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[LEGACY] Ryoichi Tachitsu • 立津良一 • ❝ THE ITCH ❞


Level 21


EVERYONE needs a little bit of drama in their lives, you'd get bored otherwise, and where there's Ryoichi, there's plenty of the stuff!
Ryoichi, probably.

( Themed song )

It's getting late out, surely you should be home by now? It's 3:00am sharp, and the streets are chilly and the last remaining streetlight has finally died out, leaving you alone with your thoughts.


Surely with the KPD nearby, you should be fine, right? It's not like the crime rates have been high lately either way. Then, you continue walking, one foot in front of the other, tip.. tap.. it's beginning to rain, how annoying. Despite this, you continue walking.

Then in the distance, a shadow shifts. Something from amongst the rows of street lights, moving quickly towards you; it's most certainty a person. You clutch your belongings, fearing for the worst. Though just as you begin to say your prayers, the streetlight flickers on once more, a slender figure is right in front of you. Your heart skips a beat.

"Boo." He simply whispers. Now that you've seen past your panic, it's clear to see the real scenario. The man is heavily scarred, covered in third degree burns with a distorted, ugly face; and at his side he is brandishing a...

"HELLO?! I WAS TALKING TO YOU ! " The male called out abruptly. "God, it's like you're having some sort of.." he waved his hands to accentuate the fact he was thinking of what he was gonna say, "it's either a panic attack or an internal monologue and I swear to god if you're having an internal monologue about ME?" He rambled, though after seeing the absolutely mortified look upon your face, he relaxed. "Woah there sunshine wooah! I'm not doing anything, haaah. Look at your face... Ryoichi Tachitsu.... DR Ryoichi Tachitsu!" He beamed with pride. What a maniac. He was clearly purposely trying to freak you out.

Yeah, I've got that good stuff! You want some? 50k each, not a scam, just an investment! haha... why are you getting your phone out? NONNOOO heeey you'vegotitallwrong! I'm not a criminal! just a convict! I mean! honest businessman! What do you take me for anyway, a criminal? sheesh!
Ryoichi, probably.

Uhm. He's nice. Silly. Flirt.
- Grace

I love Ryoichi as a Char bro. Man's funny, but he gets too silly at times. Broski can have that strong dad energy, tho prolly because him and his kids have similar brain waves
But man fr got no shame.
- Zack



(or as basic as Ryoichi can get)

Full name
Dr. Ryoichi Tachitsu




Marital Status
Widowed, in a civil partnership

Current Employment

Employment History
11/7 - Shelf-stacker
Karakura Hospital - Surgeon

Citizenships Owned
Japan - Birthplace
America - ???

Languages Known

- Driving license

Criminal History

[ 25x verbal ] Harassment
[ 3x ] J-walking
[ 8x ] - Making threats upon Government Officials

[ 1x ] Assault on a Government Official
[ 2x ] Destruction of Government property

[ x3 ] J-walking



Scar Database
- Poorly healed third-degree burns covering approximately 40% of his body
- Missing ring finger [L]
- Missing middle finger [R]

- " The Itch "

Medical devices
- N/A

Mental illnesses

What's the matter now, huh? Surgeon got your tongue? Hahaha.. get it because.. yeah....
Ryoichi, probably.

Ryoichi is generally regarded as very ugly, outlandish, barbaric or hippy looking.
Art on the right by Zack!!!!




More TBA

Ryoichi, probably.



Masuyo Tachitsu - [MIA] - Cousin

I have no idea where you went, but if it's because I played tic-tac-toe with Kojiro at the dinner I'm sorry! Kind of! Not really!

Kojiro Tachitsu - [ALIVE] - Brother
You. My mortal enemy.

Ryousetsu Tachitsu - [ALIVE] - Child2
One of the children. Very much dangerous, do not let your hair down around Ryousetsu, and I mean that literally. She will take your hair and hex you.

Ryusei Tachitsu - [ALIVE] - Child1
The one that made me ask if I can return children after I get them.


Morax Archon - [ALIVE] - Love Interest

I may be a serial cheater but that doesn't mean I can't change! We're working on it, alright? Alriiiight?

Shrimps is bugs.
Ryoichi, probably.


Ryoichi is known for his ego, and complete and utter lack of shame. He brings nothing new to the table, in fact he simply takes others things that they bring and then claim them as their own with a snarky grin on his face, though naturally; it's as fragile as glass and as brittle as... something very brittle. Once he's been insulted, he will dramatically rebut with a pout and scoff, as if the individual is completely nonsensical in their criticism. Though, this is something Ryoichi is admittedly working on alongside the many other flaws in his personality. Completely silly with a difficulty in being serious, Ryoichi is deemed as a nuisance serial romantic that should generally be ignored if you want any chance of getting him off your back, even if that means getting on his bad side; which thankfully isn't as bad as it seems, as he goes the route of simply using childish insults to 'smite his enemies'.




Born in Tokyo's busiest hospital early, Ryoichi Tachitsu was quickly admitted to the NICU after struggling respiratory issues soon after he was brought into the world, where he remained for a week before he was considered stable enough to be returned to his mother. Despite being born and presented a Japanese citizenship, it would not be long before Ryoichi's mother departed to Russia with his sister, leaving him and his father to survive in the dense urban jungle that was Tokyo.

Recognized from a young age, Ryoichi was different from the other children. He refused to play like the others, would spend his breaktimes pacing and collecting similarly coloured leaves, only to organize them into their respective colours. His unusual behaviours and refusal to speak until he was 4 years old sparked confusion in his father, who had high hopes from the young boy, hoping for him to receive his wits and smart; he was taken to a doctor, referred on... until he was diagnosed with autism. His unusual obsessions continued into his further childhood, developing repetitive and disruptive pacing habits, the need to check that his room still had all his toys, and refusal to step on the lines between pavement tiles... He was later returned to the doctors and received a later diagnosis of OCD.

Though, tragedy struck when their family home on the edge of Tokyo caught fire after his father didn't properly extinguish his cigarette on his bedside table, the flame struck the wooden bedside table and the electric lamp besides it, only spreading the flames further before they engulfed the house. Ryoichi woke up to the smell of smoke, and the fire alarm stinging his ears with its screeches. He was mortified, though not for his life. The child set to work, trying to get all of his stuff together, he pulled his toys from his room, and threw them out of the window to save them, before rushing to his fathers room, where he was collapsed from the inhalation of smoke. Ryoichi was bigger now, and had managed to painstakingly slowly remove his father from the room, as the smoke was growing thicker, embers began to lash at the childs skin and his fathers, causing severe burns that he had no idea would serve to identify him in the future. Just as he began to reach the door, the child collapsed, though help wasn't far... they were later rescued by the local fire department. He was treated as well as medicine could, but his scars would remain, and he would be bound to compression garments to sustain the skin that wasn't burnt.

People not understanding Ryoichi frustrated him greatly, especially as he was bound to his garments, leaving him with no friends throughout his pre-teens and early teenage years. They named him 'the burned one', which upset him greatly. As he seemed to relate to no one and became quite nihilistic about the education system, as it wasn't fitting him at all. Gritting his teeth, his lack of social life allowed him to succeed greatly in high school and later college, sustaining the equivalent of straight As, at the cost of his mental health. Since it was the one thing he could do well, Ryoichi went into further education; deciding then he would take on a new challenge to hope it would help him feel better: Medical science, with a minors in pharmacy and biology. At this point, Ryoichi was ready to 'fly the nest' and his father couldn't care less, as he had wanted the boy to go into business and generate great wealth; though was disappointed as despite his complete lack of social understanding or awareness, he still went into a predominantly social focused career path.

It was in university and further education that Ryoichi's grades struggled, though not due to a lack of understanding. The patterns of medical records, the understanding of the fluidity of recognizing symptoms, to diagnoses and treatments was clear to him... He was his greatest barrier, now. Unable to sleep due to the amount of work, he'd pull all nighters; his room mates out partying and leaving him unable to sleep even at the earliest of hours, causing the man who was still needing to take pictures of all the electrical sockets in the dorm before he left each morning to suffer further. Days felt like years, and yet he soldiered on until he collapsed during a practical lesson due to his lack of self-care and ignorance to his own needs.

He was treated, given nutrition and released the next day to make a full recovery, and he continued his cycle until graduation. It was only then Ryoichi knew something was wrong. He practiced in the hospital he was born in as an emergency responder after graduation until he was 35, before Masuyo Tachitsu notified him of his family gathering in Karakura, of which he decided to move there. After deciding to settle permamently there with his newfound family members, he became employed at Karakura Hospital as a surgeon, where he remained until 39. Currently, Ryoichi is 40 years old, unemployed and has been in-and-out of therapy for his past, finally receiving the self care the man always needed, but never knew he did. He wrote out his story as his the****** had recommended, and only then did the man realize his mistakes, though, as many say; It's better to do things later than never. And thus his true recovery began.


Want to be added? Just message me! I still need to add some more but :)
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Level 14
ITS THE MAN, THE ONLY! ITS THE ITCHY!!!!!!!!! (one of my top favorite srp chars, the silliest of em all)


Level 66
This man is NOT UGLY- LET ME ROLEPLAY WITH THIS MAN- (f add me :] )
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Level 79
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Morax Archon - [ALIVE] - Love Interest
I may be a serial cheater but that doesn't mean I can't change! We're working on it, alright? Alriiiight?
ITS OKAY MORAX BELIEVES IN HIM (bro trusts too many people too easily)

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