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Accepted Lavish | Professor Application


Level 1

What is your Minecraft username?:


Do you have any previous bans/warnings?:

I think i have one, but cant remember what for and it was only for 3 days
What is your time zone?:


What is your discord username and discriminator? (e.g. Tippie#6666):


Link all previous applications you made on the server:

Russian application - [Accepted]

Application for Italian - [Accepted]

Describe your activity on SchoolRP:

My Activity on SRP, im usually on everyday for about 2-5 hours daily besides the weekends

Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:
I use to always play on creative servers and make schools on the plots with my friends and play school roleplay with people from the server or my friends, i usually played that everyday until i found SRP joined and have been enjoying my time on here glad i found it, met some amazing people OOC and ICLY

What are your current roles on SchoolRP:

Im currently a grade 12 student and have been for a while now

What is the subject you want to teach?:

Any subject


What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:

I want to be able to inspire and encourage students daily , i hope i could inspire some fellow students to hopefully want to become of the school team and become a professor, i want to improve the lives of students give them the best class experience.

Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:

1. I'd love to be able to host a history class, as i love history myself and being able to teach and make kids learn about the past would be amazing experience, and i let them write them own back in time story and whoever gets the best wins a token or a different prize

. Another history lesson i would enjoy doing, is letting the students do their own research on history and writing or making a presentation about the certain thing they chose to do, and the class would have a secret vote to see whos the best presentation was and the winner gets a token

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
A field trip to a really old place in the town let the students explore take some photos and write down what they think of the place, see if they could find some cool stories about the certain place....


Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?

Making sure there wasnt any fighting going on, she'd walk up to them and tell them all to step away from the bobcat if they do not listen and be disrespectful they would all get detention or a harsh warning

Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?

Walking over to the student, she'd whisper to them to be quiet as other students are trying to finish their work so they leave detention and tell them to continue doing their work. if the student didnt listen and continued being disrespectful she'd give them one more warning, and if they shouldnt doesnt listen again she'll have to call down the SLT so they could have a chat with the student...

Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and call out other students in the class, what would your character do?

The music would be playing loudly in the classroom kotori would stand up and raise her voice trying to speak over the music asking who is playing the music, she would see the girls with their heads down, she'd walk over tell the to stop playing as other students are learning and thats what they should be doing, she would give them a warning and if they hit 3 warnings they all get detention for distrubing the class

Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?

Kotori would bolt over trying to break up the fight they does not succeed, after not being able to break the students up, she call over her radio for more staff members to come and help her with the fight while telling the students who are fighting if they dont stop they get detention or SLT will come and have a chat to them. After a while a few members would come and help break the fight out, at the end the students would get detentions


Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?
Kotori Kuznetsova is my character, she's a 5'5 Russian woman. Kotori is confident very caring and warm hearted. Kotori has a very strong positive outlook on life and she wants to be able to bring the some positive she has to her students. She's good in very rough situations and is very easy going, she can understand things very easily. she is open hearted always willing to listen someone in need.. She makes sure she never fails in anything she does, she always has to succeed its how she got raised by her family.

Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Kotori Kuznetsova Born on the 18th of Februray 1998 in Russia Moscow.
Kotori grew up with a struggling family. Her mother was soft spoken warm hearted she would stay at home with kotori's 4 siblings taking care of them the best the can, Her father a strong confident bold busniess man trying his best to bring food and money to the table everyday. As kotori got older her mother got sicker and sicker being to weak to be able to take care of her siblings, kotori would find her own job to help her father with taking care of everyone and taking care of the medicial bills, Kotori would help her siblings with everything, folding their own clothes. making their own beds. doing homework for them while trying to have a job.
as time went on sadly kotoris mother would pass away from being so ill this broke the family. Kotori father would quit his job becoming a drunk and no longer supporting the family, but kotori stayed strong for everyone still trying to provide for her family, Her siblings got old enough to get their own jobs and start helping with food bills and etc, but for her father he slowly started getting himself back up again seeing his kids doing well from themselves made him not want to miss out on them succeeding in life, that what his wife would want him to do not miss out he got himself a job and started looking after the kids again taking the pressure off kotoris shoulders.
Months went on kotori talked to her family about moving to japan and to finish her grade 12 year off there, her would be excited and so confident in her her father would wrap his arms around her telling kotori how proud her mother and himself are. Kotori got on the next plane to japan she had the nervous feeling in her stomach about starting off her new life somewhere shes never been to before, she would teach herself japanese daily on her device.
Kotori was so inpsired by her teachers and professors at school, she bonded with a certain professor, Professor Soya kotori looked up to her they would always talk about her wanting to become a professor one day, Soya pushed kotori to start studying in it when she finished grade 12. So as time went on she'd finish off school and start studying.

(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you, replace the underscores [ _ ] with your answers)

Fill in your answers on the lines ( _____________ )
To tick an 0 cross it or replace it with an X


Title: Miss Legal Name: Kotori Kuznetsova Birth Date: 18/ 2 / 1998
Preferred Name: Kotori
Phone Number: (030)-005-2860
Gender: 0 - Male
X - Female
0 - Other, namely _________

Religious Domination: Not Religious
Martial Status: Single
Nationality: Russian
Current Location: Japan


Preferred teaching subject:
1st choice: History 2nd choice: Art 3rd choice: Fitness
List other subjects you are qualified to teach: Criminology
List any activities you are willing to supervise; i.e., clubs, groups, drama, etc.:
Ill happily superise any clubs drama or groups!


Place of study (School, University, College, etc)Date FromDate ToFulltime / PartimeQualification with Grade, Class / DivisionSubject Specialism(s)Age Range
School11/01/201022/08/2016FulltimeHighschool Diploma12-18
College10/9/201618/10/2020FulltimeBachelors's degree18-22
Karakura High
Highschool Diploma
12 - 18

4 - PROFESSIONAL CAREER - PRESENT SCHOOL (or another place of work, leave empty if not applicable)

Name of School: ___________________ School Type: _____________ Ages: ____________
Address of School: __________________
Date of Appointment: __ / __ / __
Post subjects taught and special responsibilities in the present post (where appropriate):
Reason for leaving:

5 - PREVIOUS TEACHING EXPERIENCE (leave empty if not applicable)

Post ( Name and type of school): ___________________
Date from: __ / __ / __ Date to: __ / __ / __
Ages Taught: ________
Fulltime or Partime : 0 - Fulltime
0 - Partime
Subjects Taught & Responsibilities:
Reason for leaving:

Post ( Name and type of school): ___________________
Date from: __ / __ / __ Date to: __ / __ / __
Ages Taught: ________
Fulltime or Partime : 0 - Fulltime
0 - Partime
Subjects Taught & Responsibilities:
Reason for leaving:

Post ( Name and type of school): ___________________
Date from: __ / __ / __ Date to: __ / __ / __
Ages Taught: ________
Fulltime or Partime : 0 - Fulltime
0 - Partime
Subjects Taught & Responsibilities:
Reason for leaving:

Post ( Name and type of school): ___________________
Date from: __ / __ / __ Date to: __ / __ / __
Ages Taught: ________
Fulltime or Partime : 0 - Fulltime
0 - Partime
Subjects Taught & Responsibilities:
Reason for leaving:

Post ( Name and type of school): ___________________
Date from: __ / __ / __ Date to: __ / __ / __
Ages Taught: ________
Fulltime or Partime : 0 - Fulltime
0 - Partime
Subjects Taught & Responsibilities:
Reason for leaving:


Type of Qualification (Minor, Major, Certification, etc.): _____________
Obtained on: __ / __ / __
Instution where obtained: __________

Type of Qualification (Minor, Major, Certification, etc.): _____________
Obtained on: __ / __ / __
Instution where obtained: __________

Type of Qualification (Minor, Major, Certification, etc.): _____________
Obtained on: __ / __ / __
Instution where obtained: __________

Type of Qualification (Minor, Major, Certification, etc.): _____________
Obtained on: __ / __ / __
Instution where obtained: __________

Type of Qualification (Minor, Major, Certification, etc.): _____________
Obtained on: __ / __ / __
Institution where obtained: __________


Any extra notes about you or your application (if applicable):


Kotori Kuztensova Date: 1 / 03 / 2023


Level 120
Welcome to the professor faction! You have already received your roles in the Karakura Academics discord server!​

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