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Accepted Lawyer | ohneTalent's Application


Level 4
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Government Applications > ohneTalent's Lawyer Application >


In-game Name:

Previous bans:

Discord Tag:

Do you have a working microphone?:
Yes, I do.

Timezone & Country:
(GMT+2), Germany

Links to any current & past applications:

Describe your activity on the server:
My playtime depends strongly on whether I'm writing exams or tests. In general, however, I do always have plenty of time on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.
Below a rough time schedule:

Mon.: 1-4h, 14:00-23:59
Tue.: 1-4h, 14:00-23:59
Wed.: 1-3h, 14:00-23:59
Thu.: 1-4h, 14:00-23:59
Fri.: 1-4h, 14:00-23:59
Sat.: 1-6h, 10:00-23:59
Sun.: 1-6h, 10:00-23:59
Holidays: 2-6h, 12:00-23:59
My activity: When I join the server, the first thing I usually do is look for people I know. If I can't find any, I try to meet new people and talk or roleplay with them. In this way I was able to find a lot of friends and contacts, so that I now have a kind of network. This network helps me with a variety of things, such as exchanging information about the economy, as one of my goals is to learn something new about Karakura every day.


What position are you applying for?:
I am applying for one of the Lawyer positions.

What is your motivation for applying?:
I've done an awful lot of research on what it would be like to be a lawyer (I've even bought 2 books on that subject), how one might specialize as one and how court processes look like in different states. In general, I've been very interested in the topic of law lately and I can well imagine that I would enjoy representing a lawyer in roleplay. I think that a government position would suit my character (OC) very well, as he is very meticulous and conscientious, radiates with a certain enthusiasm and competitiveness, but also has a high willingness to work with others.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
Yes, I do. I have read both several times.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
Yes, of course! I'll list them below:

[ IC goals: ]

- Shinomiya wants to work for justice, protect the rights of people, especially those of minorities, but also work for the environment and animal welfare
- He wants to represent and act on the will of society by supporting areas that are important in politics
- He will advocate for fair compromises so that each party to a trial is as satisfied as possible, and in the worst case, emerges with no sense of unfair treatment
- For him, working for the government is the highest point in his career which is very motivating for him

[ OOC goals: ]

- I'd want to test my legal knowledge that I accumulated through research, consisting of: legal vocabulary, terms and rhetoric, and consolidate it through RP
- I'm interested in having insight into Karakura's litigations that usually stay behind the scenes
- I'm interested in learning more about legal processes and which legal disputes occur most frequently in Karakura
- I would be interested in knowing which people in Karakura get into legal disputes and why this happens
- I'd like to meet other people who have been on SRP for a while, to share about events and learn more about Karakura in general
- I would like to be able to say afterwards that I learned something new through lawyer RP!

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
Being a lawyer who has got various legal qualifications, I can take different roles, such as being a prosecution attorney, a defense lawyer or a mediator.
As a defense lawyer, I am using my knowledge to provide legal advice, which means helping my clients understand their rights and obligations, while being informed about the current laws. I am also representing my accused clients in court & ADR. The representation consists of representing my client's interests by negotiating, both in court, as well as in ADR cases (this could be in Settlement Conferences or Arbitration processes). I prepare my client's strategies for processes by doing extensive legal researches in order to support them legally. The research includes getting information about current laws and legal developments, but also finding witnesses and exhibits to back certain arguments.
In the role of a prosecutor attorney, my job is to prosecute different sorts of court cases involving the state, being the representative of the state. Gathering information and doing detailed research are also tasks that come with this role.
As a mediator, my aim is to promote interpersonal communication in certain cases, (ADR cases) which do not involve court trials. There are four variants of such cases: mediations, settlement conferences, neutral evaluations and arbitration cases.
Generally speaking, I also need to prove certain skills and responsibilities: I rely on a full understanding of the Constitution of Karakura and Karakura's Laws and Regulations. I need to be rhetorically proficient defending my party, but also when working as a prosecutor attorney. And I can not, under any circumstances, have any sort of bias towards one party, especially as a mediator, but also as a lawyer in general.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
Yes, I acknowledge this fact.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
Yes, I do understand and I will be fully dedicated to my role as a lawyer, if accepted.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
Yes. I'm aware that I mustn't display any OOC bias towards anyone.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
Yes, I have read them and I do agree.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
Yes, most likely.


Application Photo 2.jpg

Full name:
Arashi Shinomiya

Preferred title:

Current age:

Date of birth:


Academic Degree:

[1997-2003] Katsushika Public Primary School; Karakura, 1st District
[2003-2006] Shimomaru Private Middle School; Karakura, 1st District
[2006-2009] Ohsumi Private High School; Tokyo
[2010-2017] Yale Private Research University; New Haven, Connecticut (CT/09)
[2010-2013] LL.B. Degree: Bachelor of Laws
[2013-2016] LL.M. Degree: Advanced Diploma in Alternative Dispute (ADR)
[2014-2017] Yale JD (Juris Doctor) Program; Doctor's degree in Law: "Summa cum laude"

[ New Haven, 7/6/2017 I Signed, Prof. Ph.D. Jonathan v. Hoffmann, Director of YPRU ]

Political Science, Ethics

English linguistics, Ancient Greek, Economics

Work experience:

[2004] Internship at "Takeichi Civil Attorneys", Tokyo (Duration of 8 weeks)
[2017-2019] "Shino-Tenshi Law Firm", Karakura, 4th District
Prominent cases:
[2017] Akabori v. Masukawa [Desc.: Juvenile lawsuit]
[2018] Fujishima v. González [Desc.: Small claims lawsuit]
[2018] Ariga v. Kushigyro [Desc.: Civil lawsuit]
[2020-2023] "Silvermann & Partners International" , Karakura, 2nd District
Prominent cases:
[2021] Pearson v. White [Desc.: Civil lawsuit]
[2022] NAKAMURA STEEL CO. v. K.MOTORWORKS [Desc.: Business lawsuit]
[2022] KM MEDICAL v. GENESIS [Desc.: Business lawsuit]

Political background:

"As a son of a businessman and a doctor, Shinomiya was taught differentiated democratic progressive views, since his family's wealth and status could not have been achieved, had they not been able to climb Japan's 'social ladder'.
Shinomiya always had to fight for the things that were important to him. Having an older brother who was very ambitious and overshadowed him with his achievements, Arashi was often neglected. He often had to fight with him about his parents' attention, since they always had came home very late, as he told me in a conversation. That would also explain his competitive nature. [...]
Today, he still does advocate for democratic progressive views, such as being in favor of promoting solar energy, although he does not like to talk publicly about his political background. In general, conversations with Shinomiya have also showed his high passion about his field of work, [...] while also indicating a certain level of competitiveness."
[ Karakura, 3/21/2021 I Signed, Dipl. Psych. Julie "Jules" Williams, Associate at "Silvermann & Partners International" ]

Nationality & born location:
Japanese nationality; "Kunaichō Hospital", Karakura, Japan

Fluent languages:
Japanese, English (C2 Advanced Proficiency Certificate)

Criminal record:

What makes you a good candidate for this job?:

"I think my past speaks for itself: I received the highest level of education, attending mainly private schools and academies. While I was writing my Ph.D. at Yale, I was working on my LL.M. in ADR. I graduated summa cum laude from my doctorate in law, having studied the legal bases of England, the USA and Japan, my home country. Countless law firms invited me to interviews after my doctorate. I accepted the job offer by the prestigious "Shino-Tenshi Law Firm" and was able to prove my above-average skills in several cases in the short period of two years. With "Ariga v. Kushigyro" I achieved my breakthrough and also the attention of the "Silvermann & Partners International" law firm. This gave me access to lawsuits representing companies and CEOs internationally, for example in the "KM MEDICAL v. GENESIS" case, a case brought into effect by a whistleblower's testimony claiming enormous amounts of losses for "KM MEDICAL" that resulted from patent infringements by the "GENESIS" company.
Having accomplished several successes in a relatively short amount of time, while also being at a relatively young age, I can confidentally say that I'd be a perfect candidate for one of the lawyer positions of the Karakura Government.
But I was only able to get this far thanks to the good cooperation with my associates and the constant exchange of information. I quickly adapt to my field of work and I am very flexible in terms of my way of working. In my opinion, a good relationship between workers is extremely important, as it greatly affects efficiency in the workplace, this is why I try my best to achieve it quickly.
I don't see my job as work, I see it more as a passion. I stand up for moral principles out of personal conviction. I believe that one must have morals and ethics, especially as a lawyer, because one is ultimately working for justice. I want to stand up for people, no matter what kind, but I also want to pursue larger goals, such as preventing environmental scandals.
I saw this opportunity in the Government of Karakura, and I can well imagine developing myself perfectly in my work as one of its employees, which is why I decided to apply.
I would also like to add that I am truly looking forward to cooperating with you and that I am confident that I would be a valuable addition to your working space.
Arashi Shinomiya"

[All logos shown are subject to the copyright of the respective companies. If a company presented does not agree to the publication of its logo, I ask for a brief note. The logo will then be removed immediately]



Level 172
News Lead
Government Lead

After careful discussion with the Higher Ups of the faction, we have chosen to accept you:
  • Please get in touch with me via Discord, @Aania to start the process and get you set up!​
Welcome to the Government Faction! :D

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