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Lost items that were in House.


Level 5
IGN: ragzyalt

VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: 2 crowbars, 1 spiked bat, 1 Sai Blade, 3 Kurikara Katanas, 4 Pocket Knives, 1 Gas Mask, 1 Welding Mask, and a custom flip knife (Traded with my friend MiyagiOnTop for it).


ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I can understand that people are getting denied due to lack of proof me either wouldn't expect something like this would happened, if I did I would keep some video evidence beforehand. But due to this happening all of sudden. I've lost so much expensive stuff which I stored in my house. All of that needs so much hard work in order to earn. I'm not blaming anyone for this, however, the stuff which I've lost is worth so much. I'd like to at least get the rarer items back. You can take anything from inventory as long as that is not my custom vehicle or phone.
My personal discord: Kryptonium#6666
My friend's discord: 30#00001
If you have anything to say, please feel free to contact me.
(My friend was not able access the website as it is not opening for him so I'm posting this here instead of him)
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Level 172
News Lead
Government Lead
You were raided by the KPD, your items did not glitch.

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