repay back everything that you stole.
{1-2} Trainees
These people are in training, and will be in training for about four days (irl) following around the waiters and waitresses and maybe serving a couple of people. If you pass the first four days and I or one of the co-owners approve of you, you can start working for the café full time as a waiter/waitress. If you miss a day, for a reason, I will either make you make it up in the next week unless there was a valid reason for missing.
{1} Head of Security
This is the head of all security. The will teach security trainees the ways of how to work, and will make sure that the people they have trained already and are security are doing their jobs correctly. They will be getting paid 8k. Mind you we may not have one now, but we will have one in the future.

They are in charge of making sure no one gets harmed or is causing chaos among the café. Also making sure that no one is dogging on someone else for the fandom that they like. They will earn 7k per week. And if you meet a black list person you will have to stop them before getting in the café. You will earn 1k by doing so, but if you are caught in a lie, you loss the job.
{1-2} Trainees
These are the people who will be guided by the Security Manager to help them understand what their job is and what all they will have to do, what the need to learn, who to look out for, how much they will get paid, etc. etc. You will have to be in training for 4 days before I or one of the co-owners approve of you, you can start working for the café full time as a security guard. If you miss a day, for a reason, I will either make you make it up in the next week unless there was a valid reason for missing.
{1} Head Cook
This person is in charge of the cooks and making sure of what they need that day. They can order the other cooks around to do what they need to do as well as accept deliveries. They are the main person in the kitchen and will be earning the same as the other managers. They will also be in direct contact with me if something needs to be settled.

{2} Cooks
These cooks will be responsible for handling and making the food. The food should be ready each time it opens as well as they will be the ones handling the deliveries of food each time we open as well. So they will meet the delivery person at the back to accept the food for the day and the stuff that is needed. They will earn around the same as the waiters and waitresses plus a tip if needed, if they do extra work that day.

Our Menu
Food Items:
⇢ BLT: 700 yen
⇢ Cheese and Ham: 650 yen
⇢ Egg: 200 Yen
⇢ Bread: 100 Yen
⇢ Any kind of Toast: 500 Yen
⇢ Sushi Box: 700 Yen

⇢ Americano: 300 Yen
⇢ Ice Coffee: 300 Yen
⇢ OREO shake: 250 Yen
⇢ Milk: 150 Yen
⇢ Hot Chocolate: 300 Yen

⇢ Strawberry & Vanilla Ice Cream: 550 Yen
⇢ Ice Cream Sandwich: 350 Yen
⇢ Blue Lolly: 150 Yen
⇢ Toffee Apple: 200 Yen

Snacks & Fruit:
⇢ Popcorn: 1000 Yen
⇢ Apple: 100 Yen
⇢ Kiwi: 200 Yen
⇢ Orange: 150 Yen
⇢ Banana: 200 Yen

These are some rules that we would like to put up in our café, to keep the area safe.

1. Cosplay Café is a safe place so I would like to make it a rule that if violence occurs in the café the person will be warned once then if it happens again they will be removed from the café.
2. No Discriminating against anyone, if you have something bad to say about someone's race, gender, sexuality, or other please take it outside
3. No starting fights about other fandoms, like don't pick on someone for being in a certain fandom, who knows you may like it if you just watch it or read it

I was hoping to be able to go for shop three, and redo it a bit, since I had some friends help me in making a café on a separate server, since I wasn't sure what was going on with the creative server. We have images that I will show you of how we hope the café to look like. We can also build it on the server if needed, or help with it, since it is a lot of work.

Thank you for looking at this application!


Level 118
-Shop slot is already taken.
-To get a creative server build accepted, it has to be reviewed beforehand.
-Your custom shop is too small, and it would be too much of a project to replace an original building (the building is quite prized.)
-The idea of a café is quite redundant, I'd prefer new and original ideas over old ideas.
-Overall decent application.
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