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Denied Liachu's HS Council Application


Level 1

What is your Minecraft Username?: Liachu

Past warns/kicks/bans?: I was banned around a year ago for bypassing; it was lifted soon after. Other than that, I've been warned for spamming.

What is your timezone?: EST.

Do you have Discord (if so, what is your Discord tag)?: Zesedia#0001

Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server? (Approved, Denied & Pending):

Korean Language Application - accepted

JSL Language Application - accepted (Which was on my old forms account)

Describe your activity on the server?: Normally, I'm pretty active, typically being on for 5-6 hours before taking a break for a short period. Of course, hours vary depending on family-related and college issues.

List your accounts and roles on this server?: [Grade-12][Baseball] - Zesedia | [Grade-12] - Liachu

Are you aware that inactivity for more than 15 days without an inactivity log will result in removal from the council?: Yes, I'm fully aware and will continue with this knowledge in mind.


What is student council and what do they do?:

A student council is a group of elected students who try to promote a healthy and enjoyable school environment. As well as suggesting events for the school to host, they also collect ideas for events for the school from club leaders, which are then used to plan events for the school. The councilors roam around the school, preventing students from doing anything malicious while also helping them with anything they need. In fact, these studious individuals have earned an excellent reputation among students who look up to them for guidance all because of their studious nature and their will to get things done.

What motivated you to apply for council? (e.g. Interests, friends, etc.): Mainly, my friends motivated me to apply, especially my friend Tat, a former council member. Of course, they aren't the only reason for applying. I generally have an interest in the council and what they do. I also want to make our school a better environment for each and every student that attends, and I think joining the council is the best way to do that.

Are you aware that you’ll be having to use your creativity and teamwork ethic within the student council? (e.g. Coming up and helping with events): Of course, being creative and working as a team is a massive part of being on the council. Without teamwork, things would simply not get done, and without creative ideas, we wouldn't have anything to work with.

Can you list the roles in the council along with other roles that might be important to the council?:

The main roles in the council


The council president holds the most amount of responsibility in the entire council. They plan and host meetings that council members attend and report to the higher-ups, such as the Principal and Dean, about future events that the school's students can attend. The council president can also do what regular councilors do, such as give detentions, patrol the perimeters, and helps fellow classmates that are in need of services.

Vice President
The vice president holds the most responsibility besides the president. Like the president, the vice president can also host meetings; however, they can only host if the president is absent. The vice president also serves as a substitute if the president is unavailable when a problem arises. Just like the president, the vice president can give out detentions, patrol the perimeters, and helps fellow classmates that are in need of services.

The treasurer keeps track of all the essential finances for the council. They will often talk about information regarding the finances at meetings held by the council. Most of the time, the treasurer hosts fundraisers depending on whether the school or council needs extra funding.

Keeps track of vital records.

Upholds are a good example; they make the school a suitable student environment.

Of course, there are roles that often support the council

Supportive Roles

The Principle

The Vice Principle

The Dean

The Vice Dean




Each one of these roles IS important and makes sure we have a fun, safe school environment.


You’re patrolling the school and you walk by two girls verbally harassing each other, but they didn't pay mind to you. What do you think is the correct way to go about this? I will not be ignored in this type of situation. I would step in between them, making my existence known to them along with a stern warning to quit their bickering and that ignoring a council member is inexcusable behavior. If they continue to harass each other verbally, I would bring up the threat of detention. Let's say they continued this obnoxious behavior. I would throw one more detention threat, and if the two girls did not take my word to heart, then I'm afraid I'd have no choice but to go to a qualified teacher for assistance in this situation, telling them about the two girls hopefully ending this situation peacefully and with detention for the two trouble-making girls.

A student refuses to take their mask off after you’ve brought up detention and they’ve run away! What do you do? The first thing I would do is to look around the area where this incident happened, checking bookshelves, tables, and maybe even some lockers, in order to ensure the student is not hiding anywhere in the room or around the area where this occurred. Suppose the student was not inside the aforementioned area, then I would search for a teacher or a fellow councilor and keep an eye out for the student who was breaking the rules. My responsibility as a member of the council is to continue to inform teachers and fellow councilors of what has happened and to keep an eye out for the student in case he or she is found in the future.

There seems to be a councillor abusing their powers! They’re being exceptionally mean to a student, causing the student to be defensive or scared. How would you step in? I would glance over at the councilor in complete shock. How could a councilor abuse their powers like that, especially to a student they should be helping to protect from this type of behavior in the first place? I would proceed to go up to the corrupted councilor, gently tapping them on the shoulder, asking them nicely to take a few steps back away from the student before asking them why they'd act in such a way to a student that was seeking guidance from someone who's supposed to be a trusted member of our schools' community I then would give the councilor a stern talking to on why their actions were not suited for a school environment or any other environment for that matter. Honestly, they shouldn't need to be lectured in the first place. They should know better. After the events with our dear councilor, I would turn to the student that was objected to the abuse trying to comfort them to the best of my ability and countlessly apologizing for my colleague's actions. After settling the student, I'd unsurprisingly report this incident to my higher-up, the president or vice president.

You seemed to miss a few pieces of information during a meeting, how would you go about getting that information? I would wait until the meeting had fully concluded before asking one of the other councilors to step aside for a brief moment proceeding to ask him or her if they could catch me up on what I missed. Once fully caught up, I would apologize for taking up his or her time, promising it won't happen again.

A teacher/receptionist has told you or done something that goes against what you were trained by your higher-ups. How would you react to this? It would be a bit surprising at first, as these are adults that we're taught to always listen to so rightfully; some doubt would cross my mind; however, I would proceed to deny their request stating that it would go against what I've been trained and if they need further details, I would advise them to speak to one of my higher-up's about the matter whether that the president or vice president.​

Please provide a detailed event that a club or council can use as a future event to showcase your creativity! (Must be 300 words or more): There is no doubt in my mind that a picnic in the autumn would be a wonderful event. Because the start of the autumn season and how it is just around the corner, and the Karakura students will be in need of a new autumn-themed event soon, the event can be held in the gym of the school. Picnic tables could be set up around the gym's main entrance so that the general public can access it. A giant autumn tree will be placed in the center of the gym as a recurring theme (although it may change depending on the season). Under the tree, there will be a booth where lovers can get their fortunes read by the fortune tellers. There will be picnic blankets and tables available throughout the gym for those who wish to picnic. As well as booths that will be located by the stage inside the gym. These booths would be able to offer a variety of drinks and foods, such as tea, desserts, and more, to visitors! Councilors will sell a variety of products at these booths in order to raise money for Karakura high school. There could also be participation from other clubs, such as the photography club, if they wish. I think it would be amazing if they could set up a booth where they could take pictures so visitors can remember this day forever! As part of the photo booth area, a picnic blanket will be placed under the tree, where people will be able to take photos under the tree. Other clubs may also participate in this event, even if it is just sending some members to help run the booths. In addition, there might be some fun activities that are similar to fairs, such as making a ball into a hoop or fishing for prizes!


Character Name: Ritsu Narusaka

Character Gender: Female

Character Age: 18

Character phone-number: (030)-135-9782

Brief summary of how they act/ your character’s personality:
Although Ritsu Narusaka is a sweet, caring girl, she can sometimes be timid. When you get to know her, that timid wall seems to crumble into specs of dust that'll soon blow away in the gentle breeze to reveal a semi-confident girl that genuinely means no harm. When a friend of hers is upset, there's no doubt she'd try to comfort them to the best of her abilities. She always tries to be nice to new people whether they are nice to her or not, she just wants to get along with everyone.

Character appearance/attire (Please provide a picture):

I want to note that Ritsu has four sisters that look almost identical to her.
Ritsu Narusaka.png

What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?: Kindness and my ability to put others before my own needs separate me from others applying for this position. Selflessness is one of my strongest traits. This trait of mine has been complimented by many of my friends, and I cannot help but love it. Whether running to the store to grab a drink or helping them study for a test, I love helping others. I really enjoy making my friends' days or doing them a favor when I can. If given the chance, I would like to create a kinder learning environment at the school for students and faculty.

Why do you want this position?: I witnessed many instances of bullying throughout my high school years, and I would love to be a part of the student council to stop this from happening. The amount of bullying I have seen lately has been concerning, and I do not wish to turn my back on it any longer. In Karakura High, I want to create an environment where everyone can thrive and feel safe! There should never be a reason for students to fear being picked on when they are on school grounds.

What interests you the most about student council?: In my opinion, the best aspect of the student council is how it corrects people's mistakes when they make them. Moreover, how they can enforce the rules on students in order to create a healthier learning environment. Whenever I see councilors standing tall and facing the challenges of students who look down on them, I appreciate their courage and poise. It is remarkable how determined they are to ensure that the school environment is safe for all of the students.

What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?: It would be my pleasure to offer ideas on how the school could become a safer place. In order to reduce fights, it may be beneficial to create signs that say, 'Stop bullying' to increase awareness. Bullying is a serious matter, and more precautions need to be taken. In order to ensure there are no fights or suspicious activities at school, I would patrol the campus. During that time, I could assist teachers with any needs they may have or answer questions from students.​
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Level 140
School Clubs Lead
Media Team

Unfortunately, we have decided to deny this application, thank you for taking the time to apply.

If you have any questions, please DM Customable#1590

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