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kufn | KPD Application


Level 29

IGN (In-Game Name):


Discord Name & Tag:


Which timezone are you in?

Eastern Standard Time (EST).

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:

Judge Application |
Priest Application |
Surgeon Application |
Student Council Application |
Reporter Application |
Teacher Application |
Event Team Application #3 (Reviewed - Pending) |
Lore Team Application |
Event Team Application #1 |
Event Team Application #2 |
KPD Application #1 |
KPD Application #2 |
KPD Application #3 |
KPD Application #4 |

Describe your activity on the server:

I have never been banned or received any punishment on the server. As of July, I have been an active player on SchoolRP for a year now. I play SRP whenever possible, but I will admit that school limits my activity. This means I am available from around 5 pm EST to 12 am EST. Currently, I am on the College Males Football team, Reporter, and Teacher. In the past, I have been a part of EMS, Shrine, Judge, College Council, High School Male Football, and High School Cheer. I can say that I have enjoyed every single second that I was a part of these factions. I have met so many new people and made friends, connections, and other things of the sort. My involvement in different activities outside of the server is also significant. I have been a part of three different tailoring servers in the past. These servers included Euphoria, Takagi Corp, and Misfits Tailoring. In these servers, I have had to deal with many different clients, and I’ve learned to manage my time for different tasks and duties so that they can be executed efficiently.

5 PM EST - 12 AM EST
10AM - 2AM

What is your motivation for applying?:

I feel as if transparency will be the only thing that can carry me throughout my application. This is my fifth and most likely final time ever applying for KPD. I hope with everything inside of my heart that this application goes well. Becoming an officer has been a long-term goal that I have had on the server. This goal has spanned across the entirety of 2023, with my first police application being in January of this year. Truthfully, every single time that I’ve applied I thought that I was in the top eight applicants, but time and time again I was proven wrong. After my most recent denial in August, I realized something important that I had been missing in the past. That would be a good reputation. This brings me to my first talking point. I realize that I haven’t been in that many factions where I have gotten the chance to meet people, but I am trying my best to change that. I believe that KPD will ultimately better me as a person and player on the server. Between August and now, I have been through a roller coaster of factions. I have been a Judge, Reporter, and College footballer; I was also put on a pending for event team. I’ve joined all of these factions with one goal in mind, and that would be to improve my reputation. To be honest, If I could start over, I would. My second reason for joining KPD would have to be to improve my maturity. This is something that I previously thought that I had, but I didn’t. While I wouldn’t make crude jokes that only a fourth-grader could laugh at, I sometimes acted irrationally. I am glad that I am at the point where I can admit that. I genuinely believe that having the ability to realize your mistakes means that you are at a level of maturity that isn’t easy to achieve. I also know that KPD is one of the most disciplined factions on the server. It isn’t easy to prove yourself in the faction, but once you do it pays off. As KPD you are in charge of dealing with your problems most of the time. Meaning that you may have to deal with mildly irritating people sometimes. My third reason for joining KPD would have to be my friends who are already in the faction. Literally, everyone that I talk to on SRP is a part of the faction. I just know that I would fit in perfectly with the other officers. From what I can see in the emergency discord and the few screenshots of the funny things that happen in P-chat, I have a similar sense of humor as the rest. I know that this isn’t my strongest reason/motivation factor to be let into the faction, but it is a big part of what drives me to apply. My fourth and final reason would have to be my experience in other factions. I’ve been in the only other emergency faction and the three out of the four town factions; EMS, Reporter, Government, and Shrine. I know the insides of being a part of a faction like one such as KPD.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?

My knowledge of police work is a very long list that I could write out; again for the fifth time, but I’d like to save myself the trouble of putting all of it into a fancy format. Not to mention, It’d probably be easier to read if I were to just write it out into sections.

The faction is made up of thirty-one officers, eleven ranks, and two divisions. KPD is very seniority-based. Meaning that the longer you’re in the faction, the higher rank you’ll be, and the more respect you deserve. I know that it takes a long time to get promoted in KPD to the next rank. It’s usually around a 2-month waiting period in between each rank. Each rank usually requires training, evaluations, and exams. You’ll have to receive training, regardless of your rank when you’re not a higher-up. This is to ensure that all officers are up to date on their training. I will now start describing the ranks. At the very top of the faction is the Commissioner, Captain, and Detective Superintendent. These three ranks are the three most important ranks in the faction. They are in charge of overseeing the functionality of the faction. Of course, the Commissioner is at the top of the department and the Captain and DSI are the leads of their respective divisions (Main Division and Detective Division.) The main division of the KPD is characterized by one thing; basic enforcement. You are way more likely to see a regular officer patrolling than a detective, but this very well could be the fact there are fewer detectives. Getting into the specific roles in the Main Division, the first role after Captain that you’ll see is Lieutenant. This position is a higher-up position. Their position is mainly supervision. They oversee training and cadet exams. The next two ranks that you’ll find in the MD are Sergeant and Corporal. From what I can tell, there is very little difference in these two ranks other than the fact Sergeant is one step away from being LT. This means that they are being watched like a hawk because they are being considered for taking a HU position. The next rank that you’ll find is Patrol Officer. This is the second lowest rank in the entire faction. Every single officer has to pass through here before you can choose the path of detective constable or corporal. There isn’t much that you can do in this rank, to be honest. The final rank in the Main Division is Cadet. This position is the entry position into KPD. It’ll be the rank that I’ll be given upon acceptance. As this rank, you’ll be in charge of learning the basics of being an officer. You aren’t expected to be perfect at this point, so there is a lot of leniency for mistakes. Now I’ll start with the Detective Division. The Detective Division focuses on investigations and other things like that. They still hold many of the same responsibilities as the Main Division. After DSI, you’ll see the Detective Chief Inspector role. This role is comparable to LT. The next two roles in the detective division are Detective Inspect and Detective Constable. They are very similar to Sergeant and Corporal.

The front desk is probably where you’ll end up as a cadet. This is because you’re bound to the station until you finish your training, evaluations, and exams. It is also an easy way to rack up quota points. The front desk is where citizens can approach officers about different things. These things can include making reports, requests to post bail, and requesting a visitation. The reports that can be made at the front desk can be big or small. You can report things that can be considered petty crimes up to a massive riot. Officers do have the right to detain a citizen for obstruction of justice, just in case they are attempting to waste valuable time and effort. A citizen can request to post bail for inmates who have committed different types of crimes. Posting bail means paying for the release of a criminal. When the inmate is released from jail, their legal personal belongings are supposed to be returned to them. Requesting a visitation is simple to understand. Citizens can request an inmate to speak to for some time. During this visit, an officer is supposed to be present at all times. Patrol is arguably one of the most fawned-over tasks in KPD. This is probably because Karakura is filled with crime to the brim. The responsibility and privilege of going on patrol are only given to officers who have passed their cadet exams. Officers are tasked with the responsibility of being safe on these patrols. This means that they can never go out on patrol alone and they must stick to specific routes when out on patrol. If an officer were to come across anything while on patrol, they are to handle it accordingly. This means that they must follow the correct procedures and codes.

The department is equipped with many items that are meant to help them protect themselves and the city. Handcuffs are equipped at all times by officers. They are used to detain criminals. Handcuffs are very durable because they are made out of steel. They are two wrist-sized cuffs that are linked by chains. They are placed behind the backs of criminals to prevent officers from being attacked by fists. A baton is a weapon that can only be obtained by police officers. It is a metal elongated object that has a hit range of two blocks. It is used in situations where detainees attack officers. The radio is a device carried by all of Karakura’s Emergency Workers. It is specifically used between officers to communicate with each other. Much like the phone, it directly connects officers. Unlike the phone, it requires no ringing. The radio can also be used globally to call EMS when someone requires medical help. The X26 Taser is used by officers to stun perpetrators. It shoots out two electrodes that carry an electrical current from the taser. The shock from the Taser is not enough to severely injure the target, but it does stun them for two minutes. Pepper Spray comes in a small container. It releases a spray that can cause the eyes to feel a burning sensation. This burning sensation is bad enough to cause temporary blindness. It is said to be very excruciating. Luminol Spray is used on weapons like bats to find any dents or blood on them. It usually used when suspicious individuals are patted down are. Two vehicles can be driven by officers. The bike and the car. They both move at high speeds and are used when an officer has to respond to a call that is a long distance away. The bike is a one-passenger vehicle, while the car can hold up to four people.

Why is the Police important to SchoolRP?

The police are probably the most popular faction on the server, outside of the teacher faction. This is because everyone wants to be a part of it; mainly for good reasons that will benefit the server. The police are important because they keep the city safe ICly. Officers try their best to catch every single crime that they can on the server. If they weren’t here to do so, the city would fall out of balance with GangRP. If these criminals are left unchecked, then that would be chaos for the player base.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?

I acknowledge that if training is held while I am online, I will need to attend or I will be punished.

⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅


What's your character's full name?:

Osamu Saiky

How old is your character (if accepted)?:


What are your character's gender and pronouns?:

Male, He/him

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:


What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:

JSL, Jin, and Korean

Describe your character; how they look, and what makes them unique.

Osamu Saiky is a slim male. He had a smaller build, only standing at 5’9 and weighing in at 139 pounds. Despite his appearance, he was still decently lean. This was only a reflection of his healthy lifestyle. Osamu followed a strict diet. He avoided processed foods at all costs; it was an irrational fear of his. Like most Saiky’s, Osamu had a smug look on his face. It did not scream ‘I’m better than you,’ it rather said ‘I know that I am good at what I do.’ Osamu had rather straight blonde hair, and light blue eyes; odd right? No, it was quite normal for members of the Saiky family. His blonde hair was longer in the back than the front; sorta resembling a wolf cut. Osamu always seemed very clean. His clothes were always ironed, and he always dressed for the occasion. He opted for flashy clothing that suited his mood for the day. For some reason, he always wore gloves. No one questioned it, but he did have his reasons.



(all art is owned by me and wouldn't he look good in a police uniform?)

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?

Osamu will forever be a polite individual. He never spoke out of turn and that’s just because he was a product of his environment. From an early age, the Saiky’s taught mannerisms only needed by the high class. These mannerisms are seen inside and outside of his work. Inside of work specifically, he was always more of a hands-on type of guy. Osamu always likes to know what he is dealing with in terms of criminals and other things like that. He doesn’t want to make the wrong turn with someone, because he knows that it can end up poorly. Outside of work, he’s pretty much the same way. He doesn’t attract too much attention to himself, but it’s always hard to miss him. As mentioned before, he lives a very healthy lifestyle. He believes that staying outside and staying active is the best way to do so.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?

To be honest, Osamu isn’t always the most friendly person. I mean this in the sense that he can be perceived as scary to the normal human being. Especially him being in a police uniform- Anyways, Osamu is a decent human being. He is a trustworthy individual, so people often trust him with tasks that they wouldn’t assign to anyone else. He doesn’t mind teamwork in the slightest, though he would never actually want a partner. Or at least he would never admit to wanting one. Osamu has always been the same. He’s never been a super talkative person. To be clear, he isn’t just some mysterious or anti-social cliche. He does enjoy being around people in casual situations, he just isn’t always good at showing it.

What's your character's backstory?

March 26th, 1998 marked my birth. I was born to one of the most notable families in Karakura- the Saiky family. I was born into a smaller part of the family; meaning that my destiny was otherwise marked 'unremarkable' to my family members. I have heard stories from my parents about my early childhood, specifically the one from when I was an infant. I was born with a full head of hair, blonde. It resembled my mother's hair, █████ Saiky. They chose a name for me that fit a child like myself. I was named Osamu; meaning discipline or study. They described me as a smart baby; I began to babble at just 2 months of age, talking at 8 months, and I was walking at 9 months. However, this was nothing special throughout my family. I always considered myself average. But my parents always held me to the highest standard. I began taking lessons for basic life skills as soon as I could comprehend that I even had hands- crazy right? At this point I would still only consider myself average. Time went on, and I grew a bit older. At this point, it was 2008, and I was 10 years old. My long blonde hair grew past my ears, and I liked it- others didn't. I found myself being bullied often for it, which wasn't rare to see in my school. There was something different about me though, I could take the bullying. I didn't mind it. I knew that whatever they said about me wasn't true, and I even found myself taking pride in the way that I was. Like most Saiky's, I was forced to do an activity. I had zero clue what I was good at. I knew that I wasn't creative enough to do art, nor did I have an interest in it. To be honest, I didn't know what I would do. I remember the day that I discovered football like it was yesterday. I wasn't given much time in front of the TV as a child, so I wasn't exactly the most exposed person to the real world. I had very little knowledge about the outside world- I know, it was sad. I was sitting around with the other kids my age, and one of them had a Nintendo DS. It reflected how long ago this was. He was playing a game named 'FIFA Football 2004.' I fell in love almost instantly, and I couldn't wait to share the great news with my parents. They had been bugging me about joining a club for the longest now, and I found something that I was interested in. I was pleased to let my dad know, and he was happy to find out. I joined the club almost instantly, and to anyone's surprise, I sucked. I mean, throwing a kid who has never even run for over 5 minutes straight into a sport, what were my parents thinking? And of course, I was teased by my teammates for sucking, and it was fair.

Four years later... At this point, I was 14 years old. I finally made some real friends, and I even joined the football team. At that moment in time, it was the peak of my life. My hair still grew longer- a little bit past my shoulders. It was even blonder than when I was a baby. It's funny actually. I began to look even more like my mother. Oh, my mother... My dear mother. I remember it like it was yesterday. I was just arriving home from football practice. I remember that we worked hard with the coach- and I just needed to take a long relaxing shower. I arrived to my living area. I remember seeing my maternal grandparents; the ones who shared the last name Saiky, and my father. They all shared grim looks. I was sat next to my grandmother, and she was a wreck. I could tell that she was trying her best to contain herself when she saw me. She wrapped her arms around me, and she hugged me tight. My father sat on the couch across from us. He held his head low, and you can tell that he was sad. And then there was my grandfather- he was the bearer of bad news. He sat his hand on my shoulder. I remember him speaking, his voice was low. "Your mother has passed away in a car crash. It was an instantaneous death." What? I don't even like the thing about it. I sat right there for a couple of seconds. I didn't know what to do, or how to take this news. I was just a child at this point. How did they expect me to handle this? I couldn't, I couldn't, I couldn't. My first reaction was to not take it seriously. It was just a cruel joke, right? They just wanted to play an unfunny prank on me. I sat in silence for a couple of seconds. My hearing slowly started to fade away. My grandmother's grip on me tightened and all I could hear were her tears. I looked across the room; It was my dad. His head was held down, and I could see tears dropping on the floor. My once strong father was crying? Why was he crying? He was supposed to be strong. I needed him to be strong. A couple of months after her death, I returned to school and football. I couldn't help but receive looks from my piers. I mean, I was the weird kid whose mom just died. I began to look paler- It had been two months since I was in the son. It was expected. I remember sitting in class. I could hear my classmates whispering behind me. "Did you hear about his mom?" - "Yeah she was the one who died, right?" - "Yeah." I turned around almost instantly. My face was red. All I could do was scream at them. They were so ignorant. They had no idea what I was going through, and they thought that it was just some joke that they could gossip about. Behind me? The audacity. I was removed from class a few moments later, and I was called into the principal's office. The scene kind of reminded me of the day that she died- This time it was my father and of course my principal. I wasn't surprised to see him here. I rarely talked to my father over the couple of months after my mother died. To be honest, I don't remember the reason why. I just didn't. I didn't blame him for her death, but I think that he thought that I did. My principal recommended me for therapy, and there I went.

I was entering my last year of high school; my senior year, grade 12. I was finally recovering from her death. Four longs years. Over 100 therapy sessions. I was 18 now. A lot changed over those four years. I dyed my hair red, and I began to play soccer again at this point. This time, for my school. The KHS Males Football Team. I miss that team. It was my heart, and it makes me smile every time that I think about it. There are a couple of memorable figures from the football team. Mars, Davi, and Archie.. I miss them, well most of them. I hate Mars. He almost ruined my life one too many times. I remembered the college team at the time too. Vinciago Y. ███- ... Anais, and Hunter. They were all dipshits, except Vinciago.. Moving past them, I finally caught in my studies at this point. I was finally starting to feel not so average. I mean I was on track to becoming the top of my class. My studies weren't a joke to me, I mean I missed the beginning stages of high school because of my mothers death. I was finally reconnecting with my father now. I could tell that he was doing better; he even started dating again. Funny, I don't know HOW an old man like him was still on the market. Life was finally turning around... It continued that way my entire senior year. I began my first of college in the fall of 2017. I moved to Tokyo, away from home for the first time. It was a strange experience. The car ride to Tokyo was awkward. My dad and I sat in silence the entire time- I couldn't speak to him. I had horrible feeling my stomach leaving him alone, but he could make it, I know that he could. He finally said something to me. "Are you excited?" Silence sat in between the two sentences. "For College I mean. Ever since your mom died, y'know? Nothing has been the same." I leaned my head on the window of the cold window. I didn't respond. A single tear came down my eye. When I arrived to my school, The University Of Tokyo, I couldn't believe that I finally made it here. I was excited for the change of scenery- It was exciting. A new chapter of my life began. My first year of college was nothing exciting to be honest. I barely met anyone new, and It's not that I wasn't trying. I just couldn't find the time. I was studying to get my degree in psychology, like my mother. It had been my dream to work in a hospital like she did. I looked up to her for a really long time, but things have changed. I guess. I wasn't really interested in my major. I didn't care about learning how the brain works or talking to other people about their feelings. I just couldn't find it in myself to care. I was entering in my fourth year in college at this point. I was 23 years old. I've grown up so much by this point. I finally made some friends, only because I was introduced to them by my roommate. I finally found interest in Psychology. I wanted to put my interest in mystery solving into something useful. I set my sights on becoming a detective after binge watching one of those lame cop TV shows- not my proudest moment to be honest. I was on the right track to becoming a police officer, and then I got the call. This moment was very familiar to me at this point. My father died of a heart attack in his sleep. It was depressing, right? No, not really; not for me. It was a turning point for me. It's funny, it feels like I've had so many 'turning points' at this point. How many more could I have? I moved past his death rather quickly. It was an epiphany that I had. I wouldn't let his death drag me back down to the point that I was at after my mom's death. I wouldn't and I couldn't. I graduated college some months later at the age of 24.

I applied for a position at the Tokyo Police Academy as soon as I could after college. I needed to return back home to my family, The Saiky's, with something promising- a job. The academy was like nothing that I had ever done before. I was always in well shape because of my casual playing of football here and there, but this was worse. It was like getting thrown into the pits of hell. Well, maybe I'm overexaggerating. At this point, I was around 5'9, which was slightly above average in Japan. This meant that I was perfect for becoming a cop. I was training in numerous things. Martial Arts, the Laws of Japan, and basic policing. I passed all of my courses with flying colors- I mean it was expected. I made a couple of friends along the way at the academy, some of which are applying with me here today. I am excited to have moved home back to Karakura, where I am applying to the Karakura Police Department.

⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅


General knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?

Owning and carrying a pocket knife in Karakura is illegal, making it a crime. It is considered a weapon in the eyes of the law. It's really that simple.

"No, you’re not allowed to own a pocket knife in any context. It is considered illegal weaponry, so you’ll be charged with it. This means that you shouldn’t be found one with one on your person unless you are ready to get in trouble for it."

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription

Medical items that do not require a prescription are available for purchase by anyone. These items, like other products offered by Happy Pills, have a maximum purchase limit and should be obtained and used responsibly.

Bandages • Bandages Cost around ¥1,000, with a maximum purchase limit of two. They are standard adhesive bandages that stick over minor cuts and other types of injuries.
Eyepatches • Eyepatches cost ¥5,000. It has a maximum purchase limit of two. Eyepatches are white bandages that roll around eye injuries. They can be purchased by anyone.
Wooden Canes • Wooden Canes cost around ¥7,000, with a maximum purchase limit of two. It is a walking device. It can be bought by anyone.
Cough Syrup • Cough Syrup costs ¥6,000. It has a maximum purchase limit of two. Cough Syrup is used for minor colds, allergies, and other types of respiratory illnesses. It can be bought by anyone.
Paracetamol • It costs ¥1,500 and has a maximum purchase limit of three. Paracetamol is a drug that is used for minor pain relief. It is the lowest tier of pain medicine that the hospital holds, and it can be bought by anyone.

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?

I'd first make sure that my body cam was filming the entire situation. This is just a safety precaution. I'd then make sure that I was prepared to handle the situation; and that's assuming that I would have to check all of those things off. Next I would equip my pepper spray or taser. This purely depends on how hostile the co-worker is. This could go one of two ways. I tell the co-worker to stop and they comply. I would then tell a HU. The other way would be that they don't stop after my warning, and I would have to use force to detain and arrest them for government misconduct.

"Either situation isn't one that I'd want to be in. I'd deal with it like so."

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?

I would respond to this situation as fast as possible. I would first radio for additional help, just in case I'm overpowered by the assaulter. I would then alert them that I was there and that they needed to step away from the co-worker. If that didn’t work then I would unholster My taser, alerting them for a second time that I was there. If that didn’t work again, I would have to use his taser on the assaulter. I would detain them and place them into a cell for questioning. Assuming that backup arrived already, EMS would also be there to tend to the co-worker.

"I would handle the situation quickly and efficiently. Attacking an officer of the law is unforgivable."

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?

I would gather a sufficient amount of evidence against the co-worker and the criminal organizations that is being helped. Once I believe that I has enough evidence against the co-worker, I would make a formal report to a higher-up. I would then leave it in the hands of the higher-ups from there.

"Hopefully the evidence that I gathered would be enough to incriminate the officer."

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?

I would instantly turn down the offer, and fine them for attempted bribery.



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Level 328
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team
has decided to unfortunately deny your application to join our faction.​

We appreciate your efforts and your motivation to join our faction, but
we have made this decision based on the following reason(s)

Due to the vast amount of applicants that try their best to get into the
faction, we sometimes have to deny good applicants because there are
others that have been deemed as better choices, whether it's due to
server reputation or due to the detail that was put to their application.

Although we don't deny your will to join the faction, detail is a great
way to show off your interest. Therefore, we recommend spending more
time to try and re-elaborate your application so that it shows off you're
truly engaged in trying to join us!

- A decisive factor that influences our decision is server reputation. We tend
to pick players who have been in the server for a while, and that have a
relatively clean history. We suggest applying for other factions / community
teams to improve how other players see you and boost your chances at
becoming part of our faction!

If you need further assistance, you can privately message
me (@Yonio) or any other available Admin+ via Discord
so that we can solve any other inquiries you may have

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