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Level 1
kvani / jordyn ☆

kvani, but will be purchasing a new alt if accepted to the EMS team. My character in which I am applying on, is currently on my alt kvanii!

Previous bans:

I currently have no past bans on the server.

Describe your activity on the server?:

Currently, I have been active everyday on the server for months prior. I am currently partaking in online school, meaning I am able to play during the day also.

Which timezone are you in?:

Born and raised in America, my time zone is EST.

Do you have discord? If so what is it?:

Yes yes! My discord is jordyn#0001


Do you have a microphone?

Yes, and I am willing to join calls frequently

List your current and past applications:

Event Team: [Denied]

French Application: [Accepted]

Staff Application: [Accepted]

College Professor: [Accepted]

Korean Application: [Accepted]

College Application: [Accepted]

Event Team: [Denied]

What experiences do you have with Detail RP?:

As a SchoolRP player, I have been able to learn the server through its many different aspects, starting off years ago, when I began in GangRP.. Although I do not GangRP at all anymore, I learned many things about rping, and the inner workings of how it all works. I have been on the track team, which helped me learn by having a team of individuals to help me. Fast forwarding to now, I am currently a newly added member to Karakura Highs Cheerleading team. Although I haven't been on the team for long, I have been able to prove myself worthy in my detailRP.

What is your motivation to apply for EMS and how will you benefit our medical team?:

As a member of SchoolRP, I would like to apply for this EMS position on the team because throughout my many different kinds of roleplay I have learned/been through, I have never been able to bring one of my interests of my OOC life, into an IC situation. Something that makes me different than other applicants, and what separates me from others is my knowledge and passion for this topic OOCLY. Although I have never been on the team, I have lots of experience in DetailRP in many different areas of the server.

Which medical role are you applying for? (e.g: Surgeon, Doctor, Nurse, Psychiatrist):

I will be applying for the doctor position on the
EMS team. :D

Specify your knowledge for the role you’re applying for:

As a doctor, their main goal is to help their patients. Although a doctor will usually have a side nurse by their side, A doctor is fully trained in their studies & will have to know how to help their patients at all times. A doctor’s main goal is maintaining, or restoring one's health. As my goal of profession OOCLY is in the medical field, I have knowledge in the subject in which others don't. OOCLY, I have studied nursing in two semester classes which gives me basic knowledge of the body, CPR, etc. I know a doctors basic goals, training, & how to handle situations ICLY.

Categorize all the functions of the EMS and tell us what each of them does:

Clinical Manager- Clinical Managers are on staff workers responsible for outpatients and helping for after care plans for patients. Clinical managers usually help with training and hiring.

Nurse: A nurse, similar to a doctors main goal is to help restore & maintain a patients health. A nurse must be able to help their patients in every way shape or form. Although not coming up with their own diagnosis's, a nurse must be able to conduct exams, run labs, and must know how to thoroughly examine & access a patient based off of the doctors needs.

Head Doctor: A head doctor, or also known as a head physician is one who is charge of the rest of the doctoral team. These doctors will be able to make the right choices of diagnosis's for not only their patients welfare, but decisions and other questions must be run through the head doctor.

Doctor: As a doctor, their main goal is to help their patients. Although a doctor will usually have a side nurse by their side, A doctor is fully trained in their studies & will have to know how to help their patients at all times. A doctor’s main goal is maintaining, or restoring one's health, using their medical practicing to come up with a needed diagnosis and treatment plan for their patients well fare.

Surgeon: The surgical department is needed when a patient needs help with wounds to any internal issues that can not be helped by a doctor. Surgeons help on areas in which no other doctor can; the inside of the body. Being a part of the surgerical department requires many years of studying, and learning the human anatomy similar to the many other positions in a hospital

Psychologist: The psychiatry department must be able to assess mental health and physical health of patients. Psychologists must be able to understand the inner beings of mental illness, and know how to help someone who is in need. They must be able to make a diagnosis for a patient & be able to also make a plan for after care. They must know how to prescribe medications & know what will help their patient best.

Head Surgeon: Similar to the other heads of a department, this higher up will make the calls/ decisions for the rest of the surgical team. A treatment plan, or surgical lead must be run through the head surgeon first.

Are you aware of the basic medical emergency colour codes? If so, with their meanings, specify all those you’re aware of:

Code Red: Fire/ Fire emergency.
Code Blue: Cardiac arrest shown in a patient, or a flatlining emergency.
Code Silver: Active Shooter/Shooter in building.
Code Black- Suspicious object or Bomb Threat.
Code White- Hospital Evacuation
Code Brown: Weather emergency.
Code Orange: Assistance needed & or hazardous spill.
Above, I showed my knowledge before studying on this topic. These codes are what I currently know off of the top of my head, but I am always willing to learn!

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?

Yes, I understand.

Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Hospital Staff role?

Yes, I understand that I need to be one hundred percent committed to the team if accepted.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorised to attend or you will be punished [Demoted]?

Yes, I acknowledge that if I am online during training, I must be present in training or this will lead to my EMS position being taken away/ demoted.

Do you acknowledge that you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?

Yes, when a training or situation is present ICLY, these shall not be taken OOCLY.

Tell us about your character, how they look, what makes them unique?

Naoki Hariyama

Naoki, a gentle female who would come across as almost a parental figure to others. To her patients, she would be seen as a kind hearted soul, and very easy to connect with. Unlike many others, Naoki is very loyal to her patients and would be known around Karakura for her delicate, loving heart. Although a very hard exterior, Naoki puts a lot of stress into practicing her doctorate studies to be perfect.. How strange! An anxiety ridden girl, hidden behind the constant fears of abandonment and distrust from her peer would almost do anything to help someone. Naoki- a rather slim japanese female with monolids standing at 5'5. Often having freshly ironed clothing, you appear to be overly clean.

What is she like on and off the job?

Naoki, a nurturing calm figure on the job would always be alert and ready for the next scenario to come/always ready for the next move. Naoki would seem almost as if she had her life together, keeping much of her outside life out of the job, but her personality would almost always strike through. Almost hard to miss would be her radiant smile which would always be planted across her face at work.. How strange? Was it a real smile?..

In her personal life outside of Karakura’s finest hospital, Naoki would find herself stressing constantly about work, always hoping to learn more. She would spend most of the time at the library, often getting dragged out to restaurants with her friends, who clearly notice her strange learning habits.. Although her almost- too bubbly personality is still striking through her harsh facage, you are able to see Naoki loosen up a tad in her personal life.

Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?

Unlike many others, Naoki got along with many of her peers, and co-workers, always striving to have a positive friendship between the pair. Naoki would often find herself hoping to connect with her peers who share the same interests as her, even if that means pestering them. Although she may not realize it, her dedication to her job can almost come off weird to others.. Naoki plans to work as a healthcare worker for several years on. Her moto would always be to "Live in the moment." Naoki looks at her EMS career as a permanent one as her goals of helping others come true almost every day.

Does your character have any past / current mental and or physical illnesses we should take acknowledgement to?

Known currently, Naoki would not have any past or current mental illnesses.


Naoki, a bubbly female who under a rather strong facade, is riddled with insecurities and doubt.Nonetheless, Naoki is someone you would treasure your moments around. Always having you on the edge of your seat, Naoki would never fail to keep you entertained and happy.. But was she happy herself?.. A calm individual, you would rarely see her mad, but rather project these feelings into utter sadness. Naoki- a warm hearted soul to all would almost seem to be.. Too happy.. But why? Her constant will to do more will be the death of her, what ever will she do?

Naoki, a rather slim female standing at 5’6 would always be dressed in freshly ironed clothing. Her brown silky hair would almost always be tucked behind her ear, being one of her habits.. Her rather large auburn eyes would seem to catch one's attention.

Naoki would always be striving to do the best for others, growing up in a childhood where this was not always present. The young girl who sat alone at lunch studying her books & being laughed at by the upperclassmen. But why? Hiding in her books often helped her cope with the madness surrounding her and her life at her hometown school. Her parents, well… You could say they were not much of a help with her childhood, but more of a burden to add on a young girl’s table. Being that young girl- sat at a table alone reading books sure did a favor on her. Naoki was able to learn her own self worth, meeting teachers which would help her through her journey.. Throughout her school years, Naoki was able to find her true self, joining the school’s dance team.. And let's just say- Naoki is NOT a good dancer.. Beginning her High School years was quite different, moving to a new town- given a new opportunity was something which Naoki could rant about for hours. For years & years of constant torment, the sudden change of heart by her new peers was nonetheless- strange to a blossoming young girl.

Life at her new found- Karakura High School changed the shy young girl we once knew before to a rather confident bubbly female. Her parents still belittling this anxiety ridden girl, was something Naoki had realized as her new normal.. Naoki blossomed herself into someone her peers had never seen before. As a teenager, she was now forced to find skills & hobbies of her own. After her many years of struggle, Naoki had finally found her pure passion for medicine. You may ask, How did she find this new found liking? Naoki surrounded herself by who she would call as her “Best Teacher” at Karakura High.. Spending many nights at the library, and heading to tutoring sessions during the day was her way of coping. Teachers would find that she was spending too much time in the school, worrying about her home life. Naoki began to take a new interest in medicine, almost reading every book on the shelf.. How strange? This now overly anxiety ridden female hidden behind the facade of a overly confident female had found purpose. Naoki had found a way to help others while also doing something that she loves, learning new things..

Naoki, finding her new true love in medicine pursued this skill in almost every way possible, studying almost every book that she could get her hands onto.. Has her love for medicine become an obsession at a young age of 17?.. Scouring for internships at the age of 17 really did a toll on her, often getting denied because of her lack of qualifications for the task at hand.. Her rejections almost made her strive more to succeed, years later graduating to her local college to begin her studies.. Her parents seemed to always want more from Naoki than what she could give, constantly pushing her down for doing what she loves- medicine. Soon finding her first medical job after graduating college, Naoki was almost- too thrilled. She was finally able to help people with what she most struggled with.. Where else will her journey go?

Characters Full Name:
Naoki Hariyama

Characters Title (e.g, Mr. Mrs. Miss):


Characters Given Name(s):


Characters Preferred Name:
Nai & Naoki

Characters Age:

Characters Gender:

My character's gender is female, and Naoki would go by she/her.

Characters Religious Domination:
Naoki would not practice much into religion, but would always be curious about what might be out there.

Characters Marital Status:

Characters Nationality:


Years of Residency:
-Eleven total years of medical research/training
-Seven years in partaking in side classes for

Working Experience(s):

Although born in Karakura, Naoki traveled throughout Japan working as an Emergency service professional, often in a very faced pace scene.

Animal Vet Intern - Age 17

Medical Internship- Age 22

Japan Square Hospital- Age 22-27

Academic Degree:
High School Graduate
Doctorate of Medical Degree

Year of Graduation:
I graduated high school in 2011, soon going to college later that same year.

Medical Science

Cognitive Science

Native Languages:

Other Languages:

Currently learning Korean, not fluent.. yet!

Well, thank you for reaching the end of my hospital staff application, if you have further questions, feel free to message me on discord. mwah. ☆..


Last edited:


Level 135
We appreciate you applying, and we hope you're glad to hear your application has been accepted! Please refer to the Karakura Emergency discord upon seeing this​

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