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Kyle McMoore: Their Last words, Sealed Fate and what the future holds


Level 68
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It's gonna be a Movie styled Document ;)

[ ! ] The scene starts on the Karakura Pier, two people walked into frame, one being Kyle McMoore and the other being Kyle's Beloved Love-Interest, Lahena Iona..
They stopped walking by a bench, Lahena walked over to the bench and sat down, facing Kyle who's currently standing infront of her while looking around the Pier. [ ! ]
Lahena: "Sooo... Why did you bring me here, Hun?" She said looking over to Kyle.

Kyle: He turns to look at her after hearing that, all of sudden his emotion changes, He seemed... Very down now. "Hun... I uhh... I need to tell you something."

Lahena: "Hmmn...? Hun, are you alright? You look sad all of a sudden?" She asked him, her emotion changes as well, seemingly worried about him.

Kyle: "I uhh...." He couldn't say it at first, but then He sighed, opening his mouth slowly before saying "I can't... Lie to you anymore, Hun... I'm... Not a good person, I am a part of a... Criminal Group, a Gang to be exact... and we... are currently going into war with another group and uhh... I might.... I mi-"

Lahena Interupted.

Lahena: "No, Nuh-uh.. Don't say it." She said getting off from the bench, walking quickly over to him and hugged him tightly. "Please... I don't... Want to lose you." She buried her face into her chest, grabbing onto his Jacket with one hand, sounding very worried and concerned.

Kyle: He was caught off-guard, but then wrapped his arms around her waist, hugging her back. "I'm sorry... I should've... told you sooner..."

Lahena: "No, It's fine... Just... Hun..." She looks up to him. "Please... Hun... Don't die..." She said before burrying her face into Kyle's chest again.

Kyle: He looks down to her, smiled slightly and closed his eyes, resting his head on her forehead. "I promise... I'll try my best to come home..."

Lahena: "You better..."

Kyle: "I promise." He said before starting to gently ruffles her hair. "I Promise after all this is done... I'll get us out of this town, for a better life..."

Lahena: "I will be looking forward for that day to come..."

Minecraft Screenshot 2022.05.14 -
[ ! ] The scene fades into black, with a faint sound of a Heart Monitor Flatlined. [ ! ]

They never get to start a new life together.

Kyle McMoore unfortunately passed away in the War, Leaving Lahena Iona Heartbroken after a friend of Kyle informed her about his passing.

Plunging Lahena Iona into Madness and Severe Depression.


Level 68
Community Team
Media Team
Thread starter
i actually planned to have a more insight on what happened in the future post-karakura stuff but scrapped it


Level 278
That's actually heartbreaking wtf

Why is gnagrp making me sad???
Because some people actually take the time to develop their characters and have ic reasons to be a gangrp and they develop their chara outside that and then when they die it is sad :(

hunterhamper good rper


Level 60
The factor I was literally above you when Kyle flatlined(At least when he was announced dead) just.. makes this so much more deep. Dear god… Did not think I’d cry today over block characters.

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