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Kotone 'Koi' Laresca Yushiki | Biography


Level 27
kotone stuff.png
Status: Alive
-'Maybe if I was good enough, I'd have reason to believe I could do anything at all.'
-'Someday, I will reach the stars. But Until then, I'm stuck down here dreaming underneath them.'

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

A video would begin to play, a female would step away from the camera lens. As she stepped away, you'd see her face, a smile laced with sorrow. 'Hey, I guess this is my story, or something.' She'd scratch the back of her head as she looked down awkwardly. 'Feels weird talking to myself, um. . but if you're watching this, uh- yeah. . have fun?' She'd take a deep breath.

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

General Information

Full Name: Kotone Miyo Laresca Yushiki
First Name: Kotone | ことね
Surname: Yushiki | ゆしき
Nationality: Korean - Japanese


'Koko' -
Given to her by
Nyoko 'Ko' McCarthy Hatake. Kotone is embarassed by the name,
and only allows Nyoko to call her it, seeing as Nyoko is basically her little sister.

'Koi' -
This is the nickname she has grown most used to, it was given to her due to the tattoo of a large
koi fish she has on her back.
'Sweets' -
A close friend of hers, Kiro N. Cyrus, gave it to her. Not quite sure why other than her being really sweet
towards him. It's a term of endearment.

'Banana leg' -
After breaking her left leg, she had worn a yellow cast. She had mentioned how it looked like a banana was eating
her leg to her friends, and therefore she was given the nickname 'Banana leg' that even today she is reminded of. . ugh.

Marital Status: Single
College student, Bachelors.
Spartans Female Volleyball, setter.


Gender: Female
Age: 20
Height: 4'11
Weight: 83 lbs
Hairstyle and color:

Kotone can be seen running around with messy hair, it wouldn't be terribly messy although she'd always have
at least a few strands sticking up out of place. Her hair would reach her waist in gentle blonde waves, much like her mothers.

Eye color: Hazel
Skin color:
Somewhat pale with a very slight blush undertone.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Varying at times, she'd tend to smell like vanilla bean, blueberries, or french vanilla coffee.

-A large tattoo of a koi fish would take up a majority of her back, starting from between her shoulder blades
and stretching down towards her lower back.
-A single black rose would adjorn her upper right thigh, covering old scars.

-A carving of 'Slut' would be on her upper left thigh.
-A carving of 'Whore' would be on her lower back, just below her Koi fish tattoo.
-A carving of 'Bitch' would go across her lower stomach.
-A crossed out carving would be on her right side, just above her hipbone.

-She'd have her lobes pierced on both ears, the upper cartilage of her right ear housing a small dangling silver star.
-She'd have a tongue piercing, a simple silver ball.

Body build:
-She'd sport a toned athletic body, a slight 6-pack would be prominent.

-She'd sound sweet,



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General outfits she tends to wear:


-A basic active outfit she wears when she wants to play volleyball. A pair of white sneakers with
black knee pads, white shorts, and a black and gold striped long sleeve.

-Her volleyball uniform, with a custom made Letterman jacket, with the
Karakura 'K' proudly shown on the front, and the number '6' on the back.

-Her casual outfit, wearing a pair of black sneakers, fishnets, a thigh strap, black high waist shorts,  and a blue, black and white striped long sleeve shirt to finish it off.
-Her casual outfit, wearing a pair of black sneakers, fishnets, a thigh strap, black high waist shorts,
and a blue, black and white striped long sleeve shirt to finish it off.

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

Physical appearance:
Kotone was someone who had been told time and time again to look after herself. She was always reminded to care about her appearance as she grew up, as most people would judge a book by it's cover no matter what anyone says. She was mostly proud of her appearance, her hazel eyes and blonde hair standing out against her fair skin. She had high cheekbones and soft, somewhat plump lips. Her hazel eyes were doe-like, giving her a child-like appearance. She was someone who was graced with perfectly clear skin, devoid of any freckles, moles and acne.
Her hair was thick and naturally blonde, something her and her mother shared in common. Her hair would fall to her waist in gently waves, at times appearing a bit frizzy and messy- she didn't care. It added to her childish charm.
Kotone was always short, and due to this she has been mistaken multiple times for a 10th grader. She tries to wear heels sometimes in hopes of getting an extra inch or two to break the 5'0 line, although it doesn't always help. She'd stand at 4'11 and she'd weigh 83 lbs, a bit underweight although she was working on it, building up muscle whenever she exercised. She had toned calves from running track in high school, defined biceps, and a slightly toned 6-pack.

As someone who has always played piano since a young age, and who was taught to appear as a refined young lady, she'd stand with good posture, tending to keep her back straight and her shoulders parallel with her hips. She'd keep her shoulders back and relaxed, pulling in her abdomen. Her feet would be about hip distance apart. When sitting down, she'd usually break her perfect posture, preferring to have her legs pulled up to her chest with her chin resting on her knees.


Kotone was raised to be honest and loving. She's someone who is very easy to get along with,
always making friends or finding friend groups to be a part of.

Kotone's most noticeable trait is her quick reaction to bad situations, she's tried her best to stay
level-headed in any situation, trying to be a mediator.

Mental health:

-Kotone has multiple accounts of trauma that have resulted in her developing PTSD. Learn more about it ICLY.

-Kotone suffers from anxiety, having had anxiety attacks to the point of being unable to breathe multiple times. They usually stem from being over-stimulated in a public setting or when she is reminded of something that has taken place in the past. Learn more about it ICLY.

-Her depression stems back into her childhood, where she didn't make many friends at first and always felt like an outcast. She had started learning how to cope and move on from it, although between the ages of 18 and 20, she has dealt with many heartaches taking place. A boyfriend who lost interest and had begun to get toxic towards her, a close friend's death, being called names and having them carved into her against her will, etc. Learn more about it ICLY.


Performing arts club:
-Kotone isn't quite as active in their club group chat as she'd like to be, although she tries to put in the effort where she can, and fails miserably. She has had thoughts of leaving it, although she loves them a lot, and hopes they can forgive her for being so inactive in meetings.

DnD club:

-Although she has only helped out in one event and been to one meeting, Kotone really enjoys this club. It's the most recent one she's joined, and she feels as though it's something she can be a part of for a while. She loves everyone in it, and enjoys knowing that her friend, Zacharie is a part of it.

Track Team
-Kotone had dreams to join the Track team since she joined Karakura high school, and it had come true her senior year. She was in it for a few months, working hard and making friends along the way. Eventually, she left on good terms when she graduated into college.

-Kotone wasn't quite sure how she got onto the Female Spartans Volleyball team, but she wasn't complaining. . much. She had hardly practiced before tryouts had taken place, but she was still pressured into it by her close friend, and somehow made it!
-With her newfound love for volleyball, she hoped she could work on practicing more in hopes of becoming a good player such as her friend, Rin 'Elk' M.T.


Family members

Shimizu D. Yushiki - [Mother]
Shimizu is a police officer in the Karakura Police Department, and is someone who Kotone has trusted on multiple occasions with catching stalkers or criminals who she had experienced dealing with or witnessed. They have a close bond, and Shimizu is someone who Kotone holds close to her heart. After Shimizu arrested Kotone for defending herself from someone who had knocked her out, her trust in Shimizu grew thin, and she has grown weary of the KPD as a whole, feeling as though she can't trust them anymore.
'Did your friend just call me a milf?' - Shimizu
'I love my mom. She's always working so we hardly have time to bond anymore, but I know she's doing what she can to live, as we all are. She's super kind and understanding towards me and my friends. Whenever she's off duty she and I hang out with a small group of people, relaxing and hoping the time never ends.' - Kotone

Chad. Laresca - [Father]
Chad is someone who Kotone has looked up to her entire life. He has tried his best to be the best father he could be, leaning heavily on making sure she had good grades. He has always been lenient with her, although at times he can be strict. He never allows her to wear a mask or drink in his presence, if she does she is threatened with a belt and adoption (jokingly of course, but it's enough for her to listen.) Chad cares for her deeply, and has spent night and day protecting her from whatever he can, even going as far as not sleeping to ensure her safety from herself and others. If Kotone has a problem with someone, if she tells him he is more than ready to swing a bat at someones kneecaps. (Ouch.)
'You're short.' - Chad
'Even if he locks me in my room like a dog and takes my alcohol when I'm not looking, I know he wants the best for me. Whenever I'm depressed and not feeling well, he's there immediately giving me advice, sometimes taking me on adventures to cheer me up. He has his flaws, like when he drinks and wears weird. . pink dresses- but that's besides the point. He's my dad and I wouldn't have it any other way.' -Kotone

Yashiro 'Shiro' Yushiki - [Twin Brother]
As a twin brother, he's not much different than Kotone. He's allergic to sea food and has a seething rage he keeps under lock and key for the most part- partially aimed at Kotone. He's sweet to everyone else and tends to be quite. . . annoying towards Kotone on purpose. He makes fun of her for the smallest things and multiple times they have gotten into fights, their most notable one headbutting each other until they knocked one another out on the beach after arguing about her love-life.
'Well now I'm the only one in a relationship you single bitch.' - Yashiro
'I don't love you and I can only put up with you for so long before I want to slam your head against a doorknob, but for sake of family and face, I will refrain from doing so. I KINDA like you. Happy?' - Kotone

Amiko T.N. Laresca - [Sister]
Amiko is someone who Kotone was raised with, although they were raised under completely different circumstances. As Kotone grew up, her and Amiko started to form a rift between them, to the point where Kotone hardly even recalls Amiko exists unless she shows up around their father. When Amiko is around, she is always talking Kotone into defying her father, telling her to do things she shouldn't.
'You should invite that boy in and upset dad.' - Amiko
'But I'm supposed to be the good daughter in this family.' - Kotone

Leo 'Calamus' Celestial - [Cousin]
Leo and Kotone are closer than most cousins. Kotone depends on Leo when situations arise where she can't quite keep up, and he always comes. He is her protector, and someone she knows she can count on. She knows one day, when she's stronger mentally, she can return the favor. It will just take time.
'I thought you were kidnapped again' -Leo
'I love Leo, he's one of the very few people I know I can count on and trust, I hope he and I stay close like this as we grow older, it's fun spending time with him. He gives the best hugs.' -Kotone

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

Friendships [W.I.P as I progress, dm me on discord if you want me to add you!]

Dylan M. Edgeworth - [Best friend]
-Dylan is the father she never had. They both share an interest in music despie the 14 year age gap. A majority of the time if she isn't hanging out with friends she's at his aparently, playing his piano or sulking on his balcony. Whenever they're around one another he takes on a fatherly role, comforting her and talking her through problems she may be having. Kotone has always referred to Dylan as 'Mr. Edgeworth', and plans to keep it as such until she can confirm that he is absolutely fine with her being his friend.
'At the present moment, Koi is my top priority. My job comes second.' -Dylan
'Mr. Edgeworth is someone who I've always looked up to. His classes were my favorite, and I miss being able to join them. I'm glad he was my teacher, and even now I'm glad that I can still visit him outside of school without it being weird. I feel a warmth in my heart, as if he were my father, and I just hope that one day he says that he's proud of me.' -Kotone

Jirou M. Kamata - [Best friend]
-Jirou had taken Kotone into the Kamata family for some time, having adopted her as his sister. He had always been nothing but kind to her, and both of them had been shoulders to cry on for one another. She always looked up to his calm and collected attitude, noting how he was always able to handle himself in any stressful situation. He showed her that you didn't always have to fight fire with fire.
'I love you, sis.' -Jirou
'Jirou is someone I would trust with my life, if I had to choose someone. He's the definition of lionhearted, and I am so proud to call him a brother.' -Kotone

Rin 'Elk' Kirigaya - [Best friend]
-Rin is a best friend of Kotone's, and it's blatantly obvious. They have been seen quite often around the plaza and volleyball courts, Rin usually carrying Kotone on his shoulders as if she were an accessory. He has imprinted on her, after giving her a soup bowl she decided it would be fun to copy his usual attire of a peppa pig gucci hat and soup bowl.
'Rin is really cute. He's fun to be around and really good at volleyball, I wish I could be more like him.' -Kotone

Kiro N. Cyrus - [Best friend]
-Kiro may seem untrustworthy or weird to others, but he is someone Kotone absolutely adores. Kiro is someone Kotone believes should always have the spotlight in any given situation, with his unique personality and his loving heart, he has shown her that there are a lot of secrets to unfold in life.
'*Proceeds to chew up Isoroku's bed sheet's in the track house and pee on them*' -Kiro
'He's one of the few guys I can hang around and know that he will go with the flow no matter how weird the situation gets. After watching how he went to work on the bedsheet's, I'm kind of worried about what state of mind he has to be in to do that again. It has to be some sort of magic power, that isn't normal for a human and honestly, I'm kind of intrigued by it.' -Kotone

Atlas Edgeworth Oni - [Close friend]
-Atlas is Kotone's personal ther4pist and good friend. She loves his sense of style and his hair style. She see's him as a brother, and wants nothing more than to give him a hug and protect him from the world. He makes her laugh, and that is all she could ask for. He's special to her, and she wishes they could talk more.
'[TTS]: Want to talk about it?' -Atlas
'If I could, I'd give him a bajillion hugs. I love him like a brother.' -Kotone

Zacharie D. Edgeworth -- [Friend]
-Zacharie and Kotone have a simple friendship. Kotone's close with Zacharie's father, Dylan M. Edgeworth, and as a result has grown to know Zacharie as a sister figure. Their relationship is mutual, they don't talk too much but when they do it's pretty heartfelt and they're lifting each others spirits.
'*Sleeping Zac noises*' -Zacharie
'Zac is a good friend, I really appreciate her, and I hope the best for her and her boyfriend, Riku. I don't know him that well but he seems like a good match for her. If I find out Taco boy hurts her feelings, or anyone hurts her for that matter, I'm throwing down with everyone in Karakura.' -Kotone

Barbatos 'V.' Archon - [Friend]
-Venti and Kotone so far have gotten along, building a friendship on mutual trust. As two college students now, they have been able to bond and grow closer together as friends, having fun in their college classes and partnering up with one another to work on projects. Kotone views Venti as a good friend, and hopes it can blossom into something more, perhaps a brother?
'*Flustered Venti Noises*' -Barbatos
'Venti, you're the cop and I'm the commissioner. This is the dead guy, and you have to figure out how he died.' -Kotone

Ryuu Tashiro - [Friend]
-Ryuu is like a big brother to Kotone, whenever she see's him she demands his attention and acts like a puppy dog. She likes to bother him with pointless stuff, and has even gone as far as to kidnap his cat, 'Kitty Minaj' to get his attention. She has asked him countless times to join the group he's affiliated with, but he has denied her countless times. She has decided that him wearing a belt buckle means direct affiliation with a gang.
'So, you're old, and in a gang? You're wearing a belt buckle, so you HAVE to be in a gang.' -Kotone

Yuuki K. Holland - [Friend]
-Yuuki hasn't always been around until recently for Kotone. After being forced to keep an eye on her, and having to put up with her tormenting him, he has seen almost every side of her. He's helped her out of the sewers when she was about to have a panic attack from hearing strange noises, he has talked her out of doing stupid stuff, and he has shared heart to heart moments with her.
'Kotone, please. Get up here. . . NOW!. . .' -Yuuki
'If I kissed you would you be mad at me?' -Kotone

Felix Macleod - [Friend]

-Felix Macleod is someone Kotone had met through her father. He's a sweet guy, and someone who never fails to bring a smile to Kotone's face when she see's him. After she was accepted to the Volleyball team, he had excitedly asked her which number she got, which is 6. . . he is number 9 on the basketball team, and thus a '69' couple was born.
'69!!' -Felix
'I didn't expect to get along with him, I'm not super fond of some jocks, they kind of give me a headache. But he's really nice and I honestly really like the idea of being a sort of number couple without an actual relationship. It's funny.' -Kotone

Kashii A. Cortez - [Friend]

-Kashii is someone Kotone knew through Nyoko, but wasn't able to put a face to her until their first fight and the first time Kotone got detention at Karakura highschool. Kashii was someone Kotone completely despised at first, disliking the female due to their fight. Over time though, and after finding out Kashii was close with all of her friends, she gave her a chance. Kashii never seems to remember Kotone, and Kotone always thinks it's a jab at her, saying she's easy to forget.
'Who are you?' -Kashii
'The amount of times I've introduced myself to her is well over 5, and she always forgets me. I'm getting kind of suspicious, but I'll put up with it for now. I won't let it get to me in the meantime, I just wish she would stop. . forgetting. It gets frustrating.' -Kotone

Mee 'Alula' Jaibatsume - [Friend]
-Mee and Kotone met through her cousin, Leo. They haven't really spoken too much outside of school but when they do speak, it's nothing but kindness and care. Kotone cares about Mee as if she were a sister, having given her makeup and such in the past, and has relied on Mee when she needed answers to questions she didn't really understand. Kotone holds respect for Mee.

'Put this hood on.' -Mee
'I see Mee as a sister already, and I hope somewhere down the line we'll grow close like that. She already seems to enjoy my cousins presence, so maybe Mee and I could get along?' -Kotone

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

Romantic Relationships

Isoroku Okinawa - [Ex-boyfriend]
-Isoroku and Kotone had first met on the high school Track team. Both of them hit it off pretty well at first, despite some minor differences each of them faced, such as his bipolar attitude and his eventual disinterest in her. They stuck up for each other when they could, and he had talked her out of doing dumb stuff countless times. He was someone she could lean on in times of need, but near the end they had to break apart. . thing's hadn't worked out all that well.
'BARKS' - Isoroku
'I don't see him as a love interest anymore, and I still think he cheated on me. I also have a sneaking suspicion since we broke up that. . he's become a furry. All he does is bark at me. I'm fine with being friends but if he starts chewing on my shoes, I'm done.' - Kotone

Atlas Edgeworth Oni - [Boyfriend]
-Atlas and Kotone have had their ups and downs together and he has always been there for her. Ever since they were kids, they looked after one another and due to certain events, Kotone and him have grown closer and closer- their feelings for one another surfacing. Kotone would never want this to end, and loves him with every fiber of her being.
I love you so much, Dear' - Atlas
'He means everything to me, and I don't want to have it any other way. Atlas is someone who I know won't judge me harshly, and who will always be my anchor when things get rough. . I love him so much.' -Kotone



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Level 105
I don't see him as a love interest anymore, and I still think he cheated on me. I also have a sneaking suspicion since we broke up that. . he's become a furry. All he does is bark at me. I'm fine with being friends but if he starts chewing on my shoes, I'm done.' - Kotone


Level 6
Rin 'Elk' M.T. - [Best friend]
-Rin is a best friend of Kotone's, and it's blatantly obvious. They have been seen quite often around the plaza and volleyball courts, Rin usually carrying Kotone on his shoulders as if she were an accessory. He has imprinted on her, after giving her a soup bowl she decided it would be fun to copy his usual attire of a peppa pig gucci hat and soup bowl.
'Rin is really cute. He's fun to be around and really good at volleyball, I wish I could be more like him.' -Kotone
I know i'm hot


Level 10
View attachment 22316
Status: Alive
-'Maybe if I was good enough, I'd have reason to believe I could do anything at all.'
-'Someday, I will reach the stars. But Until then, I'm stuck down here dreaming underneath them.'

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

A video would begin to play, a female would step away from the camera lens. As she stepped away, you'd see her face, a smile laced with sorrow. 'Hey, I guess this is my story, or something.' She'd scratch the back of her head as she looked down awkwardly. 'Feels weird talking to myself, um. . but if you're watching this, uh- yeah. . have fun?' She'd take a deep breath.

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

General Information

Full Name: Kotone Miyo Laresca Yushiki
First Name: Kotone | ことね
Surname: Yushiki | ゆしき
Nationality: Korean - Japanese


'Koko' -
Given to her by
Nyoko 'Ko' McCarthy Hatake. Kotone is embarassed by the name,
and only allows Nyoko to call her it, seeing as Nyoko is basically her little sister.

'Koi' -
This is the nickname she has grown most used to, it was given to her due to the tattoo of a large
koi fish she has on her back.
'Sweets' -
A close friend of hers, Kiro N. Cyrus, gave it to her. Not quite sure why other than her being really sweet
towards him. It's a term of endearment.

'Banana leg' -
After breaking her left leg, she had worn a yellow cast. She had mentioned how it looked like a banana was eating
her leg to her friends, and therefore she was given the nickname 'Banana leg' that even today she is reminded of. . ugh.

Marital Status: Single
College student, Bachelors.
Spartans Female Volleyball, setter.


Gender: Female
Age: 20
Height: 4'11
Weight: 83 lbs
Hairstyle and color:

Kotone can be seen running around with messy hair, it wouldn't be terribly messy although she'd always have
at least a few strands sticking up out of place. Her hair would reach her waist in gentle blonde waves, much like her mothers.

Eye color: Hazel
Skin color:
Somewhat pale with a very slight blush undertone.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Varying at times, she'd tend to smell like vanilla bean, blueberries, or french vanilla coffee.

-A large tattoo of a koi fish would take up a majority of her back, starting from between her shoulder blades
and stretching down towards her lower back.
-A single black rose would adjorn her upper right thigh, covering old scars.

-A carving of 'Slut' would be on her upper left thigh.
-A carving of 'Whore' would be on her lower back, just below her Koi fish tattoo.
-A carving of 'Bitch' would go across her lower stomach.
-A crossed out carving would be on her right side, just above her hipbone.

-She'd have her lobes pierced on both ears, the upper cartilage of her right ear housing a small dangling silver star.
-She'd have a tongue piercing, a simple silver ball.

Body build:
-She'd sport a toned athletic body, a slight 6-pack would be prominent.

-She'd sound sweet,

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General outfits she tends to wear:

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-A basic active outfit she wears when she wants to play volleyball. A pair of white sneakers with
black knee pads, white shorts, and a black and gold striped long sleeve.

View attachment 22299
-Her volleyball uniform, with a custom made Letterman jacket, with the
Karakura 'K' proudly shown on the front, and the number '6' on the back.

View attachment 22307
-Her casual outfit, wearing a pair of black sneakers, fishnets, a thigh strap, black high waist shorts,
and a blue, black and white striped long sleeve shirt to finish it off.

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

Physical appearance:
Kotone was someone who had been told time and time again to look after herself. She was always reminded to care about her appearance as she grew up, as most people would judge a book by it's cover no matter what anyone says. She was mostly proud of her appearance, her hazel eyes and blonde hair standing out against her fair skin. She had high cheekbones and soft, somewhat plump lips. Her hazel eyes were doe-like, giving her a child-like appearance. She was someone who was graced with perfectly clear skin, devoid of any freckles, moles and acne.
Her hair was thick and naturally blonde, something her and her mother shared in common. Her hair would fall to her waist in gently waves, at times appearing a bit frizzy and messy- she didn't care. It added to her childish charm.
Kotone was always short, and due to this she has been mistaken multiple times for a 10th grader. She tries to wear heels sometimes in hopes of getting an extra inch or two to break the 5'0 line, although it doesn't always help. She'd stand at 4'11 and she'd weigh 83 lbs, a bit underweight although she was working on it, building up muscle whenever she exercised. She had toned calves from running track in high school, defined biceps, and a slightly toned 6-pack.

As someone who has always played piano since a young age, and who was taught to appear as a refined young lady, she'd stand with good posture, tending to keep her back straight and her shoulders parallel with her hips. She'd keep her shoulders back and relaxed, pulling in her abdomen. Her feet would be about hip distance apart. When sitting down, she'd usually break her perfect posture, preferring to have her legs pulled up to her chest with her chin resting on her knees.


Kotone was raised to be honest and loving. She's someone who is very easy to get along with,
always making friends or finding friend groups to be a part of.

Kotone's most noticeable trait is her quick reaction to bad situations, she's tried her best to stay
level-headed in any situation, trying to be a mediator.

Mental health:

-Kotone has multiple accounts of trauma that have resulted in her developing PTSD. Learn more about it ICLY.

-Kotone suffers from anxiety, having had anxiety attacks to the point of being unable to breathe multiple times. They usually stem from being over-stimulated in a public setting or when she is reminded of something that has taken place in the past. Learn more about it ICLY.

-Her depression stems back into her childhood, where she didn't make many friends at first and always felt like an outcast. She had started learning how to cope and move on from it, although between the ages of 18 and 20, she has dealt with many heartaches taking place. A boyfriend who lost interest and had begun to get toxic towards her, a close friend's death, being called names and having them carved into her against her will, etc. Learn more about it ICLY.


Performing arts club:
-Kotone isn't quite as active in their club group chat as she'd like to be, although she tries to put in the effort where she can, and fails miserably. She has had thoughts of leaving it, although she loves them a lot, and hopes they can forgive her for being so inactive in meetings.

DnD club:

-Although she has only helped out in one event and been to one meeting, Kotone really enjoys this club. It's the most recent one she's joined, and she feels as though it's something she can be a part of for a while. She loves everyone in it, and enjoys knowing that her friend, Zacharie is a part of it.

Track Team
-Kotone had dreams to join the Track team since she joined Karakura high school, and it had come true her senior year. She was in it for a few months, working hard and making friends along the way. Eventually, she left on good terms when she graduated into college.

-Kotone wasn't quite sure how she got onto the Female Spartans Volleyball team, but she wasn't complaining. . much. She had hardly practiced before tryouts had taken place, but she was still pressured into it by her close friend, and somehow made it!
-With her newfound love for volleyball, she hoped she could work on practicing more in hopes of becoming a good player such as her friend, Rin 'Elk' M.T.


Family members

Shimizu D. Yushiki - [Mother]
Shimizu is a police officer in the Karakura Police Department, and is someone who Kotone has trusted on multiple occasions with catching stalkers or criminals who she had experienced dealing with or witnessed. They have a close bond, and Shimizu is someone who Kotone holds close to her heart. After Shimizu arrested Kotone for defending herself from someone who had knocked her out, her trust in Shimizu grew thin, and she has grown weary of the KPD as a whole, feeling as though she can't trust them anymore.
'Did your friend just call me a milf?' - Shimizu
'I love my mom. She's always working so we hardly have time to bond anymore, but I know she's doing what she can to live, as we all are. She's super kind and understanding towards me and my friends. Whenever she's off duty she and I hang out with a small group of people, relaxing and hoping the time never ends.' - Kotone

Chad. Laresca - [Father]
Chad is someone who Kotone has looked up to her entire life. He has tried his best to be the best father he could be, leaning heavily on making sure she had good grades. He has always been lenient with her, although at times he can be strict. He never allows her to wear a mask or drink in his presence, if she does she is threatened with a belt and adoption (jokingly of course, but it's enough for her to listen.) Chad cares for her deeply, and has spent night and day protecting her from whatever he can, even going as far as not sleeping to ensure her safety from herself and others. If Kotone has a problem with someone, if she tells him he is more than ready to swing a bat at someones kneecaps. (Ouch.)
'You're short.' - Chad
'Even if he locks me in my room like a dog and takes my alcohol when I'm not looking, I know he wants the best for me. Whenever I'm depressed and not feeling well, he's there immediately giving me advice, sometimes taking me on adventures to cheer me up. He has his flaws, like when he drinks and wears weird. . pink dresses- but that's besides the point. He's my dad and I wouldn't have it any other way.' -Kotone

Yashiro 'Shiro' Yushiki - [Twin Brother]
As a twin brother, he's not much different than Kotone. He's allergic to sea food and has a seething rage he keeps under lock and key for the most part- partially aimed at Kotone. He's sweet to everyone else and tends to be quite. . . annoying towards Kotone on purpose. He makes fun of her for the smallest things and multiple times they have gotten into fights, their most notable one headbutting each other until they knocked one another out on the beach after arguing about her love-life.
'Well now I'm the only one in a relationship you single bitch.' - Yashiro
'I don't love you and I can only put up with you for so long before I want to slam your head against a doorknob, but for sake of family and face, I will refrain from doing so. I KINDA like you. Happy?' - Kotone

Amiko T.N. Laresca - [Sister]
Amiko is someone who Kotone was raised with, although they were raised under completely different circumstances. As Kotone grew up, her and Amiko started to form a rift between them, to the point where Kotone hardly even recalls Amiko exists unless she shows up around their father. When Amiko is around, she is always talking Kotone into defying her father, telling her to do things she shouldn't.
'You should invite that boy in and upset dad.' - Amiko
'But I'm supposed to be the good daughter in this family.' - Kotone

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

Friendships [W.I.P as I progress, dm me on discord if you want me to add you!]

Dylan M. Edgeworth - [Best friend]
-Dylan is the father she never had. They both share an interest in music despie the 14 year age gap. A majority of the time if she isn't hanging out with friends she's at his aparently, playing his piano or sulking on his balcony. Whenever they're around one another he takes on a fatherly role, comforting her and talking her through problems she may be having. Kotone has always referred to Dylan as 'Mr. Edgeworth', and plans to keep it as such until she can confirm that he is absolutely fine with her being his friend.
'At the present moment, Koi is my top priority. My job comes second.' -Dylan
'Mr. Edgeworth is someone who I've always looked up to. His classes were my favorite, and I miss being able to join them. I'm glad he was my teacher, and even now I'm glad that I can still visit him outside of school without it being weird. I feel a warmth in my heart, as if he were my father, and I just hope that one day he says that he's proud of me.' -Kotone

Jirou M. Kamata - [Best friend]
-Jirou had taken Kotone into the Kamata family for some time, having adopted her as his sister. He had always been nothing but kind to her, and both of them had been shoulders to cry on for one another. She always looked up to his calm and collected attitude, noting how he was always able to handle himself in any stressful situation. He showed her that you didn't always have to fight fire with fire.
'I love you, sis.' -Jirou
'Jirou is someone I would trust with my life, if I had to choose someone. He's the definition of lionhearted, and I am so proud to call him a brother.' -Kotone

Rin 'Elk' M.T. - [Best friend]
-Rin is a best friend of Kotone's, and it's blatantly obvious. They have been seen quite often around the plaza and volleyball courts, Rin usually carrying Kotone on his shoulders as if she were an accessory. He has imprinted on her, after giving her a soup bowl she decided it would be fun to copy his usual attire of a peppa pig gucci hat and soup bowl.
'Rin is really cute. He's fun to be around and really good at volleyball, I wish I could be more like him.' -Kotone

Kiro N. Cyrus - [Best friend]
-Kiro may seem untrustworthy or weird to others, but he is someone Kotone absolutely adores. Kiro is someone Kotone believes should always have the spotlight in any given situation, with his unique personality and his loving heart, he has shown her that there are a lot of secrets to unfold in life.
'*Proceeds to chew up Isoroku's bed sheet's in the track house and pee on them*' -Kiro
'He's one of the few guys I can hang around and know that he will go with the flow no matter how weird the situation gets. After watching how he went to work on the bedsheet's, I'm kind of worried about what state of mind he has to be in to do that again. It has to be some sort of magic power, that isn't normal for a human and honestly, I'm kind of intrigued by it.' -Kotone

Atlas Edgeworth Oni - [Close friend]
-Atlas is Kotone's personal ther4pist and good friend. She loves his sense of style and his hair style. She see's him as a brother, and wants nothing more than to give him a hug and protect him from the world. He makes her laugh, and that is all she could ask for. He's special to her, and she wishes they could talk more.
'[TTS]: Want to talk about it?' -Atlas
'If I could, I'd give him a bajillion hugs. I love him like a brother.' -Kotone

Zacharie D. Edgeworth -- [Friend]
-Zacharie and Kotone have a simple friendship. Kotone's close with Zacharie's father, Dylan M. Edgeworth, and as a result has grown to know Zacharie as a sister figure. Their relationship is mutual, they don't talk too much but when they do it's pretty heartfelt and they're lifting each others spirits.
'*Sleeping Zac noises*' -Zacharie
'Zac is a good friend, I really appreciate her, and I hope the best for her and her boyfriend, Riku. I don't know him that well but he seems like a good match for her. If I find out Taco boy hurts her feelings, or anyone hurts her for that matter, I'm throwing down with everyone in Karakura.' -Kotone

Barbatos 'V.' Archon - [Friend]
-Venti and Kotone so far have gotten along, building a friendship on mutual trust. As two college students now, they have been able to bond and grow closer together as friends, having fun in their college classes and partnering up with one another to work on projects. Kotone views Venti as a good friend, and hopes it can blossom into something more, perhaps a brother?
'*Flustered Venti Noises*' -Barbatos
'Venti, you're the cop and I'm the commissioner. This is the dead guy, and you have to figure out how he died.' -Kotone

Ryuu Tashiro - [Friend]
-Ryuu is like a big brother to Kotone, whenever she see's him she demands his attention and acts like a puppy dog. She likes to bother him with pointless stuff, and has even gone as far as to kidnap his cat, 'Kitty Minaj' to get his attention. She has asked him countless times to join the group he's affiliated with, but he has denied her countless times. She has decided that him wearing a belt buckle means direct affiliation with a gang.
'So, you're old, and in a gang? You're wearing a belt buckle, so you HAVE to be in a gang.' -Kotone

Yuuki K. Holland - [Friend]
-Yuuki hasn't always been around until recently for Kotone. After being forced to keep an eye on her, and having to put up with her tormenting him, he has seen almost every side of her. He's helped her out of the sewers when she was about to have a panic attack from hearing strange noises, he has talked her out of doing stupid stuff, and he has shared heart to heart moments with her.
'Kotone, please. Get up here. . . NOW!. . .' -Yuuki
'If I kissed you would you be mad at me?' -Kotone

Felix Macleod - [Friend]

-Felix Macleod is someone Kotone had met through her father. He's a sweet guy, and someone who never fails to bring a smile to Kotone's face when she see's him. After she was accepted to the Volleyball team, he had excitedly asked her which number she got, which is 6. . . he is number 9 on the basketball team, and thus a '69' couple was born.
'69!!' -Felix
'I didn't expect to get along with him, I'm not super fond of some jocks, they kind of give me a headache. But he's really nice and I honestly really like the idea of being a sort of number couple without an actual relationship. It's funny.' -Kotone

Kashii A. Cortez - [Unknown]

-Kashii is someone Kotone knew through Nyoko, but wasn't able to put a face to her until their first fight and the first time Kotone got detention at Karakura highschool. Kashii was someone Kotone completely despised at first, disliking the female due to their fight. Over time though, and after finding out Kashii was close with all of her friends, she gave her a chance. Kashii never seems to remember Kotone, and Kotone always thinks it's a jab at her, saying she's easy to forget.
'Who are you?' -Kashii
'The amount of times I've introduced myself to her is well over 5, and she always forgets me. I'm getting kind of suspicious, but I'll put up with it for now. I won't let it get to me in the meantime, I just wish she would stop. . forgetting. It gets frustrating.' -Kotone

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

Romantic Relationships

Isoroku Okinawa - [Ex-boyfriend]
-Isoroku and Kotone had first met on the high school Track team. Both of them hit it off pretty well at first, despite some minor differences each of them faced, such as his bipolar attitude and his eventual disinterest in her. They stuck up for each other when they could, and he had talked her out of doing dumb stuff countless times. He was someone she could lean on in times of need, but near the end they had to break apart. . thing's hadn't worked out all that well.
'BARKS' - Isoroku
'I don't see him as a love interest anymore, and I still think he cheated on me. I also have a sneaking suspicion since we broke up that. . he's become a furry. All he does is bark at me. I'm fine with being friends but if he starts chewing on my shoes, I'm done.' - Kotone

He's definitely. . unique
Ooooo my bby boi Kirooooo!!! <3 thx for addin me


Level 72
Kashii A. Cortez - [Unknown]
-Kashii is someone Kotone knew through Nyoko, but wasn't able to put a face to her until their first fight and the first time Kotone got detention at Karakura highschool. Kashii was someone Kotone completely despised at first, disliking the female due to their fight. Over time though, and after finding out Kashii was close with all of her friends, she gave her a chance. Kashii never seems to remember Kotone, and Kotone always thinks it's a jab at her, saying she's easy to forget.
'Who are you?' -Kashii
'The amount of times I've introduced myself to her is well over 5, and she always forgets me. I'm getting kind of suspicious, but I'll put up with it for now. I won't let it get to me in the meantime, I just wish she would stop. . forgetting. It gets frustrating.' -Kotone

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