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In-game Name:

Previous bans (include appeal links):
I have been banned once for a week because of my talking about sensitive topics but I have learned my lesson and will not be making the same mistake again

Discord Tag:
Flying Dog#0312

Do you have a working microphone?:
No, unfortunately not yet

Timezone & Country:
I live in Italy and my time zone is Central European Time (GMT+2)

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):

Describe your activity on the server:
I usually try to be online at least a few hours a day and I'm mostly online on weekends too, I don't usually take vacations so I don't really have certain periods of time where I can log in. Having said that it is also possible for me not to log certain days because of school work but besides that I'm usually pretty active. I spend most of my time hanging out with a few friends or generally trying to socialize with new people. Not a lot of people like me but I still try to stay positive and spread positivity to others.


What position are you applying for?:

I am applying for the Lawyer position

What is your motivation for applying?:
My motivation for applying is mainly because of my interest in the law system. Every day I witness crimes, felonies, or generally bad behaviors happening and am forced to just witness it all without the ability to help simply because of my current Icly status and the fact that most people don't really take me seriously. What I want to achieve with this role is to bring justice to the streets of Karakura while also spreading joy and positivity through interacting and talking with people who need either legal tips or just advice in life and people. I also feel like the legal side of Karakura is kinda lacking any major activity so I thought that I could bring some life and awareness to that side of Karakura considering also how much criminal activity is present in the city. One more reason can also be because I feel like it would make sense in my character's backstory as I will go more in-depth in later but just to summarize it my character studied law since he was a child after his parents' death because he came from a ruff place where most judges were corrupt which lead to him having to learn about the law to maintain his properties which were left by his parents before their passing.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
I have a decent understanding of the Karakura law but I can still forget some stuff which is why I often check the law forum to make sure that I don't make any mistakes.
I try to keep myself updated on the subject as much as possible.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
My Ooc goal as already mentioned before is to help more people in need of legal advice while also feeling safer myself from potential criminal activities that may or may not be inflicted on me. Regarding my character's goal being a lawyer for him has always been his passion and now he is in his early 30s and not in his physical prime anymore he has decided to spend his time clearing up the streets from criminals and all sorts of stuff. He also suffered from lots of legal troubles as a child as his parents died in an accident at an early age and left him and his older brother on their farm. Unfortunately, the police and judges from where they came from were really corrupt which led to multiple people, particularly criminals and gangs, trying to claim their property and leading to tons of situations where they ended up losing their belongings because of the corrupt judges who would then go and claim a part of that too. His older brother was also a law student in Milan but didn't manage to finish his education because of the lack of money that they had. Saul managed to get enrolled in school and actually managed to get a scholarship to the same law school as his brother which lead to him becoming a lawyer. Unfortunately, his studies took too long as one of the gangs that were trying to claim their property actually killed his brother, leading to him having to leave Italy and travel around Europe with the goal of not letting things like this happen to others too. His new goal in life has since been to protect the innocent from criminal activities which are mostly corruption and injustice in the legal system.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
A lawyer is someone who provides legal services to clients for pay. It's someone who can advocate for clients in court, negotiate agreements and represent them in legal matters. A lawyer can provide all kinds of legal advice and assistance, including helping to draft legal documents, represent clients in court, negotiate settlements, and more. There are lots of different types of lawyers, depending on what kind of law they specialize in and what kind of work they do. I'm mainly going for a criminal defense lawyer job, which is a type of lawyer who helps clients who face criminal charges. They assist clients from the first interactions with law enforcement, through investigation and gathering of evidence, through trial and sentencing, and potentially through the process of appeals if the client is convicted. Criminal defense attorneys provide advice and representation on all matters related to criminal law, which can include offenses including murder, assault, theft, fraud, drug possession, and more. While criminal defense work can be very complex and stressful, it is also an extremely important part of the legal system, as, without criminal defense lawyers, justice would be incomplete. Besides this, other types of lawyers might include civil rights lawyers, who focus on litigation involving civil liberties and issues of discrimination; labor and employment lawyers, who specialize in dispute resolution between individuals and organizations including disputes between workers and their employers, as well as contract law; environmental lawyers, who specialize in protecting and managing natural resources and addressing environmental impacts; intellectual property lawyers, who help clients secure and protect patents, trademarks, copyrights and other forms of intellectual property; tax attorneys, who assist clients with complex tax issues and tax planning; corporate lawyers, who assist with corporate governance and other business matters and many more.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
Yes, I am aware of that and I certainly hope that it will not be necessary.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
Yes, I do understand that and I hope that I will get a chance to prove my dedication

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
Yes, I am aware of that and promise that I will not give any OOC bias towards anyone.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
Yes, I have read and agreed to the Government Faction Rules.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
Usually yes, I am as long as I get informed of the date and time before it actually happens.


Full name:

"Saul Bengrattugiato Oddman, people call me Saul Boodman for short"

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):
"I am mostly fine with people calling me by my name, but if I had to choose I would go with Mr. Boodman"

Current age:
"i am currently 32 years old"

Date of birth:
"I was born in Mestre, Italy the 8th of May 1991"

"I am a male"

Academic Degree:
"I have a bachelor's degree in Law with some philosophy studies on the side"

"I have a major in Law and Criminal Justice, one in Political Science, and also an Art major"

"I also have minors in Communication, Philosophy, and Psychology"

Work experience:
"I don't really have a lot of work experience regarding the more political side of the job. After I left Italy I wandered all around the world to study different subjects and to learn more about myself, particularly working for some time as a street artist and animator for multiple studios for a few years. I also helped to teach martial arts in a boxing gym during my mid-20s as a side hustle while studying Psychology. I have also worked in a sandwich shop for a bit and also played competitive chess in bars and such as side hustles too but I don't really have any major work experience regarding being a lawyer besides that one time I tried to win a case and get some of my property back back in Italy but other than that not much. I'm really looking forward to this job also because it will be my first real experience as an official lawyer which is a thing I have been dreaming about ever since I was a child"

Political background:
"I believe a limited government is critical to ensuring liberty and prosperity. A large government has the ability to interfere in the lives of its citizens and oppress them by overregulating their activities. It can also create obstacles to growth and prosperity, by creating onerous regulations and high taxes that kill incentives. I think a limited government is best, providing a safety net for those who need it, but otherwise allowing individuals to live their lives as they see fit as long as they're not harming others. I believe that we should be free to pursue our dreams, to choose our own paths, and to succeed or fail on our own merit. People deserve to feel save, but they also deserve to be free"

Nationality & born location:
"I was born in the hospital of Mestre, Venezia, Italy and I am half Italian and Half Mexican."

Fluent languages (Underline your native):
"I am fluent in Italian, my first language, and have also learned Japanese through studying in different parts of the world"

Criminal record:
"There has once been a misunderstanding with some people that got me arrested for trespassing but besides that, I'm all clear!"

What makes you a good candidate for this job?
"I think I would be a good lawyer because I have a passion for justice and a strong set of values that I always try to live up to. I'm also a naturally persuasive person, and I have the ability to ****yze and think through complex problems in creative ways. I'm hardworking and dedicated to my clients, and I believe that all people deserve a fair trial. I'm also a quick thinker on my feet, and I have a strong ethical compass that guides me through complex legal situations and always leads me to fight for the right thing. I believe that my strong moral core, coupled with my ability to think creatively and strategically, would make me an effective lawyer. I am passionate about justice, and I believe that all people deserve a fair trial and representation in court. I am also dedicated to my clients and would advocate for them zealously. I'm a quick thinker on my feet as well, and I have a strong ethical compass that guides me through legal situations and always leads me to do the right thing. These qualities, combined with my hardworking nature and strong ethical code, would make me an effective lawyer and advocate for my clients. I believe my passion for justice and my strong set of values are key to my effectiveness in the courtroom. I also have a strong ethical code that guides my actions and always leads me to do the right thing, which is an essential element for any lawyer. Additionally, I'm a hard worker and I'm always prepared to put in the extra effort to ensure my clients receive the representation they deserve. As a lawyer, it would be my responsibility to fight for justice and fairness, and I will do so tirelessly and with great dedication."​


Level 178
News Lead

After careful discussion with the Higher Ups of the faction, we have chosen to deny you:​
  • Other applications stood out more, as well; you've been informed before about not being able to apply on this character.​

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